Drunk Driving Charges Lead Others On August Court Docket The criminal docket for the August term of superior court here Indicates that most of the court room hours will be con sumed by drunk driving cases. The docket, made public this week by Miss Kate McGee, clerk of court, lists 29 drunk driving cases, nearly half of the 67 case calendar. Court opens here August 20 with Judge J. C. Rudisill, of Newton, presiding. At the April term, 26 of 67 cases on the docket were for drunk driving. Following are the cases as they appear on the docket. Eugene Johnson, abandoning an illegitimate child; Ray John son, abandoning an illegitimate clyld; Willard Womack, speed ing; Harvey Cabe, drunk driv ing; Kenneth Holland, reckless driving; Fred Weaver Moody, drunk driving; James Eugene Stewart, reckless driving; James Theodore W