CIRCULATION Last Week 2681 Net Paid ?fje ft attMin Wit 3H)? JHacomnn PRICE 10 Cents 71st Year ? No. 11 Franklin, N. C., Thursday, March 15, 1956 Sixteen Pages WATERSHED AID COMING ON PRIORITY Macon Soil Chairman Hears From Federal Official On Project Planning assistance by the federal government for the 90, 000-acre watershed control and conservation project for the Little Tennessee River drainage area will be granted on the basis of watershed priorities. That's the word from the of fice of the Secretary of Agri culture, where application for assistance was made in Janu ary under the Watershed Pro tection and Flood Prevention Act. ? In a letter to J. S. Gray, chairman of the Macon County Soil Conservation District, a de partment administrator, D. A. Williams, acknowledged receipt of the application and explain ed: "As rapidly as technical facil ities are available, planning as sistance will be authorized on the basis of watershed priori ties recommended by the Geor gia State Soil Conservation Committee and the North Caro lina Soil Conservation Commit tee . . ." Both Georgia and North Car olina officials and citizens have been pushing for the detailed watershed study in order to de velop a comprehensive plan for Little Tennessee drainage. Long-range plans call for the project to straighten and clean the river channel and establish a system of terracing and drainage for the area to bene fit all landowners and to con serve water and soil. Under the Watershed Protec tion and Flood Prevention Act, the federal government covers 50 to 90 per cent of the cost of channel correcting and con struction costs of such a water shed program, it was explained. , Korte Is Elected Lions President Robert J. Korte, of Wayah Valley, Monday night was elect ed president of the Franklin Lions Club for '56-57. He succeeds Jack Angel. Named to serve with the new president were Verlon Swafford, 1st vice-president; G. Wayne Faulkner, 2nd vice-president; Harry C. Corbin, 3rd vice-presi dent; B. B. Scott, secretary; J. C. Crisp, treasurer; Vance Ruck er. Lion Tamer; J. Ward Long, Tail Twister; and R. Roy Cun ningham and John Crawford, two-year directors. In addition to the election of officers, the Lions' meeting fea tured talks on Cub Scouting by R. E. McKelvey and Ernest Hyde, and the club was pre sented the charter of the pack it is sponsoring. County P. T. A. Study Course Is Scheduled Mrs. Elizabeth C. Guffey, study course chairman for the Franklin P. T A., has announc ed that a county-wide study course will be held at East Franklin School next Wednes day (March 21 1 from 9:30 a. m. to 2:30 p. m. Dr. Koepp-Saker, director of special education, Western Car olina College, Cullowhee, will be guest speaker. Mrs. John Craw ford, of Raleigh, state P. T. A. president, and Mrs. Olin Dillard, of Candler, district director, will also take part on the program. A nursery will be provided for small children. Lunch will be served in the school cafeteria. All members of Macon county P. T. A.'s are invited to attend. TO GIVE COMEDY A comedy, "Old Maids Con vention", will be presented by the Cartoogechaye P T. A., Saturday, March 24, at 8 p. jn? at the Iotla School. GOING TO CLINIC Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Furr plan to leave Saturday morning for Atlanta, Ga., where Dr. Furr will attend the Thomas P. Hin man mid-winter clinic next week. ?stair Pliolu i>> J. p. urany WILLARD .SMITH (13) leaves the floor and. lofts the ball for two points in Friday night's first basketball game in the new gymnasium. C lyde Erwin High beat the locals' At right is Franklin's Mitchell Houston (17). Broken Water Pipe Gives Short Vacation A broken water pipe at Franklin Htgh late Monday morning gave school children an unexpected vacation. Supt. Holland McSwain turn ed all schools out for the re mainder of the day so the sys tem's bus connections could be made. Short Cage Season Ending With Murphy Games Friday What will probably go down in sports annals as Franklin High's shortest basketball sea son on the home court (three nights i ends tomorrow ( Friday' night. After encounters in the new College Official Brands Scholarship 'Free Ride' To a former college football coach, today's athletic scholar ship is "a free ride". Dr. Quinn Constantz, chief speaker at last Thursday night's annual Rotary Club banquet for the Franklin High School foot ball squad, added that "ama teurs (in sports) play for the fun of it." The real purpose of a scholar ship, he explained, is to make it possible tor a student to do more work. Lir. Constantz, liimself a col 'ep<* letterman. r.ow associate professor of health and phvslc >1 education at Western Caro ' nn Cnllprre. listed for Franklin footballers some of the objec tives of an athletic program, and some of the responsibilities that go with it. Among the objectives, he said, are physical development; learning to get along with oth ers; learning there are more important things than winning; recreation; and learning safety ? how to handle one's body and the development of quick re flexes. An athlete, he continued, has these responsibilities: "To give all you've got; to learn to put Br. Constants! * first things first; to play for the fun of it; to learn the sport /tself; to learn its rules; ami to learn to pace yourself." Mrs, Slagle Is Reelected President Of Auxiliary Mrs. Slacle It's another year's term as president of the local V. F. W Auxiliary for Mrs. Richard H. Slagle. Also reelected Monday night [ for another year were Mrs. J. j E. Perry, Jr., senior vice-presi i dent; Mrs. Winton Perry, jun ior vice-president; and Mrs. R. E. Welch, treasurer. Elected to new jobs were Mrs. Fred Salain, chaplain; Mrs. Lu cille Angel, conductress: Mrs. Lucinda Crownover, guard; and Mrs. Neal Johnston, three-year trustee. Mrs. Lasca E. Horsley, who has one more year to serve, and Mrs. Elizabeth McCollum, who has two. are trustees with Mrs Johnston. The auxiliary officers will be installed in April. gymnasium with Clyde Erwin teams Friday night and Cullo whee teams Tuesday night, the lads and lassies throw open the doors tomorrow to Murphy High. The girls will lead off at 7:30 and the boys will clash at 8:30. This is the final game slated for the new building this year, according to Coach Howard Barnwell. Tuesday night, the locals split wins with Cullowhee in games that had fans on the edge of their seats. In overtime, the boys lost a heart-breaker by one point, 58 to 57. Franklin held a good lead in the .first quarter, but Cullo whee started gnawing at it and by the half the locals were be hind one point, 24 to 23. For Franklin, Bill Mendenhall was high at the hoop with 14 points. Bonnie Lee split the strings for 24 points to lead the girls to a 57 to 49 victory over Cul lowhee. At the half, Franklin led 31 to 25. In the first game to be play ed in the gymnasium, an esti mated 1,200 fans saw Clyde Er win take triple wins back, to Buncombe County. In the lead-off game, the junior varsities of the two high schools met, the visitors win ning 43 to 25. Next on the bill was a close ly-contested scrap between the girls. Final score: 36 to 33. For the locals. Bonnie Lee was high scorer with 1G points. Fans caught plenty of fast action in the boys' tilt as fast break flurries went from goal to goal. The locals,, game but out classed by the championship Clyde Erwin team, took the short end of the 73 to 52 score. Man Snsaks Out Of County Jail Justice of the Peace Sam J Murray was an unknowing party to an escape from the county jail on March 3. The escapee, Ross Ensiey. i; still at large. Justice Murray is reported tc have been arranging bond with another prisoner in the jaii when Ensiey took advantage ol the open door and sneaked out Ensiey was being held undei $800 bond, charged with speed ing and reckless driving, trans porting whiskey, improper equipment, and no valid driver's license. He was jailed February 4 after a high-speed chase with a patrol car. Red Cross Drive Moves Slowly Here Now moving into its third week, the county's annual American Red Cross fund drive has just scratched at its quota of $3,730. The executive secretary of the chapter, Mrs. Elizabeth McCol lum, Tuesday afternoon report ed only $320 had been turned in. . However, she said this figure represents the reports of about a half dozen solicitors and some mail donations. The drive is scheduled for the entire month. Expected To Pour First Concrete On Georgia Highway Weather permitting, the first concrete will be poured on the US 23-441 (south) highway project the last of this week, according to the resident high way engineer, S. T. Usry. It will go into forms prepar ed for two culverts in the Pren tiss section. One is triple-bar reled and the other single. Work on the highway struc tures got under way toward the last of February. A total of 10 structures ? a bridge and nine culverts ? are dotted along the 12.46-mile re location project. Hospital Given Tax Releases Because it is a non-profit organization, Angel Hospital, Inc., has been released from payment of '54 and '55 taxes by the county and town and the money will be rebated. The hospital will be exempt from future taxes, also. For the two years, on the basis of a $25,000 valuation, the county released the hospital for $700 and the town $550. Both the county and town plan to make the rebates next year, since neither has budget provisions to cover this amount this fiscal year. Filing By Sorrells Points To Primary .Mr. Sorrells Macon Scouts G-et Awards Eleven Macon County Boy Scouts went before the court of honor of the Smoky Mountain District at Webster last Thurs day night. Nine of the boys received rank advancements and two got merit badges. Jack Wilson, Woodrow Wilson, and John Wayne Rogers, all of Highlands, Troop 7, were pre sented Star Rank. These awards were made by the Rev. S. B Moss, of Franklin. First Class rank went to Bobby Joe Talley, of Troop 7. Those receiving Tenderfoot rank included William C. New ton, of Troop 7, and Lyman C. Bryant, Donald E. Burnside. Paul W. Cabe, and John C. Stamey, all of Franklin, Troop 1. William Love and Bobby Nor ton, both of Troop 7, got Fire manship merit badges. MOVIE ON CHILDREN A movie on understanding children will feature a meet ing of the Franklin P. T. A. Monday night at 7:30 in the school cafeteria, it has been ap nounced. AFTER PUBLICITY ? Ruby Mine Fan Mail Flows Fan mail has started pouring into the Cowee Ruby Mines, the county's unique attraction which has been revealed to the rest of the world in the March issue of Woman's Day. national A & P publication. Carroll Gibson, one of the mine owners, already has received more than 50 letters from all over the country. And the malls bring more daily. Because most of them inquire about accommodations, he is hav ing to answer personally, furnish ing motel and inn prices and other 1 information. "This is turning into work," he ! say laconically. The majority of those making inquiries indicate they plan to stay here a week or more in their search for rubies at the strip > mines. Last Thursday brought a letter all the way frcm Montreal. Can ada. The lady writer, explaining she had read about the mines in the magazine, said she and a friend hoped to come here by bus for a week in August. "We think we would have a very interesting holiday," she said. In another, a man from New York wanted assurance that the min^s would be open over th" Easter week end so he and his fartiily can crive here and seek their fortune. Still another New Ycrker want ed information on bus li'K* run ning near the mines. And a man in Pennsylvania, explaining that he lias two teen age boys who are "mineralogists at heart." inquired about motels, and then added: ". . ; or will we have to pitch a tent?" Frv?n suit |*hi >ui Mr. Gibson And Fan Mail Local Businessman Seeks Nomination As Representative First official hint of the Dem ocratic primary on May 26 came Friday when J. C. Sorrella, Franklin businessman, filed for nomination as representative to the General Assembly from here. He's the first to toss his hat into the "off-year" election ring. He paid his $13.50 filing fee to Lee Barnard, chairman of the elections board. Now asociated with Macon Willys Company, Mr Sorrella is a former member and chairman of the board of education. In the primary, Democrats here will nominate a represen tative. surveyor, and a school board. i 1 Late News and Briefs AGAINST STRIKE' An overwhelming majority of Macon teachers are in favor of the Canton N. C. E. A. unit's resolution calling for salary in creases, but are opposed to its now hotly-controversial "strike", amendment. Principals of all but two schools reported yesterday (Wednesday i morning to Supt. Holland McSwain that their teachers, by large majorities, disapprove of the amendment which declares: "If a raise is not granted, teachers will stay out of school in September." The Canton organization is seeking passage of its resolu tion and amendment at the North Carolina Education Asso ciation's annual meeting in Asheville next week. The main resolution, which the teachers here favor, asks: "That the salary of all school personnel be raised 25%, or $3,000-$4,000, at the beginning of the school year 1956-57. We insist that this request be given the most serious consideration if and when the legislature meets this summer." What's Doing? (From Thursday to Thursday) Tonight (Thursday): O. E. S. installation. Nequassa Chapter 43. 8 o'clock. Masonic Temple. Friday: Garden school, Agri cultural Building. 9:45 a. m. Friday: Franklin High vs Murphy. 7:30 p. m.: Franklin gym. Saturday: 4-H parade through downtown Franklin, 10:30 a. m. Saturday: Covered dish sup per, East Franklin School. 7:30 p. m . for patrons and citizens. Sunday-Saturday: Methodist revival. Franklin church. 7:30 nightly. Sunday: Carolina Quartet. Cullasaja School. 7:30 p. m. Tuesday: Little League plan ning meeting. Slagle Memorial, 7:30 p m. Wednesday P T. A. study course, 9:30 a. m. to 2:30 p. m., East Franklin School. The Weather Th?- w?'*?k's temwatures and rainfall, as f rov -dt-d in Franklin by Manwn Stiles. I . S. w?ath?*r observe": in Highlands by Tudor N Hall and W i\ Newton. TV A oWrvi'i ;i nd at th<? (Coweta Hydrolojjic 1 4tlx?- atory. FRANKLIN Temperatures High Low Ralr Wed., Mar 7 75 60 Thursday 67 31 Friday 62 20 Saturday 60 20 Sunday 61 40 Monday 62 39 Tuesday 61 48 COWEETA Temperatures High Low Rain Wed.. Mar Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday ... 63 06 .33 73 43 61 59 59 68 62 58 33 19 21 40 34 49 .06 .50 .05 .24 1.18

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