bto to farm ii&ome for 19M b estimated at,^2 i t>l#n dol ^..aimort eqvua.the ltwa fig. ure of 32.2 biUiori. This gross includes the value arior J21 ? 4tc ? Jly 2 ,N TI,B SU^E* I Oft COO'' _ WORTH CmOL&iA / "tT wacon cqvwt / wade t. i>fr^ , % y fi- i NETTIE ?*4STV dJE? V??"**1'- ' 1 'IETZ ao$kin enV t *'f?ttie ?rasty beeirco' . 1 otl<* ^at an lor r -ied as above has [(r .imenced in the Super ^ourt of ! .?lacon County, ,rth Carolina, for the purpose of obtaining an .absolute divorce on the part otf the plaintiff from the defendant on the grounds of two years separa tion; and the defendant will further take notice that she Is required to appear at the of fice of the Clerk of the Super ior Court of said county in the Courthouse in Franklin, Nortl: Carolina, on the 20 day of July 1951, and answer or demur t( the comptatot in said action ?or the plaintiff jvill apply t< the Court for th? relief de manded In said compWMfi. This the 19th day of Jmt 10M KATE Mcliee, j Clerk Superior Court J21K4tc? Jlyl2 ADMINISTRATRIX* NOTICE Having 'qualified as adminis tratrix of Henley A. O'Kelley, deceased, late of Macon Coun ty, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 12 day of June, 1952 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate settlement. This 12 day of June, 1951. LOLLIE H. O'KELLEY, Administratrix J21 ? 6tp ? Jly26 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as adminis trator of H. Grady Duvall de ceased, late of Macon County, N. C., this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 5 day of May, 1952 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate settle ment. This 5 day of May, 1951. T. D. BRYSON, Jr., Administrator J7? 6tc? Jlyl2 NOTICE OF SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA MACON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT EDNA MAE SUMNER V? CHARLES MAYNARD SUMNER The defendant, Charles May nard Sumner, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Su perior Court of Macon County, North Carolina, against said de fendant for the purpose of ob ? talnlng an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years' sepa ration. Said defendant will fur ther take notice that he Is re quired to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the Su I perlor Court of Macon county. North Carolina, within thirty (SO) days after the 28th day of June, 1951, and answer or de mur to the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will ap | piy to the Court for the relief ! demanded In said complaint. Thle the 6th day of June, 1051. KATE McOEB, Clerk of Superior Court of Macon County, N. c. | n m ra Br. - m,\kin' m*coN . \ Rounds ? Sports, iw* w Rather sadly thi?s column has* pushed aside Its c\oodle oil, rod . and reel, and o ssorted plugsi, not to mention otf.her fish tempts ers, to report that for son* reason or another the fisb aren't taking to meal like they should. At le ast no proud fish erboys have trotted into The Press office, -With fish ' that long, or ? that long even." However, the word came * in. from tl\e boomdocks last week, that sfjme gentlement from the ' robus*. town of Atlanta came in. to tlje boat dock at Nantahala "it1 A\ a half mile of bream, | ib out 56 of 'em, someone said. > P?nd they said they caught all : of them on those little nature I lures, red worms. And strangely" i enough the "woims", hadn't been hadacoled. Here's the way things stack j up at The Press on the record. breakers. If anyone catches anything any longer than these finny jobs they are entitled to have their picture festooned all over the paper. Biggest Brown trout, 27 Inches In Its skivvies, six pounds, with the hook out of its mouth, caught by C. M. ijHodgin April 30, on a fly rod | nursing a No. 4 snelled hook land red worm, in Jones' creek; | runner-up in the Brown divis ion goes to J. D. Southards with a 26 incher, April 30, at White Oak bottoms. Largest big mouth bass, caught by Leroy Berrong in Lake Chatuge May 9 on a trolling venture. Weighing in at seven and a half, the victim of a green and yellow Bomber. That, my friends is the fish ing purge to date! But wait! Plumb forgot the string of nine inch bream Elbert Hedden brought by a couple of weeks "This is the tenth time he's shown his OK used car from BURRELL MOTOR CO." a bv. - Observattolii! T. W. Angel, Jr. off to stalk tfout In his felt boots everytlme It looks like Its going to rain. The tow-headed kid hanging off the side of the bridge at the foot of the town hill with a fishing rod In his hand. He's there about seven days a week. Fellow out on the street trying out a glass 'casting rod. Caught four out-of-state cars, two parking meters, and a power mower. TEE-OFF! The local nine-holer is ready to receive dubbers and pros alike, and is In good shape. This column took a couple of hours off the other day and took off for the lonesome links. After bashing and clobbering the white sphere in and out of the brush an uncountable num ber of times, it left only one question to be asked. "Does anyone have a cure for a boomerang slice?" I've got the slice if you've got the cure! Frankly, I don't believe there is a workable cure for a slice like I own. I've tried combing my hair like an Italian, parting my hair on the opposite side, trimming my toenails, changing my socks and my grip, moving my feet, and at times sounding off like a sailor ? all to no soap. That slice Is as much a part of my person as my shadow. Some body please offer a suggestion! Mall it in, do anything, just so my Tltlest doesn't keep sweep ing the fairway and returning to the tee. Seriously, this column has been entertaining the thought of talking up some kind of- local golf tournament, for locals only. It would give all golfers some thing to work for during the summer other than just going out and swatting the ball to keep out of work around the house. Sometime In August would be the best time to hold such an event and a few pats on the back for the winners, in the form of small tropheys, would go a long way toward making it an annual tourney. Sure wish someone would take lover the idea and put It Into 'practice; Tftere's nothing like a good game of golf to keep one in bed all the next day! Someone start It and its a sure bet that Franklin's 80 or so golfers will bo right in be hind it to the finish. ? Personals Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Con ley, and 10-year-old son, of Salem, N. J., are here visiting Mr. Conley's mother, Mrs. Ada Conley, at her home at Otto. Mr. conley, who is a volunteer firemen at Salem, took part in the*resuce of a number of per sons when a house in Salem was demolished in an explosion of illuminating gas June 11, and many of his friends here have been Interested in seeing a Salem newspaper he brought with him in which photographs of the damages are published. Mrs. William Katenbrink has returned from a vacation in ftVUMJI*. ... 'Mr. and lilts. C. J. Pag# 4hd family have returned to their home In Baltimore, Md. follow ing a visit with Mrs. Page's aunt. Miss Ethel Hunt. Mrs. Alma Tallent and chil dren are visiting relatives In Maryland. Major and Mrs. Jim Patton and three children have gone to Pensacola, Fla., where Ma jor Patton will be stationed, after spending several weeks at the Patton home on Harrison avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, Jr., and children, of Decatur, Ga? are visiting relatives here. Pfc. Joe C. Bradley has been called to active duty and Is sta tioned at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Mrs. Logan Allen spent the week-end In Canton visiting her niece, Mrs. Lola Brown, and family. On her return to Frank lin she was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Brown and their daughter, Lorene. HERE IS YOUR INVITATION TO ATTEND ASSEMBLIES OF GOD CAMP MEETING (On U. S. 64) at Cullasaja, N. C. July 1 to July 15, 1951 The Camp Provides: # Meals and Over night Accommoda tion for any length ? of time during | camp 9 Camp Pastor REV. ANDREW STIRL ING, Assemblies of God j State Superintendent # Youth Counsellor REV. GLEN LAW RENCE, Assemblies of God State Vouth Pres ident # Children's Service MISS VIOLET BLAUM # For Reservations and Information Write: REV. FRED SORRELLS, CULLASAJA, N. C. Each Day: 9 Morning Bible Study # Inspirational Youth Services 0 Special Singing # Prayer for the Sick 9 Great Evangelistic: Service 9 Spiritual Counsel! ? and Help EVANGELIST AND MRS. M. MASTRO, Camp Evangelist and Bible Teacher All Ministers and Churtkes Are Cor dially Invited to Att end When Have You Been all Its life ? ^"iiiis ad is addressed to the fellow X known as "the man on the street." from that vantage point, you must lave noticed that a lot of folks are iriving 1951 Buicks. ifou must have noted that you cap spot one of these beauties? by its sparkling jorefront? its gleaming fender ports? ' three for the Special and Super, four or the Roadmaster^? and by its fluent grace of lines and contours. /ou've probably noticed, also, that thes? Buicks give a good account of themselves in traflic? ease to a gentle >top? get away to a nimble start when he light s?)$, "Go." ??? not You may even have noticed that these cars have a level-gaited stride that traces, as we've said before, to the fact that each wheel rides beneath its own coil spring. But what we'd like to know is? when are you going to try one? It's about time you climbed in the driver's seat. It's about time that you sensed for yourself the thrill that comes from feeling your shoulders sink back in the cushions, when your toe gives the gas treadle a gentle nudge. It's about tinle for you to be on the receiving end of those admiring lipiKsr.t, oMMwrvt, Mm and mot UU art tubjtt to chanot without iet. * Standard on ROADUASTKR, optional at mtra coat on otkor Sorioa, glances which are the due of folks smart enough to pick the smart buy of the year. What's holding you back? It can't be prices? for as you can see for yourself, you can own a Special for less than the price of some sixes? and Supers or Roadmasters are just as sjnart a buy in their fields. So why not end the suspense? The wel come mat is out at our showrooms. We hope to greet you soon. No other car provides mil thiai - DYNAFLOW DRIVE* ? FIREBALL ENGINE PUSH -BAR FOREFRONT ? WHITE-GLOW INSTRUMENTS ? 4-WHEEL COIL SPRINGING TORQUE-TUBE DRIVE ? DUAL VENTILATION DREAMLI NE STYLING ? BODY BY FISHER Local Delivmred Print* tor tie n?w 1951 Buiek Spaoiali 2-Door, &*PaiMng?r $2007.81 \ $2137.96 *"CM to ., . o;rc" ?~ M Whm btltar outcaoblht art t?,H BUICK will build ?' ,, MODEL 46S 4-Door, 6-Patseng?r Sedan MODEl 41 D (illustrated) iSmont 6tu|^ SuicJc" MACON MOTOR COMPANY PJ~ra??W?l , Franklin, N. C.