Highlands Highlights MRS. H. G. 3TORY SUMMER CHURCH NOTES Methodist Church Rev. W. T. Medlin, Pastor 10 a. m.? Sunday school. 11 a. m, ? Sermon (Each Sun day through the summer), with visiting ministers on the first and third Sundays. Episcopal Church of the Incarnation Rev. A. Rufus Morgan., Rector 11 a. m. ? Services every Sun day. Celebration of Holy Com munion on Second Sundays. Presbyterian Church Rev. J. B. Davidson, Pastor 10 a. m. ? Sunday scho'ol. 11 a. m. ? Sermon. 8:30 p. m.? Christian Endeavor. Baptist Church Dr. Thom Carter, Pastor 10 a. m.? Sunday school. 11 .a. m. ? Sermon. 7:30 p. m. ? BT.U. 8:30 p. m.? Sermon. Catholic Services will be held cach Sunday morning at 11 o'clock in the School auditor ium. Christian Science Chapel, Main street, opposite the Postoffice, 11:00 a. m. Sundays, through September. MISS RUTH MORGAN BECOMES BRIDE OF SGT. G. A. SHULER Miss Ruth Morgan, daughter ol Mrs. M. E. Morgan and the late Mr. Morgan of Chino, Calif., was married to Sgt. Glenn A. Shuler of Camp Davis, son of Mr. .and Mrs. Z. A. Shuler of Highlands, in a ceremony sol emnized in the Clerk Creek Baptist church Thursday morn ing, June 21. The Rev. W. T. Medlin, Jr., pastor of Highlands Methodist church, officiated at the service. A program of wedding music presented by Mrs. O. F. Summer included Shubert's Serenade, and "Evening Star" from Tann hauser by Wagner. R. B. Du Pree sang "Still as the Night" by Bohm. The bridal chorus from Lohengrin was used as the processional and the wedding march from Mendelssohn as the recessional. During the cer emony Mrs. Summer played "O Perfect Love." The bride wore a two-piece dress of white eyelet embroider ed batiste. Her flowers were white carnations, and her shoulder length veil was held in place with white carnations. Miss Elizabeth Morgan, sister of the bride, was her only atten dant. She wore a dress of dusty rose crepe. Lyman Wilson of Highlands acted as best man. Sprays of mountain laurel and rhododendron blossoms, in terspersed with greenery, were banked at the front of- the Women do yon suffer simple ANEMIA Due to Loss of Blood- Itob? You girls who suffer from simple anemia or who loee so much during monthly periods you feel tired, weak, dragged out" ? this may be due to low blood-Iron? so try Lydla E. Plnkham's TABLETS at once. Plnkham's Tablets are one of the very best home ways to help build up red blood to give more strength and energy ? in such cases. Plnkham's Tablets are one of the greatest blood-Iron tonics vou can buy I FOllow label directions. Lydii E. Piakban's TA81CTS church, and seven branched candelabra held lighted white tapers. Bouquets of white dais ies and ferns tied with white ribbon decorated the pews. Following the ceremony a wedding breakfast for the bridal party was served at the home of the bridegroom's parents Pink and white flowers center ed the table and circled the base of the wedding cake. Place cards were pastel-colored wed ding bells tied with white rib bon. After a wedding trip In the mountains Sergeant and Mrs Shuler left for Camp Davis where Sergeant Shuler has been stationed since his recent re turn from two and a half years o'f overseas service. W. T. MEDUN, SR., HONORED WITH DINNER PARTY Hev. W. T. Medlin, Jr., enter tained with a dinner party at Hotel Edwards on Thursday, June 121, honoring his father, W. T. Medlin, Sr., of Charlotte, on his birthday i anniversary. Guests included Mr. and Mrs W. T. Medlin, Sr., and Mrs Wade Sutton, Dr. Thom N. Car ter, Rev. Jack B. Davidson, Rev Robert DuPree, Rev. A. Rufus Morgan, of Franklin, Mrs. H, P. Thompson, Miss June Thomp son, Prof, and Mrs. W. C. New ton, and Dr. Jessie Z, More land. Mr. and Mrs. Medlin have re turned to Charlotte after spend ing a ten day vacation here with their son at the Metho dist parsonage. ' CELEBRATES TWENTY-FIFTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. aand Mrs. George Saussy of Columbia, S. C., celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding an niversary with a party Satur day afternoon at "Highfield", their summer home on the Wal halla road. Included in the guest list were a number of friends from Columbia invited for a*house party at the Saus sy home over the weekend in honor of the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Saussy spent their honeymoon at "Highfield" 25 years ago when it was the summer home of Mrs. Saussy's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. W. Hampton Perry. No Window Service At Highlands Postoffice On Sundays In compliance with Section Section 436 Postal Laws and Regulations, beginning Sunday, July 1, 1945, there will be no window service on Sundays at the Highlands postoffice, and the only parcels that will be delivered on Sundays will be special delivery or perishable articles, according to announce ment by C. C. Potts, postmaster. First class mail and papers will be distributed and placed in the boxes and there will be the dispatch of mail to Wal halla at 10 o'clock. PRESS ADS PAY MALARIA CHECKED IN 7 DAYS WITH ?% LIQUID for MALARIAL \J \J SYMPTOMS Take only as diverted ? ELECTRICAL WIRING LET US BOOK YOUR ELECTRIC WIRING AND ELECTRIC APPLIANCE IN NEED OF REPAIR ? TO GET THE BEST SERVICE CALL A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN CHAS. W. NOLEN Phone 902 or Phone 709 Farmers Attention We are buying Ivy and Laurel Burle* (?tumps) and Paying Highest Prices at Mill in Franklin or by roadside. If interested get in touch with Gilmer Setter or Will Waldroop at the Pipe Mill in Franklin, N. C. Also Top Prices paid for Dog Wood. See us for specifications before cutting Highlands Briar, Inc. FRANKLIN, N. C. Personal Mention Mrs. T. M. Keener spent the past weekend in Atlanta where she visited her daughter, Mrs. Herbert Millkey and family. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Brown of New Smyrna, Fla., are occu pying Miss Susan Rice's cottage on bpring street. Mrs. Ralph R. Lounsberry, who has been spending the past several weeks at her cottage on Flat Mountain, left Friday for a month's visit in Wilmington. Mrs. George Bell and Mrs. M. M. Bradley of Atlanta arrived last week to spend the season with Mrs. Bell's daughter, Mi's. H. D. Randall, at her summer home on Billy Cabin mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Hodgson, Jr., spent several days here re cently as guests at the Rain ! water home, making plans for the beautlflcation of their build ing site on Bearpen mountain, which they purchased last year. Mi. and Mrs. Hodgson will re turn to South America the lat ter part of July, where they have been stationed for the past two years. "Kalalanta" the summer home ? of Mrs. A. J. Salinas on the . j Bowery road, has been leased for the season by Mr. an>nn IM"\ I'.TK ATIN't I mobile liquid. I'n i diluted alcohol is good. Te-o| is the only l solution we -know of made with mu' , alcohol. Kl \< lll'.S MOUI f.RUMS 1 \S1I;U. I eel it PKNKTK AIT 1 Build Business For Tomorrow . . . The Advertising you do today is the backbone of your busi ness of tomorrow. Watch the individual or firm who regularly use the columns of the Press . . . their business is always better than the com petitive concern or individual whom seldom advertise. Get your advertising copy in Press office before noon Wed nesday of each week. If some one from the Press doesn't % . call on you, please call us ? 'Phone 24. ?@8 90\J^ JPG COFFEE THE BEST PART OP THE MEAL