Highlands Highlights ' MRS. H. G. STORY I CHURCH SERVICES HIGHLANDS BAPTIST CHURCH Thorn N. Carter, D.D., Pastor 10:00 a. m.? Sunday School. 11:00 a. m. ? Worship Service. 7:00 p. m? B. T. U. 8:00 p. m. ? Evening Worship. Wednesday, 7:00 p. m. ? Pray er, Praise and Fellowship. EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION Rev. A. Ilufus Morgan, Rector Second Sunday: 11:00 a.m. ? Holy Communion and sermon. Fourth Sunday: 4:30 p. m. ? Evening prayer and sermon. HIGHLANDS METHODIST CHURCH 10:00 a. m. ? Sunday School. W. C. Newton, Supt. I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. B. Davidson, Minister 10:00 a. m. ? Sunday School. 11 a. m.? Worship Service. 7:30 p. m. ? Christian En deavor. Robert B. Eskrigge Dies At Franklin Hospital The death of Robert B. Esk rigge at Angel's Hospital in Franklin on November 6, re moves from Highlands another of its very estimable and in fluential summer residents. Mr. Eskrigge was born in Eng land. When quite a young man he moved to Australia, and a little later to this country, set tling in New Orleans, La., where he was for many years one of the Sauth's foremost cotton buyers for English firms. About 35 years ago he and Mrs. Esk rigge came to Highlands and built "World's End", their pres ent summer home on Satulah Mountain, quarrying the stone from his own grounds for its construction. In. addition to Mrs. Eskrigge, survivors include one son and arid three daughters, Tatham Eskrigge, New Orleans; Mrs. John Young, Atlanta; Dr. Edith Eskrigge Haines, Columbia, S. C.; and Miss Winnie Eskrigge, of the American Red Cross in feelChokfld] UpWith oCbld? TO CET PROMPT RELIEF from distress of those nagging colds that cause coughing ana make you feel all stuffed up ? put a good spoonful of Vicks VapoRub in a bowl of boiling water. Then feel relief come as you breathe in the steaming, medi cated vapors. These medicated vapors penetrate to the cold -con ges ted upper breathing passages. They soothe irritation, quiet coughing, help clear the head and bring such grand comfort. FOR ADDED RELIEF ... On throat, chest and back at bed time rub Vicks VapoRub. It works for hours? even while you sleep ? to bring relief. Now try this home- % J|j?t|Q tested treat' lflWRj ^rnent, tonight. Jf VapoRub , Cashiers And Highlands To Hear Dr. Sampley Dr. J. E. Sampley, a retired minister who resides at Juna luska, will conduct the Sunday morning service at the Cash iers Methodist church on No vember 18, and the Sunday morning service at the High lands Methodist church on No vember 25, weather permitting. Dr. Sampley will likely con tinue these appointments at the Cashiers church on the first and third Sundays, and at the Highlands church on the sec ond and fourth Sundays until a regular minister is appointed. P. T. A. Sets Aside Fund School Library The setting aside of $150.00 from the October P. T. A. Car nival receipts for improving the library of the elementary de partment , of Highlands school was one of the items of interest voted and passed on at the No- i vember meeting of the Parent- j Teacher Association. ' A membership drive was plan ned at this meeting and the present membership divided in to two groups under the leader ship of Mrs. Harry Holt and Mrs. Tom Potts, the drive to continue until the end of the year when the losing group will entertain the winners with a supper at the school lunch room. The November program also included a talk by Mrs. A. W. Pierson on the importance of suitable books for children and considerable interest was man ifested in the display of chil dren's books from the Hudson library, arranged by Miss Ger trude Harbison and Miss Dor othea Harbison, k librarians. The display by the Misses Harbison included a roll book of High lands school in 1902. Also on display was a literature and art scrap book by Mrs. C. E. Mitch ell showing the annual proced ure for 1945-46.. During the social hour re freshments were served by Mrs. Thomas C. Harbison, president; Mrs. Sidney McCarty, Jr., and Mrs. Tudor Hall. Personal Mention Enjoying a bear hunt in Hay wood county this week are W. W. Edwards, G. W. Marett, Jeter Buchanan and E. A. Burt, Jr. Miss Sara Gilder and Mrs. H. H. Bailey, Sr., have as their guests Miss Gilder's nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gilder of Montgomery, Ala. Edward Potts and Marshall Reese, former Servicemen, have succeeded Mrs. Joe A. Massey and Mrs. W. T. Medlin in the Highlands postoffice, both of whom resigned to take-up resi dence in other sections. Miss Gertrude Swanson is closing her summer home on Bearpen Mountain this week and leaving for Bel Air, Md., to spend some time. Mrs. Martha Day left Friday for a visit with her daughter and granddaughter, Mrs. Arnold Garris and Miss Jeannette Gar ris in Macon, Ga. Manila, and several grandchil dren. Funeral services and inter ment were in New Orleans. Here's sweeter, tastier bread with FLEISCHMANN'S j FRESH ? set#* r# YEAST f.r - ^ l IT'S FULl STRENGTH so it goes right to work. No waiting. No extra steps. Fleischmann's fresh active Yeast helps make bread that's more de licious and tender, sweeter-tasting every timet IF YOU BAKE AT HOME-Get Fleischmann's active fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label. Dependable? it's been America's favorite for more than 70 years. Roll Of Honor Dedicated For Highlands Servicemen Monday The roll .of honor for High lands Servicemen was dedicated in a special Armistice Day pro gram at the high school audi torium Sunday morning at 11 o'clock under the auspices of the Parent-Teacher Association. The flag-draped honor roll, with its more than two hun dred names, was presented by four Boy Scouts, Richard Thompson, Harry Holt, Bill Lewis and James Potts. The un veiling and presentation speech was made by Richard Thompson. The seven gold star names on the roll are James Baty, George Beal, Thomas Bridgman. Clyde Crisp, Bernice McCall, Albert Rogers and Henry Zoellner. Following the prelude and Doxology, Rev. J. B, Davidson, pastor of the Presbyterian church, led the devotional. The Rev. A. Rufus Morgan, Rector of the Episcopal Church of the Incarnation, spoke on "Peace." Mrs. A. W. Pierson was pro gram director and the music was under the direction of Miss Marion Lester. A chorus of tenth grade students sang "God of Our Fathers". Other songs by the choir and congre gation included "America", "America, the Beautiful", and "Battle Hymn of The Republic". Allie Sue Price, high school Mrs. .Joseph Maggio and young son, of Rochester, N. Y., are spending several weeks here visiting Mrs. Maggio's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T, M, Keener on Flat Mountain. Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Medlin, Jr., left Saturday to make their home in Robbinsville, where Mr. Medlin is pastor of the Metho dist church. Mrs. Bertha Mims Jones of Spartanburg, S. C., was the weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Cook. ? Miss Margaret Harry of Greenville, Ga., spent a few days In Highlands the first of the week visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Cook. NOTICE t)F forclosure OF MORTGAGE North Carolina MACON COUNTY Under and by virtue of th6 power of sale contained in a certain mortgage executed by E. A. Vanhook and Lizzie Van hook, his wife, to Win. Smart, dated 8 November, 1930, and recorded in Book No. 31, page 387, in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Macon Coun ty, default having been made in the payment of the indebt edness thereby secured and student, gave the introduction to the program, and America's Creed was led by the tenth grade. Other high school stu dents on the program were Richard Thompson, who recited the poem "The Flag Goes By"; Doris Hedden spokq on World Unity and Lasting Peace", and Evelyn Phillips on "Democratic Principles and Ideals", both speeches being original compo sitions by these two Juniors. Marna Cobb gave a poem "De mocracy Speaks", and Edwin Shockley gave the introduction to the Gettysburg Address, which was given by Hazel Beale. TJie presentation and unveiling ceremony followed the close of the program. Rev. J. B. Davidson sang "The Lord's Prayer" as a bene diction, accompanied at the pi ano by Mrs. Davidson. Since the honor roll was com piled it has been learned that several names were not includ ed, and anyone having inform ation on the omitted names are asked to see Mrs. Thomas C. Harbsion, P. T. A. president, or Mrs. W. L. Watson so thit the rail may be completed. Here's a SENSIBLE way 7 to relieve MONTHLY I k FEMALE PAIN; Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound Is famous not only to relieve periodic pain but also accompanying nervous, tired, hlghstrung feelings?' when due to functional monthly dis turbances. Taken regularly ? It helps build up resistance against such symp toms. Plnkham's Compound helps na ture! Follow label directions. Try It! I said tndrtgage being by the ! termrf thereof subject to fore I closure, the undersigned mort ? gagee will offer for sale at i public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court house door in Franklin, North j Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock noon, on the 13th day of December, 1945, the land conveyed in said mortgage, the same lying and being in Smithbridge Township, I Macon County, North Carolina, [ and more particularly describ ed as follows: Lying and being on the waters of Hickory Knoll Creek, and being all and the entire interest of E. A. Vanhook and wife, Lizzie Vanhook In said , ? ft - lands Hnown as the Vanhook mountain land and more fully described in office of Regis ter of Deeds for Macon Coun ty, North Carolina. This the 12th day of Novem ber, 1945. WM. SMART, Mortgagee N15 ? 4tc ? D6 ? JHS PRESS ADS PAY ,s, 600 COLD PREPARATIONS Liquid, Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops Use Only As Directed QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising front STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID F ree BookT ells of Home Treatment that Must Help or it Will Cost You Nothing O ver t wo million bott les of the W I LL A R D TR E ATM EN T have been sold for relief of symptoms of (list resN arising from Stomach and Duodenal Ulcers due to Eictst Acid ? Poor Digestion, Sour or Upset Stomach, Gasslness, Heartburn, Sleeplessness, etc., due to Excess Acid. Sold on 15 days' trial! Ask for "Wlllerd's Message" which fully explains this treatment ? Iroa ? at PERRY'S DRUG STORE WE SPECIALIZE: In scientific eye examinations and modern eye glasses at reasonable cost. TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS EXPERIENCE Modern methods, up-to-date equipment, repair shop on premises. PERMANENTLY LOCATED DR. LON BURROUGHS CLAYTON, GEORGIA Hours: 9:30 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. Closed Wednesday Afternoons at 1:00 o'clock . . . and suddenly it's TOMORROW! A fighting man steps off a Southern Railway train and his arms form a tight circle around the girl who waited... And suddenly it's "tomorrow!" The long nightmare of war is over... and the world gratefully greets the dawn of a bright new era of Peace. As we eagerly turn to the welcome tasks of peacetime, let's resolve to keep before us the priceless lessons in teamwork which we learned in time of war. Let's remember that it was only through teamwork that the Southland accomplished those miracles of pro duction and transportation which contributed so mightily to final Victory. Let's remember that it is only through teamwork... all Southerners working together and helping one another . . . that we can continue to build a greater, better Southland. So, let's keep working together... now that our fighting men are coming home to work with us . . . now that "tomorrow" is here I I ?? fc President SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM (M)