MAKIN' MACON ? Sports Rounds By J. P. BRADY Hie inside' of the Franklin High gym has all the radiating splendor of a highly decorated Christmas tree. Since the glori ous and lucrative Yule is a thing of the past, at least for another year, only one thing can be putting out with elec trically colored lighting. Yep, you guessed it . . . the new basketball scoreboard is now in stalled and Friday night drew more glances from admirers than our own male and female cagers. It is one of those "if you can't go first class, don't go at all" scoreboards and does everything but sweep up the gym and toss pop battles at the officials. The way it keeps time is amazing (just like the one in the N. C. State college cole crowd-em-ln). The timer backs up by the minutes as tempus fugits, reeling off the minutes of play left, thusly ? 60-59-58-57, and so on down to goose egg. And all of this counting dis play Is In red, yet! Just in case all of the above Isn't too clear ? and we suspect that it isn't ? don't give up the ghost, Just take a little time out some Tuesday or Friday night and ankle over to the school and see for yourself. After you've looked It over, settle down for a spell and watch some first class basketball, as demonstrated by the Franklin lads and lassies and some of their opponents. Still on the scoreboard, all this column did was make with the hot air on raising donations. Hie actual work, or oollectlng, and it is still going on, is be done by Emory Hunnicutt, who misses few "here" or "there" games and likes his sports with a capital S. Mr. Hunnicutt has been the work horse behind this scoreboard deal, so if you haven't contri buted to the deal as yet, slip him a little change the next time you see him and take some of the load off his shoulders. There is still a big balance due on the board, so get behind the deal and put it across. Whodunit? It seems that some near sighted bucket jockey (motor ist) has mistaken the local golf course for US 23, and -short putted, using his car, up and down and around fairways 6 and 7. This carbon monoxide type of vandalism is almost un believable, but its true. We can't for the life of us figure out why anyone would turn something like a golf course into a race track. Well, it takes all kinds of melon heads to make a ! world! I Pfc. Bowers Reports To Fort Kilmer Far Overseas Assignment Pfc. Edward Bowers, who re cently completed the air force teletype operator's course at Warren Air Force base, Chey- . enne, Wyo., has reported to I Fart Kilmer, N. J., for overseas | assignment, after spending a ! leave with his parents, Mr. and ; Mrs. Charlie Bowers, of Culla saja. He enlisted in the air force April, 1951, and received basic training at Lackland and Shep- j pard Air Force bases. REA Is Refunding Deposits Made By Macon Folk In '41 Refunds to persons in the Cowee, Burningtown, and Mill shoal communities, who applied for, but did not receive electric al service from the Rural Elec trification administration in 1941, are now being made. The manager of the Haywood Electric Membership corporation this week informed the county agent's office here that deposits are being returned. Receipts may be mailed or presented to the Waynesville of fice of the R. E. A. on or before March 1, and deposits will be returned, it was said. Harley Holden Finishes Medical Basic T raining Pvt. Harley P. Holden recent ly completed basic training at the Medical Replacement Train ing center, Fort Meade, Md., and is spending a furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Holden, of Franklin, Route 4. At the end of his furlough, Pvt. Holden will be assigned to the Far East command, according to an army announcement. CARD OF THANKS We take this means of ex pressing our appreciation to our friends and relatives for the sympathy and thoughtfulness shown in the sickness and death of our loved sister. We also ap preciate every courtesy shown up by Potts Funeral home and for flowers and those who furn ished cars. May Ood's blessing be on each and every one. Mother and Sisters of Mrs. May Bradley. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sin cere thanks to sill the friends for their kindness and floral contributions during the loss of our beloved husband and broth er, Vincent Owenby. Wife, Brothers, And Sisters. CAROLINA PHARMACY Phone S4 Franklin, N. C. \~Wa?g\&etL(lgeficg DRUG STORE rtm ?aatal Craaa Taatt Pasta r~ ^GROVE'S ^ COLD TABLETS SOc PHILLIPS" MILK OF MAGNESIA 3Y u.? X. LILLY INSULIN Specials r f r?-W ropp?4 1 I BOX 121 I MODESSl ? fa.lUryN.pkln.* KHZ Wn'(? MoatU ?B.B BALL POINT PEN I Choice QDc j 3 stylos . OO Plartic bairal. N?wl WMi B-11 AJM *3.98 AYTINAL with MINERALS Twin Poelttgt. ( C**** S Bottkt ol 100 W ff?f. SI .00 ?? Yon Sort tie GLIDE CELENATI POWDER w OINTMENT Yom cWtl of Wslgrttn 5-GRAIN ASPIRIN TABLETS McSit t lollfci e Ac of 100 59c No Aspirin wMI Formula 20 LIQUIB CREAM SHAMPOO with Eft Twin Pldlft . . . A l?noliz*d lit Jii \ n n 2i Ot Lurt WITCH HAZEL 2 79c Foil Pint fay Html You Sort 5Pc 89e Perfection COLD CREAM A noHon-wid< lororitt I STATIONERY VALUES m 3 -Compartment Ribbon Boxed HOSE "H BOWS For Trsvel Wise People PENWAY PORTFOLIO Sol * Priced * 49* PrUtJ 1 25 12-fat. Plastic Riler 9C 9C ffl Shop-Test Dixie-Home" n says Dixie Thrifty tVetv Low Prices tar Grade A Florida Juice*! "SHOP-TEST the glis. tening-fresh fruit and vegetable department at Dixie-Home this week! You'll find the quality best ? and that our low prices save you more on your total food bill." Sweetened or Unaweetened Juice "IC Grapefruit 39' 8weet?ned or Untweetened Juice Orange . . 2 r 39? Orange Md Grapefruit Juice Blended . 2 r 39c Llbby or Dol Monte Yellow Cling Peaches . . . "l" 34c ?tofcol/a Honoy Pod Sugar Peas.... "vr 20e Del Monta Whole Kernel Qeldea Corn.... "ir 19c A Real Money 8sver! Crisp Crunchy Golden Heart Celery.. 2 a, 21' Priced Exceptionally Low! Garden-Freeh Fancy Young Pole Beans 2 - 27? Sweat Juley Florida Golden Ripe Oranges .. 8 37e Bananas ? ? 13e New Crop Florida Red Extra Fancy Slicing Potatoes ... 5 ^ 47c Toaiatoes ... ^ 25c Freah Firm SnorBall Extra Fancy Green Top Golden Cauliflower . . 2 ^ 37c Carrots ... 2 27c Fancy Crookneek Yellow Fancy Freeh Muetard or Turnip Squash... 2 ^ 29c Greens... 2 31c TRUE SOUTHERN HOSHTAIITY 15 OUR RULE FOR COURTESY Dixie H?TO Gaines DOG MEAL $2.98 25-Lb. Gag Baker** 4 In 1 INSTANT COCOA 8-Ox Pkfl. 21^ Peanut Buttir PETER PAN ll-O*. im 38C Grocery MBopt. Valmmml Eeonomieal Standard Pack Tomatoes 2 1! 29c Laraen'a Mixed Vegetables Veg-AII.T 18* Van Camp's Tatty Hominy. .V 11c Rich Maple Taste ? Log Cabin Syrup... "J" 27c For Light Pancakes ? Pillsbury Pancake Pka- 35? HI He Cracker* SUNSHINE U>. Pkl 35^ National Hoi Tea Week! Blend ef Fine Teae ? Tea Baga Dixie-Home 33c The "Brick" Tea ? Tea Baga Lipton...'^' 57s For Refreshing Tea ? Tea Bags Tender leaf 53c For Oellclou* Tea ? Tea Baga Tetley . . 54c Rich Flavor Tea ? Tea Bags McCormick 54 6 Buy For Several Meals! Economical Rib End PorkRoast- 39? Tender Frying Chicken Pinky Pig Brand Sliced Wings "> 43c Bacon... Lb 49c Nutritious Sliced Cured Ham Pork Liver . * 34c Patties. Lb 49c Delicious Barbecued! Country Style Meaty Porle Backbones .... Lb. Fish Values! Fresh Dressed Chef Suggestions! Freshly Made Chicken Whiting.... - 19e Noodle Soup.." 10e Fresh 8mall Whole Italian 8tyl? Black Bass... - 19c Spaghetti . r 29c Cloverleaf Dry Milk SKIM MILK 7 -Ox. Pkg. 15' Marshmallows CAMPFIRE Lb Pkg 31 Southern Gold Colored MARGARINE |-Lb. Prints Lb. 29* Facial Tissue Soft Charmin TOILET TISSUE T 35e Charmin Kitchen Charmin Soft Strong ? Facial Towels . . 2 Ron. 35c Tissues *? ?? 400 26* Pum 'n Boot* CAT FOOD ? O*. Can 9C Cracker Jack* POPCORN 3 1 3C Laundry Soap OCTAGON '3-23? Granulated Soap OCTAGON 30? Lge. Pltg. MarVELous for Dishwashing VEL l?. pk8 3QC Washes Clothes Faster FAB l?. Pkfl 3QC Soap Powder OCTAGON 2 M.d. pitfli. *1 Q" Cleanser OCTAGON c 10B Cleanser AJAX 12c )4 Ox Can