MALE OR ftMAU? RALEIGH ? Of North Carolina's 1,063 traffic victims last year, 836 were men or boys, and 227 were women or girls, says a special re port from the State Department of Motor Vehicles Also there were 12.177 male and 6.885 female pedestrians, passengers and driv ers injured in highway accidents. All told the year s death toll came to 1.063 and the injured to 19.602 the report stated. J. FRANK SHOPE Registered Surveyor Office Next To Macon Motors Ail Day Saturday Other Times ? Call 322J-3 Well do any mechanical, j Body, Paint, Fender ? Repair Now j and spread the cost out (j in convenient monthly V Payment Plan j See Us for Details! | BOB GAINES i MOTORS DEPENDABLE USED CARS S Phone 281 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED the safe, sanitary way with modern equipment and ex pert workmen. REASONABLE RATES Free Inspection and Estimates ? CALL ? WELCH Plumbing and Sanitary Service FRANKLIN, N. C. 77 BROWNIE MOVIE CAMERA, f/2.3. Sensational 8mm Brownie Movie Camera at a new low price. Easy to load and use. No focusing required. Has simple built-in expo sure dial and color-coded lens-selector finder $29.95 76 Brownie Movie Camera, f/1.9 Lense (not shown) $39.75 MFC Brownie Movie Field Case (Single-Lense) $ 4.95 i AH Your Film and Camera Needs I Crisp Studio and Camera Shop Phone 182-R Franklin, N. C, SUNDAY-WEDNESDAY Adults Only Admission - - - - 75c Itfconthe screen! The explosive, lusty story that 20 million readers ?aid never could be made ! Gods irniE MACON THEATRE AT GIRLS' STATE - Local Deligates Report Activities {Editor's Note: The following it by Misses Dwmin Horslty and J?n Franklin, who recently at tended Girls' State under the sponsorship of the local Amer ican Legion Auxiliary.) Throughout the ages, man has fought for his right of freedom. In our country we have the good fortune of living in a democracy based upon freedom, we have won the right to govern. Our responsi bility now is to bring ourselves into an active and participating role in our government. Experi ence has proved that a sound democracy depends upon an en lightened citizenship. For this purpose the North Carolina Amer ican Legion Auxiliary has estab lished Tar Heel Girls' State. Here, in a miniature state government, we, tomorrow's leaders, may study the structure of state government, take over the duties of state of ficials, and learn how to vote. In making an evaluation of Girls' State it is necessary to re late some of the invaluable infor mation and Instruction that is re ceived there. Has Parties Just as any state has political | parties, so does Girls' State. Im aginary names, Federalist and Na tionalist, are given to the parties and the citizens receive badges designating to which party they belong. In these parties it is pos sible to learn how to perform reg ular party duties, according to the laws of the State of North Caro lina. These parties also illustrate the American citizen's right to dis agree on governmental policies ind their right to express their ideas and opinions. The party sys tem is emphasized because it is R & W t*?i? SERVICE John Wiggins * J. W. Rankin Across from the Indian Mound OPEN: 4:30 - 7:30 Every Afternoon All Day Saturday one of the major differences be tween democracy and dictatorship Two Purposes Political parties function for two purposes: (1) They give us a means of selecting candidates by furnishing a device for nominat ing procedure, and (2> They frame the policies which determ ine what platform the party stands on. Let us break down these func tions now and look at them in re lation to Girls' State. In our elec tions we choose' our governor, lieutenant-governor, and other state officials. Of course, the offi cers benefit by actually perform ing specific duties, but on the other hand, the other girls also gain. As we have already pointed out it Is essential to have a well informed citizenry and by partici pating in the campaign and acuta) voting everyone is given a first hand view of our government's operation. . Determined Policies The second function of the party system Is to determine the polic ies for which the people stand. At Qirls' State, ideas are complied | and discussed and the girls are given the task of choosing the most profitable policies. Our mot to is, "The best way to go higher is to stay on the level", and In writing the platform the girls con centrate on every day matters which are not hard to see through, but which are strictly "on the level". Mock sessions of legisla ture are held. also. We divide in to both a house and senate and pass mock bills. Lectures, Too Lectures also play a large part in the Girls' State program. Out standing political leaders, teach ers, and citizens pass on to us their knowledge, which is very en lightening. Lecture topics cover items such as parliamentary pro cedure. upon which much emph asis is placed, city and county governments, the history and or ganization of political parties, the organization and duties of legisla ture, the status of women and wel fare and citizenship. Since we were all girls,- natur ally, we were quite interested in the lecture about the status of women. The life cycle of our fe male generation was explained as follows: We will more than like ly complete our education, take a job and marry soon aft^r. We will continue to work until the family begins to grow, at which time we will retire. After raising our fam ilies and seeing our youngest child safely in school we will again ent er the working world and remain there until retirement age. To Capitol As the week draws to a close at Girls' State we take our long awaited journey to Raleigh, where our first stop is the state capitol In a mock session of the legisla ture, we sit in chairs occupied by our senators and representatives We pass bills which were intro duced at a previous session. Here we also meet our Governor and see the Girls' State governor in augurated by the secretary of state. Following our session at the cap itol, we have lunch at North Car olina State College. This is truly an experience for three hundred girls who haven't seen a boy in six days. Other events of the day include a visit to the State Art Museum, the Governor's Mansion,, Duke University, and the University of North Carolina. The climax of the week comcs with the luncheon on Saturday where we assemble for our for mal farewell. It is here t,hat you' realize that you have learned not only politics but also how to make new friends, to learn to love \hem Food Sense ? Not Nonsense Why Pretend about Protection? You would not dream of setting out for work or schoc! without shccs on your feet, a dime in your pocket. Yet, many people neglect to fortify themselves with another essential . . . a good breakfast. Without this protection, one is no more ready for the day ahead than W33 tre legendary emperor who was sold a bill of goods by two scoundrel weavers. The weavers promised the emperor the most beaut i.ul robes in the world. Ey passing the word along that stupid men and those unfit fcr cfiice could not see the robes, the rpscals were able to collect their fa without delivering the goods. Whe.i the emperor ap peared in the royal procession, only one small boy had the cour age to say, "Why, he doesn't have any clothes on!" Although the protection offered by breakfast may be no more visible than were the emperor's royal robes, it is real. Its value is plain to see at that taxing time . . . late morning. Studies at State University of Iowa have shown Garden Time . . . By M. E. GARDNER A friend brought in a shoot from his sasanqua camellia which was infested with leaf and bud gall disease. This disease is caused by mold-like airborne fungi and is quite prevalent on both azaleas and camellias this year. The leaves become thickened, curled, fleshy, and pale green to white, or pink in color. Frequently a white powdery surface will de velop on the leaves. The disease is usually worse on the lower leaves but may also appear on any part of the plant, especially under humid conditions and in shady locations. Flower parts may be affected on some species of rhodendron. The trouble seems to be more prevalent on sasanqua than on the japonica camellia. The disease is more alarming from the standpoint of disfigure ment than from actual damage to the plant. However, it may be come severe if weather conditions are favorable for the development of the organism. Around the home, the galls should be removed from the plants and burned just as soon as they are detected. Bordeaux mixture may be used effectively if removal of the galls by hand is not feasi ble. Prepared Bordeaux may be purchased from your local seeds and then leave them behind. Your feet are sore; your mind dull: and your body weary, but your heart overflows with gratitude for the opportunities which are yours and as the voices of three hundred fellow Girls' State sing, "We are the future builders Builders in a band And we come from Girls' State The best state in the land We are up and coming Progressive, kind and strong And to our old Girls' State We gladly raise our song." You wish it would never end. But as our governor, Kate Black well, quoted from Sara Teasdale: ? ? " " "For better than the minting Of a gold crowned king Is the safe kept memory Of a lovely thing." this. When men and women, girls and boys ate a good breakfast, all were quicker in their reac tions ? both physical and mental ? turned out more work, were better at games, and were actual ly stronger during the morning "sag" hours than when they skipped breakfast or settled for a cup of coffee. The C and C breakfast ? coffee and a cigarette ? unless it's teamed with food, exposes one to the temptation of high-calorie snacks. To play it safe, eat break fast and stay slim. A breakfast, liked by most people, that will help to protect us from ourselves includes: Fruit or juice; egg, or cereal with milk; and enriched or whole grain toast. man or harware store and mixed according to instructions on the package. If you only require a small quantity of spray, use one and one-half level teaspoons of powdered copper sulfate and one and one-half teaspoons of fresh hydra ted (builders) lime to one gallon of water. To this solution add about one-half cup of skimm ed milk which will serve as a spreader and sticker. Side dress your leafy vegetables with nitrate of soda. Keep all vegetable and ornamental plants i/.gs free of weeds. A good mulch twill help control moisture, soil temperature and weeds. Stake and mulch will help control moisture, soil temperature and weeds. Stake and mulch tomatoes. Plan Before You Plant 1'Plan before you plant." That's a basic rule for successful garden ing, says H. M. Covington, horti cultural specialist for the N. C. Agricultural Extension Service. Mr. Covington says that many veetables grown in the home gar den are wasted because an over abundance of one vegetable ma tures at the same time. With few exceptions, vegetables remain edi ble for only a short period after they reach maturity. Top quality is often even more transient. One way to avoid having too large a crop at once, then nothing, is to make successive plantings of the same vegetable, Mr. Coving ton advises. Plant only enough seed of crops like corn, beans, lettuce, and radish to provide the amount that can be used within a short period. Then, after a few weeks, plant another lot to ma ture after the first harvest has been exhausted. Or, if the variety used will not do well later in the season, plant other varieties that mature later. 1 his kinc ol planning calls for ? careful stuoy of seed varieties and must be aone well ahead 01 planting time. It may also require the purchase of more seed, there to re a somewhat larger invest ment. But tnese things pay oil in greater satisfaction at harvest time. Another thing to look for in See the Beautiful Display of Blankets, as Shown Above, in Belk's Dept. Store. Adv. studying the seed varieties Is the height to which they will grow. Tall-growing crops should be planted together and low-growing ones together (preferably to the south of the taller onesi to avoid shading the lower plants. Vege tables need about eight hours of full sunlight to produce well. DEATH TOWNS RALEIOH ? Ten Tar Heel com munities suffered five or more traffic fatalities in 1957. Those cities and towns, as determined in a special survey by the State Department of Motor Vehicles, were: Charlotte 23, Winston-Sal em 12. Greensboro 11, Ashevllle 8 Durham and Ooldsboro 6 each, and 5 each for Salisbury, San ford, Wilmington and Fayette ville. Altogether 51 North Carolina communities reported 157 traffic deaths during the year. Mrs. Sam G. Seawell, of Win ston-Salem. was here the latter part of last week, visiting her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Weimar Jones. Want Ads WANT AO tins 1 oenU p?r word, with a mlnlmem charge of 65 cents for each lueraw. (25 eenta extra for keytd ada. ) Classified Display: In type like this. 15 cents per Une. In CAPITALS or bold type like this, 20 cents for each line. In type like this, 38 cents per line. CASH DISCOUNTS When caah accompanies order. 10 per cent discount will be allowed. 20 per cent for throe or acre eosseeatlw Insertions of same ma. COZY 5 ROOM house. Beautiful view, one acre fine land. This one is slick as a whistle and has that welcome home look. $4,900. And only 4 miles from town. See A. P. Wilson, Macon County Sup ply Co., phone 23. J26 ? ltc SEVERAL LEFT NICE 8 or 10 WIDE BARGAINS! CASH IN NOW ON OUR BIG JUNE INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE. WILD TRADES? SPEEDY DELIVERY ? WE TRADE FOR ANYTHING! Clean Used with bath, kitchen, living room and bedroom for $450.00 down. 1958 Big 10 wide only $67.00 month. CLEAN USED ONE BEDROOM MODEL IN GOOD CONDITION ? $990.00. Hurry! Hurry! These Bargains must be sold this month. Open daily 8:30 to 9:00 ? Sat. 7:00. Closed Sunday. ONI H3WIH 3 Mi. N. of Greenville, S. C.. on US 29 N. LOOK FOR THE UP SIDE DOWN SIGN AND SAVE. J26? ltc BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Local area Man or Lady wanted to service and collect from coin operated dispensing equpiment. 4 to 9 hours weekly earns operator up to $200 monthly. No age limit or selling but must have car, ref erences and $806 working capital. For interview give personal par ticulars, phone number. Write Box 4872, Dallas 6, Texas. J26 ? ltp FOR RENT: Two bedroom furn ished cottage. Available until August 1st. Electric kitchen ? shower. Close in. Phone 214-W-5. J26 ? ltc FOR SALE: 12 Rooms ? 2 apart ments ? in town. $9,900. Hurry to see this. A. F. Wilson, Macon County Supply Co., Phone 23. J26? ltc IF YOU LIKE people, enjoy mat ing friends and want to earn money, contact your Avon manag er. For interview, write Mrs. Dor othy Bruton. District Manager, 183 St. Dunston's Rd? Asheville. N. C. J26? ltc FOR SALE: Soy beans, millet, cane seed Ammonia Nitrate. Fertilizer and lime. Phone 278, Ray Feed Co. J26 ? tfc HAVE OFFICE and customers. Will sell your property. A. F. Wilson. Macon County Supply Co , phone 23. J26? ltc FOR SALE IS acres with cottage, stream. Ideal for summer. $5,000. 3 acres, cottage, large stream, good road. $3,000. 18 acres, 4 room house, good spring. $2,000. 7 acres, old house, good road. $1,600. ? Exclusive with SHERMAN H. LEDFORD Real Estate Phone 274-J-3 or 83 J26? ltc I HAVE customers for your house in town, or close to town. Please list with me. See A. F Wilson. Ma con County Supply Co., phone 23. J26 ? ltc REAL ESTATE $1.000 ? 4 acres of land ? 3 miles from Franklin. Log house ? 40 acres of land ? good spring ? lake sites ? $3 000. Almost new two bedroom house ? 1 acre of land ? $5,500. Land ? 10 acres ? old house ? 2 miles from Franklin in a quiet peaceful area near Lake Emory. Oood business lot just outside city limits. 180 acres of mountain land. Beautiful view ? old house ? 8 acres of land 3 \i miles from Franklin. Home sit^s ? houses In and near Franklin. HARRY MOSES. BROKER Phone 657 Next to Bob Gaines Motors J26? ltc type house, 2 Acres, 3 car gar age, paved road, 12.460 Terms See A. F. WUson, Macon, County Supply Co phone 23. J20? ltc FOR SALE: Pour to six thousand Old English Box Wood cuttings. $30. See me at my home on Dowdle Mtn. Road. Kerma C. Hol land. J 26 ? 2tp ? J3 FOR SALE: a mare pony, bridle and saddle. Reasonable price. Call 357-J-3 or see Charles Anders. Route S, Franklin. J26? ltc FOR SALE bi' Owner: Rock ve neer home on Harrison Avenue within easy walking distance of town. Daylight basement with laundry room, half bath, storage area, furnace with stoker, work bench, and garage. First floor with kitchen, dining room, living room, bedroom, bath, and porch. Second floor with 2 bedrooms, panelled den or small bedroom, bath, and 4 large walk-in closets. Unusually fine view from porct). Well maintained, easily heated, and well insulated. Call 194 after Friday afternoon. J26 ? tfc 4 ROOMS and bath, 1 acre, 1 mile from town, $5,100. See A. F. Wil son, Macon County Supply Co., phone 23. J26? ltc 100 Acres and house. $60 per acre. 10 acres ? $180 per acre. 4 acres, lake site, $300 per acre. 4 acres close in, $500 per acre. 80 ft. lots, $600-$900 close in. See A. F. Wil son, Macon County Supply Co., phone 23. J26? ltc FOR REAL ESTATE We buy or sell farms, mountain tracts, homes, or lots. Bring your listings to us as we have several interested buyers lined up right now. Tell us what you are looking for and we will .do our best to find it for you. LEE WOOD Real Estate Town Motel Phone 333 Franklin, N. C. J26? ltc v FOR SALE ? Six room brick house on Palmer Street. Priced right. See Lee Wood, Town Motel, Frank lin. N. C. Telephone 333. J26? ltc ? ACCENT ON VIEW! ? Lovely new two-bedroom home on 3'/2 acre knoll ? commanding spec tacular views of the distant High Tops. On paved ( Burningtown i road three miles from town, this attractive home has living room with picture windoy, nice bath, fully equipped all-electric kitchen, coal-wood heater, TV aerial, excel lent water supply and telephone. Priced 'way below cost (for quick sale i, this lovely property can be yours for only $8850! Of course its IVtlh TED REBER ? Realtor Real Estate Specialist. * -Since 1920- ? SMALL STORE with 3 rooms in rear. 4 room house on paved road. 3 acres, 6 miles from town. $5,200. See A. F. Wilson, Macon County Supply Co., phone 23. J26 ltc FOR SALE Five modern homes in town. Can be seen by appointment. I also have a variety of mountain homes and home sites. 201 Acres in Cowee Valley with 2 good homes. Large stream runs through property. This property is good for farms or developing. Priced for quick sale. SAM W. HIGDON Real Estate Broker Phone 650-W or 173-W J19? ltc FOR SALE: 19 acres with or with out five room house. See Logan Ashe at Bob Gaines Motors or at his home* in the Holly Springs Community. J26? ltc FOR RENT: Tourists. Furnished five room cottage ? all con veniences ? six miles out on Highlands Rd. Available July 15. Mrs. Frances Bullock. Phone 130. J 19 ? tfc FOR SALE: Service Station, gro cery store and house all under the same roof. Five miles out on Murphy Road. See Emmltt Shields. J19 ? 2tp ? J26 FOR SALE 362 acre tract with original Tiffany Ruby mine on this prop erty. 9 room house and bath with 2 extra large lots on White Oak St. Nine room house and bath, 5 lots 100 x 200 on paved street. 7 room house and bath, nice shade trees, Tremont St. VALLEY VIEW HEIGHTS Real Estate Agency R. S. Peek, A (tent Asheftr Bldg. Phone 667 Franklin, N. C. J 19 ? 4tp ? JlylO COMPLETE AUTO and truck re pair service. Body repairs and painting. Ask about our budget payment plan. Satisfaction Guar anteed. Bob Oaines Motors ? De pendable Used Cars ? Phone 281 ? Foot of Town Hill. .126? ltc ALL MOTORISTS can enjoy this summer heat compared with last Feb. 17. except some have had trouble with their radiator being stopped up. To them, Rickman Tire and Radiator Shop, located behind the A & P has the equip ment to make your old Radiator give you top performance and they can recore your old radiator If needed for much less than a new radiator. Of course, don't forget they have the latest tire capping equipment to recap your tires with Electronical heat con trol. For trouble with radiator or tires see us. Rickman's Tire and Radiator Shop. J10-- tfc Want to tell your car or pickup? See Bob Gaine* or phone 281. J26 ? ltc WILL BUY one or two strong hives of bees in patent stands. A. L. Setser, 2255 Tally Drive, Chamblee, Ga. J12 ? 3tp ? J26 - See us for ALL your Tire Needs ALLISON DUNCAN TIRE CO. "More People Ride on Good Year Tires than any other kind." J5 ? tfc WANTED: Reliable high school girl to live in home and help with house work and attend school this fall. Week ends off. See me at Health Office between 8:30 ajn. and 4:30 pin., or phone 271 (same hours) or phone 322 J-3 after 5 p.m. Mrs. J. Frank Shope. Franklin, N. C. J19? tfc FOR QUICK SALE: Small house, three bedrooms, beautiful view of mountain range. Four miles from Franklin on River Bend Road, one mile off Bryson City road. See J. C. Southard, Route 3, Franklin, N. C. J26? ltc WANTED AT ONCE ? Rawleigh Dealer in Macon County. Write Rawlelgh's Dept. NCF-770-R, Rich mond, Va. J5 ? 4tp ? J26 FOR SALE: Seven room house, full size concrete basement, lo cated on large lot near Franklin High School. Contact Jack W. Sherrill. Phone 4 during the day or 263 nights. J26? ltc FOR RENT: Comfortable, in sulated six room house. Unfurn ished. Three bedrooms ? two baths. New economical oil furnace. Car Port. Call Dick Sloan at 298. J12? tfc FOR SALE: 80 acres more or less, consisting of woodland, pasture, orchard, springs and streams. Lo cated on Walnut Creek and known as the Amanda Gregory property. Contact Mrs. Wlllard Maney, Route 1, Box 203, Waynesville, N. C. J 12 ? 4tp ? Jly3 HOUSE for sale at Otto, N. C. Terms. Jay L. Dowdle, 76 Dela ware Ave., Asheville, N. C. Phone Alpine 4-2879. M29? tfc FOR SHEET METAL, work, call 336 or 218-W-5. Guttering, awn ing, heating, and aluminum work F, H. A. approved, up to three years to pay. Franklin Sheet Metal Shop. "First in quality and serv ice." Near Freezer Locker plant. J30? tfc FOR SALE 20 acres and like new modern masonry home, 5 rooms, and l'/i bath, garage, spring water, apple trees, on good road from Andrews to Franklin, N. C., will take mod ern Trailer as part payment. Also home sites and acreage. Terms. Apply IRVIN S. SECHRIST, Route 1, Andrews, N. C. 4'/4 miles, S E ^ J5? 4tc? J26 FOR SALE: Acre cabin site, hem lock, oak and dogwood for shade. Beautiful view, good spring, be tween Franklin and Highlands on state road. Write owner, Box "A" c/o The Franklin Press. J5? tfc FOR SALE: l>/2 story house, 4 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, bath room, full con crete basement, garage, on large lot in nice residential section. Phone 252 or see Dr. E. W. Fisher. M29? tfc READY-MIX CONCRETE ? Let us help do the hard work. Our con crete is ready-mixed for you. No waste or hard work. Sand, coarse and fine. Day Phone X, night phone 357-J-4. M30? tfc NEW RUBY MOTEL? In Cowec Mountains, beautiful view, 3,000 feet elevation, pure spring water, rooms with or without kitchens ? almost any combination. Reason able rates by day. week, or month. Six miles North of Franklin, N. C. on US Highway 441. J5? ltc WANTED: Country cured hams, shoulders and side meat. Ray Feed Co. Phone 278. J26? ltc FOR SALE: Modern Residence. Baird Cove. E. C. Lumley. J26 ? ltc PROPERTY OWNERS ? we now have plenty of Trespass Notices. If you have been needing some this Spring, stop in. The Franklin Press. WEyu DRILLING ? 6 and 8 inch wells. Domestic and commercial type. Experienced well contractor. F. B. Rogers, Tel. 375-J-l. Protect your ounamt, in\ junfni oy using ? Steam Cured Concrete. Cltider, or Superock Blocks For best prices See Your Local Manufacture! 8" x 8" * 16" Special prices in carloads W A HAYS BLOCK PLAN! Phone 30 Franklin. N C N17 ? tfr PROPERTY OWNERS ? we now have plenty of Trespass Notices If you have been needing some this Spring, stop in. The Franklin Press. FOR SALE: Skywater Restaurant & Gift Shop, located on high way between Franklin & High lands. Good home with income. Fully equipped & stocked. 2 acre lot has frontage on stream with room for cabins. Comfortable liv ing quarters, furnished. Mail ad dress, Rt. 1, Highlands. J12 ? 3tp ? J26 AVAILABLE: A baby sitter ? college student with references, if desired. Call Edith Christy at 227-W. J19? ltc J28? ltc