? AUB 1IVELVE No. 1 set speeches, and impromptu speakers often are interrupted by good-humored heckling. Tra dition dictates, however, that the meetings always shall open intnounif /? tuvoi 11, with the singing of "Blest Be The Tie", and close with "God Be With You". This year these hymns were led by Mrs. Dor othy Gibbs, of Charlotte. The invocation was pronounced by Mr. Morgan. I President Carl S. Slagle call ed the meeting to order, and Secretary W. N. Sloan read the minutes of last year's meeting. The organization has no con stitution or by-laws, but these officers, like their predecessors, serve under an unwritten law that officers of the family group are elected for life. Reports Heard Following the usual custom, the group heard reports from ? Cut food Costs WITH THE NEW PM.CO Save money . ; . stretch your food budget . . . serve better menus . . ; with this new Philco Freezer. Buy when food price* are lowest . . . and store them safely for months and months? until you need them! See Us For Convenient Terms NEW 12.5 CU. FT. MODEL GH-122... WITH FAMOUS PHILCO FEATURE* ' want in a ments, temperature control for "sharp freezing" or "zero storage"? new slop ng-front design, modern ?bilco color styling. compart 39900 We are exclusive dealers for Macon County for Philco Freezers. See this Freezer on display at the Dixie-Home Store. BRYANT FURNITURE CO. Phone 106 Franklin, N. C Mrs. Carl 8. Slagle, obituary committee chairman, who con ducted a brief memorial serv ice for the eight members of the family who had died during the past year; and from Mrs. Joe Setser, outlook committee chairman, who listed the year's births and young people who had graduated; and honors' won by members of the family. I The traditional reports from I the old maids' and old bach- j elors' committees and the | speeches by newly acquired Siler family in-laws brought the usual jibes and laughter. W. N. Sloan, chairman of the committee named a year ear lier to arrange for the publica tion of the new Siler family book, "The Family of Weimar Siler", by Mrs. Leona Bryson (Mrs. T. W.) Porter, reported that the book is off the press. Copies were available, and Mr. Sloan later reported 93 distrib uted at the meeting. Mrs. Floy Siler England, of Knoxville. reported that she has finished having the minutes of the 100 previous meetings mic rofilmed. The microfilm is stor ed in a Knoxville library. Votes of thanks were given to Mrs. Porter and the publica- ; tion committee and to Mrs. : England Greetings Received Greetings were received from 1 1 members of the family unable I to be present, and the group | voted to accept the invitation i of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Slagle to i ; Red Hot Bargains : SALE CONTINUES FOR A FEW MORE DAYS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESES LOW PRICES MEN'S DUNGAREES Orange Stitched k . Sizes 28-42 $1.59 -2 for $3.00 BOYS' DUNGAREES Orange Stitched Sizes 6-16 $1.29 -2 for $2.50 MENS UNDERSHIRTS Combed Yarn Size* 36 to 46 39c -3 for $1.00 MENS BRIEFS Sizes SmaII-Med.-Large 39c -3 for $1.00 MEN'S POLO SHIRTS atterns and sizes S-M-L $1.44 Asst. Patterns and Colors Sizes S-M-L LADIES' BLOUSES Aiit. Styles and Colors Slightly Soiled Not all Sizes ? Real Buy Reg. $2.98 - Now .$2.44 LADIES' HOSE 51 and 60 Gauge Latest Shades 2 Pr. $1.00 TRAINING PANTIES CSiildren's Cotton Panties Size* 2-4-6 7 Pr. $1.00 BOYS' SOCKS Fancy Patterns Sizes V/z - 1H4 6 Pr. $1.00 Enlistments Of Four Men Announced Enlistments of four Macon County men were announced Tuesday by Sgt. Clay Hensley, local army-air force recruiter. Kermit E. DeHart and Jame Grady Thompson, both mem bers of the Franklin High 1952 graduating class, enlisted unde teh air force four-year caret plan, and Bobby Jack Reece. of Franklin, and John Clifford Wallace, of Franklin, Route 1, joined the U. S. Army Airborne under a three-year career plan. Sgt. Hensley is in Franklin Tuesday of each week at Angel's Drug store. BAKE SALE SLATED The St. Agnes Episcopal aux iliary will hold its monthly bake sale tomorrow (Friday) at the Children's Shop at 9 a. m.( it has been announced. County School Supt. Holland McSwain is attending a school superintendent's conference in Mars Hill. The session, which opened Monday, ends today (Thursday). The conference featured William B. Umstead, Democratic gubernatorial nomi nee, as guest speaker. hold next year's meeting at the Slagle Memorial building. The Rev. J. H. Brendall, Jr., pronounced the benediction. This year's gathering was marked by two innovations. The first was identification tags. On each person, as he registered, was pinned a tag bearing not only his name . but also the name of his branch of :he family. The second was an exhibit of work of members of the family and family heirlooms. This dis play included a number of por traits painted by George Pat ion, who is just back in the States after two years spent in Surope on an art fellowship; a iharcoal landscape, with fig ares, by Mrs. Joe Setser; water :olors by James B. Porter and mother group by Mrs. Porter; in oil painting done by Mrs. George A. Jones about 1885; materials designed by Miss An nie Will Siler, of New York, used by President Franklin Roosevelt in the White House and other materials used in the house of representatives and senate chambers; lamp and lampshade designed by Miss Hope Daniels, of New York; the hand weaving and pillowlace work of Miss Lucy Morgan, of Penland; books "of poetry by S. H. Lyle, Jr., and by Gilmer A. Jones; a table, the top of which s an old bread tray, made and :arved by Miss Laura M. Jones; :rochet work, lace, and baby iresses made by Mrs. Timoxena Siler Sloan in the 1880's; a ?hild's dress made by Mrs. Mice Siler Robison about 1870; ; i quilt, with handwoven lining, ; nade by Mrs. Althea Swain Siler, wile of William Siler, one >f the early settlers of this :ounty, when she was a girl; ind an "autograph" quilt of Mrs. Laura Amelia Lyle, made up of squares done by her Friends and autographed. National Forest Timber i for Sale Sealed bids will be received jy th# Forest Supervisor, Frank In, North Carolina, up to and lOt later than 2:00 p. m., Sep tember 15, 1952, and opened lm nedlately thereafter lor all live ?lmber and merchantable dead timber marked or designated for :uttlng on an area embracing ibout 300 acres within the fridge Creek-Indian Camp Branch Unit on Burnlngtown 2reek, eleven miles northwest if Franklin, Macon County, Worth Carolina, Nantahala Na tional Forest, estimated to be 383 MBF, more or less, of mixed hardwoods and chestnut. No bid Df less than $33.00 per MBF (or northern red oak and white oak; $20.00 per MBF for black cherry, yellow poplar, basswood and cucumber; $15.00 per MBF for black oak and chestnut oak; $8.00 per MBF for ash, red maple and black birch; and $2. 00 per MBF for chestnut, hem lock, black gum, hickory and buckeye will be considered. In addition to the price bid for stumpage, a deposit of )2.00 per MBF for all species will be re quired for sale area betterment work. $1000.00 must be deposited with each bid to be applied on the purchase price, refunded, or retained in part as liquidated damages, according to condi tions of the sale. The right to reject any and all bids is re served. Before bids are submit ted full information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale and the submission of bids should be obtained from the Forest Supervisor, Franklin, North Carolina, or the District Ranger, Franklin, North Caro lina. A14 ? ltc REUNION PLANNED The Donaldson reunion will be held Sunday, August 31, at the Wiley Donaldson homeplace, It has been announced. Friends and relatives are Invited to at tend. The enlistment t>f three Frank lin men in the U. S. Navy was announced this week by J. W. Anderson, navy recruiter. The men were Jadie Aycock, Billy Solesbee, and Don Henry, Jr. BIRTHS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Basden, a son, August 6, in De trolt, Mich. Mrs. Basden Is the former Miss Leona Amber Lewis, of Franklin, Route 1. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Corbln, 0/ Franklin, a daughter, August 10, at Angel hospital. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Law rence J. Stewart, of Highlands, a daughter, August 6 at Angel hospital. F? *VS >s A * * Two Shows Nightly Beginning at Dark Sunday ? One Show at 9 Thursday and Friday ? August 14 and 15 "Doolins of Oklahoma" Randolph Scott Saturday, August 16 )#j "Ambush" R. Taylor ? John Hodika ? Arlene Dahl Sunday and Monday ? August 17 and 18 "Force of Arms" Wm. Holden ? Nancy Olson ? Frank Lovejoy Tuesday and Wednesday ? August 19 and 20 "Black Hand" J. Carrol N'aish ? Teresa Celli \ i* COME EARLY f: MACON THEATRE MATINEE: Saturday at 12 NIGHT SHOWS: ? and 9 SUNDAY: Matinee 2:36; Night Show. 9 THURSDAY -FRIDAY, AUGUST 14-15 | MOwM Wm* I, I SATURDAY, AUGUST 1C ? DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM MM MATS MUM *0 TNC MAWt MMMI ? tXL mI| taSLi SUNDAY MONDAY, AUGUST 17-18 .^.JACK ROSE. MELVILLE SHAVELSON ???HENRY BLANKE ? NORMAN TAUROG TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19-29 2o EMTUftY- Ml