CpL Vanhook Home On 15-Day Leave Marine Cpl. William C. Van book, who recently returned from duty In Pure to Rico, has been spending a 15-day leave with his family and friends here. He is the son of Mrs. Addle L. Vanhook, of Franklin, and is sta tioned with the 8th Engineer Bat-' talon at Camp Lejeune. Cpl. Van hook la a graduate of the automo bile mechanic school at Lejeune. Prior to entering service In 19M, be attended Franklin High School. '58 Wool Incentive Program Unchanged Provisions of the 19S8 wool In centive program will be the same as last year, according to the local Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation office. The shorn wool incentive price will be 62 cents per pound. Payment method on lambs also will be the same as In '57. ?? Mmnklm fx? , attit (Dte 3UigJtIa:ji;?ts (Mntatditn Second class mail privileges authorised at Franklin, N. 0. Puollahed every Thursday by The Franklin Press Telephone 24 " Established In 1885 As The Franklin Press" BOB 8. SLOAN . . . . ? . . . . Publisher J. P. BRADY News Editor WEIMAR JONES . Editor BOB 8. SLOAN . Advertising Manager MRS. ROBERT BRYSON . Office Manager MRS. BOB SLOAN Society Editor CARL P. CABJS Operator-Machinist FRANK A. STARRETTE . Compositor CHARLES E. WHITTINGTON Pressman O. E. CRAWFORD . . . . . . . . . . . . Stereotyper DAVID H. SUTTON .......... Commeiclal Printer SUBSCRIPTION RATES Outbids Macon Cotjntt Inside Macon County One Year ...... $3.00 One Year $2.90 She Months 1.75 SIX Months , 1.73 Three Months .... 1.00 Three Months .... 1.00 Two Years 5.25 Two Years . 4.25 Three Years .... 7'.50 Three Years 6.00 Learn The Truth About THE CATHOLIC CHURCH By Mail...At No Cost! ? a ~ v L ^K/re& Write today, giving your name and ad dress and stating tint you want the course of Catholic instruction by mail. The book and simple test sheets will be ms^led to you immediately. Nobody will call on you or urge you to join the Catho lic Church. If you wish... while tak ing the course ... to ask any questions which puzzle you, we will answer them promptly without any cost or obliga tion to you. Send a postcard or letter now-TODAY! ASK FOR INSTRUC TION COURSE - 20. But - please - apply only for youi-jlf. FATHER ROBERT HEALY St. Francis Catholic Church Maple and Wayah St. Franklin, N. C. Macon Sports Roundup MEET THE FRANKLIN HIGH BASKETBALL LASSIES: A 15-year-old sophomore guard, Mary Sue Reynolds, gives as her hobbles sports, watching televis ion, fishing, talking, and eating popcorn. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Reynolds, of Route 1, her nickname is "Susie" and she is a member of the 4-H club and the Science and Wildlife Club. "Susie" wants to go to col lege and become a lawyer. "Dot" is the nickname Dorothy Paye Stockton answers to. Fifteen year-old "Dot" is a freshman for ward and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Stockton, of Route 2. Her hobbies are swimming, read ing, and listening to the ? radio and she plans to attend college when she gets out of high school. Holler out "Attie" and the 16 year-old who'll holler back is Shirley Elaine Lenoir, daughter of Mrs. Ben Lenoir, of Route ?1. A sophomore forward, she likes to drive, swim, talk, and play basketball. "Attie" wants to take a business course after graduat ing from high school. Reading, listening to the radio, and playing basketball are the hobbies of Margaret Violia Evitt. The 15-year-old freshman forward is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. St TIME IS SHORT Get Set for Planting, Repair Machines Now Spring planting time will soon be here! Let us put your machines in shape now for a fast, sure start! L. E. ENGLISH Your Case Dealer H. N. Evitt, of Franklin. She plans to go to college some day. Mary Lou Cabe, a freshman for ward on the team, is nicknamed "Tootsie". Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neville Cabe, of Dillard. Ga., Route 1. she's a member of the Dramatics Club and wants to go to college some day. As hobbies she lists sports, eating, sleeping, reading, and singing. ? Fifteen-year-old Joyce Lucille Cole hopes some day to go to music school or college. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clint Cole, of Route 3, she is a sophomore guard and is a member of the 4-H Club, Monogram Club, and Scieftce and Wildlife Club. Swimming, playing basketball and softball, talking, and watching television, are her hobbies. "Punkie" is none other than Joyce Kathleen Cabe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Neville Cabe, of Dil lard, Ga., Route 1. A junior guard, "Punkie" likes all sports, reading, and sewing. She is a member of the Montogram Club. "Whit" is a freshman named Nancy Carol Whittington. Four teen-years-old, she is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Whittington, of Route 3. As hobbies she lists eating, reading, watching televis ion, and playing ball. She wants to attend college one of these days. Fifteen-year-old Edith Sheffield is called "Lucy" by her teammates. Daughter of Mrs. Nola Sheffield Blanton, she is a sophomore guard and is a member of the 4-H Club and the Science and Wildlife Club. She likes sports, talking, listening to the radio, and is undecided about life after graduation. "College (probably,)" is in the future for a junior forward nam ed Barbara Jean Carpenter. Six teen-year-old "Babs" is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Car penter, of Dillard, Ga., Route 1. and she's a mentber of the Science and Wildlife Club. Her hobbies are playing basketball, driving, listen ing to music, and going to slum ber parties. Helen Dorothy Setser answers to the nickname of "Chick". The junior guard is the daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer J. Setser, of Route 1, and is a member of the Dramatics Club. Any plans after graduation? "Nurse, I guess," she answers. Her hobby is baby sitting for her sister. NOTHING ELSE NEAR THE PRICE HAS WHAT'S IN THIS PACKAGE I The Delray 4-Door Sedan. Chevy's the only car in Its field with Body by Fisher and Safety Plate Glass all around. It's one of Chevrolet's dollar-stretching Delrays ! The handsome Delrays are the lowest priced of all the low-priced Chevrolpts. And t i they're full-size Chevrolets ? wider, lower and nine lively inches longer. In size, in style, in fine details and construction, no other car priced so low gives you so much I When you're thinking about buy ing a car because of its extra-low price, there are two things it pays to watch for. First, be sure you get full measure when it comes to size. Don't settle for a cut-down bargain model. Second, be sure you get all the equipment and conveniences that you'd normally expect to be standard in a car. Chevrolet's Delray models are the lowest priced in the line. But they're full-size Chevrolets? and they're equipped to do you proud. Nothing else near the price has what's in this package. See and drive this big beauty soon at your Chevrolet dealer's! Only franehised Chevrolet dealer t display this famous trademark See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer for quick appraisal-^ prompt delivery! ^j| FORWARD HOM FIFTY Measles Are Making Rounds; Here's Some Information With measles making the rounds in the county, parents might find 1 the following facts about the disr | j ease useful. The Information was supplied ' by the Macon County Health Cen ter. Measles, or roseola, Is one of the most common of the communi ! cable diseases. The name is fre quently confused with German Measles, or Rubella, which is an entirely different and less severe disease, although it does produce certain similar symptoms. Measles Is so highly contagious that practically no one escapes having it sooner or later. Most of the cases occur before the age of 10 years. The mortality rate is low except In extremely young children; however, serious com plications can occur at any age. Most measles deaths are caused by pneumonia. Other complica tions are bronchitis and ear -infec tions. The symptoms of this disease resemble those of a cold the first I few days, gradually increasing in ; severity, with an irregular, stead I ily rising fever. On about the I fourth day, the skin' eruption ap pears. It occurs first on the face and neck and during the next 24 to 48 hours spreads to the chest and extremities. The fever usual ly falls after the rash has stop ped spreading, although the cough, watery eyes, and nasal dis charge last several more days. The rash consists of spots that are raised only slightly above the surface of the skin. The spots are pinhead size when they first appear and soon grow larger so that many of them run together to form irregular blotches. The color is pink the first day or two and then slowly turns red, then brown. About one week after the rash appears the skin may begin to peel in fine bran-like flakes. A person who is Infected with measles can spread the disease to others for 24 to 48 hours before the symptoms appear. Since these first symptoms are not much dif ferent -from those of a cold, it often happens that such a person spreads the disease to many other individuals before he is isolated. That is the reason why it is al most impossible to escape infec tion permanently. There is no vaccine available at present for producing permanent immunity against measles. Such immunity comes only after an at tack of the disease. Second at tacks are very rare. A certain amount of temporary immunity is inherited by babies of mothers who have had measles. This lasts until about the age of six months. Health Regulations A. Definition. Measles is an a cute infection caused by a specific filtrable virus and is characteriz ed by prodromal catarrhal symp toms, Koplik's spots, and a rash. B. Source and Mode of Infec tion. The infection is transmitted from the discharges from the res piratory passages of infected per sons by direct contact and from objects freshly contaminated by such discharges. C. Incubation Period. The in cubation period is eight to ten days to onset of fever. D. Period of Communicability. The infection can be transmitted from four to six days before on set of the rash to five to seven days after onset of the rash. E. Immunity. No nmmunization is available. F. Reporting. The disease shall be reported. 1 0. Placarding. Placarding is not required. H. Quarantine of Contacts. Quarantine of contacts is not re quired. 1. Isolation of Patients. Patients shall be isolated until the end of the seventh day after the rash ap pears. J. Foodhandling Restrictions. No additional food-handling re strictions are required. K. School Restrictions. No ad ditional restrictions of school at tendance are required. L. Travel. All travel on com mon carriers of patients in isola tion is prohibited unless such pa tients are placed in compartments separate from other passengers, are accompanied by a properly qualified attendant, and obtain a written permit from the local health or quarantine officer. Social Security Man Coming In February R. Lee All top, field representa tive of the Asheville Social Secur ity Administration, will be at the Agriculture Building in Franklin qn February 3-4- and 17-18. He Is coming here on the; re quest of many Macon County farmers receiving Social Security checks, who are asking the ques tion, "Do we have to continue to file tax returns and pay Social Security taxes"? Mr. Alltop said many farmers receiving checks are asking if ad ditional tax payments will in crease the amount of the checks payable. He said that this might be true in some cases, but that a review of the tax return would be necessary before any change could be put into effect. In no ease would bene fits be stopped or reduced by low er earnings or by reason of no earnings at all. Lt. Charles Wilkes' command ing a Naval expedition to th ? South Seas and Pacific Ocean, on Jan. 19, 1840. discovered a land mass which is now known as th? continent of Antarctica. Higdon Opens Real Estate Office In East Franklin Sam Higdon has opened a real estate office in East Franklin In the space formerly occupied by the De Soto Trail Oift Shop be tween the De Soto Trail Restau rant and the Big Dollar. He also is operating a "reck shop" in conjunction with the real estate business. On Jan. 7, 1945, U. S. battle ships, cruisers, and destroyers, aided by aircraft from escort car riers, opened the bombardment of Lingayen, Philippine Islands, opening the way for amphibous troops to sweep down the plain of Bataan to Manila. Effective Jan. 15 thru April 15, 1958, office will remain open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Saturday's from 9:00 a. m. to 1:30 p. m. WILLIAM A. COX Accountant Room 215 Nantahala Bldg. Member: Nat. Soc. of Public Accountants; N. C. Society of Accountants. * I Buy SPECIAL ' COFFEE t Happy solutions to financial problems a i When family financial emergencies arise, the best way to meet them is with a low-cost loan from us. You can get the cash you need in a hurry, and repay the loan in convenient installments. The Bank of Franklin Member Federal Deposit Iprarane* Corporation