WANT ADS All Want Ada payable cash in advance. i V4 cents per word, with a minimum charge of *0 cents fur each insertion. 1 lassified display, 10 cents per hue. ^xrl it. capitals, bold type, or type larg er than regular. 16 cents per line. FRANKS RADIO AND ELEC. CO. Paimer Street Between Cagies and the Red Light, Phone 249 FOR SALE 35 to 40 acres of land and new four-room house Belongs to Mrs. Sam corn, near Dillard, Qa. See Mrs. Corn at J. J. Ayers', one-half mile into N. C. Jlya? ltc LOST Two fox hounds, black and tan, male and ierau^-. Female wearing collar, vaccina tion tag. White breast and leet. Finder notify Theodore liiooks, Erastus, N. C. KOR SALE One large range cook stove, Bryant's Leader, almost good as new. Reason able price. Mrs. t. E. Brown, Murphy road, Franklin, N C. I START filing early in the day, and eat a good dinner Moiguiis ca?e; die again aitei noon. Bring in your saws, I'll put 'em in tune. uto. joiuisuu. FOR SALE at Prentiss, N. C , 35-acre farm with 6-room house, uoou well, and running water in pasture, fnce *o,oou. Interested parties see . C. J. Mojiiey, Franklin, N. C. Jlya 3tc? Jly22 NOTICE? Trade with Lawrence Patton at Macon Furniture Store. We take old furniture, livestock and wnat nave you it payment on new furniture. J 8 ? Itc FOR SALE- One six year old mule in good shape. Work anywhere. See Ralph Baldwin at Baldwin's market. THE COCKER SPANIEL is the most popular dog in America today. Join the large number of proud owners by getting one right away, at Oak lerrace Kennel, Clayton, liu. Mrs. j. i>. Parker. JiyU? ltc FOR SALE? Kerosene leirigera tor. Good condition. For in formation write a. A. urat^e, Franklin, N. C. Jly8? 3tp? Jly22 FOR SALE? Table saws, drills, electric motors, 5 h. p. gaso line engine, battery charger, blasting machines, switch boxes, cable saucing tools, pipe lu tings, sheet, metal cumpuig tool, 28" wood-saw blade, jacks, tack le blocks, rope, hydraulic press jack, etc. M. Higdon. LOST? New tire with '48 Ford pickup wheel and carrier be tween Sylva and Young Harris, Ga., Saturday, July 3. Rewaiu. E. W. Lloyd, Sylva, N. C. Jly8? 2tp? Jly 15 c A G L C E' A S F E Quick Service Good Food SLIPCOVERS Made to order. For turther Information see or call Mrs John Bulgin, Franklin, N C., Phone 6304 FOR SALE New six-room house. In Franklin. Bath. Full Base ment. Large lot. Excellent loca tion. See Joe M. Henry FOR SALE Coolerator Ice Box. Capacity 300 lbs. ice. Good for large family or restaurant. Good condition. $7i>.00. <; T. Whittle, 5th and Cleveland Sts., ?<>y 9b, Tel. i?U-?v, N. C. WANTED Position as cook. Will stay on place and take care of children. Write Minnie Car penter, care Mr. Henderson Cal loway, Franklin, N. C. FOR SALE Electric roaster, $15. Two-burner electric stove, $7.50. Four garage doors, 6 feet by 4 fe?t, 6 inches, $8. One door 6 feet by 28 inches, Sl.SO. ivus. Ashton, Mirror Lake, "Slab sides", Highlands, N. c. ? Jly8 ItcS HOUSE PAINT at wholesale price $2.70 gallon, any color. Agents wanted. Send for trial order. Certified Products Co., Dept. 134, Louisville, Ky. Jly8? 2tc? Jlyl5 WANT TO BUY nice country hams. I need 100 bushels oi corn this week. Dryman Feed and Grocery. Jlyl-ltc FIR SALE Grass seeds, lespc deza, vetch, crimson and red clover to sow in corn for winter cover, and next spring hay crops. Ray Groc. & Feed Co. FOR SALE 8-8-8 side dressing to push corn and other crops. Also 4-10-6 and 2-12-12 ferti lizer for alfalfa. Ray Groc it Feed Co. FOR SALE? Two large lots, four room house, with lights and water. Barn, chicken lot, and outbuildings. Inside city limits on Murphy road. Robert L. Tal lent. Jlyl? 2tp ? Jly8 I WANTED- A reliable middle aged white woman i'or general i house work. Mrs. R. N. Barber, jbr., i.o,e Laae, Waynesville, j N. C., Phone 85. J 24 ? 3tc ? Jly8 ' FOR SALE? Fordson tractor with twin disc, side plows, and harrow. See or write A. A. Drake, Franklin, N. C. J24? 3tc ? Jly8 THE TRUTH about Catholics? You should know the REAL i FACTS. Write for free informa- i tion to Box 305, Whiteville, N. C. THE KIND of food you want when you want it, that is the type of service that you can get at our Franklin Frozen Food plant. Our locker service is the key to good living. J 17 ? tfc OLD NEWSPAPERS for sale. 10, cents per big bundle. The Franklin Press. FREE ? Do you plan to Dulld a home? A catalogue of home pians, designed to save you a >ot of money and give you a fire-safe nome, that you will still be proud of 100 years from now, is yours for the asking at The W. A. Hays Concrete Block Plant, below the bridge in franklin Ml? tfc JOIN Bryant Mutual Burial Association Oldest and Strongest in the County "Chicken in the Basket" Good Coffee DIXIE GRILL Hot Dogs and Hamburgers OAK TERRACE KENNELS OPENS BREEDING SHOW AND PET COCKER SPANIELS CHAMPION BLOODLINES Registered, or subject to registry with AKC CALLING ALL PET LOVERS! We offer for sale- four litters of Cocker Spaniel puppies. (The darling of dogdom). Blacks, blonds, and reds. Come early? get your choice. Visit our Kennel anytime. No obligations. Price commensurate with age and quality of pups. MRS. J. B. PARKER TELEPHONE 16S-J CLAYTON, OA. Five Suggestions Listed For Cutting Food Budget by Helen Hall C Hair man, national Association of Consumers Five good suggestions for cutting pennies, and even dollars from your food budget were given us by nu trition experts in the Department I n' A arir>n1tura in ; Washington. So many women | had asked us if i we knew any tricks for cut ting food ex penses that we went right to the experts to get specific an swers. Because meat la Kes sucn a Helen Hall large portion of your food dollar every week, four suggestions remind us how to buy meat, how to use meat, and how to stretch meat. > First there are meat' extenders: stews with crusts, pot pies, and meat-noodle combinations. This way one pound of meat makes a nourishing main dish for a family of four. *Then, remember meat alternates. Fish is a good buy generally, and there Is little waste on Ash because tt does not "cook sway." Cheese is another meat alternate, and a goqd taqr right now. Eggs. too. are plen I ? tiful. and eight large eggs make a pound, giving you as much protein as a pound of beef. Third, the differential In price between economy cuts and luxury cuts of meat is even wider than normally. Generally, there is no more bone or fat on economy cuts like breast, than there is on luxury chops. You should, of course, turn all fat into an asset, and that is a fourth money-saving suggestion. Save ail used cooking fat that comes out when meat is cooked, and sell it t<: your meat dealer. Kitchen sa!va??*< not only adds pennies to your bu get, but subtracts dollars from your plumber's bills for opening clogged drains. Finally, there is a great budget advantage in using standard rather than fancy grades of canned goods. Standard grade peasr for instance, cost about one-fourth as much u fancy peas, and are Just as nutrV tious, appetizing and palatable. Five tricks for cutting food bud gets: 1 ? Use meat extenders 2? Buy meat alternates 3 ? Use economy cuts of meat 4 ? Salvage used corking fat 5? Purchase standard grades of canned goods 11 1 ? ? State College Hints To Farm Homemakers By RUTH Cl'RRENT State Home Demonstration Agent Food prejudices are not only I expensive; they may also leaa ! to malnutrition. Any who avoids many foods is in danger of not getting all the nutrients need J ed for health. Adults in the family should make a special effort to like all foods and to avoid discussions of foods before children. Chil dren are easily influenced against foods by the attitudes and dislikes of their elders and they may carry these prejudices all their lives. Children in nur sery schools quickly learn to eat food set before them be cause child guidance specialists do not indulge their whims by offering alternate foods or by arguing about them. Fine linen handkerchiefs are precious prossessions these davs when linen and other fine fab ? FOR SALE? Electric perculator, 2 butner hot plate, Simmons Windsor style bed and springs. See Mrs. W. L. Nothstien on Bidwell street. J8? ltc rics "coma high" in the stores To make handerchieis las! longer, textile scientists offei some suggestions about buying and care: Buying: The mare even and compace the weave and weight of the handkerchief, the great ! er its chance of survival. Era 1 broidered initials, open work and j hand-hemstitching add to the j appearance and cost and un fortunately also make the handkerchief more fragile. The first break often comes at the I hemstitching where the fabric is thinner, or around initials I where the embroidery is so j much heavier than the sur [ rounding linen. Hand-rolled edges are less sturdy than stitched hems, Laundering: Wash handker chiefs before they are badly soiled. They need little or no rubbing to become clean. An hour's soak in cool suds will loosen the soil and save stren- j uous washing. J If handkerchiefs are washed in the machine along with other j clothes, it is a good idea to tie ] them in a loose cheesecloth bag and let them go through both washer and wringer in the ' WANTED ? Clean white rags. Stewart's Esso Service Station. CALL 97 OR 32 and I will come to your place and breed your milk cows artificially tor only $5. Membership in the Macon County Dairy Breeders' Associa tion is oniy $1. Edd Bradley. A29 ? tfc DEAN'S RADIO SHOP We rtpair all types and makes of radios and household elec trical appliances. 1 ? Prompt Service ? Guaranteed Work ? Reasonable Prices Phone 268 P. O. Box 85 Located over Dixie Super Market F26 tfc ATTENTION BUILDERS? We are still In the block business and would like to talk to you before you build. Besides our regular building blocks, we have a new concrete block at a special price. Otto Concrete and Clameni J Products, Otto, N. C. 023? tfc North Carolina is now operat ing 5,090 school busses with a total seating capacity of 252,707, according to the State Educa tion commission. HARD OF HEARING Mr. G. Stable, well known hear ing authority, will hold a FREE HEARING CLINIC at the HOTEL FRANKLIN TERRACE, FRANKLIN, N. C. MONDAY, JULY 11, from 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. If you have any hear ing problem, be sure to bring it to him by attending this FREE HEARING CLINIC BETTER HEARING LOWER COST! WITH A WORLD-FAMOUS muiticeri Nowjit inw low. pricet lWitb>aU,th?lfatnou?t ?cimtific fitting, Mrviotll YOU UN 9UY MO HM* \IIN0 POR PMI IOOKI j THIRSDAY, JULY I. 1M? PAGE F1VI The Franklin Press and The Highlands Maconian State College Answers Timely Farm Questions Q. Is it advisable to raise the fir&t calf of a heifer? A. It makes absolutely no dif ference in the quality of the heifer calf whether she is the first or a later one. Sometimes the first calf may be slightly smaller than calves born lutei but even this is not necessarily true. At any rale, n ?>,uu nu affect the animal's future pro duction. Q How much .itii.if; docs bee need before it goes intj ir^/. i locker storage? A. Aging the freshly slaugh tered carcass for a week or 10 days in a chin room mcil-asc. the natural tenderness of the meat. Longer aging is j.lcii used, but it allows lor the de \elopment of stale ouoi's nou bag. If properly washed and thoroughly rinsed and sun dried, handkerchiefs should need no bleaching which is apt ta be hard on the fabric. Boil ing should be necessary only in case of colds or contagious dis eases. Pin handkerchiefs to the lint on top oi a tjwei ana Ita.t them only until dry. the growth of mold on the sure face of the meat Aging longer than 10 days appears unneces sary for beef which is to be funhe>- tenderized by freezing. Closet Combination Any Quality ? Immediate Delivery JUNALUSKA SUPPLY CO. Announcement . . . I wish to advise my friends and customers that I am now working at Mooney Motor Company, Franklin, N. C., and would appre ciate your bringing your cars and trucks to me for repair work. Sincerely, Roy Gregory CHAMPION PLUMBING SHOP General Plumbing Pump Installation and Repairs Efficient Work ? Prompt Service REASONABLE PRICE Call 267 Basement McCoy Bldg. ad in The Press . . . BUSINESS ^ to Franklin Concern from . . . Man in Boston, Mass. '"v ? ? ? ? In its display advertisement in The Press last week. Franklin Frozen Foods, Inc., devoted just two lines to the fact that it would have ice cold watermelons for sale over the July 4 week-end. In far off IJoston. Hubert S. Steele, preparing' t< come to Franklin to spend the week-end with his brother, Walter A. Steele, got his copy of The Press and sat down to read it. When he came across the ice cold watermelon ad, it made his mouth water. . . . And when he got to Franklin, his first sugges ts 11 to his brother was: "Let's go down to Franklin Frozen Foods and get some of those ice cold watermelons," They did. ? ? ? THE FRANKLIN PRESS and THE HIGHLANDS MACONIAN Phone 24 N F ranklin, N. C.

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