DRIVE BEGINS MARCH 1st Macon's Quota: $6700 KEEP YOUR RED iCROSS AT HIS SIDE L ? ? -i Through the Red Cross the American people serve the men of their Arm/, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. ? AND IF YOU DEMAND STATISTICS: 1 Red Cross clubs bring a touch bf home to men overseas Number of clubs 727 Number of clubs on wheels 194 (As of June 30, 19441 Red Cross hospital workers comfort the sick and wounded Individual cases helped (pension claims, family troubles, etc. > 1,300,000 Movies shown ??j : 150,000 Red Cross helps prisoners of war Food parcels packed in centers 10,800,000 Emergency messages handled 37,500 Medicine kits distributed 12,700 Red Cross assists servicemen and their families Servicemen and families assisted by chapter workers 3,500,000 Ex-servicemen and families assisted by chapter workers 375,000 Communications (letters, telegrams, radiograms) handled by field di rectors 14,000,000 Red Cross gives relief in disasters Number of disasters 259 Number of persons aided 68,000 (Year ending June 30, 1944 1 Red Cross Blood Donor Service Pints of blood donated since Feb., 1941 ....! 11,000,000 SURGICAL DRESSINGS BLOOD BANKS CLUBMOBILES COMMUNICATIONS THROUGH FIELD DIRECTORS PRISONERS OF WAR FOOD PARCELS NURSES AID TRAINING t DISASTER AID FOREIGN RELIEF JUNIOR RED CROSS r HOSPITAL SUN ROOMS are duties of your RED CROSS These local firms sponsor this appeal to you: Roy Cunningham English-Mashburn Motor Co. C. T. Blaine & Son Franklin Hardware Co. Bryant Furniture Co. Macon Insurance Agency i Duncan Motor Co. Swafford's Market The Quality Shop Reeves Hardware Co. Macon Furniture Co. Burrell Motor Co. GIVE GENEROUSLY WHEN A SOLICITOR CALLS ON YOU!