Watch Thia Figure Growl THIS WEEK 2,185 Net, Paid-in -Advance Subscribers 2,182 LAST WEEK ttllltl fff, ?11 )t ISjigblan^jS Macoutan PROGRESS! YE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LXII? NO. 5 FRANKLIN, N. C., THl'RSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1947 $2.00 PER YEAR NEW FARM COOP TO HOLD MEET MONDAY^ AT 10 Directors Tc Be Chosen; Any Macon Farmer May Become Member The organization meeting of the new Macon County Farm ers Cooperative, Incorporated, will be held Monday morning at 10 o'clock at the Agricultural building. At the meeting, the old Ma con County Mutual Soil Con servation Association, Inc., made up of demonstration farmers, will be dissolved, and stockhold ers in the new cooperative, which will take its place, will elect directors. The directors, in turn, will choose officers of the grganization. Membership in the new organ ization is open to any farmer in the county, and farmer membership may be obtained by buying one or more shares of common stock at $1 per share. S. W. Mendenhall, county agent, announced that the meeting also will be marked by discussion of the proposal that a 100-bushel-to-the-acre corn club be organized, and- by the showing of sound motion pic tures on hay making and poul try raising. The meeting, Mr. Mendenhall said, will be one of the most important farm gatherings this year, and every farmer in the county Is invited to attend. The new cooperative is de signed to save local farmers money on purchases by the co operative group buying of seed, fertilizer, machinery, feed, etc., and to sell the products of the farm for the highest price ob tainable. The new corporation has an authorized capital stock of $100,000, with common and pre ferred stock. Sixty-seven thou sand shares of common stock, to be sold to farmers only, and 33,000 shares of preferred stock, for sale to the general public, are available. All shares have a par value of $1. Benefit Dance Planned Friday At Otto School A benefit dance will be held at 7:30 p. m. January 31, at the Otto school, it has been an nounced. Proceeds will go to ward raising this county's quota for the polio fund. Do You Remember . . . ? (Looking backward through the files of The Press) 50 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK Collector Sam L. Rogers came over from Asheville yesterday and sold 26 head Of fine beef cattle that averaged 1,210 pounds to the head, making 31,460 pounds. A petition is being signed asking the legislature to pass an act to prohibit the manu facture or sale of spirituous liquors within -three miles of every church and school In Ma con county. 25 YEARS AGO The MacDowell Music club met with Miss Margaret Rogaes on Wednesday. The following program was presented, with Miss Rogers as leader: * \f Current events. 2. Comparison of lives of Balaklrew and Rimsky-Korsak ov ? Mrs. W. H. Crawford. 3. Piano Solo, "Novelette", Rimsky-Korsakov ? Mrs. Harry Hlgglns. 4. Vocal Solo, "Cradle Song," Rimsky-Korsakov ? Miss Lynn Johnston. The Invited guests were Mrs. 8 L. Franks, Mrs. Mahaffey, Mrs. J. S. Sloan, Mrs. Q. A. Jones, Mrs. T. J. Johnston, Mrs. M. D. Billings, and Mrs. R ,T. Smith. 10 YEARS AGO ' W C. Burrell, local Chevrolet automobile dealer, started work Tuesday grading a site on Oast Main street, preparatory to construction of a new garage and automobile show room. The property, a double lot between the Nantahala Inn and the Wat kins hotel, was recently pur chased by Mr. Burrell from the Berry helrt at a price reported in the neighborhood of $3,000. FFA Boys Win District Meet, Enter State Contest The seed judging team of the Franklin Future Farmers, hav ing won first place in the see