British Woman, On Visit Here, Tells How She Defied All Rules To See 111 Husband During War (EDITOR'S NOTE: Mrs. Bea trice Stone, of Victoria, Bri - >sh Columbia, who has been in Franklin visiting her niece, Mrs. Geoige K. Patt.lio, had an experience during World War 1 probably is unique. Mrs. Stein*, who is a concert pianist, told the itory of her daring and successful defy of all the rules of the mili ary in an interview recently pub lished in the Macro (Ga.) Telegraph, wheie s visited relatives just prior to coming here. The interview follaws in part.) Of all the women who have RELIEF AT LAST ForYeur COUGH Creomulsion relieve? promptly because it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis i Square DANCE Saturday Night Starting At 8 p. m. Slagle Memorial ? ROBINSON'S STRING BAND WITH ST. CLAIR ANDERSON ON THE DRUMS brCce BATES iiaiwiian GUITAR Sponsored by FRANKLIN POST American Legion longed in war times to be with their wounded soldier husbands in foreign lands, probably no more than one out of that vast number ever walked noncha lantly into Cook's, asked for a ticket, get it, and went! And didn't realize, not at the time, that what she was doing was at all extraordinary. That one woman is Mrs. Bea trice Stone, now of Victoria, British Columbia, formerly oi England, and she made her Cook's Tour dring World Wai I. A brief one, but she did it. It was in 1916 and Mrs. Stone in England heard that her hus band had bsen wounded and was in Barfleur, France, a few miles from LeHavre. Naturally she wanted to go over to him. And so, because she wan ed to go to France, she went to Cook's tourist bureau, asked for a tick et, and was so!d one. Cook's didn't seem surprised, didn't even ask "Don't you know the e's a war on?" She did ex plain that her husband was vounied and she wanted to see him, but eviden ly that seemed natural to Cook's. Mrs. Stone boarded the ship at Southampton and crossed the Clianne', the enly woman aboard a ship filled with sol diers and officers. "But I had a wonderful time," she said. Hie Channel was of course full of submarines and mines and the ship zigzagged for an all-night Journey in place of the normal hour-crossing. As Mrs. S one stepped from the ship, two British soldiers, sergeants, arrested her, and LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE MEETS Every Friday Night At 7:30 OLD LEGION HALL EVERY MEMBER IS URGED TO ATTEND _t.por1?<> . d?m?. r moVin9* , to?o> ?' 'TEACHER SMOKlHO ?p*W l' " >?' r i '"rf>e 30-Day Test- was really fort I And I didn't need my doctors report to tell me Camels are wonderfully mild ! " Q4MSL M/LDH6SS TFST/ espurdomI, CUSTOM MADE REPRODUCTIONS ? WAYAH ROAD FRANKLIN, N. C. -Aw WOOD & METAL CRAFTS ? 0 MILES WEST OF FRANKLIN ON WAYAH ROAD the heirlooms of tomorrow must be acquired today ^ Stis/Tons TO mk I - f '? .- * J \(/t/s not OIFFICUL t to c&t ^42 " 1 A PASSPORT TO T/fAVEL IN EVflOFB. ??"> . | Jusrco TO THE CLERK. OF A U.S. O/STRItf Court "x LUXEMBOURG ^Capital of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, LIVE IN THREE CITIES SIMUL TANEOUSLY- THE ACCENT TOlVA* FOUNDED !,OCO YEARS AGO BY SIEGFRIED; A MEDIEVAL CATHEDRAL to:vn; and a zoT/t CENTURY CITY. WITH A BIRTH CERTIFICATE, & SMALL PICTURES of yourself, and an adult American ,* CITIZEN WHO HAS KNOWN YOU AT LEAST Z YEARS, TO /DENTIFY YOU. NCkWAV, /?' /FAMOUS FCR A /^Xf-SK'Me SEASON THAT LASTS FROM December to May, his practiced THIS SPORT FOR hundreds of YEARS. ,Jhf /f SKI AT LEAST ' Z.SJO YEARS OLD HAS BE?H FOUND THERE THAT LOOKS V/y MUCH L/KS /I modern racing A %?' model. Iris PRE OT| SERVED /N THE SKt ?*=. museum at Oslo. walked her between them to headquarters where she faced a row of "stern-laced officers" seated around a table. The of ficers were astounded that she had managed to get there, wrathful that she ?h;u'd dare to, amazed that she had Just bought a tourists ticktt and come. "Doh't you know", they asked her, "that the wife of the high eat officer in France can't come over here?" Their verdict was that she must turn right around and return to England on the next 'ioat. "But I can't. I can't turn ight around and go back," she aid. And at l^er answer to '.heir "Why?" she thought she let.'.cted the first gleam of amused sympathy in their eyes. "I can'.", she said, "because I would be seasick!" She must retu-n that night -aid the stern-faced officers. "She could remain that day in LeHavre, but must retui n by he night boat, and she cou'tl lot go tc Harfleur to see her lusband. There was only one man in France who could grant her "equest to go there, the "stern est man in France", she was told, and she persuaded them to let her go to ask him. But at his office she wasn't even allowed lo see him, so she was lent to a hotel with the warn ing that she must leave by ?,he night boat. She was sitting on the bal .ony of her hotel room, 'look ng into the street below, when i car came by ? and in it v/as her husband! Convalescing. They had a beautiful day to gether, "sightseeing and shop ping and airing our French", he rays, and bv the night boat he went happily back to Eng land. It didn't reem a RtrP.i\?e 'hing to do a' the time, it didn't eem funny ? but it has since fhen. and M~s Stone's favorite Part of the tale is her telling the officers she cou'dn't go backj "?t once, she might be seasick!' >he hadn't been on the way over! Mrs. Stone has lived in Can ada for years now. Her hus band went to British Columbia shortly after War 1 and her roots are deep now in Canada and she hasn't been back to England for many years though a sifter and brother still live there. But Bri.ish Columbia is "We Shoulder Your Laundry Burdens" None too large or too small to receive Careful Attention HIGHLANDS CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY PHONE 98 Highlands, N. C "a bit of England" she cays, though she laughs at exagger ations In a recent magazine ar ticle about it. LEGAL ADVERTISING, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA MACON COUNTY MRS. MARY S. HIGDON, Petitioner, vs. MRS. HARRY M. STRAINE. FRED HIGDON, FRANK HIG DON, MRS. ALBERT RAMSEY, MRS. PHILLIP HOYT, MISS HAZEL HIGDON, W. L. HIG DON, JR., JOE HIGDON, GEORGE HIGDON AND LY MAN HIGDON, Defendants. The nbove defendan s will hereby take notice that an ac tion has been commenced the 10th day or May, 1949 in the Superior Court of Macon Coun ty for the allctment of the dow er -of the above petitioner. The defendants will fur. her take notice that within thirty days rom (he final date of this pub lication that if they fail to answer or demur to the peti ion filed in this cause the relief asked for in the petition will be granted. This the 14 day of October, 1949. J. CLINTON BROOKSHIRE, Clerk Superior Court, Mact n County, North Carolina. 020 ? 4tc ? N10 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SUMMONS NORTH CAROLINA MACON COUNTY DAVID G. EEAL, Plaintiff, vs. JUNE ELLIS DEAL, Defendant. The defendant, June Ellis Beal, will take notice that an action as above en itled has been commenced In the Super ior Court in Macon County, North Carolina, to the end that the plain iff may secure an ab solute divorce under the laws of the Slate of North Carolina, and the defendant will Take no ice that she is required to appear on or before the 25th day of November, 1949, in the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Macon County, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded. This the 6 day of October, 1949. J. CLINTON PROOKSHIRE, Clerk Superior Court, Macon County, North Carolina. 013 ? 4tc? N3 A bath of bulls' blood was used as a baptism in the mys teries of Attls, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. McMahan Participating In Army-Navy Excrcite Verlyn C. McMahan, of Frank lin, radioman second class, U. 8. navy, is participating In the Joint army-navy exercise, "Op eration Miki", as a crew mem ber of the submarine USS Red fish, according ;o a navy an nouneemert received hrre. The Sedflsh Is one of the aggress. '? units defending the Kavaiiav> Islands ppr'ns^. the western ta r. k force, in fie exercise. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having r nllflod as ndminU tra rix of Ilerold Brad'ey, tie ceased, lata of Maccn County^ f. C., this << to r.' tily ail re. ons havln ? c'alr.u ag U'ist t;>e "state of pa'd dr ^ase l to ex hibit them to tl"e uni rslgred n or he.'o-'e the 25 d .v of Oc ober, 19. 0, or hia notice will jo p'-^ad i i tr.r oi tlic?. iccov rv. All re sens indebted t j sai'J estate will p'erse make imme diate settlement. This 25 day of October, 1949. RUEY D^ADLEY, Ad.ninist.atrlx. 027? Ote? 31 S:iv: "I si'" :t advertised in '! hr rrc3S." BINGO A t Old Legion Hall 7:30 E :ry T_;cuay Nig'hit ? SPONSORED liY V. F. W. ? PUBLIC INVITED NO ADMISSION CHARGE 10c Per Gani3 CARD or VilAtilU We wish to thank our ttidriy friends for the exp-esslons o t sympathy and beautiful floral ofierlngs given at the death of our father. The family of . W. D. REECE. Say.- "I saw it advertised in The Press." MASH BURN'S TAXI Phone 70 Night Phone - - - - 472 I Till MM HAli ATHUTI9 FOOT ITCH NOT HARD TO KILL. IN ONE HOUR, a.!? ^nATiHir ssa-rao jraETs WI fas,",".. ANGEL'S DRUG STORK JOIN Bryant Mutual Burial Association ' Oldest) and Strongest In the County PERSONAL ST ATI O N E R Y - for - dtcisiittas 05 if ts What could make a nicer gift than stationery? An<: I when it lias the nome and address of the person who is going to use it attractively printed on both paper and envelopes, why it's just idea! ? has that personal touch. 100 sheets 100 envelopes First Quality Paper In Stationery Cabinet $3.95 per box Come in and give your order today THE FRANKLIN PRESS Phone 24 family foV etl TT C