|~- THE SICK - M ra O. W. Patterson, of ?muting Creek, underwent an ?paration at Angel Clinic this Mia. Ruth Parker, of Hayes *llle, underwent an operation Monday at Angel Clinic. Mrs. Myrtle Stevens, of Frank lin, who has been 111 In Angel Clinic, Is now somewhat im proved Mra. Maude Breedlove, of Et na, was admitted for treatment at Angel Clinic on Monday. le be sure ut r.x * getting the Ik ? I' best values^ Go First T J Vour Necj~.? This if lh?- Symlxil of S?-nior ihn-playHl in the stores of ihoiihandh of inilrprnilrnl hardwari'mcn throughout the nation ? your assur ance of neighlMtrly. pfrwuialized co operation in koepinp your family nrf supplied. So. look for this shield displayed l?y a More in your nearest shopping ronlrr. And for the utmost in satisfaction huy house ware* and hardware needs there. ? ltd 1?? MTimu BH All HMNMI ASSOCIATION ' FRANKLIN HARDWARE CO. ! FRANKLIN, N. C. V.F.W. WOMEN TALK PROJECTS Plan To Sponsor Essay Contests In County Schools Twenty members of the V.F. W Auxiliary were present at Monday night's meeting at the post home on Palmer Street. Suggested projects for civic clubs and local organizations were discussed and Mrs. Pauline Garrison was appointed to ob tain information on a family reported to be in need of as sistance. Plans for sponsoring an essay contest in the county schools were outlined by Mrs. Beatrice Finger and the auxiliary voted to back the contest. First prize will be $25. second, $15, and third. $10. The auxiliary will open a membership drive in October. Present membership is 46. It was reported that $70.35 was made at the last rummage sale on September 5. The auxiliary is now prepar ing the groundwork for the visit of the American Red Cross Bloodmobile here October 9. The unit's visit is being sponsored by the V.F.W. post. Cowee P. T. A. Discusses Bond Issue Vote The Cowee Parent-Teacher Association held its first meet ing of the new school year on rhursdav evening at the school. J, C. Sorrells. president, pre sided. There was a general discus sion on the bond election to be held October 3. During this dis :ussion, it -was called to the at tention of the members that Cowee badly needs two class rooms. With a view of getting more parents of the 290 chil dren enrolled in the school to become active members of the P.T.A., it was decided to spon sor an enlargement campaign. Tillery T. Love, principal, was elected chairman of this drive. The next meeting will be Oc tober 8 Dr Amelia Kahn. of Franklin, will be the speaker. Culiasaja P. T. A. Votes To Pay Lunchroom Debt The Culiasaja Parent-Teach er Association held its first meeting of the new school year Tuesday night of last week. With Wiley Clark presiding, the organization voted to pay all outstanding debts for the lunchroom and a check far the P.T.A.'s share, $311.25, was turn ed over to Principal Weaver Shope. The P T A also plans to sand the school playground, using sand donated by Ernest Dills. A benefit cakewalk will be staged at the school September 26 to raise funds for supplies OTTO WILL MEET A meeting of the Otto Rural Community Development Or ganization will be held at the Otto School Friday at 8 p. m? Bryant McClure, secretary, has announced Saturday, the com munity plans to work at the Coweeta and Asbury Cemeter ies, he said. Farm fires each year take 3.000 lives in the United States. COMPARE OUR AUTO INSURANCE RATES WITH ANY! Economical operation and careful selection of risks keep Form Bureau auto insurance rotes low ? you get maximum protection for lets money. Before you buy or renew, check with the Farm Bureau insurance representa tive in your community. More than o million city ond rural drivers insured. Coll ? BANKS FINGER Phone 126 Over A. & P. _ l ^ FARM BUREAU MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY H O M I OFFICE COLUMBUS, OHIO 1 Mr. Barrett Honored With Personal Shower A personal shower honoring the Rev. Conrad Barrett, who has been assistant pastor of Mt. Sinai Assembly of God Church for the past nine months, was given September 7, at the home of Mrs. Arlesa Roper, of Franklin, Route 3. The Roper home was decorat ed throughout with mixtures of summer flowers. Approximately 85 guests attended Punch and cookies were served. Mr. Barrett left Tuesday to attend the Southwestern Bible Institute of the Assembly of God in Waxahachie, Texas. Higdon Awarded Scholarship To Study Pharmacy Milton Higdon, son of Mr. and Mrs, Lefferts Higdon, of Franklin, Route 4, has been awarded a $225 scholarship by I the Pharmacy School at the University of North Carolina. The scholarship is awarded to deserving students on the basis of scholastic standing, charac ter, and promise of professional aptitude. Overall farm production has been doubled in efficiency in No.,1 that section of the highway was open to travel. The old breed of sidewalk construction engl- j neers has become motorized. ! And speaking of construction, have you noticed the undlmin ishing collection of "assistants" lining the site of the new build ing for Jamison Jewelers on Main? SARDINE PACKERS could learn a few things about jam min' 'em in if they took time out to study Franklin's traffic tie-up on a sunny Saturday. AL STRONG, one-time owner and operator of Dryman's, which is now Horsley's Restau rant. has been plying the streets this week shaking hands with old friends. Raleigh is fine, A1 s says, but "I left a part of my r heart here when I left". PITY THOSE poor tourists who didn't stay here long enough to see Fall make its en- t trance. To many, the prettiest i time of the year is yet to come, s The tourist season COULD be f extended, you know. No. 2 < dollar school building program. r which was completed with the o opening of the new Chapel (Negro i School this month, the r school superintendent remark- C ed: t "We mav not be able to estab- I ish a need as great as some ] >ther counties, but I doubt it < iny county has put forth any ' greater effort to provide ade luate school buildings than Macon." If the county can catch up >n present needs, "future needs :an be met", Mr. McSwaln said. i Under the school bond Issue proposal. $50,000,000 will be ear narked for allocation among 1 :he state's 100 counties; the 'lrst $10,000,000 to be equally llvlded among the counties; the lext $15,000,000 to be allocated >n the basis of school enroll - nent; and the remaining $25.- , WO, 000 to be distributed on the >asls of need and effort. The other proposed Issue ] vould provide $22,000,000 In , >onds for assuring adequate ; pace and facilities In the state's i nental institutions. ' ] No. 3 I imes and have had as speakers, ^ranklin Fire Chief A. C. Ty- 1 inger and Chief Salley, of the Inka fire department. } According to Chief Nelson, he information and tips passed in by the two chiefs have been j nvaluable in organizing the j lew department, which is now Irilling regularly each week. ] Other officers of the depart nent are Asst. Chief Cirlton i "leaveland: John Miller, . cap ain of 1st Company: Henry ! ledden, lieutenant, 1st Com- ' pany; A. L. (Chuck) Chalker, ' captain, 2nd Company; Edward Potts, lieutenant, 2nd Company, V. W. McCall, secretary-treas urer; and the Rev. Robert E. Early, chaplain. Volunteers include Louis E. Potts, R. L. Potts, Gene Hous ton, George Kilby, Frank E. Shockley, J. W. La roe, Eckel Rowland, o E. Young, Jr., the . Rev. Robert M. Hart, Paul Wal den, C. A. Wilson, and Thomas W. Crisp. shows from here were County Agent S. W. Mendenhall, Olln Bradley, of Iotla, Lester Hoi- 1 land, of Cullasaja, Wiley Brown, of Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Shope, of Cartoogechaye, Nelson iValdroop, of Carson's Chapel, Mrs. Harry Stoudemire, Mrs. i Charles Ferguson, of Holly Springs, and James (Pete) Set ser. nons. Patsy Hays, and Audrey Hays. Anderson Memorial Nursing School. Anderson, S. C.: Freda ! Lee Tallent. Mission Hospital, Asheville: ! Emma Jean Elliott. East Tennessee Baptist Hos pital. Knoxville: Jean Setser. Florida Southern, Deland: Nancy Cabe. Carson- Newman, Jefferson No. 5 Cit, Tenn.: Wayne Sorrel^. Preparsteey 8ohirti St. Qenevleve-of-the-Plnea,. Ashevllle : Jane Zlckgraf and Beverly Cook. ChrUt School, Arden: Robert Slier. Riverside Military Academy, Gainesville, Oa. : Eric Hearn and Eugene Dowdie. Mrs. Siltr Joins Press Staff Monday As Society -Editor Mrs. A. A. Slier Monday join ed the staff of The Press as Society Editor. She succeeds Miss Elizabeth Jones, who held the post dur ing the summer months. Prior to that time, the editor's job was handled by Mrs. E. S. Hun nicutt, who has moved to Ashe vllle. RAMEY AT END Paul Ramey, formerly of Franklin, who is living at the Moose-sponsored Child City in Illinois, is playing end for the Mooseheart's Red Ramblers football squad, it has been learned here. JUDGES AT FAIR Mrs. Florence S. Sherrill, county home agent, and W. W. (Bill i Sloan, of the Nantahala Power and Light Company, were among those judging exhibits at the Cherokee County Fair in Murphy on Tuesday. TV\VT AD RAT^I 2 cent* i?er woio, wita a mlniEauri. barge of f>5 cents for each in c;. . ?<. 1 (2C cents e.\.tia Joi keyed nan. . C'?uHifi?d Dmplav: In s point type, '.f? cen It j*r lir,e. 1 In CAPITALS or boia ? i?;inT type, 20 for each line. ? in type larger than 8 point. 2ft c?nt? per ?pace of h point line. CASH DISCOUNTS When cash accompaniM order 10 per cent discount will t?e allowed. .( per rent for three or more conneentiv* r.hemona of ouiut ad. FOR SALE? Registered Guern- ! sey cow. 4-H club project. See Grady Henry, Ellijay. FOR SALE ? Irish potatoes. $1.50; bushel if called for. or will f deliver five bushels or more lots i at same price. See Grady Hen I ry, Ellijay. FOR RENT ? -Four-room house and three-room house, part ; furnished, or unfurnished, with lights and water, wood if pre- 1 i ferred. See Mrs. Bertha Ledford, 1 3 miles from town in Patton i ? Community. S17 ? 2tp ? S24 RUMMAGE SALE ? Tamassee DAR School, Saturday morn- < ing. Sept. i9. 9 until 12 o'clock. S17 ? ltc FOR SALE? A good larm in grass and clover. Team of mules, plenty of new farm tools, | two young cows. Will sell at half price. See Lawrence Cog- | 'gins. Franklin, N. C.. Patton' i Community. / j i HELP WANTED? Female. Make money at home addressing i envelopes for advertisers. Use ! typewriter or longhand. Good j full, sparetime earnings. Satis- j faction guaranteed. Mail SI for instruction manual. Transglo, ! P O Box 1543, Wichita. Kansas. 1 S17? ltc ACRES OF PARADISE YES. this lovely 16-acre proper ty is really "Out Of This World", but is less than 3 miles 1 from the Court House! It has a Brand New 2-ACRE LAKE with a dam 16 ft. wide to drive across, to the beautiful wooded cove on the other side. There is j some excellent divided pasture, | large garden, fruit trees and I grapes, small barn, garage and j concrete cellar with electric I pump. The little white house on I a cool shaded knoll has 5 rooms, small bath and two nice porches, it overlooks the lovely lake and cove, and has a gor | geous view of the distant High ! Tops. Although the house is Spic and Span, it does need some minor repairs. However, this unusually attractive prop erty, priced at only $6950. is by far ? the finest buy of its kind I have had in several years! If interested in exceptional invest ment with unlimited possibili ties, then see this truly Out standing Offer! EXCLUSIVE WITH TED REBER ? Realtor On the Square Phone 200 817? ltc FIRNISHED APARTME NT Conveniently located two bed re cm, .iving room ana kitchen apartment Reasonable rental. SMALL ACREAGE TRACTS Have for sale a number of small acreage tracts close in that may ce bought for the price of a city lot. FRED F. JONES Real Estate , ? Phone 333 517? ltc I FOR LEASE ? Store and filling station. 4 miles from Frank lin on Bryson City highway. If interested, see Mrs. John Bren file. S17 ? 2tp ? S24 NICELY FURNISHED apart- | ment. suitable for two or three. located on West Main Street, availab'.e. Rent $25 per month. Wilson. Telephone 63-J. S17? tfc AM GOING to Norfolk, Va. on October 24 for the docking of the US3 Coral Sea. Would like passenger to share expenses of trip. For information call 390-W, Franklin. S17 ? 2tc ? S24 FOR SALE ? One new Hide Away bed. priced $17 50. Phone Highlands 2180 or write P. O Box 265. Highlands. N. C. S17 ? ltp APARTMENT FOR RENT? Over Bakery. See Mrs. Walter Steele at Dixie Hall or Mr. Johnson in Bakery shop, for- key. SI 7 ? 2t p ? S24 LOST ? Spare tire and wheel off Dodge truck, size 700-16, on Georgia road. Finder please re turn to Grady Wiggins, Coweeta Experimental Station. ONE-HALF ACRE lot for sale in the Troy Shook Subdivision on the Cullasaja Highway be tween Franklin and Highlands, 3 miles of Franklin. Price $450 Athens Moses, Cullasaja, N. C. S17 ? tfc FOR MEN and young men? See our window display of Flor sheim. Jarman, John C. Roberts Shoes: Shanhouse Spart Coats; Lamb Knit Sweaters: Van-Heu sen Sport Shirts; Friedman Shelby Work Shoes, Boots Real values at sensible prices. The Quality Shop. S17 ? ltc FOR SALE ? 3 h. p. three phase motor. $50: 3 to 4 h. p. gas engine, $65; 32"-36" wood saws; 4 cylinder Chevrolet engine con verted to power unit; centrifu gal pump with 'A h. p. motor. Some collectors items, includ ing spinning wheels, J. & P. Coats thread cabinet, etc. M. Higdon. FOR SALE? 1850 Ford pickup truck In good condition. 24, 000 miles See Derrell Queen, Route 4, Franklin. S17 ? 2tp ? S24 FOR RENT ? Good, five-room nouse. One mile from town cn Murphy Highway. See Fred Young at Cullasaja. WE WILL BE closed each Wed nesday at 12:00 p. m. begin ning September 9, 1953. Ed wards-Dillard Hardware, High lands. N. C., and Reeves Hard ware. Highlands, N. C. SIC? 2tc? S17 FOR SALE ? Palamino saddle horse. May be seen in lot at city limit on Murphy road. Phone 252. S10? 3tp? S24 SEE OUR new toy department. It'll make your Christmas shop ping easy, and our Lay-Away plan will make it easy to pay for your gifts. Franklin 5 & 10c Store ? "Your New 5 & 10c Store". S17 ? ltc APARTMENT FOR RENT? Fur nished or unfurnished. Lights, hot and' cold water, wired for electric range. Also rooms. Phone 9110. Mrs. Herman Dean. S10? 3tc? S24 WANTED ? Male German Police dog or female Collie. Bob Ramsey, Route 3, Franklin. S10? 2tp? S17 THREE REGISTERED Plots for sale. Now treeing and catch ing. Born January 1, 1953. See L. E. Coggins, Route 1, Frank lin. S10? 3tp? S24 FOR SALE or trade? Two ram , lambs. Suitable for light serv ice. George Borden, four miles out Bryson City Road, Phone 340-J-2. I S10? 3tp? S24 | FOR SALE ? Furnished modern small home, electrically equip Iped, and car garage. 3% acres | of land, located 4 miles south j of Franklin on U. S. Highwaj ;44l and 23. $6,000 cash. To see contact John L. Cunningham at the Prentiss post office. S3? 4tp? S24 USE OUR easy Lay-Away plan Do your Christmas shopping early at the new toy depart ment of the Franklin 5 & 10< Store ? "Your New 5 & 10( Store". S17 ? ltc HERE'S YOUR Opportunity ? To succeed, provide for youi family and future, have youi own business and be a com munity leader. Sell Rawleigfr products in Macon County. Buj on credit, pay as you sell. Writ* now Rawleigh's, Dept. NC1-770 UU, Richmond, Va. S3? 4tp? S24 WANTED ? Good hens See u: before you sell. Top price pait here. Farmers Federation. A. E Frizzell, Mgr. S3? 3tc? S17 ?SEPT. SELECT SALES" Realty roundup: I am putting up for Sale lew very tempting buys with "price and appeal", to sell this Month. We "aim to sell". Otherwise why bother? j Typical Mountains Homes, Cab ins. with Springs and Streams, high knolls with "dreamy views'. Select building sites, 10 35 acre tracts for high class de velopment, prices to please. i The Tourist Court buy of West i em N. C. For . price, location, future expansion into a $100, 000.00 Court, show me better for the money. 100% cooperation ! with licensed brokers over the Country. Now, 100 acre Mountain retreat for that retiring Home you have dreamed about, woodland flowing with streams and Na ture, high up with World view; you'll love every tree, and want : to stay with it. For Mountain Real Estate from $1,000 to $50,000. write for de tails. photos: gladly sent Air Mali, n? obligations. Or see ? OWEN C. FL'RLOW Olfioe ? Furlow Springs Franklin, N. C. S3? 4tc? S24 i FOR SALE ? Three-bedroom ' house wi;h bath. Corner lot. Large garden. On School Street. ! John J. Swan, phone 29J. . Jly2 ? tfc , i REGISTERED NURSES? Gener al duty nurse for 11 p. m. to , 7 a. m. shift: also relief nurse ' lor 43-bed hospital. Position ! open now Apply J. S. Dickson, 1 1 Administrator, Habersham, J County Hospital, Demorest, Ga. ; I S3? 3tc? S17 ' I WHY NOT do your Christmas shopping early? You can, by i using the easy Lay-Away plan at the new toy department of [ the Franklin 5 & 10c Store ? "Your New 5 & 10c Store". ' S17? ltc 3 ASH FOR old and disabled ; horses and mules Call Cash ers 2281 collect. Wllson-Jen ilngs Fur Farm. i24 ? tfc ; FOR QUICK Dependable radio ' repairs, come to City Radio [ i Shop ? Between S and L and ; Doyle's Cafe. Allen Ordway, : I Mgr. M20? tfc SEE PATTON Brothers for furn iture and save the difference F7? tfp FOR YOUR Spriiig recapping, or when in need of tires, see us. Rickman's OK Rubber Welders, ! Tire Store, and Recapping Shop | 016 ? tic FOR RENT ? 8-inch American floor sander and edger. Floor s polisher. House jacks. Skill 1 saws. Staple gun. Edwards-Dll . lard Hardware, Phone 2775, Highlands. Jly9? tfc RUPTURE bother you? Don't put off getting the new, scien tific Sutherland Truss for Her jnia (Rupture*. Instant, perma | nent relief. See Walter A. ! Steele, Dixie Hall, Franklin. I S3 ? 3tp ? J817 RYE ? $3 per bushel. Crawford McCoy. S10? 3tp? S24 ! DO YOU NEED crushed gravel for your driveway? Call 344, j Franklin, N. C. j Jlyl6 ? tfc ?VELL DRILLING ? Have your wells drilled by modern ma chinery. 6" ad 8" domestic and commercial wells. Macon Pump and Well Company. Write F. B. Rogers, Route 1, Franklin, N. C. S13? tfc SHEET METAL work, furnace repair, guttering, heating in i stallation. Franklin Sheet Metal Works, Phone 336, Nantahala Building. Dll? tfc FURNISHED Apartment for rent. Mrs. George A. Jones. Phone 490. S3? 3to ? S17 For Expert photography With A "Newspaper Flair" Specializing In Weddings, Reunions, Child Photography Call Press Photo Service J. P. Brady Phone ? 24 >EE PATTON Brothers for furn iture and save the difference. ?7? tfc Protect your building invest ment by using ? Steam Cured Concrete, Cinder, or Superock Blocks For best prices See Your Local Manufacturer 8- x 8" x ia Speclal prices In carloads W. A. HAYS BLOCK PLANT Phone 499 Franklin, N. C N17? tfc FOR RENT ? Furnished, two bedroom rock house on High lands Road. Modern conven iences. Owner, George Tessler. Call 798. or see Mrs. Cora Re id at Franklin Mica Shop. A20? tfc