Jane Long, daughter of Hi. fend Mrs. J. Ward Long, apent a recent week visiting In Ashe vllle with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McOlamery, former residents ot Franklin. Tat Heel farmers will htT? close to 1,000,000 acres of land seeded to Ladlno clover, the "miracle pMtUre plant," by the end of 1091, according to cur rent estimates. YOU TOO! ! You too can enjoy the high Income and security that more than 7000 graduates of this nationally recognised school arc now realizing in this amazing, easy -to -learn, and interest ing profession. Enroll. in our Fall class beginning September 4th-17th and be assured a high income with permanent employment. For complete information concerning this glamorous profession and this outstanding school, just flH in the blank below and mail to us at once. NAME .'. ADDRESS QITY STATE ,. (Please Print) Tennessee School of Beauty Culture 300-302 S. Gay St. ( Knoxville, Tenn. "A 'Tennessee' Diploma assures success" BACK TO SCHOOL BARGAINS! WESTCLOX ALARM CLOCKS $2.83 ELGIN WATCHES $33.75 BULOVA WATCHES $29.75 ? v ARKER PENS $5.00 RONSON LIGHTERS $6.60 EXPANSION WATCH BANDS $2.00 Jamison, Jewelers Our Repair Department Uses Only Genuine Replacement Parts Installed by Factory Trained Watchmakers at Ceiling Prices or Below. DRUG SPECIALS . . . Until August 18th NYAL QUALITY MERCHANDISE Mineral Oil * 5i?c l^e ?? 50c Size 35c Water Bottles $2.25 for $1.75 Infant Syringes 40c for 25c Aspirin..... f!ze r 250 ? $1.00 Size 75c