9be ffankliti Htm 3%i JKaamian PRICE 10 Cent s 7 1st Year ? No. 8 Franklin, N. C., Thurtday, February 23, 1956 Fourteen Pages Norman B. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith, of Frank lin. (left), is shown receiving from Frank Dean an oratorical hmU for winning the local American Legion speaking contest. Mr. Dean is commander of the Legion post. Rnnnernp in the oanpetiUoo was Gary McKetvey, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Mc Ketrey. Norman will more on to dhMoo competition in Mjarch m Marion. Vets Program Responsible For Smaller School Budget Macon's 11 schools are run ning this year (1955-56) on an estimated budget of $93,307, a figure $6,751.45 less than actual expenditures of $99,958.45 for 1954-55. The veterans' program is largely responsible for the budget cut, according to Supt. Holland McSwain. He explained that the program was cut back this year because few veterans have been added. Under "Current Expenses" ( estimated t, items include: General (administration, cler ical assistance, office expenses, treasurer's, commission, audit and legal fees) : $6,280. Instructional Services (salar iei and travel for vocational ag ricultural. vocational home ec onomics, supervisors, and vet erans training): $21,827. Operation of Plants (fuel, water, lights, janitorial sup plies) : $9,950. Maintenance of Plants (re pairs to buildings, repairs and replacement of furniture, re pairs to plumbing, heating, and lighting i : $14,600. Insurance a.id Retirement: 3*3, 1. ill. Transportation ibus driver salaries): $16,920. Lunchroom Operation (meals) : $19,910. Sources of income, and esti mated amounts, falling under 'Current Expenses' include $19,800 from federal govern ment for lunchroom program; SEE NO. 2, PAGE 10 F. F. A. Team Wins 1st Place Competing In Nantahala Fed eration competition in Andrews on Monday, a team from the Franklin F. F. A. won first place in ritual and parliamentary procedure. On the team are Johnny Tip pett, chapter president; Bobby Teague, vice-president; Craw ford Moore, secretary; Frank Nolen, treasurer; Kenneth Dills, reporter; Bill Fouts, sentinel; ar.d Riley Henry, alternate. The boys will advance to dis trict competition in Asheville on May 11. Wayne Proffitt, vocational agricultural teacher, is advisor. Eight schools in the western area sent teams to the federa tion contest. Nantaha.a Boys Are Still In Basketball Tournament Nantahala's boys' team is the only one from this county's three high schools still in the running in the Smoky Mountain Basketball Tournament. Tonight (Thursday i at 7:30, the Nantahala lads move into the semifinals against Cherokee in the Highlands gymnasium, where the boys' tournament is H. U. SKKlPlli EVENT SLATED ON WEDNESDAY Iotla Club To Put Out Welcome Mat; Dress Review Set The Iotla club will put out the welcome mat at Iotla School next Wednesday after noon (Feb. 29) for the annual "Spring Federation" for home demonstration women. Members of the Olive Hill Oak Dale and Franklin clubs are serving as co-hostesses with the Iotla women. Set to begin at 2:15, the pro gram spotlight will center on the annual dress review, fea turing clothes made and model ed by the club women. The county clothing leader, Mrs. A. D. Carter, will be narrator. Judges will be Mrs. Barbara B. Hunnicutt, former assistant home agent here, Miss Mary Johnston, home agent of Jack son County, Mrs. Janet C. Mar tin, assistant home agent in Clay County, and Mrs. John Miller, of Highlands, former home agent of Graham County. A musical feature is to be presented by the home demon stration chorus, under the di rection of Miss Margaret Wil son. Mrs. Frank I. Murray, presi dent of the county council, will have charge of the program. The public is Invited to at tend the event, according to Mrs. George Gibson, president of the Iotla club. Weather Is Hampering Playing Field Work Weather has been hampering grading of a recreation field at the Macon Prison Camp. However, Supt. John E. Cut shall this week said more than $300 in equipment, mostly box ing, already has been ordered. Plans call for grading about five acres near the camp for the field as a new phase in the camp's rehabilitation program. When completed, the superin tendent said the camp will have facilities for baseball, tennis, Softball, basketball, volley ball, handball, boxing, shuffleboard, and track. Work on the field started in mid-January. being staged. Finals are set Saturday night. As other county teams (boys' and girls'.) were barreled out by stiff tournament competition, the Nantahala lads bowled over Glenville 59 to 33 as play got under way on the 15th, and then two nights later battled SEE NO. 4, PAGE 10 ?Slut* Photo ?>> J. P. Hi .k'v WITH NANTAHALA PI WI'KS riding his back, Franklin High's Mitchell Houston (7) fights to kerp the basketball during a rough-and-tumble play Friday night in the Highlands gymnasium. Nantr.*iala defeated Franklin 49 to 46. Mrs. Richard Slagle, president of the local V. F. W. Auxiliary, is shown with the silver cup the auxiliary won for performing the best floor work among the auxiliaries of the 17th V. F. W. District during 1955. P. T. A. Votes To Sponsor Explorer Troop In Town Explorer Scouts, upcoming elections, and a birthday party got top billing at Monday night's meeting of the Frank lin P. T. A. Following a talk by R. E. Mc Kelvey, Boy Scout adult leader, the organization voted to spon sor an Explorer troop. To iron out the details of the project, President B. L. McGlamery ap pointed the following commit tee ? H. H. Gnuse, Jr., chair man, Robert Vinson, Jack Ang el, Harry C. Corbin, Fred Vaughn, and George Slagle. With the election of the 1956 57 slate of officei s lormins shortly, the president appointed Fred Vaughn. Mrs. Margaret Ramsey, and Mrs. John Bulgin as nominating committee. Mr. Vaughn was named chairman. A three-tiered birthday cake added the festive touch to the meeting, as the organization celebrated the 59th anniversary of the P. T. A. movement in the country. A more personal touch was added by the his torian, .Mrs. J. Ward Long, who briefly reviewed the accom plishments of the local P. T. A., since its organization in 1914, and recognized and presented flowers to some past presidents. They included Mrs. John Was ilik, the Rev. A. Rufus Morgan, Mrs. A. A. Siler, Mrs. John Bul gin, Mrs. C. N. Dowdle, and B. L. McGlamery. The seventh grade square dance team performed on the evening's program. The devotional was given by the Rev. Bryan Hatchett. T. J. Edwards' home room won the attendance prize for the high school and Mrs. tola Kiser'sv for the elementary school. License Tags Still Going Although Wednesday of last we.pk was the deadline, the local Carolina Motor Club office has been doing a spirited business in license tags this week, ac cording to the manager. Verlon Swafford. He said several hundred have been sold since the deadline. With the deadline, sales at the office ran more than 1,000 ahead of the corresponding pe riod last .year. The final figure was 5.276. as compared with 4, 142 for the '55 tags. Here's a breakdown of the sales : Automobiles, 3,351: motor cycles, 8; truck, 1,646; farm truck, 160; and trailers. 111. Comedy To Be Given At Cartoo^echaye On Saturday Evening A one-act comedy. "Old Maids' Convention." will be pre sented Saturday rii^ht at the Cartoogechaye School under the sponsorship of the P T A Miss Sally Kesler is directing the play, which will begin at 8 o'clock. Admission will be 35 and 70 cents. The P. T. A will serve coffee, cake, anci pie, officials said this week Search Begins For County's 'Young Farmer' Who is Macon County's "Out standing Young Farmer" of 1955? A search is now under way to find him. When he is select ed ? probably next week ? he will be singled out for honors by the Franklin Jaycees, who will enter him in the state and national "Four Outstanding Young Farmers" awards pro gram. Siler Slagle. Cartoogechaye dairyman, who won the honor last year, is heading a commit tee of non-Jaycees to select the '55 young farmer. To be eligible for the award, a farmer must be between the ages of 21 and 35 mot reach ing 36 during 1955), and must be dependent upon the soil for two-thirds of his annual in come. Nominations for this award should be turned in immedi ately', with a list of the nomi nee's qualifications, to Mr. Slagle or to C Banks Finger, Jaycee president No Word Yet On Agreement To Buy Company John M. Archer. Jr.. president of Nantuhala Power and Light Company, yesterday < Wednes day i '<aid his company still has not heard from the heirs of the C. J Harris Estate on an agree ment to buy the Dillsboro and Sylva Electric Light Company for $400,000. The company agreed to that figure last week, after it was proposed by the heirs, he said The Dillsboro and Sylva com pany. which buys power from Nantahala, serves aoout 2,000 customers and has some 95 miles of transmission lines. 4ANDBOOK AND KETTLES ? 1st Scoutmaster Looks Back Gym About Ready For March Games i WORKERS ARE ANNOUNCED ; Volunteers Needed In Communities For $ Annual Fund Drive i: A roster of volunteer workers d to assist with the '56 American J Red Cross fund drive here is s almost complete, according to ( the executive secretary of the p chapter, Mrs. Elizabeth McCol- r lum. With a quota of $3,730, the ( month-long campaign gets un- s der way March 1 with the Rev. J. Bryan Hatchett as general chairman. Only a few more volunteers are needed, Mrs. McCollum said this week, to round out cam paign strategy. She asked that persons who would like to as sist in the Oak Grove, Gneiss, Telllco, Prentiss, and West Union sections get in touch with her before the drive starts. Workers also are needed In sections of Franklin. Here is a partial list of work ers and the areas they will canvass: W. G. Crawford, East Frank lin School; Z. Weaver Shope, Cullasaja School; R. A. Byrd, Union School; Alex Arnold, Co wee School; E. G. Crawford, Otto School; J. Norman West, Cartoogechaye School; Harry Moses, Iotla School; R. C. Pipes, Nantahala School; A. R. Shep ard, Chapel School; Mrs. Gladys Kinsland, East Franklin; Miss Emma Watson, Palmer Street; Miss Frances Seay, Porter Street; Mrs. Mildred Brown, HUlcrest Circle; Mrs. Laura Duncan, Golf View Drive; Mar vin Roper, Georgia highway: Miss Mildred Burch, Harrison Avenue; Miss Luana Baker, Iotla Street; Zeb Meadows, post SEE NO. 8, PAGE 10 'Heart Sunday' Campaign Slated "Have a heart and help a heart on 'Heart Sunday' " re- 1 quest Bob Carpenter and Neil Finger, co-chairmen of this 1 year's Heart Fund drive. ' This coming Sunday is "Heart Sunday", and it is the only day , donations will be solicited in the campaign against the na- j tion's number one killer ? heart . disease. In support of the concerted one-day campaign, the co- J chairmen explained that this . is the only time many men and ' wpmen who are willing to help ^ will have free time. In addi tion. more people are likely to be home between 2 and 4 ' o'clock on a Sunday afternoon. Mr. Carpenter and Mr. Finger. c assisted by a number of volun- 1 teers, plan to canvass the en tire town during the afternoon. High school students to help them are being rallied under t the leadership of student Nor- ? man B. Smith, they said. t The heart-shaped coin col- I lectors already haVe been placed ' in business establishments and 5 campaign kits have been hand- c ed out to chairmen in organized communities. Gilmer A Jones still has "somewhere around the house" a battered handbook and a couple of kettles. , They're mementoes of Frank- i lin's first Boy Scout troop, which was organized in 1915. 1 Mr. Jones was Scoutmaster. Back in those days, he re calls, Boy Scouting had no na tional affiliation of today's scope. No one seems to remem ber if the troop here ever had a number. "It was a voluntary move ment . . more of an idea than anything," the Franklin attor ney commented in an interview this week. J. A Porter did more than any one individual 1 to get the troop started, he said. ' Other things were somewhat [ different, too. In contrast to to- * day's broad outlook. Mr. Jones SEK NO G, PAGE 10 n McSwain Seeks Credit To Put In Sidewalks; Floor Is Finished With Franklin High's new ymnasium in the last stages f construction, It appears llke y that at least three basket all games will be staged in the 157,000 building In early March. Tile work in the locker rooms 3 now under way after some lelay in material delivery. E. . Whitmire, of Macon Con truction Company, yesterday Wednesday) said this final jha.se should be finished by the niddle of next week. The hardwood playing floor three full courts i has been anded and polished and will be BOYS TO PLAY Franklin High's boys will play Canton High in Bryson City Wednesday night (29th) at 8: JO in the western district playoffs tor the AA cham pionship. At 7, Sylva and HendersonTille play. eady by the week-end, he idded. Seats and goals prob ably will be Installed by the 'irst of the week. Meanwhile, the high school is inlng up basketball games for he new building Coach Hcw ird Barnwell said yesterday lothing definite has been set sut the school is hoping to schedule games with Hayesville, 31yde Erwin High in Buncombe bounty, and Murphy early next nonth. School Supt. Holland Mc McSwain also is trying to line up some credit so sidewalks :an be built around the gym nasium at once. There were no provisions in the building costs for sidewalks, he explained, but lie said it is important that something bo done immediate ly to keep mud from being tracked into the building and 5n the playing floor. Mr. McSwain sa'd there is no judget money available at pres ?nt to do the job. He is, how ever, contacting several people ;o see if they will agree to give ?redit for several months so the ob can be done now. Poultry School Is Scheduled Two extension officials from >1. C. State College will hold a )oultry school Tuesday after loon at the Agricultural Build ng. Set to begin at 1:30 p. m., li.scu.ssions will center around lousing, diseases, sanitation, jreeding, feeding, and markets, iccording to County Agent T. T Faeg. C. F. Parrish and W. G. An lrews will have charge. Mr. 'arrish is head of the poultry iepartinent and Mr. Andrews s a poultry specialist. SING AT TI LIICO The fourth Sunday sing of he northern division of the ?lacon County Singing Conven ion will bo held at the Tellico 3aptlst Church Sunday, start ng at 1:30 p. ni Lon Thompr on, the organization's presi lent, made the announcement. SQl'ARK DANCE AT OTTO The Otto P T. A. will sponsor i square dance at the school Saturday night, beginning at 8 I'clock Music will be furnished >y the Black Rock string band. The Weather Thf I in S. w.-Hthf iilor N Hit Ved.. Feb "hursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday fucsdav Ved , Feb. Thursday ?riday Saturday lunda.v londay 'uesday temi* nit ui?-s and rainfall. a* l:anklin hy Man*nn Stile>. r <>hs?rv?-t . in Highlands l>v II and VS ? N?'wtr*n. TV A I at th?- Cowfi# H.vdrolotfie FRANKLIN Temperatures High Low Rain 15 59 47 .10 60 44 .09 57 49 .62 69 47 .48 69 35 .57 54 37 63 50 18 COWEETA Temperatures Hhjh Low Rain 15 59 40 .040 57 63 70 69 55 55 41 .050 48 2.060 49 .656 34 .556 41 .890 20 ....

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