Mrs. Frank Fleming Sells Georgia Read Home To Stockton D. C. Stockton this week pur chased the home of Mrs. Frank Fleming, on the Georgia road. It is understood Mr. Stock ton and his family plan to oc cupy the house shortly. Revenue stamps placed on the deed when it was filed for re cording totaled $3 85, indicating a purchase price of between $3, 000 and $4,000. Parking Meters To Be Installed In Franklin ?Continued from Page One month, plus $1.10 an hour, were read. Alterman Burrell suggest ed that the town needs a full time man for Its water system, and the matter was left to the Water committee to work out. The committee ? Alderman Fagg, E. J. Whitmire, and Erwin Patton ? appointed previously to confer with the county commis sioners on establishment of a produce row on the county's lot, reported that the county was willing for the lot to be so used, provided the town require com pliance with its sanitary regula tions and that no permanent stands be set up. Reads Petition At this point. Mayor Angel read a petition, a duplicate of one presented earlier in the day j to the commissioners, charging that such an arrangement would be "unfair to local merchants" and "serving you with notice that we are opposed to any movement or plan whereby any lot or lots over which you have authority or jurisdiction be us ed for the purpose of a vege table or produce market." The petition was signed by Prelo Dryman, W. J. Blaine, O. V. Hall, L. Kelly, R. E. Mc Kelvey, C. A. Conley, F. B. Duncan, W. C. Zickgraf, R. G. Ray, L. B. Liner, Harry Thomas, C. H. Downs, Thomas Henson, DON'T FORGET; DAD ON ! FATHER S DAY ? ? GIFT SUGGESTIONS Shirts Dress and Sport Ties Socks Slacks Slack Suits Fountain Pens $1 to $8.75 Pocket Watches $4.95 FRANKLIN VARIETY STORE A MCMtUt ITMV Of TMI MUT TOKYO RAID O* AMIL II. IM2 Medal Honor I* KAtiO* DOCUTV I* hmO I I WUMlfcttt ( J?* >ft& I C**k4f I v**s A AC^CAi MM. f H A: Mv cc*?- A?- : OOCunuANC *?*?*?; W4 , : .LAf rti'i ' ???? MMMtbdOQuna.MUW CORFU TIC, UPON I OtflHb JAPAN UKfOCttfeN MAZARCJ DiVfiOPtD TM? ?CATTfcRfcO PuANW CAN INTO A ?T06M, ?UKlMte 0RA1NIN5 D6PUT60 GA* K?4?Kvfc? A* TMfiV BuUfcO HEAW MNOtf r MO ^A*-- UnPAMUM TEEKAM r NOlltHTftfcACONSOfllANOlN* 1 f lAflfci - -fiVIN6 AT bOOO TO , tO.OOO FtfcT - "MOPfc Wt tfc f 0V?CMINA.6??AU?0W(l&A? , I ?# *ONfc ANO Wt MVtT MliOWT? [ I $OMfc CONTACTtO CHlNfc* TOO*. HtlP- I 60 PttWNOTfc INHONATlONAt. HLi?0*4lP I?"-? ? ? 7T OOOUTTl** OWN VtN CACVfcO * MUtf MOM A MOUNT AM fr0t.A*?tM &4.IN* WMlU JAP PLANM RAlC* P NfcAfi ?V viuAtt* fftMufcNity OOOLfTTLt 14 THE LA#T 10 BMl OUT Of HtJ PVANt Tm? ? PU#4 CftAM LANOtO M CHINA 0N? LANOtO M Rl**A fc*HT KVttt> Witt TAKtN PR i WNte &V jAf* AND MAM TO tUtttfc INHUMAN TQ?J WHCN ?0?i Ptt0|MOMifet OtATM*. $0*4 WAOt TmJ-8 AAV A. DtP 6? HUnOU CHMft* ? COOK STOVES ? LYNCHBURG PLOWS ? 9 x 12 RUGS ? PRESSURE CANNERS ? ELECTRIC FENCES MACON COUNTY SUPPLY CO. Your Pioneer Hardware Store The PERFECT i Living Room \ What should you look for In upholstered furniture? Good design . . . g