North Carolina hog grower* , have been asked for a nine per cent larger pig crop next | spring. More than 2,223,000 claim* for disability pensions will be ad judicated during 1946, the Vet erans administration estimates. Diamonds ? Watches Clocks and Jewelry New goods In the above lines reaciy for your inspection If ycu are looking for quality merchandise at reasonable prices, st i us ? GROVER JAMISON Watchmaker and Jeweler Next to U. S. Post Office Building We have in stock . . . A LARGE SUPPLY OF 3 over 1 check rail windows 100 ? size 24 x 24 30 ? size 24 x 16 ^ 10 ? size 20 x 16 SEE US FOR MILL AND SHOP WORK J. L. Tippett Company At intersection of Prison Camp Road ?on Krjson City Highway SPRING SEEDS and FERTILIZER All Varieties of Seeds Armour's Big Crop and Planters Fish-Brand FERTILIZERS GROCERIES ? FEEDS Farmers Federation Phone 92 Palmer Street -Continued from Pag* Oat Start Putting Machines In New Textile Plant task; meanwhile, applications will continue to be accepted at the Leach building. It was suggested, however, that persons who wish to apply wait until the USES representative Is as signed to Franklin." , While male applications are welcomed, Mr. Qriffis said it is not anticipated that there will be any openings for males un til the remainder of the build ing is ready. Applications will be considered from women and girls between the ages of 18 and 40, he said. Except for Mr. Blaine, the of lice statf will be limited to one secretary. Mr. biaine, a Franklin native who formerly was employed as accountant by a Charlotte firm, has been named assistant to Mr. Maebert, of Blue Ridge, Ga., manager of the Van Raalte plants at Blue Ridge, Franklin, and Bryson City. Following a month's training at Blue Ridge, Ridge, he has returned u> Franklin and will be here per manently. Maj. Carmack Recovering From Serious Operation Major Frank Carmack, of Franklin and Pass-A-Orille Beach, Fla., is recovering at the Mayo clinic, Rochester, Minn., from a serious operation, it has been learned here. He is ex pected to return to Florida soon, and to come to Franklin in April. Used Trucks 1 1939 Chevrolet, long wheel base, 2-speed axle. 1945 Dodge, 2 ton, 2-speed axle. 1942 G. M. C., 2 ton, 2-speed axle. 1941 Ford 1% ton Pickup. Three 1 ton Army Pickups. 1938 Ford H ton Pickup. Four 1941 and 1942 PASSENGER CARS. All In Good Condition BURRELL MOTOR CO. ? FOR THEIR SAKE ? Let's Make North Carolina The Number One Health State North Carolina ranks among the nation'* most progressive states, but one long unanswered need ? good health ? still poses a challenge. We are desperately short of hospitals, doctors, and other health personnel. We can get them with the Good Health Plan, arrived at after three years of careful study and now presented by the North Carolina Medical Care Commission for action by our legis lators. The Qpportunity is here, now, to make North Carolina the nation's number One health state instead of 42nd. For the sake of our children and the generations to follow, we must not fail I The North Carolina Good Health Association This Spaoo Contributed in tha Tntoraft W Good Health by tha North Carolina Com nittM? Unltad Statu Brawars Foundation. WANT ADS All Want Ads payable cash in advance. iyi cent# per word, with a minimum charge of 40 cents for each insertion. Classified display, 10 centa -per line. Set in capitals, bold type, or type larg er than regular, 15 cents per line. MACK SAYS: It's warm In our place, so come in and get thawed out by our stove and our courtesy. For Sale ? One used Warm Morning stove. One used wood burner. Plenty of radios, records, etc. FRANKS RADIO & ELEC. CO. Phone 249 Basement of McCoy Bldg. BABY CHICKS? Get New Price List and Save Money. WORTH WHILE CHICKS, 101 W. North Avenue, Baltimore 1, Md. F6 ? 15tp ? May 15 WANTED ? Good clean white rags, 15c per pound. Stewart's Esso Station near the court house. F8 ? 3tc ? F20 STARK'S ? Fruit trees and orna mentals sold for about twenty years by J. B. Brendle, Fruit trees sold thirty years before by my father, Bob Brendle. See or write me. Franklin, N. C., Route 4, four miles out on Asheville highway. J30 ? 8tp ? M20 BUILD your home, fire-proof and moisture-proof, with concrete blocks ? steam-cured for greater strength and durability. For construction details, see W. A Hays, below Franklin bridge. N14 ? tfc ORDER NOW ? Place your order as soon as convenient for those famous young-bearing Stark-Burbank fruit trees, vines, berries, etc. See or write W. A. Steele at Press offfice. D12? '46? tfn FOR SALE ? An 80-gallon Pro gress electric water heater. Call 128 F13 ? 2tc ? F20 t'OR SALE ? Ray Burrell's farm, 18 acres of land, moderate house and barn. 3 'A miles out Georgia Road. Also 1941 Ford Pick-up, . first class condition. See Ellis Sanders. F13 ? 2tp ? F20 TAILOR-MADE seat covers and I tops. We also do upholstery repairing, and cut and install auto glass. All work guaranteed, franklin Top & Upholstery Co., West Main Street. Ray Delong, Proprietor. F13 ? 4tc ? M6 LOOKING FOR A SILVER LINING? you'll find it for sure with the p. S. Army. At no expense, you'll get the finest medical and den tal care, excellent quarters, sports, recreation, and travel opportunities. You'll get new higher pay rates (plus 20% for overseas service). Learn a pro fession and save while you earn. Get full details at your nearest Army Recruiting Station, Ashe ville,- N C. F20 ? ltc FOR SALE ? One mare and har ness. Weight 1,400 pounds. Eight years old. Bargain, $150. See Clyde H. Anderson, Frank lin, N. C., Route 1. WANTED ? To buy 2 oxen, well broken and trained, yoke or horse method, not over V/3 years old. Large enough to pull small turning plow. Also trained to work single. Any breed, scrubs excepted. For March delivery at my place, seven miles southeast ot Highlands. Write to me first as to what you have and price. No old, worn out heavy logging cattle desired. Barry C. Hawk Ins, Highlands, North Carolina WANT ONE girl 25 to 35 years old to do general office work In small town in Piedmont sec tion. Must have High school ed ucation. Write Box 10, care of The Press. F20 ? 2tp ? F27 -Tl. ? WANT ONE middle aged wom an to stay with my wife ? 36 years old ? to do light house work. No laundrylng, no chil dren, no outside work. Write Box 10, care The Press. F2B ? 2tp ? F27 FRIGIDAIRE for sale. $50. Good condition. See W. A. Hays at the Block plant. F20 ? ltc FOR SALE? 1940 Chevrolet V, ton pickup, stake rack, good rubber tires, $950. H. C. Mead ows, Route 3, Franklin. WANTED? Farm family Inter ested in better educational op portunities and desiring a chance to operate a small dairy farm on shares. Write Rabun Oap-Nacoochee School, Rabun Gap, Oa. F20 ? 2tc ? F27 FOR SALE? Chrome table and chairs. See H. G. Crisp, Frank lin. FOR SALE? Cook stove, burns wood or coal, 4 months use. Also oil stove and oven In good condition. Call or aee 3. W. Porter, Phone IN, ? Continued from Pag* On* 800 Persons Hear Two Lectures By Dr. Seger brought about "through the ec nomlc back door. Europeans know they cant pull out of their present poverty without traveling the European contin ent as an economic unit." The first European enterprlze, he said, could be a concern running the Ruhr basin oi Germany, a region that should, however, continue politically as a part of Germany.. ' Just back from ttermany, he said he found about one-hall the German population com pletely apathetic, 26 per cent still Nazi in their sympathies, and 25 per cent actively and successfully rebuilding Germany toward a political democracy. Given a fair chance, democracy will work In Germany, he de clared. Have you a three-quarter width mattress, or even a cot pad, you are not using and be willing to give away. If so, a needy person here in Macon County would be made a lot more comfortable. Anyone who is willing to make such a donation Is asked to notify the county welfare of FOR RENT ? Large front room to couple. Dixie Hall, Main Street, Franklin. FOR SALE? New Philco refrig erator. See Wiley Bryson at Refreshment Shop. TO PRESERVE and protect your meat from skippers, use Chambers Anti-Skipper com pound. Small and economy sizes at Farmers Federation. F20 ? 2tc At Morgan's Cafe they feed you from the stove, also from the shelf, when you have eaten all you want, there is always plenty left. Saws filed in the basement. George Johnson. FOR SALE ? Sawmill, medium size, three block. Factory size edger. Good condition, with or without New 85 h. p. Diesel power unit. Grady Duvall, Route 3, Franklin, N. C. i.jmm Hooper, who wu ??r loualy injured In an automobile wreck on the Franklln-Sylva road last Friday night, Is im proving, it was said Thursday morning at Angel hospital. Hoyt Ledford. hurt In the same ac cident, was able to leave the hospital Wednesday to return to his home. . REGULAR DINNERS ? Steaks Chops Oysters ? ? Dixie Grill Just Received . . . ? ; I ? Shipment of ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS '-1 and -FUEL OIL SPACE HEATERS ? SOSSAMON Furniture Co. SPECIALS flllS WEEK -? y? 3 ?- *? * .-?*? ?> t ; r_ai m ??i? 4-v. - Boys' and Girls' Pikes $41.70 ea. / p fi{(] - * Truetone Battery Radios ? $43.15 ea. Automatic Electric IrMls ? ? ? ? $9.25 ea. . , Western Auto Associate Store Jfr WEEK DATS? Matinee 3:15; night 7:15-9:15. SUNDAY? Matinee 2:15; nifht 9:00. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, February 23, 24, 25 I THE "ZIP-A DEE D00 DAH" SHOW Walt Disney's J SO N Go F * I THE SOUTH 2, batwf on *? famou talM of UNO! REMUS ^NERRAMT fesX# *f 7T&//V/COIOK Wednesday and Thursday. February 26, 27 Friday, January 28 Lawrence Tierney In "STEP BY STEP" Saturday 12:00 Til 9:15 o'clock Gene Autry In "UNDER FIESTA STARS" From 9:30 Til 12:00 o'clock Penny Singletok In "BLONDIE KNOWS BEST"