Watch Thia Figure Growl THIS WEEK 2,185 Net, Paid-in -Advance Subscribers 2,182 LAST WEEK ttllltl fff, ?11 )t ISjigblan^jS Macoutan PROGRESS! YE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LXII? NO. 5 FRANKLIN, N. C., THl'RSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1947 $2.00 PER YEAR NEW FARM COOP TO HOLD MEET MONDAY^ AT 10 Directors Tc Be Chosen; Any Macon Farmer May Become Member The organization meeting of the new Macon County Farm ers Cooperative, Incorporated, will be held Monday morning at 10 o'clock at the Agricultural building. At the meeting, the old Ma con County Mutual Soil Con servation Association, Inc., made up of demonstration farmers, will be dissolved, and stockhold ers in the new cooperative, which will take its place, will elect directors. The directors, in turn, will choose officers of the grganization. Membership in the new organ ization is open to any farmer in the county, and farmer membership may be obtained by buying one or more shares of common stock at $1 per share. S. W. Mendenhall, county agent, announced that the meeting also will be marked by discussion of the proposal that a 100-bushel-to-the-acre corn club be organized, and- by the showing of sound motion pic tures on hay making and poul try raising. The meeting, Mr. Mendenhall said, will be one of the most important farm gatherings this year, and every farmer in the county Is invited to attend. The new cooperative is de signed to save local farmers money on purchases by the co operative group buying of seed, fertilizer, machinery, feed, etc., and to sell the products of the farm for the highest price ob tainable. The new corporation has an authorized capital stock of $100,000, with common and pre ferred stock. Sixty-seven thou sand shares of common stock, to be sold to farmers only, and 33,000 shares of preferred stock, for sale to the general public, are available. All shares have a par value of $1. Benefit Dance Planned Friday At Otto School A benefit dance will be held at 7:30 p. m. January 31, at the Otto school, it has been an nounced. Proceeds will go to ward raising this county's quota for the polio fund. Do You Remember . . . ? (Looking backward through the files of The Press) 50 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK Collector Sam L. Rogers came over from Asheville yesterday and sold 26 head Of fine beef cattle that averaged 1,210 pounds to the head, making 31,460 pounds. A petition is being signed asking the legislature to pass an act to prohibit the manu facture or sale of spirituous liquors within -three miles of every church and school In Ma con county. 25 YEARS AGO The MacDowell Music club met with Miss Margaret Rogaes on Wednesday. The following program was presented, with Miss Rogers as leader: * \f Current events. 2. Comparison of lives of Balaklrew and Rimsky-Korsak ov ? Mrs. W. H. Crawford. 3. Piano Solo, "Novelette", Rimsky-Korsakov ? Mrs. Harry Hlgglns. 4. Vocal Solo, "Cradle Song," Rimsky-Korsakov ? Miss Lynn Johnston. The Invited guests were Mrs. 8 L. Franks, Mrs. Mahaffey, Mrs. J. S. Sloan, Mrs. Q. A. Jones, Mrs. T. J. Johnston, Mrs. M. D. Billings, and Mrs. R ,T. Smith. 10 YEARS AGO ' W C. Burrell, local Chevrolet automobile dealer, started work Tuesday grading a site on Oast Main street, preparatory to construction of a new garage and automobile show room. The property, a double lot between the Nantahala Inn and the Wat kins hotel, was recently pur chased by Mr. Burrell from the Berry helrt at a price reported in the neighborhood of $3,000. FFA Boys Win District Meet, Enter State Contest The seed judging team of the Franklin Future Farmers, hav ing won first place in the see<J judging contest at Clyde Wed nesday of last week, today (Thursday) is in Shelby, com peting in the state contest. At Clyde,, the Franklin boys, competing against eight other teams from this end of the state, were awarded the banner. Second place went to the Bethel team, and third to the group from Bryson City. Members of the Franklin team are Hayes Gregory, George Crawford, and Foy Dryman. Gregory and Crawford were the two boys making the highest scores. The team was accompanied to Shelby today by E. J. Whit mfre, Jr., vocational agriculture teacher here. The contest in Shelby is be ing held In connection with the annual meeting there of the Certified Seed Growers of North Carolina. 1946 RAINFALL HERE 56 INCHES Highest T emperature Was 91 Degrees, Lowest 8 Franklin in 1946 had a total ol 56.57 inches of rainfall, fig ures compiled by G. L. Houk, official weather observer here, show. Last year is the first complete year on which official weather figures were kept here. Mr. Houk's weather summary for the year also reveals that the highest temperature record ed in 1946 was 91 degrees, on July 11. The temperature soar ed above the eighties on only two other days. It reached 90 on the eighth of June and again on August 8. The lowest temperature last year was 8 degrees, recorded on January 2. The mean for the entire year was 58.3. The wettest month in 1946 was January, when the precipi ation totaled 7.68 inches. No vember, which had a rainfall of only 2.67 was the driest. The greatest rainfall in a single 24-hour period occurred on February 10, when 326 inches of rain fell. ftne hundred twenty-three? almost exactly one-third ? of the 365 days in the year were rainy. The total rainfall by months follows: January, 7.68 inches; Febru ary, 5.29; March, 7.62; April, 4.62; May, 6.88; June, 3.36; July, 4.79; August, 3.29; September, 3.47; October, 284; November, 2.67; and December, 4.06. Addington Named Assi&tant Agent In Forsyth County Brownlow Addington, of Franklin, Route 2, recently was appointed assistant county farm agent In Forsyth county, and he and Mrs. Addington and their young son left Monday for Winston-Salem. Mr. Addington Is the fourth Macon county person In recent weeks to receive appointments in the agricultural extension service. The others are Miss Marie Scott, who is now home demon stration agent in Avery county, Wayne Franklin, county agent In Avery, and Miss Barbara Hurst, who was promoted from assistant to home demonstra tion agent in Caldwell county. Mr Addington attended the Franklin High school, where he took vocational training in agri culture, and was recently grad uated from N. C. State college, with a B. S. degree in animal husbandry, having returned to school after his discharge from the armed forces. Prior to accepting the For syth county position, Mr. Ad dington assisted his father, J. W. Addington, in the operation of the Addington dairy farm. J. S. Conley, 111 At Home Here, Improving J. 8. Conley, widely known Franklin business man and civic leader, who has been seriously 111 at hU home for the put 10 days. Is showing marked Im provement, members of his fam ily mM Thursday. PLAN LECTURES HERE ON WORLD UNDERSTANDING 4 Noted Speakers To Be Brought To Franklin By Rotary Club Four lectures on international understanding and cooperation will be brougnt to Framuin uus winter by the Franklin Rotary club, club officials announced this week. The speakers, said to be au thorities in their fields, were selected by Rotary International to deliver ls;tures in communi ties throughout the country. The first of the lectures will be heard here Friday, February 14; the second will come a week later; the third is scheduled for February 28; and the fourth for March 6. Each speaker will be heard twice. In the afternoon, he will address the high school students for the Franklin school; at 7:30 o'clock in the evening, his lec ture will be for adults. Tickets for the evening lec tures, which are open to the general public, may be obtained from any member of the Frank lin Rotary club. All eight addresses will be at the Methodist church. It was explained that one of the church auditoriums seemed more desirable for the purpose than either the courthouse or the school, and that the Methodist church was selected as having the largest auditorium of the four churches here. The general theme of the lec ture series is "Is Cooperation Possible?" The first speaker will be Ger hart Seger, whose topic will be "Getting Together in Europe". Mr. Seger is a former member of the German Reichstag, who escaped from a Nazi concentra tion camp in 1933 and came to the United States. "Getting Together in the Orient" will be the subject of the second lecture, set for Feb ruary 21. The speaker will be W. Leon Godshall, of Bethle hem, Penn. Dr. Godshall is as sociate professor of diplomatic history and international rela tions at Lehigh university. Morris H. Coers, who will be the speaker February 28, served overseas in World War 2 as a field director of the American Red Cross, has traveled exten sively in Europe and the Near ? Continued on Page Teji Macon Farms Change Hands In Two Deals C. W. Henderson, widely known Macon farmer, figured in two recent farm real estate deals. Mr. Henderson sold his farm, situated in the Gneiss commuh ity, to Mr. and Mrs. Van Thom as, and Mr. Henderson then bought the farm owned by J. T. McCoy, in the Rabbit Creek section. Stamps on the deeds indi cated that the Henderson farm, of about 125 acres, sold for ap proximately $17,000, and that about $11,000 was involved in the transfer of the 90-acre Rab bit Creek farm of Mr. McCoy to Mr. Henderson. Mr. Henderson, who is recog nized as one of the leading produce growers in the county, and Mrs. Henderson plan to move to their new farm at an early date. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, as a result of their purchase, plan to expand their fruit, vegetable, and produce production, through which they are well known in Highlands, especially among the summer residents. 53 Men F rem This County Enlisted In Navy In 1946 Fifty-three young men from Macon County enlist ed in the navy during 1946, it lias been announced by the navy recruiting station in Asheville. Macon stood in ininth place in total enlistments among the 15 counties in the Asheville station's dis trict. Enlistments fnom Ma con represents about 8 per cent of the total of 691 who joined the inavy from the 15 counties. In addition to navy en listments, 15 Macon men entered the armed services through selective service. The local draft board's rec ords for Uhe year show that 13 registrants were accept ed by the army, and two by the navy. Figures on army enlist ments are not available. I STORE ROBBED IN HIGHLANDS $2,000 In Goods, Money, Fixtures, Taken From Reeves Hardware Reeves Hardware store in Highlands was robbed of mer chandise fixtures, and money with a total value estimated at between $1,500 and $2,000, some time last Thursday nightl Entrance was gained by break ing in the back door, investigat ing officers, said. They added that the thieves apparently wore gloves, since it has proved impossible to get fingerprints. A handprint, apparently that of a woman, was found in dust on the counter, but no finger prints were obtained. The store carried no burglary insurance, it was said. Items hauled away included the cash register, containing about $70 in cash and $30 in checks; eight electric heaters; three electric irons; three hot ?plates; 48 pocketknives; the store's adding machine; carpen- j ter tools, including vises, planes, I levels, and hammers; trouble lights; pen and pencil sets; and two radios. The robbery was discovered by Manager Henry Whitmire when he opened the store Fri day morning. He immediately notified officers, and an investi gation was made by Highlands' police chief, Olin S. Dryman, State Highway Patrolman Pritchard Smith, Jr., and Dep uties Walter Dean and Oscar Dills of the sheriff's office. The officers said they sus pected Percy Webb, serving time for robbery, who is A. W. O. L. from the prison camp for the fourth time. They searched his house in the North Middle Creek section, but found none of the loot. They saw Webb, however, and gave chase for a mile, but he outdistanced them. The robbery is believed to have occurred in the early morning hours of Friday, since Miss Sara Gilders, who lives over her store nearby, heard noises at the rear of the Reeves store about 2 or 3 o'clock Friday morning, and Fred Edwards, who lives over his store, in the same vicinity, reported seeing a strange stripdown driving about the town between 11 p. m. and 3 a. m. Since the ground was frozen at the time, the officers said, it was not possible to find ve hicle wheel prints at the rear of the store. W. E. (Emory) Hunnlcutt, who has been suffering from an in fected foot, was able to return to his home Tuesday, after several days' treatment at Angel hospital. Here's Story Of Horse That Committed Suicide This is the story of a horse that committed suicide. The story is vouched for by Lawrence Myers, who lives in the Bonny Crest section. About 2 o'clock last Saturday morning the horse broke out of his stall in Mr. Myers' barn His tracks led down by the Myers home, then to the rail road. down the railroad to the DUlsDoro highway, and then to ward the Little Tennessee river. Tracking him the next morn lng, the Myers family found that he ran down the bank of the river to the Hays block plant, where he apparently jumped Into the river. At 9 a. m. the body was seen at the old Jim Ed Angel place, below the Lake Emory dam, floating downstream. The animal was a favorite of Mr. Myers' son, Lawrence, and the boy can't understand the action of his pet. $40,000 Freezer Plant To Be Built Two Franklin Bills Pending In Assembly Representative McGlamery has introduced bills in the general assembly which would change the law relating to the issuance of bonds by the Town of Franklin and would permit the town to employ persons who do not live inside the corporate limits. Under a special local law en acted several years ago, Frank lin now may not issue bonds without approval by a majority j of the registered voters ? that is, all who do nqt vote in such a bond election are counted as having voted! against the bond issue. Mr. McGlamery's bill, pending in the assembly, would repeal that act and place Franklin under the provisions of the gen eral law of the state, including the provision requires only a majority of those voting to au thorize a bond issue. The bill was passed by the house Tuesday and sent to the senate. The second McGlamery bill would permit the Town of Franklin to employ non-resi dents of the town as police men, fire chief, town clerk, etc. Under the present law, a man living even a few feet outside the town limits is ineligible for these positions. The law requir ing the mayor and members of the board of aldermen to be residents of the town is un changed. A similar bill for the Town of Highlands was introduced by ? Continued on Page Ten Developments Show Healthy Trends Here Healthy business trends in Franklin were indicated this week by three developments: 1. The Franklin Top and Up holstery Company, owned and operated by Ray Delong, form erly of Gainesville, Ga., and Atlas Supply Company, dealers in feeds and hardware, an nounced the opening of new business as here. The Atlas Sup ply Company is owned by J. A. Dillard, of Dillard, Ga., and the local store will be managed by P. A. Crunkleton, formerly of Dillard, Ga. A third firm which plans to open for business soon is the Dixie Grill, owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Montague. Announcement also was made tftis week of the or ganization of the Franklin Froz en Foods, Inc., to erect and open a large freezer locker plant in Franklin. 2. Two long established firms here ? Franklin Hardware Com pany and Angel's Drug Store ? have nearly completed expand ing their present facilities, in cluding increasing their present floor space. 3. Two leading Franklin stores this week listed in their adver tisements in The Press articles for sale which have been scarce for the past several years, in dicating easing up of the short age situation. Committee Kills McGlamery Bill On Haulers' Fees Representative McGlamery's bill to exempt private or con tract haulers, who are residents of Macon County, from the pro vision of the state law that prescribes an additional motor vehicle license charge for over loading of trucks, has been un favorably reported by the house committee on roads. This action kills the measure. The committee also acted ad versely on a similar measure Introduced by Rep. H. M. Moore, of Clay county. BTU Officers' Council To Meet Here February 6 The Officers' council of the Macon County Baptist Training union will meet at the Frank lin Baptist church at 7:30 p. m., February 6. All officers are ex pected to be present. Plan 500 Small Lockers, Space For Dealers, Curing Room Plans for construction of a commercial freezer locker plant here were revealed this week when it was announced that a new corporation ? Franklin Frozen Foods, Inc. ? has been organized. The incorporators are E. J. Whitmire, Jr., Charles Siler Slagle, and Oscar Ledford. The two latter will be in active charge of the business The building and equipment are expected to involve an in vestment of $40,000 or more. Present plans call for the be ginning of operations next fall, providing building materials and enuipment are available In addition to offering service and freezer lockers to the aver age family, the building will have space for wholesale stor age of meats, frJits, and vege tables, for use by merchants, butchers, and slaughterers, and a curing room for pork. The firm also will buy and sell meat wholesale. Five hundred freezer lockers are planned. Service will include the cut ting, wrapping, and freezing of meats; the dressing, cutting, and freezing of chickens; and the freezing of fruits. A two-story building, 40 by 60 feet, is to be erected at a site yet to be determined. The structure will be of tile or ce ment block construction, it wa? said. The new corporation, the charter for which will be filed with the secretary of state early next week, has an authorized capital stock of $100,000. The three incorporators are all experienced in the handling of meats. Mr. Whitmire, a grad uate of State college, is voca tional agriculture teacher here and is widely recognized as an authority on farming, particu larly animal husbandry. Mr. Slagle and Mr. Ledford both were vocational agriculture stu dents in the high school here, and Mr. Slagle taught the handling of meats at State col lege for six months, following his graduation from that insti tution, while Mr. Ledford has had several years' experience in the meat business in retail markets here. Presbyterians Raise $6,485 For Church Enlargement Project A total of $6,485 has been raised to date, in cash and pledges, for the proposed en largement and modernizing of the Franklin Presbyterian church, according to J. Ward Long, treasurer. The goal is $10, 000. The money is to be used for construction of an educational annex at the rear of the pres ent church, installation of a central heating system, and re storation of the bell tower and steeple, struck by lightning several' years ago. Mr. Long said contributions from members of the church and from business men of the community who are not mem bers of the Presbyterian church are very gratifying. It is hoped that construction can get under way this spring. Alexandria Labor Union Headed By Macon Native Hal Roper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Roper of Franklin, last week was elected president of the Central Labor union at Alexandria, Va., according to word received here. Mr. Roper, who has lived at Fairfax, Va., for the past 10 years, was born and reared in Macon County and attended the Franklin High school. The Weather High Low Prec. January 23 53 18 January 24 , 60 37 January 25 52 41 .10 January 26 62 41 .14 January 27 64 25 January 28 67 25 January 29 69 34 Rainfall for 7-day period, .24 of an Inch. Rainfall for year to date, 10.29 I Inches.

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