The FRANKLIN PRESS and The Highlands Maconian Published Ever; Thursday by The Franklin Press at Franklin, North Carolina Telephone 34 VOL. LIX? Number Twenty-five Publishers Mrs. J. W. C. Johnson W. S. Johnson Entered at the Post Office at Franklin, N. C., as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $2.00 Six Months ... ? $1.0C Three Months .60 Single Copy .05 Obituary notices, cards of thanks, tributes of respect, by Individuals, lodges, churches, or ganizations or societies, will be regarded as advertising and in serted at regular classified ad vertising rates. A SERVICEMAN'S PRAYER Laving Father, be with me in all danger. Watch over my lov ed ones and my comrades. Trusting in thee for forgiveness and for life, I commend myself Into thy hands; through Jesus Christ our Lord. THIS WEEK'S WAR NEWS INVASION? U. 8. troops storm ing last barrier to Cherbourg and 50,000 trapped Germans given chance to surrender. RUSSIAN? Fins seen out of war soon as Russians capture Vil puri, Finland's second city. AERIAL? More than 2,000 Port resses and Liberators hurled against German oil plants and rocket coast of France, while other planes battered Cher bourg and Normandy front lines. ITALIAN? Nazis still on run to ward northern defense line as Eighth Army takes Peru gia, Important communication center, 85 miles north of Rome. ASIATIC - Changsha falls to enemy; British drive Japs back in India; allies capture Important post north of My itkyina; Chinese attack along SalWeen front. PACIFIC? Nimitz hints great naval battle in prospect; 800 Jap planes downed; MacAr thur's men take two airdrom es on Biak. Press Comment DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES According to the results in the Democratic primary, May 27, R. Greeg Cherry of Gastonia becomes the Democratic nomi nee for Governor of North Car olina, and Clyde R. Hoey be comes the nominee for the Un ited States Senate. We trust that both of these gentlemen will be blessed with physical strength and with mental and spiritual vigor and Insight to measure up to the high privile ges and responsibilities which they face, and we wish for them the kind of high and worthy success which will be a credit to North Carolina and of the highest possible service to the State. Major Cherry holds A. B. degree and law degree from Duke University, and is at pres ent a trustee of the same in stitution. He has served for 12 years as a member of the North Carolina General Assembly, both in the House and the Senate, being Speaker of the House in 1937. He has been a lifelong Methodist and is at present a member of the Board of Stew ards of Main Street Methodist church, Gastonia. Mr. Hoey, of Shelby, a leading lawyer and former Governor of North Caro lina, is also a leading Methodist and has taught a large Sunday school class for many yean. ?Baptist Biblical Recorder. Let This Be Our Reipoiue Surely their voices must touch us, As the echo from over the sea, And call us away from our pleasurers, To help them, on bended knee. We are sending them money and clothing, And seeking their burdens to share, But, Oh, let our meetings be crowded, When kneeling together In prayer A VfcST COAST Mom 16 BUILDING A helicopter IANPIN6 FtfLP O) n* roof A|ar* of Hunctwcy for u ?. ARMV IHFANTRyiMEN >4 TH\6 NeW BARSl, A WARPED FOB EXIMPWRy CCNPUCT IN COMBAT ' " ' ~ 'mwseHXH v HfMlHS fVfVCeP V ?me fvxna*6ror7iHi , ttt souths **p Mioys, ft I MMUFACTUfR HAS SAVTD 85CHOOO POUNDS Of IN ? CH0U6H TO COftT 025,000.000 c/ws aveojH 6**s 1 ?5turcy fustic Bonies comaerc vmn mkkmme on HM Ban oevnoPEP for cwenarm wwm (jMomttmit .JHcloftie.; By H. M. ALLEY Thoughts Beside A Mountain Brook Down from the lofty moun tains, Hurrying toward the sea ? Goes a brook a-winding, And trying to talk to me. From ages long forgotten, Thru forests dense and bold, This brook keeps on a-telling A story that ne'er grows old. Here fished the wiley Indian For the speckled mountain trout. With which pools were a-teem lng All along its limpid route. Here stalked the hungry pan ther, Watching for a sheep or deer That often came a-thirsting To this brook, so cool and clear. Tis onward, always onward, Through-out the livelong day, These waters go a-slnglng, Along their rock-strewn way. Ah! Hear the wild, free musks As they ever rush along,? With all the parts a-blendlng In a never-ending song. Off yonder, the mighty ocean Is ayways just the same,? Never an inch a-gaining, So all the wise men claim. But as I hear these waters. There's one thing sure, I know, A sweeter note's a-soundlng In the ocean, where they flow. Note; The above lines were written on the bank of a small stream that flows from Wayah Bald mountain, near Franklin, North Carolina. ? H. M. A. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT North Carolina, Macon County. NOTICE OF SALE W. C. WILKES and wife ANNIE WILKES vs. J. F. WILKES and wife ME LINDA WILKES, R. J. WILLIS and huaband C. W. WILLIS, et al. Pursuant to a degree entered by the Superior Court of Macon County In the above entitled ac tion on the 5th day of June, 1944, the undersigned commis sioner will, on Thursday, the 6th day of July, 1944, at 12 o'clock noon, s^ll at the Court house door in Franklin, Macon County, N. C., at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described proper ty: In Franklin Township, on the wateTs of lotla Creek, adjoining the lands of Ell Welch, Jud TaUent, Fred Tallent and others, GEGIN NING at a hickory, runs North 28 West 120 poles to the SW corner of No. 56; then South 62 poles to the BE corner of No. 57; then West with said number, 68 poles to the NE corner of No. 2; then South 2 poles to a stake; then East 70 < poles to a stake; then South t 56 East 80 poles to the BE- i GINNING, being a part of ? State Grant No. 2487. < All bids must be accompanl- ? ed by a deposit of 5% of the s amount of bid, which will be l returned If such bid is not ac- t cepted. In the event of failure of such deposit, the commission er will resell the same property at the same place^at 3 o'clock J p. m., on the date above men tioned. This 5th day of June, 1944. GILMER A. JONES, Commissioner. June 8- 4tc ? June 36 National Forest Timber For Sale Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, Franklin, North Carolina, up to and not later than 2:00 p. m., July 24, 1944, and opened immediately thereafter, for all merchantable live and dead timber located on an area embracing about 3840 acres within the White Oak Creek Unit, Nantahala River watershed, Macon County, Nan tahala National Forest, North Carolina, estimated to be 3000 units (160 cubic feet per unit) of chestnut extractwood, more or less. No bid of less than$0.65 per unit will be considered. In addition to price bid for stump age, a deposit of <0.10 per unit for all wood will be required for sale area betterment work. $250.00 must accompany each bid to be applied on the pur chase price, refunded, or retain ed in part as liquidated dam ages, according to the conditions of sale. The right to reject any and all bids resei-ved. Before bids are submitted full informa tion concerning the timber, the conditions of sale, and submis sion of bids should be obtained from the Forest Supervisor, Franklin, North Carolina. June 22 ? 2tc ? July 8 IN TOE SUPERIOR COURT North Carolina, Macon County. NOTICE OF SAUt W. C. WILKES and wife ANNIE WILKES vs. JAY GIBSON and wilt CORA GIBSON, FALLIE WALDROOF and hat band HENRY E. WALDBOOP, et al. Pursuant to a degree entered by the Superior Court of Macon County in the above entitled ac tion on the 5th day of June, 1944. the undersigned commis sioner will, on Thursday, the 6th day of July, 1944, at 12 o'clock noon, sell at the Court house door in Franklin, Maoon County, N. C? at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described proper ty: In Franklin Township, on the waters of Iotla Creek, BEGINNING on a black Jack, the beginning corner of State Grant No. 2487, runs East 38 poles to a pine; thence North 7 poles to a hickory; thence West 36 poles to a Spanish oak; thence North 40 poles to a Spanish oak; thence West 2 poles to a stake in line of No. 2; thence South 47 poles to the S*G INNING, being a part of Grant No. 2487. All bids must be accompani ed by a deposit of 5% of the amount of bid, which will be returned If such bid is not ac :epted. In the event of failure )f such deposit, the commission >r will resell the same property it tire same place at 2 o'clock ). m? on the date above men ioned. This 5th day of June, 1944. GILMER A JONES, Commissioner, rune 8? 4tc? June 29 ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as adminis tratrix of H. O. Brendle, de ceased, late of Macon County, N. C., this is no notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhi bit them to the undersigned on ort before the 8th day of June, 1945, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate set tlement. This 8th day of June, 1944. EFFIE BRENDLE, Administratrix. June 15 ? 6tp ? July 20 ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Having qualified as adminis trator of Myra Harrison Shope, deceased, late of Macon Coun ty, N. Ox this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersign ed on or before the 1st day of June, 1945, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said es tate will please make immediate settlement. This 1st day of June, 1944. J. O. HARRISON, Administrator. June 8? 6tp ? July 13 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Macon County. CLYDE HUGHES, ET AL vs. PANSY BURNETT. ET AL Pursuant to a decree entered by the Superior Court of Macon County in the above entitled action on the 15th day of May, 1944, the undersigned commis sioner will, on Monday, the 19th day of June, 1944, at 12 o'clock noon, sell at the Courthouse door in Franklin, Macon County, N. C., at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described property: * The lands described in a deed from Lafayette Welch and wife to James C* Hugh es, said deed bearing date of 23 January, 1899, and registered in the office of Register of Deeds for Macon County, in Book J-3 of Deeds, page 221, and de scribed as follows: On the waters of Tennes see River, adjoining the lands of N. H. Parrish, John F. Gibson, and others, BE GINNING on a plum at the mouth of Rose Branch, runs up said branch with its meanders to a stake; then South 3*4 West 37 poles to a chestnut; then North 87 West 30 poles to a stake on the West bank of the road; then South 13 West 42 poles to a white oak; then South 24 West 16 poles to a stake In John P. Gibson's line; then West 41 poles 72 feet to a maple corner of old State survey; then North 25 poles and 6 feet to a white r oak, N. H. Rarrish's corner on top of a ridge; then an Easterly direction along the top of said ridge to a pine; j then down said ridge with its meanders with N. H. I Parrish's line to a white oak on the bank of Tennessee i River; then North 83 East 1 17 poles to a white oak; J then North 47 East 11 poles t to the BEGINNING, con- - tabling 33 acres more or 1 less. 1 All bids must be accompanied by a deposit of 5% of the imount of bid, which will be returned if such bid Is not ac :epted. In the event of failure of such deposit, the commis sioner will resell the same prop erty at the same place at 2 o'clock p. m., on the date above mentioned. This 16th day of May, 1944. GILMER A. JONES, Commissioner. EXECUTOR NOTICE Having qualified as executor of Callle Setser, deceased, late of Macon County, N. C-. this is 1 o notify all persons having :lalms against the estate ot aid deceased to exhibit them o the undersigned on or before he 17th day of June, 1945, or his notice will be plead In bar if their recovery. All persons ndebted to said estate will >lease make immediate settle nent. This 17th day of June, 1944. GILMER SETSER, Executor. une 22 ? 6tp ? July 27. iUMMAGE SALE The Mary Johnston Allman nage sale Saturday morning, Vesleyan Guild will hold a rum 'une 17, between Blaine's store ind the Curb Market. iUY IT? or? SELL IT rHROUGH THESE COLUMNS to cm^grocenj EAftLE' CHESTERFIELD MILL CQ.ASHEVILLE FOR SALE BY I'JNRY WEST Fight By His Side If a wounded lad home on a furlough. Should drop in to see you tonight, Could you honestly say you are doing Your best to help him in the fight? If he asked you to purchase more war bonds Would you say you'd bought all you can. To a wounded lad home on a furlough, Could you say that to him old man? No, you wouldn't say that to a soldier. For somehow it wouldn't ring true; ?You'd tell him ybu'd buy to your limit. And fight by his side, wouldn't you? ' '3 " ^EVAN B. JOHNSON BRYANTi cTu+Usiat 7fo>*u He SELVES BEST WHO SERVES MOST PHONE 106 ? NITE PHONE 70 NOW fOR THE BIG PUSH j 1 /r$ Z?80#0UR' } ON THE HOME FRONT, TOOI THIS is ITt This is the big push you have been waiting fori This is tbe "zero hour"! Our fight ing men u? ready? ready to strike anywhere . . . anytime . . . anyhow . . . BAR NOTHING! What about you? Are you ready to match this spirit with your War Bond purchases? Every bond you boy is to much more power be hind the big push... the push that will lend Hitler and Tojo into ob livion. Get behind the invasion drivel Invest MORE than ever before! Double . . . triple . . . what you've don* in any previous drive. The job is big? you've got to dig! BactMeMrat/- BUY MORE THAN BEFORE WESTERN CAROLINA TELEPHONE CO.