?h* ^rattkittt ^rcss ani? Highlands ^atmtiau Published every Thursday by The Franklin Press At Franklin, North Carolina Telephone No. 24 VOL. L1X Number Thirteen Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson and W. 8. Johnson: .Publishers Entered at the Post Olfice, Franklin, N. C? as second class matter Three Months Ringle Copy .. Obituary notices, cards of thanks, "tributes of respect, by in dividuals, lodges, churches, organizations or societies, will be re garded as advertising and inserted at regular classified advertis ing rates. Such notices will be marked "adv." in compliance with the postal regulations. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year ..... Six Months .. $2.00 $1.00 . .60 BIBLE THOUGHT And we know that all things work together for good to thef that love Ood, to them who are the called according to his purpose. ?ROMANS 8:28. , ? ? ? "THOUGH the old alchemists failed to transmute lead In to gold, they broke the path to modern chemistry. There is an alchemy of the spirit. Christians knew It from the first; the secret of transmuting suffering; of knowing that by loving God all things work together for good to them." Way Open For North Carolina Service Men And Women To Vote are glad to note that the coast is clear in North Carolina for men and women in the armed forces to vote in the national election. The complicated question that has been through so many contortions in Congress has been too con fusing for the average citizen to follow. President Roosevelt's wise move in asking the Governors of the States to state the position of their states in the matter has clarified the whole Issue for the people at home whose one wish is that their sons and daughters shall not be disfran chised by their government which has sent them to face a deadly foe. Constitutional hair-splitting and States Rights mystic mazes that have been carried on bv some politicians and the efforts of others to simplify them have not helped the mor ale of fighter on the battle front or home front. We believe that all patriotic Americans wish to see every facility afforded our men and women on foreign soil and serving outside their states to cast their votes for the candidates of their choice in the national election. The citizens of North Carolina are united in the wi^h that their men and women in uniform be allowed to exercise their voting privilege. We are glad that the way is now open. Rich Pastures Of Macon County '"PO follow the highways and unpaved county * roads of Macon county is to tnake a tour of the rich pasture lands of this prosperous county. The lush lowlands bounding the many streams that flow through rtie county, as well as the sweeping hillsides, are eloquent with the potential as well as developed riches available for cattle raising and dairy industries. What Mr. Slagle, Mr. Addington, and a few others have done to develop Grade A dairies and purebred cattle could be multiplied many times by others with the enterprise and hard work whidh these men have put into their projects. They have pointed the way, and have made possi ble a substantial contribution to the wartime scar city of milk milk products and beef. For postwar planning, this county should mark well the potentialities of Macon's rich p/ptures for one of the most satisfying phases of modern farming. With rural electricity, fine climate and good land, it is possible to create a veritable para dise with, hard work and brains mixed into these ingredients. Letters to Editor The following letter was re ceived on March 28, from Sgt. J. C. Jacobs, and is much ap preciated: Dear Mrs. Johnson: "The Service Man's Edition" of THE FRANKLIN PRESS and THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN has just reached me here in the Mediterranean Theatre, and I would like to take this oppor tunity to express to you, and to your staff, my sincerest con gratulations for your magnifi cent work. This, our own coun ty newspaper, has proven inval uable to me throughout almost two years service with the Arm ed Forces overseas. While sta tioned in England, and then in North Africa, it brought me periodically in contact with my friends and the various hap penings at home. It continues to do so here in Sardinia. I am sure that all of Macon County's many men and women in the service, appreciate your gener osity in publishing the wide variety of home news that is of so much interest to us. With very best wishes to you and the The Franklin Press and The Highlands Maconian in the future, I remain, Sincerely yours, J. C. JACOBS. EXECUTOR NOTICE Having qualified as ' executor of Effie Deloaoh Calloway, de ceased, late of Macon county, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit then to the undersigned cy. or bef; r?. the 17 day of March ISM1) cr this notice wiM be plead in bar oi their recovery. All persons in. debted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. Th;s 17 day of March, 1944. GREEN CALLOWAY, Green Calloway, Executor. M30 ? 6t;p ? M4 EXECUTOR NOTICE Having qualified as executcr of Nannie Rogers, deceased, late of Macon coi_'. vy, N. C.. this is tr notify, all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 23 day of March, 1945 or this notice wiH be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate settlemeir.it; This 23 day of March, 1944. W. H. Rogers, Executor. M30 ? 6t,p ? M4 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as adminis tratrix of Robert Ramsey, de ceased, late of Macon County, N. C., this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of February, 1945, or this ftotice will be plead in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immedi ate settlement. This 7th day of February, 1944. ARDENIA RAMSEY, Administratrix. M2 ? 6tp ? A6 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, Macon County.. Clyde Hughes and wife Estie Hughes, Daisy Roper and hus band Floyd Roper, Margie Downs and husband Robert Downs, Inez Hall and husband Weimar Hall. Wyona McMeans and husband Arnold McMeans, Edith Ammons and husband Ralph Ammons, Helen Snyder and husband William 1 Snyder, Elva Swartz and husband Wil liam Swart* vs. Pansy Burnett and husband Frank Burnett, Leroy Rice and wife Mrs. Leroy Rice, Glenn Rice, Ward Rice and James Rice. The defendants Qlenn Rice and Ward Rice will take notice I that an action entitled as above j has been commenced in the J Superior Court of Macon Coun ty, North Carolina, for the pur pose of selling the lands de scribed in the petition in this cause in which the defendants Glenn Rice and Ward Rice have an Interest and are proper par ties thereto. It is further ordered by the Court that the defendants Glenn Rice and Ward Rice aTe requir ed to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Macon County, North Caro lina, at his office in Franklin, North Carolina, on the 13th day In April, 1944, and answer or demur to the petition of the petitioners, or the relief deman ded in said petition will be granted. This 13th day of March, 1944. EDITH CUNNINGHAM, Assistant Clerk Superior Court. M16 ? 4tc ? A6 ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Having qualified as adminis trator of J. W. Houston, de ceased, late of Macon county, N. C.. this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhi bit them to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of Febru ary, 1945, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immed iate settlemtnt. This 23rd day of February, 1944. J. N. HOUSTON, Administrator. F24? r0tp ? M30 JOIN? Bryant Mutual Burial Association ? Oldest Mid Strongest in the County Press Ads Pay BUY IT? FIND IT? SELL IT THROUGH THESE COLUMNS T "Got your Post-war Car picked out yet?. . . I "Sura, we're all short of help (hose dayi ? and I may need a little more time, but you can depend on me to do these jobs carefully:" Oil must be changed? old, worn out oil drained and fresh, strong Esso Motor Oil in the summer grade correct for your car put In. The chassis must be lubricated from stem to stern? at every point where wear might become serious. The older your car gets, the more it needs this lubrication. The battery needs an examination, too. Maybe it should have a full charge for quick summer starts. The radiator should be drained of all sediment, and fresh water put in. Couplings may need tighten ing, or replacing. The tires must be checked for signs of wear or damage. Maybe switch ing 'em around can balance the wear, give you additional tire life now when you need it most! The transmission and differential are important? let me look 'em over and make sure they have the proper lubrication. "Mister, you're probably driving it right now... and if you don't think so, think this over... ' T"7 veryone who ought to know JL-V agrees there just won't be new cars for everyone until quite a while after the war. "That means the only car you're apt to have for a long time is the one you've got right now. So take care of it as you never have before! "I can help a lot? if you'll let me. I've got the equipment and the reli able Esso products that will really save wear. Just let me go over your car regularly? especially right now, between Winter and Summer. "Look at the check list of things that need doing, and let's start get ting them done. "All these things won't cost much. They won't take long. But they're important for your trans portation if they get done now. "And I can't do it alone. You've got to bring the car in? let's start today ? what say?" Tun? in Et?o R.port.r . . . Four Tlmw o Day, TwIm en Sundayi STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY LET YOUR ESSO DEALER DO IT | care saves wear Cupr l?U, f.mo Igg,