WANT ADS FRANKS RADIO AN ? ELEC. CO Talmer Street Phone 249 -Jlyl9 ? tfc SEE PATTON Brothers for furn iture and save the difference Ji7? trc FOR RENT? Attractive apart ment. Four rooms and bath See Miss Ethel Hurst, telephone 174. A14 ? ltc FOR QUICK Dependable radio repairs, come to City Radio Shop ? Between S and L and 8anders Cafe. Allen Ordway, Mgr. A3? tfc 8TOVEWOOD for sale? I have plenty of wood, already sawed atovewood length. I deliver. J. R. Bell, Otto, N. C. M 1 8 ? 26tp ? S4 CASH FOR old and disabled horses and mules. Call Cash iers 2261 collect. Wilson-Jen nlngs Fur Farm. AU? tfc FOR SALE ? 30 head good shoats. 100 pounds and over. See Paul Smith. Route 2, Franklin. Jly31? 2tc? A7 UNFURNISHED APARTMENT for rent ? Private bath, suit able for couple. Phone 147-J, Mrs. Virginia Ramsey. Jly31? tfc ROBERT REESE AND SON ? Carpenter and Painter I Ik. Highlands, N. C. Dillard Road ' 31y3 ? 8tp? A21 FOR SALE ? Seed rye, rye grass, fescue, orchard and clover seeds ? for fall and winter graz ing land. Ray & Welch Groc. Co. A14? ltc FOR SALE ? 40,000 feet of lum i ber, white pine and poplar dimension material, air dried 4,000 feet of kiln-dried finish i ed white pine paneling can be ! seen here. Dr. C. B. Ewing. Wil ; son's Gap, Highlands, N. C. . Jly31 ? 4tp ? A21 ; HENS? See us before you sell 'I your flock of hens. Farmers I Federation, Palmer Street, A. E. I Frizzell, Manager. Phone 92. , I A7 ? 2tc ? A14 I | WELL DRILLING ? Have your wells drilled by modern ma , chlnery. 6" ad 8" domestic and , commercial wells. Macon Pump I and Well Company. Write P. B. j Rogers, Route 1, F"ranklln, N. C. 1 813 ? tfc j Protect your building lnvest | ment by using? Steam Cured 1 Concrete, Cinder, or Superock Blocks ! For best prices See Your Local Manufacturer 8" x 8" x 16" Special prices In carloads W. A. HAYS BLOCK PLANT j Phone 499 Franklin, N. C j N17? tfc | NOTICE? We are filling Triple ! "A" orders on crimson clover, I ladino, orchard grass, and fer tilizer. Ray & Welch Groc. Co. I A14? ltc OLD NEWSPAPERS for sale. 10c per bundle. The Franklin Press. j J19? tf EXPERT BULLDOZER ana | angledozer work. The best of equipment, by hour or contract. See Paul Ward or BUI Phillips at Phillips' Machine Shop, or call 216-J after 6 p. m. A7 ? 3tp ? A21 I NOW. . . ; ! I Is the time to have your Driveways graveled. Do not wait until Freezing Weather and have to spend an extra amount of . ? S money. $1.60 per ton Delivered in Franklin Call 344 for details t _ MASON'S - WEEK-END SPECIALS 3 ROLLS DIAMOND TOILET TISSUE . . 25c DUZ, SUPER SUDS, OXYDOL, OQr RINSO GAL. CLOROX 50c ; 1 LB. PAIL PURE LARD . . . $1-25 FLOUR .F. . . . . . H-69 M LB.B.B. FLOUR S3-3? EXTRA SPECIAL m dos. ZINC CAPS .... 40c ? Also ? A LAKGI tARim OP GAKDSN-PKKSH VEGETABLES Phone 9 m, WE DELIVER | WANTED TO RENT? Two or three bedroom house by Sept. I 1. Write Box 736, Asheboro, 1 If. C. J.yJ4? tfc I I OR SALE ? One McCormlck mowing machine, one hay ! rake, both in good condition. . Priced reasonable. Joe McGaha, Route 4. ; Jly24 ? 3tp ? A17 jEE PATTON Brothers for turn iture and save the difference J 10? tfc NATIONAL ORGANIZATION has opening for two men in i Cherokee, Macon, Clay and j Graham counties. No canvas sing, no collecting Excellent op portunity for advancement. Men selected will earn $125-225 per I week. We train you completely and furnish qualified leads. If you are dissatisfied with your present position and earnings ; you will find this well worth your time to Investigate. See I Mr. Joe Myers. 108 Hiawassee j Street, Murphy, N C., or write General Supervisor, Box '726, j Asheville, N. C. Jly24? tfc FOR SALE ? Mahogany dining room suite. Can be seen In I Highlands. Write T. E. Binford, I Box 84, Highlands, N. C. | A14? ltc FOR SALE ? Lime in 100 lb. bags, for grass and clover j land. Ray & Welch G.roc. Co. A7? ltc AFRICAN VIOLETS for sale. Phone 204. Mrs. W. E. Purr. A7 ? 2tp ? A14 WANTED ? Good housekeeper. Prefer middle aged person. If interested, see Charlie Sutton. A7? 2tc? A14 FOR SALE ? Crushed gravel for your driveway. Delivered. Re asonable price; Call 344. A7 ? tfc RESIDENCE FOR rent ? A. Ruf us Morgan. Phone 909. A7 ? 2tp ? A 14 BE INDEPENDENT. Sell Raw- ] leigh Products. Good locality open in Macon County. Write toda". Rawleigh's Dept. NCH 770-D, Richmond, Va. A14 ? 3tp ? A28 FOUND ? A tablecloth and sev eral other items left at our house at the Siler family meet ing. Also, someone took one of our tablecioths and left theirs by mistake. Mrs. H E. Freas. Phone 909. BREED YOUR MILK COWS ar tificially. Saves time, trouble and expense Call Bill Higdon 2705 or 97. A14 ? ltc ARTIFICIAL heifers are selling for high prices. You can get in on this good market by call ing Bill Higdon 2706 or 97. A14? ltc ' PLAY YOCR FIDDLE" 'Beat yo-Banja; that's tha-way folks live in the big hills of .Western North Carolina. Seems more like "Home" than any place you have ever lived. We t can help you to find the "dream Home" of your "boy hood days '. We have settled several good people here, that are happy in coming here. We have Cabins with few acres, to Mountain Ranges flowing with Nature, big woods and tumbling streams over the rocks of ages. If you love this, uitin see ? MOUNTAIN REAL ESTATE W. Main St. Franklin, N. C. Al*? ltc SEEM ? Rye, crimson clover, orchard grass, Ladlno ciover, and rye grass. Brown St Carson. A14 ? . CO SMALL CAFE, in heart of busi ness district, ior sale. *?SuO, equipment will inventory twice this amount. Doing excellent year-around business. Estab lished same location for over lo years. Owner s health tavors sale, or will consider leasing same, percentage basis, to re pu. vico. Pi. one o*nef, Franklin 12-W-2, for further p