for pkk-up and delivery Dry Cleaning PHONE 4 CITY DRY CLEANERS We give Green Stamps ARE YOU READY U meet the new requirements for AUTO LICENSE PLATES Properly Written LIABILITY INSURANCE REQUIRED ? Let Me Help You Now Phone 5 or 311 ED T. WILLIAMS Acent 209 NanUhaU Bide. n-? Slagle Guernseys Complete Records In Production A. B. Slagle, of Macon County, is the owner of three registered Guernseys that have recently com pleted official production records in the advanced registery division of the American Guernsey Cattle Club. Forest Hill Farm Nola. a senior two-year-old, produced 10,080 pounds of milk and 466 pounds of fat in 365 days. She was milked two times daily. Belmont View Hard wick Alma a junior two-year-old, produced 11,818 pounds of milk and 586 pounds of fat in 365 days. She was milked two times daily. Belmont View Traveler Treva. a junior two-year-old. produced 10,903 pounds of milk and 541 pounds of fat in 365 days. She was milked two times daily. These official production rec ords were supervised by N. C. State College. PLUMBING And HEATING For A-l Work at Reasonable Rale* CALL W. G. HALL Phone 397 week Specials! Throw Rugs $1.98 Values 88c Plastic Drapes Ass't Colors and Patterns 88c Pair Material Cottons, Flannels, and Broadcloth 3 Yards 88c mm IT SS MA R T^T <^B E^T H R?F T V i FM Listeners and Would Be FM Listeners ATTENTION! First, if you have an FM radio and aren't getting good reception Don't Hesitate to Call on WFSC We will be more than glad to make suggestions which may im prove your reception. Whatever the problem, we will help you lick it. Second, if you would like to get an FM set we will be glad to tell you where you may obtain sets. FM sets are now being made by Motorola, Admiral, RCA, GE, Phil co, Arvin, Columbia, Magnavox, Stromberg-Carlson, and Olympic. , GET YOURS NOW! So you won't miss any of the delightful programming coming your way over ? WFSC - FM 94.5 on your dial Covering The Teen Scene Willi Gene Dawdle Several boys around Franklin have been seriously discussing a club (or boys who would like to have a nice looking customised car. The club would have to be sponsored by some motor company or garage and all cars checked by proper authorities to be sure each is safe to be driven. If such a club was started it would have strict rules, and a boy would be honored to be in it. This would not be a club to see who could build the fastest car. but who could have the prettiest car. In talking to several boys around town. I have found that they think it could be a big success. ? ? ? Another thing that seems to be the trend in teenage motoring if the fancy "spinner" hubcap6 that every modified car has today. ? ? ? For the past week teenagers have been looking skyward In hope that old man weather might bring enough snow to get out of school, but only rain has come from the "wlld-gray-yonder", and teen-agers have been contented with ice-skating. ? ? ? Maybe some of you have never taken time to read the rules at the Franklin Teen Center. If you haven't you might be interested in knowing just what they are. 1. The Teen Center will open at 7:30 p. m. and close at IX p. m? except for special nights. Chaper ones will be responsible for teen agers at the center only and dur ing these hours. 2. One member's membership card may not be used by another teen-ager. 3. Chaperones and teen center council members may ask anyone to leave whose conduct is unbe coming. 4. Ash trays are provided for use. Cigarettes are not to be put on the floor. 5. No gambling is allowed. 6. No drinking of alcoholic bev erages is permitted. 7. Sitting In cars on teen center premises is not permitted, 8. Lights must not be tampered with. 9. Adjustments on the jukebox must not be made expect by Gary McKelvey or Jim Tysinger, who have been approved by Olen Holt, lender of the machine. 10. Profanity is prohibited. 11. The teen center Includes for membership persons aged 13 through 19. 12. No parents allowed except as chaperones. ? ? ? Most of the teen-age girls around Franklin have added an extra piece of jewelry to their collec tion; a sweater stay. For the boys who are interested, this is a chain with a clamp on either end and is fastened to each side of the sweater. Also the girls are wearing the Ivy League style black and white shoes, with the buckle on the heel. Since the boys aren't as par ticular as girls and don't care if some other boy has a shirt or pair of pants like his, the mascu line style doesn't change very oft en. And about the only thing new this week Is the little brown or black derbys being sported by some of our "cool Kats". ? ? ? Just to prove that teenagers can't keep their mind on any one thing for a week, here is this week's 10 top tunes. And there has oeen quite an upset since last week. The number one song this week wasn't even on the hit parade last week; It la. 'Oh Julie", by the) Cresendoet; number 2. "Ballad of a Teenage Queen", by Johnny j Cash. Is also a new comer to the ! list this week: number 3, "Raun chy", by Ernie Freeman, was sec ond last week; number 4, "Peggy Sue", by Buddy Holloy, has lump ed up one place since our " last listening; number 5. "Kisses Sweet er Than Wine", by Jimmy Rogers, is on the downhill drag; another new comer is number 6. "Stood Up", by Ricky Nelson; number 7. "You Send Me", by Teresa Brew er; number 8. "Silhouettes", by : Dean Jones; number 9. "April ! Love", by Pat Boone., this record is really going fast, last week it was number i; number 10, "Great Balls of Fire", by Jerry htm Ijewis. ?* ? ? Patrick Henri, the 17.j**r-aki son of Joe E. Henry. Is showing Interest in electronics, which be hopes to make Us profesaiaa. Pat rick is a sailor at Franklin High School. He has made a wireless broad caster and a record player, and also has fixed several radios. Patrick is taking senior science and is now studying electron lea in this particular field. Pat says "this is right down my alley." With A What? Child Training Expert : "If your , children- become unmanageable , quickly swiEeh their attention." Puzzled Parent: "Switch their! what?'" I Had Hts Trouble* When Noah sailed the oceaa blue ! He had his troubles same as you. For days and nights he drove hi* ark. Before he found a place to park. SW AFFORDS GOUNTRV STORE I f Meats ? Groceries Feeds Specializing in "Courteous Friendly Service" Located on the Bryaon City Road orana MINERAL OIL VS.P. QUALITY Carolina Pharmacy 1 Fnnlrlin M P 2 LIVELY GOLDFISH with Col AHwnniw m Comes compftte with tw< lively goldish, colorful shell cbips.andseaweed. KELLER IVCLLCK MOUTH WASH REFRESHING U makes o min'y \, drinW L'PEGGIE Waving FLUID For lasting waves. Buffered ASP***1'* r 79?\ n't upset stomach PO-DO SPEED SHAVE It's La noli zed! \vmiwlv 1 Walgreen ? ilomoch Up**'7 Bismadme 1T00TH 1 Po*4er IPASTPE*^ twtle yourbr^th. . TwoUrge | tubes for Q"1^ MASTERCRAFT HEATING . PAD I Washable Maid Cover purchaseof $1.00 or more " * i advertised in this sale. I 1 &_4? Otter Good Only While Supply Lasts! 5c LUXURY MINT or Fruit Drops Choice of Flavors ^Ssper Ola-Beron-12 [For better health 1 Vitamin E-1 2 . [100 tablets with 50 f REE ~:s?i' OUHIMU I Aytinal 31 | Miltfplel 1 ViUaiis ^ |u The diet supplem^l 13 far the family's daily! BU 100 Tablets M rrirh Physicians Surgeons BABY PARTS Embossed plastic i I Fever Thermometer ' Oral or rectal ...... with 50 FREE. j^avc$K59_^ omin i I, Aytisil [Kfuiiif & i Minerals I I ' Vitamins and f ? Minerals. vlt.hc0F^?E- J98 I "?""ul'KfiE. j.^^'T^Save $2.29. "fMAT'NlC Vitamins I HiMni, \?C.$4.?8 ? Bo.uY ?ecei?im a;qq? 5-er. 4.CC BLAIIIlET$ Bottle... ? ^ . . Children 3 to 12 , Jr.Aybiil ?jjfc Minerals BOTTLE of 100 S "r 100 %2...198)249 nutritional anemia. ^ bottle t.|-~,AILNic of too OLA-VITOL Vitamin Solution 79c Regulor $1.98 ?hW-Bhrni. ELIXIR Pleasant tasting. fe99c 4-OZ. Bottle. *3.29 Pint. *2.29 $10.58 Value! _ = 33? 1*1.39 COD LIVER OIL SSi ?. 97? 'fierabic; formula appetite stimulant tor 1 mature folks tablets wit 50 FREE BEST HOME BUYS! Corn Cob Pipes 1 Qc Cool smoking I