GRIMES GOLDEN APPLES FOR CANNING NOW READY $2.00 a Bushel BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINERS i RABUN ORCHARDS ? i (5 Miles West of Dillard, Ga.) , WONDERFUL BUY 7-Piece Bedroom Group * Bed * Chest of Drawers * Springs * Mattress * Bedside Lamp * Bedside Table * Dresser This is a Regular $169 Value THIS WEEK ONLY FOR $99.50 BRYANT FURNITURE CO. Phone 106 Franklin, N. C. MASON'S Food Market JIFFIE STEAK .... lb. 59c SIRLOIN STEAK .... lb. 59c PORK CHOPS lb. 55c BEEF LIVER lb. 25c PURE COFFEE .... lb. 69c 46 OZ. CAN ORANGE-ADE . . .25c PINT KRAFT MAYONNAISE . . 39c 100 LB. SHORTS S3 -25 ? WE FILL A. S. C. ORDERS * Seeds * Fertilizer * Lime Phone 9 Footballers Are Practicing; Coach Gives Schedule About 50 boys reported out [or the first practice qf the 1956-57 football season yester iay (Wednesday) at Franklin High School. Coach Dick Stott said he hopes to see about 60 boys (corking out by the opening of school. He has daily practices slated, at 7:30 a. m. and 4 p. m., until school starts on Septem ber 4. The Panthers' first game will be September 7 here against Clyde Erwin High School. This is one of three non-conference games scheduled. The second will be on September 14 against Clayton, Ga., and the third on November 2, a clash with Beth si High. Both will be home james. Counting the non-conference tilts, the Panthers have 10 ?ames scheduled. They are: Sept. 7, Clyde Erwin, home. Sept. 14, Clayton, Ga., home. Sept. 21, Cherokee, home. Sept. 28, Hayesville, away. Oct. 5, Sylva, away. Oct. 12, Robbinsville, away. Oct. 19, Bryson City, home. Oct. 26 Murphy, away. Nov. 2, Bethel, home. Nov. 9, Andrews, home. Since graduation last spring xx> k 16 of 19 Panthers who had ;xperience on both offense and iefense, Coach Stott is building lis squad around five returnees, 3ruce Houston, Robert Alex mder, Willard Smith, Gilmer ienry, and David Pollock. mACON'S Newest Citizens lorn to: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cunning lam, of Dillard, Ga., Route 1. i son, Larry Dale, August 8 at ingel Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Brendle, if Franklin, a daughter. Beverly Fune, Agust 12 at Angel Hospital. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Kahn, i son, August 13 at Angel Hos )ital. Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Parker of Cartoogechaye a Son \ugust 7th, 1956. The farmer with less than 100 ,ons of silage corn Is better off having it custom harvested. C " Want to Modernize Your I Heating System? 1 can save you plenty by replacing that old furnace with a modern SUNBEAM WINTER AIR CONDITIONER BY AMERiCAN-c$taifdard If you want efficient central heat, here's your chance to got it . . . and f;et rid of that old space-stealing, lazardous floor register or wall fur nace. This modern horizontal unit fits compactly into out-of-the-way places . . . provides wall-to-wall, floor to-ceiling comfort throughout your entire home. WHY WAIT? Yours for at little as per month plus installation Ask for FREE estimate FRANKLIN SHEET METAL SHOP Phone 336 Franklin, N.C. Announcement . . . We take pleasure in announcing that Mr. Troy Shook has accepted the position of manager of the Big Dollar Store in East Franklin. Mr. Shook is well known throughout Macon County and has for the past several years been employed by the Farmers Fed eration. On behalf of Mr. Shook, as well as ourselves, we extend to everyone a cordial invitation to trade in one of our stores. BIG DOLLAR AND BALDWIN'S MARKET JOHNSONS FETED BY OTTO GROUP Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Johnson, of the Coweeta Hydrologic Lab oratory, who are moving to Ohio, were honored at a special meeting of the Otto Rural Community Development Or ganization Friday night, at the Asbury Methodist Church. Cansler Clan Has Reunion The Cansler family held its third annual reunion at the j home. of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Thomas on Sunday, August 12. j Officers elected to serve for ! the coming year were Robert L. I Cansler, president, and Bill Cansler, secretary. Out-of-town members present were Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cansler and Mr. and Mrs. Fur man L. Cansler, of Pisgah For/ est, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Mallonee and Mrs. Lucy Hodson, of Win ston-Salem, Mrs. Woodrow Rog ers ,of West Jefferson, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Chandler and son, of California, Md., and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gillespie, of Crystal River, Fla., and Highlands. Taylor Youth Dies In Vets Hospital Lawton Jess Taylor, 21, of Clayton, Ga., Route 2, driver of an automobile in which three | others we're injured in a mis- 1 hap here on June 28, is report ed to have died of internal in- j juries in a veteran's, ^hospital in Augusta, Ga., week before last. Mr. Taylor lost control of his 1956 Ford in a curve near Jake j Addington's on US 23-441 while j traveling south, according to the highway patrol report. The j vehicle jumped a creek and j smashed head-on into the bank 1 on the far side. 39 Families Represented At Gathering One hundred and three per sons, representing 39 families, attended the annual Southard Mason reunion Sunday at the home of Tom Southard on Car toogechaye. In addition to this state, j members of the clan came from Georgia and South Caro lina. News About PEOPLE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matlock, of Winston-Salem, and John Ora, and Perry Matlock, of Mar ietta, Ga., spent a recent week end with relatives in the West's Mill section. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Sheffield and daughter, of Burnsville, re cently "visited relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hughes and two children, of Detroit, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes, at West's Mill. irdell Parrish, of the West's Mill section, is reported recov- ' ering from injuries received in an automobile wreck recently in Saginaw, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Parrish, : of Otto, had as guests last week Mrs. Parrish's sisters, Mrs. W. H. Smith, of Washington, D. C. and Mrs. Paul Grady, of Kins ton, and her brother, Harry Higdon, and .Mrs. Higdon, of Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Usry have . as their guest this week Mr. | Usry's mother, Mrs. W. T. Usry, of Sumpter, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones, of j Akron, Ohio, are here visiting Mr. Jones' mother, Mrs. Martin, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer A. Jones j have as guests this week Mrs. j Jones' nephew, Roy Jacobs, and his daughter, Susan, of Savan nah, Ga. Billy Jones, young son of Sgt. ; I and Mrs. William G. (Bill) Jones, of Columbus, Ga., arriv ed Sunday for a visit with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. j Weimar Jones. Mrs. Guy Stevenson and daugh- 1 ters, of Hickory, visited relatives j here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Georsje Crawford and children and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Crawford and Tommy and Jane Crawford, all of Apopka, Fla., visited .relatives on Frank lin, Route 4, ' last week. Donaldson-Kimsey Gathering Slated For August 26 The Donaldson reunion has . been changed by the committee to the Donaldson and Kimsey j ] reunion. These families will' meet for their annual reunion Sunday, August 26, at the Wiley Donaldson place. All friends and relatives of 1 the families are asked to come and bring a picnic lunch. Want Ads !' I : GET THE FAMOUS Blue Horse . extra count filler paper, compo- j sition books, and tablets at our store. S & L 5 and 10c Store. A16 ? 2tc ? A23 ALI, HENPECKED HUSBANDS j will enjoy seeing Franklin's Matri- j monial Bureau in action. Friday, ! August 17, East Franklin School, j WANTED ? One small or medium sized pony and two or three > addle horses. See or write Harvey Brown. Scaly, N. C. A16 ? 6tp ? S20 FOR RENT ? Unfurnished apart ment. five rooms and bath. Re decorated. Steam Heat. Adults. Phone 206. Mrs. Gus Leach. A16 ? 2tc ? A23 FOR SALE ? One complete Ol Flick Sawmill. Electrically) driven throunhout. 100 HP motor on head saw. All in extra good shape. Call or write, us for further j description and price. Bemis Hard wood Lumber Company, Robbins- 1 ville, N. C. A16 ? ltc FOR SALE ? Bids will be re-| ceived by the undersigned until! 12 o'clock noon Wednesday, Sept ember 12, 1956, for Tract C con- j sisting of 6.4 acres in the Bruce | Palmer sub-division of the Craw ford farm. owned by Macon Coun- 1 ty VFW. Bids to include purchase i price and proposed terms. Success ful bidder will be called upon io complete the transaction by Sept- 1 ember 19. Bid deposit of 2% should | accompany all bids. The right to refuse any or all bids is reserved. Vic Perry, Commander of VFW Post 7339. A16 ? 4tc ? S6 SPECIAL! LADIES' PANTIES, four pairs 98c. The Franklin 5 and 10c Store. A16 ? ltc SADDLE HORSE for sale. Five gaits, single footer, trotter, flat- i footed walker, pacer/ and a very easy rider on the gallop. Also works anywhere. If interested, see him at John M. Moore's on White Oak Street. PIANO FOR SALE ? New Betsy : Ross Spinet. Mrs. Harry Higgins, Phone 359. 1 A16 ? 3tc ? A30 I WOULD LIKE to start a nursery for 3-6 year .olds from 7 to ?! o'clock every day except Sunday, i Starting Sept. 3. Inquire Mrs. Cliff 1 Cook. Depot Street. A16? 2tc ? A23 WANTED TO LEASE a large pas ture. See Fred Henson at Gneiss, or call 1004. LOST ? TWO KEYS on a paper clip, in Franklin. If found, bring to The Press office and receive 1 reward. A16? ltc LOST ? Indian brass fire pump on highway near Franklin, i Please return to J. Fred Bryson, i Route 1, Franklin, or call 214-J-3. AFTER MASTECTOMY, an ex-' quisite, individually designed Spencer brassiere with custom sculptured, light foam rubber : form restores natural figure lines ? assures "balanced" appearance. For consultation, see Mrs. Rita C. Ferguson. Route 4. CLOSE OUT ? Ladies' summer shoes at a big saving. Hurry while we may have your size. The Qualitv Shop: A16? ltc HELP BUY A needy pair of shoes an enjoy watching Holland Mc Swain and Grace O'Mohundro play "Ruben and Rachel" Friday. August 17. 8 p. m. East Franklin i School. A16? ltc ' YOU WILL ENJOY "Object Matri mony" and see who will be voted the most henpecked husband in ? Franklin. ] A16 ? ltc FOR SALE ? Comfortable moun tain home, two large bedrooms, large pine paneled living room. Completely furnished. Electrically equipped. Small stream. 8' 2 acres. Nice view. Only 10 minutes from Franklin. Priced $6,000. Terms. See Joe Angel's Taxi for direc tions. JUST RECEIVED ? Large ship ments of Enamelware and Aluminum ware. We can't buy this back again at anywhere near these low prices: Enamelware 14 qt. dish pan 99c, 12 qt. size 89c. 5 qt. tea kettle 89c. 3 piece sauce pan set 69c. Aluminum ware is the famous Comet brand. Jamison's 5 and 10c store. A 16? ltc FOUND, on Iotla. small white and brown dog. Owner can obtain by describing and paying for this advertisement. See William Bryan or telephone 211-W-l. A16? ltc WANTED ? One-horse farm wagon in good condition. Must be reasonable. E. M. Brady, High lands. A16 ? 2tp ? A23 STILL WANTED A suitable hus band. Come to East Franklin School Friday, August 17 and see the Old Maids in action, A16? ltc WILD GINSENG ROOT We are paying the highest prices in 25 years for wild dried root. Write Ginseng, Box 861, Asheville. N. C., for shipping in structions. A 16 ? 6tp ? S20 FOR SALE New 3-bedroom brick house on Maple St. Radiant heat < 100% in sulated". Near school and shopping center. F. H. A. approved and terms. OPEN FOR INSPECTION Phone 298, R. K. Sloan. A16? ltc SFECIAL VALUES ? Blue canvas back binders from 19 to 79c. Leather binders. $1.59 and up. plus federal tax. S & L 5 and 10c Store. A16 ? 2tc ? A23 BROOM SALE ? 4-string broom $1.00 value, only 77c. The Frank lin 5 & 10c Store. A16? ltc LAST CALL FOR sale of children's summer shoes. You save. The Duality Shop. A16? ltc ? MINER AL RIGHTS ? EXCLUDED. BUT? The chances of any mining on this attractive 22-acre property, are ex tremely remote. It Is located high on a knoll rnd iust out-side of town. The new white house has five rooms and bath iwith one room not quite finished), fine new oil floor-furnace with ther mostat control, two porches, nice cellar and ? and a glorious view of the distant high-tops. (TV re ception should be tops!> There is also a large detached garage, good small barn with crib, small chick en house, tool shed, and a fine spring with reservoir and electric pump. It has a fine acre-garden, small fenced pasture and well timbered woodland. This picture esque property, completely furn ished and equipped, is Really Pric ed To Sell ? at only $8850! Ideal for use as a summer home or for year-round living, this property will compare favorably with prop erties being held at $12,000 to $13,000. It's a Honey of a Buy! EXCLUSIVE WITH ? TED REBER ? Realtor ? "It Fays to Deal Thru a Realtor" A16? ltc SEE OUR LARGE selection of zip per binders school bags, and other school supplies! The Frank lin 5 & 10c Store. A16? ltc A COMPLETE line of Paper Mate. Wearever, and Scripto pens and pencils at S & L 5 and 10c Store. 416? 2tc? A23 CHECK OUR LINE of children's back-to-school dresses, blouses, anklets, etc. You will be surprised at the wide assortment we carry, and the prices are right. A16 ? 2tc ? A23 LOST ? Female spotted pointer on Iotla Saturday, August 11. Notify Edgar Tippett. Route 3. WANTED ? Small Farm With good water, five or six miles from town on good road. See Qeorge Shafer, Route 3, Burning town Road. WE HAVE 20 Nelly Don summer dresses at greatly reduced prices. The Quality Shop. A16 ? ltc IT'S NOT NECESSARY to have a mustache! Meet me at the East Franklin School Friday night on stage at 8 p. m. A16? ltc SCHOOL DRESSES sizes 6 to 14 years. $1.79 to S2.98. Shop and save! The Franklin 5 and 10c Store. A16? ltc WANTED ? Wood cutters to cut 100 cords oak pulp wood. Carlos A. Rogers, Route 3, Olive Hill, Franklin. N. C. A9 ? 2tp ? A 1 6 FOR SALE ? Chicken house 40 ft x 5'0 ft., 'complete with equip ment nests, roosts, feeders, etc., for 500 layers. Used less than one year. Bargain. Col. T. E. Binford. Highlands. N. C. A9 ? 3tp ? A23 FOR SALE ? Three-bedroom home on Wayah Street. Complete with hardwood and inlaid tile floors. Hot Point tabletop water heater. Shirley steel cabinets. Cole man oil furnace, Venetian blinds. Modern bath fixtures (also show er). Apple, cherry, walnut trees, grapevines, and outbuildings in good condition. Nice can cellar. This is a bargain in a home. Con tact A. D. Martin at Thorpe Power House or write Box 46, Tuck aseigee, N. C. A9 ? 2tp ? A 16 r'OR ?ALE ? Extra clean 1951 two-door Chevrolet. New tires and upholestry. Call 9114 or see Bruce Houston. A9 ? 2tp ? A16 PIANO BARGAIN ? We offer for a very short time in this imme diate vicinity a practically new mahogany 40" Spinet-Console Pi ano at a saving up to $300. Per sons must have good credit rating. For information write: Southern Piano Company, Box 1402, Salis bury, N. C. A9 ? 2tc ? A16 FOR SALE ? - Small acreage tracts, 3' 2 miles out of Franklin on No. 441 One good building site suitable for station or grocery, also one good site for tourist court. Stream running through property. See Mrs. Julia Shuler, Watauga section, Route 4, Frank lin. \2 ? 4tp ? A23 FOR SALE ? New home. Five rooms with bath, basement. All jtilities. Two acres of land. Beau tiful view and excellent television ocation. Three miles from Frank in on Highlands Road. Call 357-J-4 )r see Kenneth Clark. \2 ? tfc HERE IS A REAL Bl'Y Five-room year-round home, two x'drooms, bath, approximately 4 icres. Beautiful view, shade, itream on place. Concrete garage vith room over. Just outside city imits. Price $6,000. Exclusive vith E. M. McNish, Telephone I0-J-1, Wayah Valley Ranch. V2 ? 4tp ? A23 ?) FOR SALE ? Five-room house 1 and 10 acres about two miles out on Dillsboro Road. See Mrs. } Floyd Jacobs, Route 4. I A9 ? 2tp ? A16 v 1MB HAVE YOUR TIRES recapped on new full capping equipment, Good Year tread. We call for ajid deliver while you wait. For the latest in equipment, New Nylon Gate Tues, complete radiator re pairing, see Rickman Tire and Radiator Shop, Phone 17-J. A2? 3tc? A16 FOR SALE ? John Deere Hay Rake, dump type, used very lit tle and in good condition. Can be used either horse or tractor drawn. Reasonably priced. Vance Van hook, Route 2, Franklin, N. C. j A2 ? tfc 'FOR RENT ? Three-room apart ment. Newly decorated. In town. See Calvin Henson, or phone 2 or 330-J. A16 ? ltc | FOR SALE ? Brick veneer house, six rooms with bath, on 8'/2 acre tract, located just off Bryson City Highway four miles out of town. If interested see Clarence Mason at Shorty's Grocery, or phone 772. J26 ? 4tc ? A16 IN THE MARKET for logs and standing timber. See us for prices and specifications. Good wood cheap. Loading bin. Mill lo cated at Oak Hill 2 Vi miles out on Murphy Road. Gordon Lumber Company, Edwin Wallace, phone 387. |Jly26 ? tfc t FOR SALE ? Nine acres of land with modern heated house, six rooms and bath. Large basement. Close in just off Highlands Road. See or call Carl Leatherman at 9^7-W-*} Jly26? 4tc? A23 FOR RENT ? 4-room apartment and one 3-room apartment. See W. C. Burrell or call 121. J26? tfc DOGWOOD WANTED ? Cloer and Huggins, at Burningtown Road. We buy Fridays. J 20 ? tfc run ^.ii.r Seven miles out, 25-acre moun tain tract, with three cabins, electricity, plenty of water. Good road. Ideal for summer place. Price $3,400. Not too fai- out, small cottage, mountain stream. IV2 acres, wood ed. Paved road. Price $2,500. Very Desirable, 20 acres, only 5 miles out. Excellent house site. Longe range mountain view. Tele phone and electricity immediately available. Four bold streams. Ideal for retirement and permanent living. Only $1,800. Exclusive With Sherman H. Ledford Phone 274-J-3 Protect your building investment by using ? Steam Cured Concrete, Cinder, or Superock Blocks For best prices See Your Local Manufacturer 8- x 8* * 16" Special prices in carloads W. A. HAYS BLOCK PLANT Phone 30 Franklin, N. C. N17? tfc HARD TO FIT? Like good clothes? Try International tailor made clothes. Known and sold in Macon County for more than 25 years. Spring and summer samples on display. Belk's Department Store. M15? tfc FOR SALE ? Used bed springs; used beds, dressers, chairs, etc. Macon Furniture Company. Jlyl2 ? 6tc ? A16 | FOR RENT ? One five-room apartment in Orlando Apart ment house. See Mrs. Hermie Dry 1 man. Jlyl9? tfc SUMMER SPECIALS Five-room iog cottage In Culla saja Community. FurnisJwd. Pric ed to sell. Six-room home on Highlands Road, 22 acres 2,i miles from Franklih. One large building lot just out side city limits on Highlands Road. Sixty acres in Oak Grove Com munity on proposed Needmore dam water line. Also small farms at good buys. Sam Higdon, Real Estate Phone 23 or 173 W A9? ltc FOR SALE ? Four-bedroom house near First Baptist Church on large lot with plenty of garden space. See Mrs. J. B. Her.ry, or phone 389. J28 ? tfc WATER WELL DRILLING? Low cost 4 and 6 inch wells. See Charlie Davidson, Bidwell Street. Phone 353-W evenings. A 19? tfc WELL DRILLING ? 4 6-8 inch wells, drilled with first class equipment. 20 years experience. Safer and better wells at lower cost. Macon Pump & Well Com pany. Call or write F. B Rogers, Franklin, N. C., Telephone 375-J-l. M 10? tfc REAL ESTATE Our listings include real estate of all kinds. Homes, building sites, small tracts, and income property. FRANKLIN REALTY COMPANY Frank Duncan Phone 27 A16? ltc FOR SALE ? Block and brick, sand, fine and coarse W. J. Clark & Son. Phone 357-J-4, 81-W, or 345-W-3. Ml 7? tfc CUSTOM BUILT ? Woodwork ing. We specialize in kitchen cabinets. Also we stock Formica. Franklin Woodworks, Jack Grib ble, owner. M10? tfc