CIRCULATION 2721 Net Paid Lut Week fllllft Jttlb PRICE 10 Cents $!)# Jfiawrottm 71st Year ? No. 27 Franklin, N. C., Thursday, July 5, 1956 Twelve Pages Budget Adopted; Tax Rate Same Property Valuation Increases Slightly; Talk Library Gift A budget Identical to last year's has been adopted by the Macon Board of County Com missioners. For the fiscal year 1956-57, the county will operate on $585,187.36, with the same tax rate of $1.40 per hundred valu ation. i Additional revenue is expect ed to be gained by a slight in crease in property valuation, from $15,470,925 last year to $15,800,000. This figure, the commissioners estimate, should bring in $221,200. The remainder of the budget will come from state and fed eral sources. A request made by the Board of Education for an extra $14, 000 to operate the school sys tem failed to make the budget. However, Lake V. Shope, secre tary to the commissioners, said the county hopes to gain a sur plus during the fiscal year and turn this over to the school system. The increased valuation alone, he explained, will bring in about $2,000. Mr. Shope also called atten tion to the fact that the coun ty managed to raise $16,000 to complete the gymnasium at Franklin High last year with out setting up a special alloca tion. "If we can build the surplus it will be given to the schools," he declared. Under the budget, the schools get a total of 38 cents of the tax rate, 23 cents for current expenses and 15 for capital out lay. Here is a breakdown of the tax rate, by departments: General Fund. .20 cents; Pauper Fund, .02; Health, .05; Farm Demonstration, .03; Home Demonstration, .02; Fire Pre vention, .01; Veterans Service, .01: Public Welfare, .15; Public Welfare Administration, .07; Schools, Current Expenses, .23; Schools, Capital Outlay, .15; County-wide Debt Service, .46. In drawing the budget Mon day, the Commissioners also dis cussed a $2,000 allocation for the library, but deferred a de cision to a later meeting. Suggestions Don't Change Budget Plans Four recommendations deal ing with school financing failed to alter the commissioners' plans when they drew the 1956 57 budget Monday morning. The recommendations were prepared by a special P. T. A. committee and were stated in a letter to the commissioners. The letter was presented by Fred Vaughn, of the Franklin P. T. A. In brief, the recommenda tions : (1) Relieve the teachers and principals in the schools of the burden of operating candy stores, and the P. T. A.? ? ^tMhiM h nmnfin.i at ni W the Co r<* and rainfall, as l>y Manson Stiles, in HirHJand* by Newton. TV A Hydrologie Temperatures High Low Rain FRANKLIN Wed.. June 27 85 56 Thursday 90 50 Friday 83 54 Saturday 84 59 Sunday 87 62 Monday 88 63 Tuesday 90 62 HIGHLANDS Wed.. June 27 83 60 Thursday 84 50 Friday . 80 54 Saturday 75 61 Sunday 80 60 Monday 79 58 Tuesday Wednesday trace trace trace trace .04 .08 .10 .66 ? _ .06