SEAMAN WAYNE TRAMMEL ' Wayne L. Trammel, seaman, second class, of Flate, N. C? was a member of the first 40 mm, gun crew on this ship at Jap installations during an in vasion bombardment in the Ryukyus Islands in the West ern Pacific. As second loader on the crew, he share;! credit for leaving several enemy targets in flames. His crew also drove off Jap bombers with anti-aircraft i flrr. This was his second major Pacific invasion battle. He was at Iwo Jima during February, 1945. Trammel attended Nantahala School at Nantahala. and work ed on a farm for Shirell Tram mel, in Flats, prior to enlist ing in the Navy in June, 1944. He came aboard this battleship in Sentember. 1944. He is the son of Mrs. Edna Trammel of Flats. The present sugar shortage is explained by a short Cuban crop, by already large alloca tions, and by an urgent need for sugar in the liberated coun tries of Europe. Now ? Buy Bonds IF IN THE MARKET FOR ? ELECTRIC FENCE CONTROLLERS WITH BATTERIES ? ALL ELECTRIC FENCE CONTROLLER ? Ql'ART FRUIT JARS (With Zinc Caps) ? WALLRITE PAPER ? ELECTRIC ALARM CLOCKS ? ASPHALT SHINGLES ? ROLL ROOFING ? HOUSE PAINT (white) ? FLAT WALL PAINT ? BRICK SIDING ? LIME ? CEMENT ? WALL BOARD ? KINSUL INSULATION ? PLUMBING SUPPLIES ? PIPE FITTINGS ? GALV. SHEETS, 3' x 8" FRANKLIN Hardware Co. NOTICE To Theatre Patrons On Wednesday, July 4, the Macon Theatre will begin their first show at 11 o'clock and will run continuously throughout the day. The double feature will be "Sing Me a Song, of Texas," with Rosmary Lane and Pinkey Tomlin, and "Be tween Two Women," with Van Johnson and Lionel Par rymore. Eoth these shows are Well worth attending and promises good entertainment I for the entire family. When you come to town on the Fourth of July, be sure to go to the Macon Theatre. Due to the length of the picture, "Bernadette," on Tuesday, July 23d, matinee will start at 2:30 ? out at 5 >15; night will start at 8:00 ? out at 11:00. Additional Socials Mi. and Mrs. Charles E. Cun ningham and son, of St, Paul, Va? were here the past week end to attend the luneral of Mi. Cunningham's mother, Mrs. E. K. Cunningham. Sgt. and Mrs. John Bass and young son, Ronnie, of Atlanta, Ga., are visiting Mrs. Bass' sis tei, Mrs. Hunter Calloway and Mi. Calloway1 at their home on Bonnie Crest. Sgt. Bass, who has been a war prisoner in Switzer land for 14 months, arrived in the States in May. Troy Potts, a patient under treatment at the Angel hospital, was reported to be improving. Seaman 1/c William M, Sut ton, Jr., has returned to his base in New London, Conn,, Saturday, after spending a week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.' M. Sutton on Franks street. Joel Dalton, of the West's Mill community, recently visit ed his niece Alice Dalton, who is a patient at a hospital in Charlotte. Alice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dalton, alt>o of West's Mill, was the Macon county girl who was stricken with infantile paralysis last year. She is reported to be get ting along nicely, however, she will remain in the hospital for several months yet. Mrs. Herman B. Ellis and children, of Oak Ridge, Tenn., spent a week here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sutton, Sr. Mrs. Carrie Carpenter, of Scaly, who underwent an oper ation at the Angel hospital, is reported by hospital attendants to be getting along nicely. John K. Reece, S 1/c, has;/ re turned to his ship in San Fran cisco, Calif., after spending a 10-day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Reece. Seaman Reece has crossed the equator 14 times and has earn ed 8 stars for his campaign ribbon. His ship, with two other ships, have been within 40 miles of Tokyo. Miss Mary Frances Page, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Page, left last week for Pella Wooket Camps. Vt., where she will be counselor and instructor in riding for the remainder of the summer. SPECIAL I may want to close out for the duration due to inability to get merchandise. A number of friends have suggested this to me and 1 feel the same way about it now. # One lot of children's shoes. Sizes up to 2's. Whites, oxfords and T-straps. Broken sizes but ex;tra good quality. Special discount on every pair. Just received few pairs of men's all-wool pants. Also some wool aiid rayon mixed that were mv allotment for this time. A few men's suits came along. It is a good time NOW to buy the things you need. My allotment for wolverine footwear-hoots just arrived. They are good, you know. Get your size before it is too late. Little children's dresses and overalls, sizes 1 to 6. Special prices on all ladies' hats, one lot to go at a big reduction. in price. My prices are right. Come and see for yourself. It's Still a Good Place to Trade at ? Jos. Ashear CLASSIFIED Advertising JOIN ? Potts Mutual Burial As sociation. Safe, strong, sound Office at Potts Funeral Home. Phones 173 and 164, Franklin, j N. C. (Oct. 12-tfn) ] ATTENTION TRUCKERS ? 50 acres Hiley Belle peaches, large size, orchard run, ready last week In June and first week in July. Dr. E. B. Gray, Telephone 3161, Laurens, S. C. , J 14 ? 3tp ? J28 LOST ? Ration Book No. 3, be longing to Sam C. Franklin, J Flats, N. C. J21 ? 2tp ? J28 | ? LOST ? Ration Books No, 3, be longing to George Robinson and Elsie Robinson, Highlands, N. C. J21 ? 2tp ? J28 WANTED ? Timbermen, lumber men, miners, experienced or chardlst for work near Swan nanoa. Good wages and good camp. Also wood for contract. See Chas. Bradley at Cagles Cafe Saturday or Sunday. J21? 3tc ? Jly5 FOR LEASE ? Fully equipped Hotel Dining Room. Experi enced people only considered. Excellent location on highway. Address Box 385, Sylva, N. C. J21? 3tc ? Jly5 LOST A Coupon Gas Ration Book belonging to W. W. Le noir, Box 497, Franklin, N. C. J21 ? 2tp? J28 LOST ? A Ration Gas Book be longing to Frank Ammons, Franklin, Route 4. J21 ? 2tp ? J28 LOST Ration Boole No. 3, be longing to Clyde Sanders, Franklin, N. C. Finder please return. J21 ? 2tp- ? J28 LOST ? Ration Book No. 4, be longing to Verles McOaha, Stiles, N. C. J21 ? 2tp ? J 28 LOST? Ration Book No. 4, be longing to Nannie J. Mincy, Ellijay, N. C. J21 ? 2tp ? J28 LOST ? Red bill fold Wednesday, containing between $50 and $70. Also tax receipts. Finder return to The Franklin Press office. Reward. J28 ltc FOR RENT ? Furnished or un furnished room, Ashear house back of Baptist church. ? Mrs. W. L. Higdon, at Hazel-Marie Shop. J28 ? ltp FOR SALE ? Furniture, cooking utensils, glass ware and silver ware. See W. M. Burch, East Franklin, all day Saturday. J28? ltp LOST ? Ration Book No. 3, be longing to Dorman D. Gibson, Leatherman, N. C. J28 ? 2tp ? Jly5 LOST ? Monday in vicinity of postoffice, four keys on cot ton string. Finder please con tact Mrs. Vandiver, Forest Service. J28? ltp NEW 2-Way Fly Killer? Just paint on screens, repels and kills flies, gnats, mosquitos, and night fliers. One applica tion lasts 7 days. We have Bar acide, rotenone. Black Arrow, Black Leaf 40, arsenate of lead, calcium arsenate. We have good prices on cow, horse, hog, and chicken feeds. W. J. BLAINE. J28 ? Itc FOR SALE? 1/4 h.p. Electric motor, $16.50; blacksmith blower, $8.00;. warehouse trucks. $7.50; Toledo ratchet dies, 1 to 2-in., $16.00.? M. HIGDON at Franklin Hwd. Co. J28 ? ltp WANTED ? Baby's second-hand high chair. Call phone No. 53, Franklin, N. C. J28? ltc HOME ON FURLOUGH Pfc. Frank Dills, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Dills, of the Prentiss section of Macon coun ty, reached Franklin on Sun day afternoon, and Is spending a 60-day furlough with his par ents, after which he will re port to Camp Butner for a 14 day recuperation period. Pfc. Dills, who was reported by the War Department to be missing in action on December 22, 1944, had been a prisoner of war since that date until he was liberated on April 28, and was returned to the states around June 12. Pfc. Dills was serving with the 44th Engineer Combat Bat talion In Germany, and was sent to service In March of the past year. He took his training at Camp McCoy, Wis., Fort Knox, Ky., Llbenton, Tenn.,and at Camp Brickinrldge, Ky. He entered the armed forces in December 1942. Births Mr. and Mrs. William Blaine, of Harrison avenue, Franklin, announce the birth of a son, William Michael, at the Angel hospital, Friday, June 22. Ensign and Mrs. George Tes sier announce the birth of a son, George Gralg, on Tuesday, June 26, at the Angel hospital. On Tuesday, June 19, a daughter, Divanna Carol, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Zane Wood, of the Gneiss community, at the Angel hospital. James Shirley, a son, was born to Pvt, and Mrs. William Shirley Keener, of Gness com munity, at the Angel hospital, on Sunday, June 17. Linda Gale, a daughter, was born on Friday, June 22, at the Angel hospital,- to Pvt. and Mrs. Harold Jennings, of Franklin Route 3, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cunning ham, of- Pontiac, Mich.; former ly of Franklin, announce the birth of a son, Wayne Rogers at the Angel hospital on Mon day, June 4. Sgt. Edwin T. Silies Home After Liberation Sgt. Edwin T. Stiles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stiles, of the Prentiss section of Macon county, arrived home on Sun day after being liberated fropi a German prison camp on April 28, where he had been a prisoner since December 24, 1944. Sgt. Stiles entered the armed forces on December 7. 1942 and took his basic training at Camp McCoy, Wis., and Breckinridge, Ky. He was sent to overseas duties on March 23, 1944, and was placed in the 44th Engi neers Combat Battalion. He was in all the battles all through the Invasion of Germany. For seven days Sgt. Stiles and two of his companions made their way through enemy territory after being surround ed by paratroopers .and three panzer divisions. During this time they traveled more than 50 miles before they were tak en prisoners at Bastonge, Bel gium. While the prisoners were on marches to the different camps, the civilians would throw rocks and sticks at the boys and even wanted to take some of the boys out of the line and shoot them, Sgt. Stiles said. One days food consisted of two slices of black bread and two thirds can of rutabaga soup, which was very unappitizing. On the food they had they were scarcely able to march, and during this time he lost from 170 pounds to 115. He has gained all his weight back now. After the first month and half, the prisoners began to get Red Cross packages containing food and cigarettes, which helped out greatly to pass the time while in the stockades of barb ed wire fence and concentina. Sgt. Stiles, who was the only Macon county boy in this camp of prisoners, met on May 13, in Le Harve, France, Pfc. Frank Dills, a schoolmate and a neigh bor of the Prentiss community, who had also been a prisoner of the German War since De cember 22. They were in the same battalion and in camps close by, however they had never met. They made the r He Serves Best Who Serves Wisely . . . In order to give our patrons better service and our good help tlhe rest to which they are entitled, we are closing the counter side of our restaurant at 3 p. m. CAGLE'S CAFE FRANKLIN, N. C. Fiction Books Wanted For Soldiers At Camp Lure John M. Archer, chairman of the Camp and Hospital com mittee of the Macon County Chapter of the American Red Cross, who recently made an urgent appeal to the citizens of Macon county, asking for read ing material for the boys at the Lake Lure Rest Camp, who are overly anxious to get fiction books. Mr. Archer stated Wednesday that so far he had had no re sponse from the people in re gard to the books. He feels that this has been an oversight on the part of the people and not done Intentionally, as he Is sure there are a number who have books who will be glad to pass them on to the boys. Leave then) with him at the Nantahala Power and Light Office and he will see that they are delivered. When Roland Baston of Bur gaw was unable to get a crop of two acres of snap beans picked, he turned 40 hogs on the beans to prevent a complete loss of the crop. journey home together and ar rived in the States around June 12. Sgt. Stiles is spending a 60 day furlough with his wife, the former Miss Wllla Mae Sanders ' and son, Edwin. Following his furlough he will report at Camp Butner for a 14-day re cuperation. , Home Demonstration Club Schedule The Home Demons! ration schedule announced by Mrs. Florence 8. Sherrlll, home dem onstration agent, (or the first two weeks in July. They In clude: On Tuesday, July 3, Mrs. Car los Rogers will be hostess to the Olive Hill club at her home at 2 o'clock; on Thursday, July 5, the Otto -club will meet at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Raleigh Norrls, and on Friday, July 6, Mrs. Fred Palmer will be hostess to the Cullasaja club at her home at 2 o'clock. On Mondaay, July 9, Mrs. Roy Phillips will be hostess to the Shortoff club at her home at 2 o'clock; the Walnut Creek club will meet at 2 o'clock at the Walnut Creek schoolhouse on Tuesday. July 10; and at 2 o'clock on Wednesday, July 11, Mrs. Lena Hall will be hostess to the River Bend club. Mrs. W. B. Bennett will be hostess to the Iotla club at her home at 2 o'clock on Wednes day, July 11; the Nantahala club will meet at the Commun ity House at 2 o'clock on Thurs day, July 12; Mrs. Effie Deal will be hostess to the Holly Springs club at her home at 2 o'clock on Thursday, July 12, and the Kyle-Otter Creek club will be entertained by Mrs. O. C. Hall at 2:30 o'clock. Put your business in high gear by using Press Ads Cement and Mortarmix ? Carload Plaster, Finish Lime and Gauging Plaster JUST RECEIVED Reeves HARDWARE Co. Telephone 113 Franklin, N. C. MACON -THEATRE SUNDAY MATINEE 2:30 ? NIGHT SHOW 9:M WEEK DATS 3:3*? 7:15?0:15 SATURDAY 1:00 TILL 10:30? OWL SHOW 10:15, OUT AT 11:45 Sunday, July 1st "SHE GETS HER MAN" With Joan Davis ? Leon Errol Monday, July 2nd "A ROYAL SCANDAL" With Talullah Bankhead ? Anne Baxter Tuesday, July 3rd "THE SONG OF BERNADETTE" With Jennifer Jones ? Charles Bickford Matinee starts at 2:30 ? out 5:45 Night starts at 8:00 ? out 11:15 Wednesday and Thursday, July 4th and 5th Double Feature "SING ME A SONG OF TEXAS" ? With Rosemary Lane ? Pinkey Tomlin And ? "BETWEEN TWO WOMEN" With Van Johnson ? Lionel Barrymore # On Wednesday, July 4th, box office will open at 11 o'clock, ami will run continuous throughout the day. Bring t'He entire family to see this double feature Friday, July 6th "UNDER WESTERN SKIES" With Martha O'Driscall ? .Noah Berry, Jr. Also: "TIGER WOMAN" No. 12 Saturday, July 7th Double Feature ? "ONE BODY TOO MANY" Jack Haley ? Jean Parker And "RANGE LAW" Johnny Mack Browin / Also: "BRENDA STARR", No. 8 ? OWL SHOW "THE CRIME DOCTOR'S COURAGE" Warner Baxter ? Hillary Brooke BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS