typical . . . Two weeks ago the management of The Press decided to "try some of its own medicine". It inserted a little 13-word advertisement in the ? , Want Ad column, offering a used typewriter for sale. The ad ran one time, but the replies are still joining in. Inquiries received by mail came, among other places, from Georgia and New York. But the typewriter was sold before noon the day The Press came out! * That's typical of the way these little want adS work. And they cost so little ? only 40 cents for anything up to 26 words. So, if you . . . ? Have something for sale ? Want a job ? Are looking for a ride to Asheville or Atlanta or some other place ? Want to buy something ? Have lost something, or found something ? TRY A PRESS WANT AD WANT ADS All Want Ads payable cash in advance. lii cents per word, with a minimum charge of 40 cents for each insertion. Classified display. 10 cents per line. Set ir. capitals, bold type, or type larg vr than regular. 15 cents per line. MACK SAYS: Come in and hear the latest developments In radio and rec ord playing in the Farnsworth radio. We sell the latest records. We still cover buckles and buttons. FRANKS RADIO AND ELEC. CO. Palmer Street Between pagles and the Red Light, Phone 249 , LOST Billfold containing mon ey and valuable papers, gen erous reward if returned to W. J. Phillips at Franklin Machine Shop. M13 ? ltc LOST A brown billfold near Franklin at the carnival Friday .night, May 7. This billfold bears the name of Monroe L. Wilson, containing $15 to $20, has So cial Security card, discharge, and other war papers. Will find er please keep money and re turn other items. Monroe L. Wilson, Oay, N. C. USED SWIVEL CPAIR for sale. Old but usable with repairs. $2.50. The Franklin Press. FOR GOOD tender cornfield bean seed, grown locally come to the Farmers Federation. M13? ltc FOR SALE? One bed room suit, one dresser, three iron beds complete, one dining table, one cook stove, one kitchen cabinet, one Buckeye heater, six chairs, 300 fruit jars, and other items. At Prentiss, N. C. Ernest Moore. FOR SALE? One practically new Romaneagle junior wood cook stove. May be seen on Bidwell street at Mrs. Charles Bradley's apartment house or call 295-J. M13 ? ltc FOR SALE? One girls' bicycle with new tires. $25. Can be seen at Macon Furniture Com pany. FARM FOR SALE? 11 acres. 4 room house. Lights in house and good spring close by. Situ ated on Upper Cullasaja. George W. Peniand, Cullasaja, N. C. M13 ? 3tp ? M27 FOR SALE ? 1942 Willys jeep with top. Equipped for service car. Can be seen at Riverside, Rush's store. Leonard C. Swanson. BEST LITTLE buy I know for quick sale. Cottage with 700 feet or more on highway near town under $2,000. Act quick, Owen C. Furlow, Franklin, or come to Baird's Cove place, two miles west of town. M6? ltc CRUSHED ST?)NE for concrete and driveway. See or call F. S. Moore Phone 704 Me-tfc FOR.(?AL*-tt?w RO WW, B h p. DeWJaJt jfictUl saws, table saws, steel squares, pumps, pul leys, acetylene welder, tanks, compressors, electric motors, generators, and drills. Gasoline engine, paint gun, V-belts, hose reels, sheet metal beacung and crimping machine. M. Hlguon. FOR SALE - - Fertilizer for all planting needs Also 2-12-12 with borax (or alfalfa. And have a limited amount of 2 1 Vi % potash. White and yellow hy orid seed corn, seed beans, gar den seeds, grass and clover seeds, Soy beans, millett, and cane seed for summer hay crop. Ray Gro. & Feed Co. Mft? ltc FOR SALE One young fresh Gurnsey cow with heifer calf four days old. Both go for $175. See Thad Patton. A29? tfc FOR RENT Furnished two room apartment on quite Street. Mrs. R. L. Brown, Phone 7602. TWO APARTMENTS, partially furnished, for rent. Adults. Mrs. C. T. Blaine, Harrison Avenue. M13-2tc? M20 FOR RENT? Furnished apart ment. Located ovet West's Florist. See Mrs. J. A. Fowler or Call 322. M13 ? ltc WANT WOODED land, with or without ca:bin, with running I water, springs, vicinity of Frank- | lin, any amount for Florida buy ers that have asked me to act as their agent. I may get your price. Write Owen Furlow, Franklin. M13 -ltc WANTED? Shell corn, white or yellow, clay peas, and small hams, 20 lbs. or under. Top prices paid. Dryman Feed and Grocery. M13? ltc WANTED ? Maid for general house work and cooking for two. Satisfactory wages. Live in or out. Write or see Mrs. Rob ert Hager, Highlands. M13? tfc WANTED TO BUY? Clean, light weight cotton rags. The Franklin Press. DEAN'S RADIO SHOP We repair all types and makes of radios and household elec trical appliances. ? Prompt Service ? Guaranteed Work ? Reasonable Prices Phone 268 P. O. Box 85 Located over Dixie Super Market F26? tfc CALL 97 OR 32 and I will come to your place and breed your milk cows artificially for only $5. Membership Ui the Macon County Dairy Breeders' Associa tion is only $1. Edd Bradley. A29? tfc WOULD LIKE o buy a large amount of yotatoes. Cash or trade. Mason's Groc. and Feed. A29 ? 2tc ? M6 FRBSH STRAWBERRIES ? at Christmas. You strawberries and we will supplx the lockers. Don't iet . ries feed the birds, Instead give | your family strawberry short cake tor Christmas. Franklin Frozen Foods. M13r-ltC ATTENTION BUILDERS? We art still In the block business and, would like to talk to you before you build. Besides our regular building blocks, we have a new concrete block at a special price. Otto Concrete and Clamenr Products, Otto, N. C. 023? tfc FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE PUBLIC Next Week Our SERVICE DEPARTMENT Will Be Open From 7 a. m. to 9 p. in., Monday, May 17, Thro ugh Friday, May 21. . . t . WE ARE REMAINING OPEN THESE EXTRA HOURS TO HELP YOU PUT YOUR CAR IN SHAPE FOR THE STATE INSPECTION TESTS. OUR EQUIPMENT IS THE SAME AS THAT USED BY THE STATE INSPECTORS. 4 BRING YOUR CAR IN EARLY BURRELL MOTOR COMPANY Day or Night Wrecker Service PHONE 123 ) FRANKLIN, N. C PLAN SERIES'! OF PRE SCHOOL CLINICS HtfRE Will Examine Children' * % Whj Are To Enter School In Fall A series of pre-school clinics for Macon County children who will enter school for the first time next fall has been arrang ed by the county health de partment, it was announced this week by Mrs. Frank Shope, county health nurse. At these clinics, the children will be immunized against smallpox, diphtheria, and whooping cough, and will be given general physical inspec tions by the nurse. The pur pose of these inspections, Mrs. ohope explained, is to discovei detects, such as poor teeth, dis eased, tonsils, etc., so that they can tje corrected before the child starts school next fall. Mrs. Shope also emphasized that she is in the health office in the Ashear building each Saturdly morning irom 9 to 12, 1 and each Monday from 9 a. m. to 4:30 p. m., for general clinics, when diphtheria, whooping cough, smallpox, and typhoid immunizations are given. She added that Dr. Mary B. H. Michal, district health officer, is in the Macon County health office each Monday afternoon from 1 to 4:30 o'clock. The schedule of pre-school clinics arranged to date follows: Otto, at the school, today (Thursday) at 10 a. m.; Union, at the school, Tuesday, May 18,' at 1p.m.; Higdonville, May 19, 9 a. m.; Holly Springs, May 19, 1 p. nv; Iotla, May 20, 10 a. m.; DONE PULLED OFF? When 1 1 returned from the filers' ton- . vention, I became a candidate for 1 1 an old-age pension, but for any assurance of winding the race, j I'd need a good lawyer to plead my case. And I found, to my : great surprise, that to be elig- ! ible I would have to assert : some lies, and those assertions ' are as embarrassing as can be. r I'm not worth a damn, never , have been, and never hope to be. This is a fine state and ' could be made finer, but our pension system is a disgrace to ( the State of North Caroliner. 5 But I'm thankful to God, and j I feel free, for I'm making my 1 own living at seventy-three. And I'm too ignorant to plead c the laws, so I'll try to make a t living filing saws. So bring on ] your saws every day, and get , a good dinner at Morgan's , cafe. Geo. Johnson. 1 BRING YOUR LOGS to me. I'll 1 saw any kind at Nantahala. 90 .cents a hundred. A. L. Wilson, . Flats, N. C. 1 FREE ? Do you plan to Dulld a 1 home? A catalogue of homt ( plans, designed to save you a Jot of money and give you a dre-safe home, that you will still be proud of 100 years from now, is yours for the asking at The W. A. Hays Concrete Block Plant, below the bridge In /Yanklin. Ml? tfc Mrs. Sloan Critically 111 At Her l.otla Home The condition of Mrs. Leon T. Sloan, who has been critic ally ill at her home in the Iotla community for the past 10 days, Wednesday morning was report ed unchanged. Mrs. Sloan, who has been in poor health for several years, became seriously iU 10 days ago. Library Here Shelves Many New Volumes The Franklin Public librarj has just shelved two score new books, it was announced thtt week by Mrs. Frank I. Murray, librarian. Among the new books now available to Franklin readers at the library here are the follow ing: "Miss Mallet", by Boyce; "Af rican Violet'', Barrows; "Presi dents on Parade", Milholland; ?Arabian Bird", Gibson; "Sin ister Street", Burke; -'Relative to Poison", Lorac; "This Prec ious Dusk", Kissin; "Dark is the Mirror", Kinsey; "The Great Blizzard", Idello "Parris Mitch ell of King's Row", Bellamann; "Abram Son of Terah", Bauer; "Pilgrim's Inn", Goudge; ''Come Time Never", Dahl; "Michael", Dudley; "Georgia Clay*, Gobay; "Rouge River Fued", Grey; "Gentlemen's Agreement", Hob son; "I Lift My Lamp", Pauli. ''O, Promised Land", Martin; "Red Plush", McCrone; "The Pleasant Morning Light", Law rence; "Back Home", Mauldin; "The Price of Power", Baldwin ; "The Golden Hawk", Yerby; On Wings of Cheer", Camp bell; ''Trudy Terrill", Bryant. "The Theft of the Golden ?ling", Lawrence; "The Jesus of ,he Parables", Smith; "The Choice", Minear; "No Trumpet Jefore Him", Yhite; "Thine is he Glory", Taylor; "Once Lont; Vgo", Bruce; ''A Star Shone", Trent; "At Snug Harbor Inn", Seymour; ''North of the Promis ed Land", Wire; and "The King Nobody Wanted", Langford. 3owee, May 20, 1 p. m.; and Slagle, May 21 at 10 a. m. Ty >hold immunizations also will >e given at the Slagle clinic. The health office here will be ilosed all day tomorrow (Fri iay). Mrs. Shope and Mrs. Sdith Conley, otlice secretin,, will be in Asheville attending meeting of the Western North Carolina Public1 Health associa tion. During the school year 1946 17, the state transported an average of 346,872 students dfltly it a cost of $14 per pupil. The total cost of school bus opera tion was $5,006,886. BEXYER WASHERS FARMERS t'DERAllON 11-2 Billions To Be Spent In 1948 For Highways I Highway construction expen ditures are expected to reach $1,500,000,000 in 1948, according to an estimate by the U. S. De partment of Commerce. This compares with $1,154,000,000 in 1947; $706,000,000 in 1946 and $342,000,000 in 1945. Highway maintenance totalled slightly more than a billion' dollars in 1947; $890,000,000 in 1946, and $922,000,000 in 1945. From a recent survey of state highway programs, the estimat ed construction program for 1948 for 45 states is $1,090,000, 000 as compared to $830,000,000 in 1947. These figures include state and federal highway con struction State maintenance ex penditures for 45 states are esti mated at $366,000,000 tor i948 or compared to $341,000,000 in 1947. Mileage to be let to contact in 1948 is estimated at 24,500 and with work carried over from 1947 will total 40,689 miles. Of this total, 3,397 mile will be concrete pavement, 22,275 miles will be bituminous mixes and treated types, and 15,017 mues will be other types Recent figures by Public Roads administration place total highway construction- expendi tures for 1947 at $1,248,000,000, of which $343,000,000 was local, $257,000,000 was state, and $648, 000,000 was federal aid including matching funds. Of the $1,248, 000,000 construction expenditure, $203,000,000 was force account and $1,045,000,000 was contract construction. Of the force ac count expenditure, $151,000,000 was under local jurisdictions. Total construction and main tenance amounted to $2,238,000, 000 in 1947. Federal funds in volved in this total amounted to about 15 per cent. Fresh, clean water should be available to poultry in adequate amounts at all times. Arthritis Pain For quick, delightfully comforting help for aches and pains of Rheumatism, Arthritis, Neuritis, Lumbago, Bolatlca, or Neuralgia try Romind. Works through the blood. First dose usually starts alleviating pain so you can work, enjoy life and sleep more comfortably. Get Romind at druggist today. Quick, com plete satisfaction or money back guaranteed. WOODWORK SHOP ? ? ? Window Frames Screens ? Cabinets and other similar work ? ? ? I am still contracting for House Building Rogers Woodwork Shop R. D. Rogers, Prop. Phone 262 M 3^^Wuality Appliances Since 1867* PRINCESS" k RANGE Finer Than Ever Before! i with the exdi "SEAL-TITE" OVEN Many New and Different Features ? Famous Allen "Seal Tite" oven saves food flavor because of one piece porcelain oven. ? SmOoth design, easily cleaned. ? Large one-piece cooking top. ? Porcelain enamel reservoir. ? Large, easy-to-feed fuel opening. ? Beaded anti-scortch oven bottom. ? Quick Heating ? Deep insulated flues. Makes cooking a joyl Year after year Allen Leads the way in developing new features . . . , SOSSAMON FURNITURE CO. "Everything for tta Home" Franklin, N. C.

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