No. 1 feistretd. **ANK1JN S NEW police car fcaa arrived and is in use. Police \ Chief Carter took it to A9heTillc [ our day last week and bad the radio Installed. It is worth icmem bortug that the new oar is an fatnrentoi model. THE KBV'IVAL of U?9 Fnuikim ' Community Bayers would b> a wonderful slutf-in-the-arm for the arm duonii the tourist season. Now. nolTtwo mothns from now, is ttit- timet tor start. 0 S. agricultural exports for ttie year ending In mld-1959 are expected to be about $3.8 bil lion, a little lees than the year before. North Carolina farmers have a big stake in U. 6. farm ex port operations. Good Reading for the Whole Family ?News ?Facts ?Family Features 1 Tht Owl it km tdm Monitor ?no H?wi Jt, Booton I J, Man. Sand your mipocor for fnctatd find my cftocK or worn? enter. I roar *18 Q t month* $9 a ' month* J4J0 a Nomi ? Addroso DKf 1 Z5S stat* Our expert photograph o{ your family is .some tiling that will l>e cher ished always. .Kcrnenrher, here tlie jol> will he done by one with years of experi COCCv ? ? ? ' -V * ' ~~ ? - ' ? " \ Crisp's Studio & Camera Shop Main St. Franklin i ' P Pictured above is an up-to-date aerial photograph of Franklin. How many places can you identify? To N^conians away from home, the picture will refl ect the rapid growth that has been taking place in the past few years. (Staff Photo)-' No. 3 County and Rabun County (Oa.)1 decided to pursue federal funds for flood control on the Little Tennessee as separate organiza tions . . , the checker board came out on Main Street as the first sign of Spring and dogwood blos soms began dotting the mountain sides . . . Sterling Peek found a 101-carat ruby In C*wae Valley . . . Western Carolina Telephone Company announced plans for building a $60,000 building In Franklin to house dial equipment and business offices . . . volunteers. Including firemen, washed down the streets . . , THE FRANKLIN PRESd changed from a seven column page to eight columns to provide more rdom for news in a growing Macon County . . . Mrs. Marie Barnard, of the local V.F.W. Auxiliary, received a special award from the national organi sation for her work on the local post and auxiliary comniunity service record book . . . Franklin won another round in keeping bus service liere when Queen City Trallways decided to rescind a cancellation order and keep the morning bus to Asheville . . . "Th : Donkey Man" made a sweep through the county, penetra! in:' from the south and leaving to the west ... JUNK: Mrs. C. T. Bryson was elected president of the Macon C o u n t y il o m e Demonstration County Council . . . Assistant County Awent Clark Walker re signed to take over .operation of his father's farm in Old Fort .... . Democrats' i'enoniinated nil in cumb'nti in the May 31 primal y . . Little League and Babe Ruti) play started . . . Bobby Swan was awarded Seouting's highest rank Eagle . . . two visitors boating on tfantaliala Lake drowned when MARGARINE? ?^..35* SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING? ?3 L? 79^ if ? GROUND , BEEF ? n. 45* INSTANT J.F.G COFFEE 6 0. Jar 98* WOODBURY LOTION $i.oo size 35c SILVER KING FLOUR _ _ 2slb$169 SWIFT HOG FINISHER so L,T MASON'S &L rhone 9 . Franklin. N. C. WE BUY DRY HULLED WALNUTS f the boat struck a log and capsized. Macon's rescue squadron was In strumental In recovering the bodies of the victims . j . K. St T. T. agents nabbed a big still operation In the Coweta section. Including two men, 308 gallons of whiskey, a sedan, and a Jeep truck . . . Camp Highlander open ed for Its first season . . H. H. Onuse. Jr.. vice-president of Nan tahala Power and Light Company, was promoted to the Pittsburgh power engineering division of ALCOA . . . county tax rate was upped a dime, to $1.60 per hun dred . . i Charlie Ray "Bo" Nor ton, one-time Franklin High athlete, was killed near Hot Springs in an automobile accident . . . paving got under way on US 2"-4. G. L II ilk a run-off Demo . . :it ? ? p.i mmy by a vote of R3" to M4 . 1 Oill Fonts, a local F.F.A. mrmbe:'. ! I w is elected state F.F.A. treasurer . . Hon Austin, of Tii'ih Point, j i former member of B.lly Qra ( ham's evangelistic team, preachei ;.t. the annual interdenominatlon- j j 1 evancelistic series here . .. . | Wayah View Motel in East Frank- 1 lin was sold by Mr. and Mrs. Paul j Carpenter to Mr. and Mrs. Fred j j D. Cabe . . . Prelo J. Dryman was ramed to the Franklin Board of j Aldermen to serve out the uner- 1 pircd term of H. H. Onuse, Jr. j . . Franklin Post Office became ! a first class office . . . Franklin! was host to the western division j Little1 Leacue play-offs ... a "mis- 1 understanding among some" of the employes at Franklin Hosiery Plant caused a work stoppage (or several shifts . . . Claude H. Bol ton was elevated to vice-president and treasurer and W. W. Sloan to secretary and director of the Nantahala Power and Lifeht Com pany . . . Macon County's VJiW. Auxiliary won the top award In the state for community service . . . Congressman George A. 8hu ford resigned because of his health ! and David M. Hall, of Sylva, Was named to sucoeed him by area democrats as representative of the 12 th Congressional District . Forest City knocked Franklin's Little League All-Stars out of the regional championship In Forest ^ ty by a score of 6 to 0 . . . AUGUST: $615,450.21 budget was adopted by the Macon Board I i County Commissioners . . . the Rev. Clyde Rbinehart was eleated moderator of the Macon Baptist J ssociation at the organization's j o.h annual session . . . Cowee ! Iiuby Mines, through the chamber I oi commerce and Jim Brinkman, I local gtm cutter, met the rest j of the "rockhounding" world at | ihe eighth annual international I (jtm and Mineral Show of tha Eastern Federation of Mineral SocietiLS in Ashe ? me . . . Macon County Fair opened on the g.ouncs at Franklin High for the b KBcst and best year ya . . . the C.A.A. "push button" radio unit on Wine tprings Bald went into ->1 e ation . . . Robert C. (Bob' .-?i. entitr was e'eeUd president if the little UltUf ? ? ? Otis Juy b rc'.s were declared winner of thi little I eague season . . . Macon s loie in Civil Defense in the .:"an em my was pinpoint e> as a '"support county" chargu. | with Caring for 25,000 evacuees f rom Tennessee . . SEPTEMBER: Gary McKelvey I was elevated to Eagle rank, Scout ing's highest . . . Franklin High opened its '58 football season by li;>?ir.g to Andrews 12 to 7 . "Pilots Ruby Rendezvous", a pro motion attracting is airplanes and some 75 people from Florida, was held in Franklin . J . the Rev. Donn K. Langfltt was elected president of the Macon County Ministerial Association . . . through the efforts of the Frank lin Lions Club, city mall delivery was assured . . . Franklin churches staged a religious canvass . . . DE SOTO TRML RESTAURANT , ARROW , . , STRIKES ?GA'N t I If the person the arrow points to will Identify himself at the DE SOTO TRAIL RESTAURANT bj Sunday, he wlU receive a FREE MEAL. Who will the arrow point to next weekT It may be YOU! (Adv.) Franklin gem cutter Jim Brink man was aeriouily Injured In an auto accident near Hot Springs. Ark. . . . local citizens organized for a United Fund campaign here, with the Rev. Donn K. Langfltt as chairman . . . OCTOBER: Hlgdonvllle Home Demonstration Club won "The Gavel", the county's highest achievement award, and Mrs. Julian Maddox, of Cartoogechayc, was honored as "Club Woman of Lhe Year" . . . Far Western North Carolina and North Carolina got back, together again i with the opening of the Sylva-Balsam- high way , . . Macon County saluted its oldsters at the annual "Fel lowship Hour" . . . Cartoogechaye and Union schools were accredited . . . Franklin High's mimeograph ed newspaper, The Mountain Echo, won first place at the an nual School Editor's Round table at Western Carolina College . . . Max Parrish was reelected chairman of the county A.S.C. committee . , . a seven-county leadership training school for home demonstration clubs was held in Franklin ... a Franklin native, William B. McOuire, was elevated, to the presidency of Duke Power Company ... NOVEMBER : Democrats made a clean swtep of the general elec tion . . . Patton community won the county's top prize in the rural development contest . . . Fred Seal, young Holly Springs farmer, was honored by the Franklin Junior Chamber of Commerce as "Macon County's Young Farmer if the Y. ar" . . . R. E. (Tonyi .Vf. Ich resigned as county veteran's ervics officer to take a Civil Service jpb in Macon, Ga. . . . Macon entries at the W.N.C. Fat "nock Show won 21 blue ribbons nd three reds, two first places From Sunny Groves, Pure Gold No blues from this Southland ? Florida gives us oranges instead. And grapefruit too, of course, bri"ht and yellow like the sunshine they grow in. Maybe you were c.i .. j list to receive a basketful of beautiful citrus fruits this holiday season. If so, you're probably wondering how to utilize the fruit besides juicing it You ran make conserves and relishes, too, that can be put away for the future enjoyment of your family and guests. local dealers will be handling mo-e Florida citrus ftan ever this winter so don't feel badly if you didn't get a gift basket The best oranges and grapefruit are in your neighborhood, just filled with health-giving vitamin C. During the winter months be especial ly sure to get enough of this infection resisting vitamin. Try spiced orange wedges with your next pork roast. They make a perfect flavor accompaniment: . Spiced Orange Wedges 4 Florida oranges Vj cup vinegar 2 cups sugar 12 whole cloves V/i cups water 3 pieces stick cinnamon Put whole oranges in saucepan; add 1 quart water. Bring to a boil; boil 20 minutes. Drain and cut into eighths. Combine sugar, lVt cups water, vinegar, clove* and cinnamon; stir over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Bring to a boil; add pieces of orange and simmer about 20 minutes. Cool; cover and store in refrigerator. Serve as a relish. NOTE; Orange wedges may be spooned lata V sterilized jars and sealed. Orange Cranberry Relish 2 Florida oranges, 4 cap* fresh cranberries quartered and seeded 2 caps sugar Put orange quarters with ped and cranberries through food chopper. Add sugar to mixture. Chill in refrigerator several hours. YIELD: 1 quart NOTE: This relish will keep well in refrigera tor several weeks. for the best animals, and lint and sixth places In showmanship . . Patton Community 4-H Club was one of the top 10 clubs in North Carolina in safety i . . Mrs.' Eloise O. Potts resigned as super intendent of public welfare after 21 years . . . the state allocated $193,500 for secondary road work here during the fiscal year 1953 59 . . . United Fund topped its $10,115 quota . . . Western Caro lina Telephone Company moved its commercial offices into its new $60,000 building in Franklin and announced plans for switch ing to the dial system here in late Spring . . . basketball made its debut in the county . . . DECEMBER : Patton commun ity won a $50 honorable mention award in the W.N.C. Rural Com munity Development Contest . . . J. Fred Bryson was elected head of .the Macon County Rural De velopment Council for 1959 . . . one of the largest Superior Court terms ever held here was presided over by Judge J. C. Farthing . . . "Old Touse" got trapped in a rock cliff and he and his 'owner, LukJ Chastain, became celebrities . . . a heavy snow blanketed the area, causing only minor troubles to public 1 utilities .... Franklin's Indian Mour.d was cleaned up by Cubs and Explorers ... Scouts Douglas, Slagle and Douslas Vin son received Eagle ranks . . . Cul lasaja Scjhool took Christmas to a little blind boy, Seivert Holland . . . Miss Margaret Davis was picked as the winner of the United Nations speaking contest at Frank lin High in competition with seven others ... rr ' I The COOKING CORNER Favorite Recipes Of MACON WOMEN APrLE PIE 2 cups flour V* teaspoon salt % cup shortening 5 tablespoons water Cut shortening into flour to which the salt has been added, j Sprinkle with water to make a j stiif dough. Cut into narrow strips. 6 cups apples, sliced 2 tablespoons flour cup sugar , '/a tablespoon cinnamon 3 tablespoons butter Mix flour, sugar, cinnamon and butter. Place apples in baking J dish, sprinkle with flour mixture. Cover with pastry strips, and dot ! with butter, bake in a moderate ; oven for about 40 minutes. Mrs. Will Talley j (Holly Springs Club) I No. 2 from birth detects and arth ritis require similar treatment that prescribed for paralytic lo. Quite a few are In Ma con County. Mac Ray Whltaker Is county chairman of the drive. Witnesses Activities Jehovah's Witnesses activities for the coming week at Kingdaat Hall have been announced. Today (Thursday) at 7:30 pj?.. a theocratic ministry school will be held, followed by a service meeting at 8:30. Sunday at 4 pjn.. Bible study Is planned. Another Bible study is set for Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. M A COM IVI r up A TR F II ?*??ntt n ? < The First With The Best Admission: Adult* 50c Children 15c SHOW BEGINS 1 ^ 9 p m -.*?? * Continuous from 10 a. m. '? ?nrl 9 p m Phone 131 | WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY Tony Curtis Sidney Poiter "THE DEFIANT ONES" | FRIDAY-SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE "LAST OF THE FAST GUNS" And "ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK" [ SUN.-MON.-TUE.-WED. Elizabeth Taylor Paul Newman Burl Ives "CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF" In Color Admission: Adults 75c Children Under 12, 25e FRANKLIN DRIVE-IN THEATRE Phone 152 W. N. C. Largest Screen FRIDAY-SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE "UTAH BLAINE" With Rory Calhoun And "TOWN ON TRIAL" DOME PERSONAL TAX RECORD #700 This is the book that complies with the Internal Revenue Service's policy calling for substantiation of traveling or reim bursed expenses. CONTAINS . . . ? Much valuable tax Information * ? Fil!ed-in Specimen Page ? Record of auto expenset ? Schedule* for homeowners ? Many other exclusive features flEKl WE Em > ? ' Retails for THE FRANKLIN PRESS PHONE 2 4 t