* > ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1 ? , W IT *IT IP EVERYTHING good .?#. Cup 49c) Pimiento Cheese Ready To Bah*, Benton's Ue-Box Danish ? 45c - 39c - 25c Sarah Ann COFFEE * 79c Lucky Leaf Apple Pie Filling S? 34c All Purpose Soap IVORY 3 T 26c Special Pack CHEER Giant Size 0? Cross* * Ma?kw*N Choc. Nat Roll *? 23c For Battar Baking CRISCO 3 ?. 8>o Safa Far A Babt? SMa j ! CAMAY S 3 CZP 25c i Dux Does Everything! 0 H Z ! VT 29c BUncUd Shortening SNOWDRIFT 3 ?, 89c Liquid Soap In A Cqn LIQUID L8X '2??. OQ Con WW Dirt* Out With TIDE Largo OA. Pkg. OW Intra Absorbsrxy & Safety KOTEX 2 77c Liquid Shortening WESSON OIL t? 6ic Makes Clothes Whit* RINSO ;;r 29c Delicious With Chicken Cranberry Sauce OCEAN SPRAY i9c Soft! Strong! Pops Up KLEENEX 2 "So." 29c Road-E-0 Deadline Wednesday Wednesday (April 13) is the registration deadline for teen agers planning to enter the Jaycee - sponsored "Teen - Age Road-e-o", the project chair man, John Cogan, announced this week. Written examinations will be given the following day by Franklin High driver training instructors, Clayton Ramsey and Edwin T. Williams, at the high school. The written examination counts 40 per cent and the driv ing test 60 in the contest, the chairman explained. Only the top 25 teen-agers ] in the written examination will ( be allowed to compete in the ' driving phase, which is sched uled for the afternoon of April 20 on West Main Street near the R. S. Jones residence. Town officials have given the Jaycees permission to rope off the area for the tests. The local winner will be sponsored in the state-wide "Teen-Age Road-e-o" later in the year by the local organiza tion. Mr. Cogan is being assisted in ' the project by Vic Perry, Dick : Angel, and Bob Caipenter. Making Trip To New York For UN Tour Miss Emma Watson, Franklin High junior, and her sponsor ing teacher. Mrs. Mildred R. Martin, will leave here Wednes day on the first leg of a trip to New York City for a tour of the United Nations. Miss Watson, daughter of John H. Watson, of Franklin, won the trip recently for an essay she entered in a contest sponsored by the American Freedoms Association. Mrs. Mar tin directed the local contest. The Lions Club and the Franklin Junior Woman's Club are paying Miss Watson's ex penses on the trip. The associa tion is paying Mrs. Martin's. The first leg of their trip will be from here to Greensboro, The Pranjdin Press and The Highlands Maconiaa THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1955 PAGE FIV* where they will board a char tered bus for the trip north with 44 other students and teachers from over the state. They will stay at the Woodstock Hotel in New York City and their agenda includes tours of the 1 city and the U. N. On the re- | turn trip they will visit in Washington, D. C., and attend a 1 session of Congress. They -plan to be back home the 17th. Suggests Ways To Make Dollar Stretch A Bit What is the best way to make your dollar buy more in 1955 than it did in 1954? Think over last year's expendi tures, suggests Miss Mamie Whis nant. State College extension specialist in homr management. Do you know how much your in come was last year? How much was spent for famjly living? With out some good planning ? especial ly with present high prices ? money has a way of disappearing with little to show for it. Miss Whisnant adds that the best way to know just where the dollars go is to plan ahead in telligently and to keep a record or account of your finances. The plan, naturally, will have to be somewhat flexible to me<'r certain unexpected expenses. How ever, don't worry if you have to make changes or adjustments in your plan, she advises. They must usually be made because of chang ing conditions or unexpected events. But it still pays to have a plar. she emphasizes. A plan will help . you to think ahead carefully be fore you spend. Hit-or-miss spend ing wastes money. Each family's problems are different, therefore each family financial plan will be different. To be successful and workable, the plan must be fitted to your individual problems and i needs. Miss Whisnant points out. Miss Whisnant says that sound financial planning and the wise use of money can mean greater family satisfaction and peace ol mind. Don't let lack of plannine and haphazard spending add tc your worries, she arses. COMMISSIONED Mark H. Hopper 2nd Lit. Hopper, 23, son of Mrs. Hattie McClure, of High lands, recently was commission ed to his present rank in the infantry after being graduated from the Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, Ga. Lt. Hopper, who has been in the army since 1948, holds the Silver Star, Purple Heart, and the Commendation Ribbon. He attended Highlands High School. Personal Ivlmtn-. Jewell Parrtsh has returned to Detroit. Mich., after a visit with his parents. Mr.' and Mrs. E. H Parrish, of Franklin. Route 3. and other relatives here._Before returning to Detroit, he went to Chapel Hill to visit his daugh ter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Kirk. Jr., and his grandson. George Kirk. Mrs. Grady Crisp, of Franklin, Route 4, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Furman Crisp, in Manassas. Va. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Porter have returned home after spend ! ing some time with their, daugh ter, Mrs. R. L. Jerome, and Mr. '! Jerome, in Roanoke Rapids. Mrs. Jerome and son. Lyie, dro\ e t!-.em ) to Franklin Saturday and r turn ed to Roanoke Rapids Sunday. "a man is known by the company he keeps" . . . "a business is known by the clients it keeps" We like to think we bar* the best merchants in the North Carolina Merchants Association ... To be a member oi our organisation is truly a mark oi success ... of prestige . . . Look In the advertisements oi your local newspaper and you will see another answer to the qu se dan oi who the successful merchants in your town are. YouH see his advertisements telling the readers . . . truthfully . . . and regularly. . . . and In a planned way . . . about his services ... his store or shop ... his merchandise. These readers soon come to hare CONFIDENCE in the advertiser and are attracted to his store. His dealings are FAIB . . . HONEST . . . shopping conditions are better and H soon becomes apparent that it pays to do business with a firm that advertises. Tour LOCAL Merchant 1* TOUR quartermaster . . . helps build YOl'R community . . . and carries larM stocks lor YOU!