mB&iaa PLATING THIS SEASON with the Franklin All -Stars are, front row (L to R) Jerry Satton, Bobby Gregory, Harold Corbin, Roger Seay, and C. P. Corbin; back row, Norman Seay, Hugh Dowdle, Grady Corbin, and Bin Vanhook. Absent i when the picture waa made were Bobby Womack, Jim Franklin, and Vic Teagne. (Staff Photo) TO DESIGN TRAILER ? ? ? ? ? ..... I Noted Designer Donates Talents To 'Bootstrap' "Operation Bootstrap" has won a new friend for Western North Carolina. He's a nationally-recognized authority on design and interior decorating, whose name, by re quest, remains annonymous at this time. Intrigued by "Operation Boot strap's" efforts to attract new industry to W.N.C. by utilizing a H IB Hi ? ? m I ? House Wiring ? Electric Heat Installations ? Electrical Repair* ? Free Estimates James P. Wurst LICENSED ELECTRICIAN Franklin, N. C. traveling truck exhibit to tour the United States, this outstanding de signer has volunteered his talents in planning the interior of the trailer. The directors of the Western North Carolina Industrial Develop ment Corporation, in accepting his generous contribution to the program, have made only one sug gestion: That the trailer's interior convey the idea - that Western North Carolina is truly an in dustrial and tourist paradise. This theme must be carried put strongly enough to appeal to industrialists who visit and view the trailer. The designer's ideas at this time are to have a film projector in the rear of the trailer, and a screen on the opposite wall, to show films of W.N.C. and its many advantages. The -walls of the interior will have color photo graphs of present industrial build ings and scenic points. The whole length of the trailer, on both sides, will be taken up with dis play shelves on which various samples of products manufactured in W.N.C. will be dislayed. In the center of the trailer will be a con ference room table and chairs ? made in W.N.C., of course). The floor will be carpeted . with ma IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE FINDING DRESSES TO FIT YOU PROPERLY, WE CAN HELP YOU , SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS . . . WE CARRY A FULL RANGE OF SIZES IN DRESSES NOTED I-OR FINE FITTING ? I QUALITIES . . WE FEATURE DRESSES BY NELLY DON ? SHELTON STROLLERS AND KORRELL * The QuaEity Shop GEORGIA HIGHWAY SOUTH ? ONE MILE Dial LA 4-2197 CRUSHED STONE Loaded on Your Truck at Gneiss j $1.50 per ton Crusher Run $1.75 per ton Clean Stone ( Monday ? W ednesday ? F rid ay ) Delivered by Our Trucks in City Limits $2.25 per ton Crusher Run $2.50 per ton Clean Stone Call LA 4-2311 Franklin Construction Co. Along The Way In \ Carson Community MISS BRENDA CUNNINGHAM Staff Correspondent Club Meets Mrs. Fred S. Moore and Mrs. Homer Greene gave a dairy foods demonstration at the Carson Home Demonstration Club meeting Tues day, June 9. Mrs. J. R. Ray gave a garden report, and Mrs. Homer Greene gave a family life report. The meeting was held at the com munity center, with five members present. Community Report The building maintenance com mittee for the community develop ment organization reports that re pairs of the community building will be postponed untli fall, be cause this is the busy season for both carpenters and farmers in the community who normally help with the repairs. terial also made in W.N.C. W. N. C. I. D. C. officials hope others will follow the lead of "our new friend" in contributing items, or~their ^talents, -to ? the trailer exhibit. Birth Announcement Born to Mi', and Mrs. T. H. Blaine, of D.catui. Ga., a son, Clayton Leit . , May 10. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine u.e ij.mt-rly of this community. ? Personals Mrs. Ernest Wallace and son, Robert, left Saturday, June 6, for Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Wallace will spend several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Andy Setser, and Mr. Setser and children. Robert plans to work in Cincinnatti, Ohio, this summer. Mrs. J. D. Dills and daughter, Wilma, Billy Dills, Louise Dills, and Christine Waldroop left Mon- ' day, June 8, for Pontiac, Mich. They plan to spend a week visit ing relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pattillo and | children, Harry and David, of I Falls Church, Va? have been visit- j ing Mrs. Pattillo's mother, Mrs. George Conley, an^ other relatives here. Bascomb Lamar Lunsford. foun der of the Mountain Polk Festival in Asheville, visited Mrs Esther C. Cunningham recently and Urged jher to bring the Carson.! Square Dance Team to the festi-i val in August. The team danced at the festival last year. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Cunningham huve been their j daughter, Mrs. Burton C. Boesser, and Mr. Boesser, of Richmond, Va. * Mr. ^:id Mrs. HaroM Brookshir. ' have started work oil their new home jie,u the I.' . her Greeiv house. Mr. and Mr . Gene-Greene anil baby have moved their . mobile home here. Mrs. George Dills lot; last week i to join her husband, who is- in tfte Air Force stationed atKFoi t Hood. Tex. Mrs. J^mes P. Cunningham and daughters. Brefida and Suzanne. ' and son. James. Jr., spent a recent j ?week end visiting her sisters, Mrs. i C. J. Hamilton and Mr. Hamilton | and family at the Berry Schools. Ga, and Mrs. Roscoe Mullinax, and Mr. Mullinax and daughter, ; of Marietta. Ga. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred1 S. Moore are their son, Charles Moore, and Mrs. Moore and chil dren, and their daughter. Miss Margaret Moore. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stoudemire spent a recent week end in Decatur, Ga., visiting their daugh ter, Mrs. T. M. Blaine, and Mr. Blaine and children. Green, leafy and other fresh vegetables ^re kept crisp and citrus fruits moist when stored in the vegetable pans. Check fruits and vegetables during stor age and remove any moisture which has accumulated. PUMP REPAIR PROMPT 24 Hour Service Call LA 4-2267 WELCH Plumbing Service bigger AND BETTER! SIDEWALK CARNIVAL TIME 1959 " I FRIDAY JUNE 26 AND BELK'S is ready Ladies Handbags 19c A Harvest Hats 10c Childrens Anklets 3 c Mens Caps 10c Ladies Dresses 99c Mens Coats $2.00 Mens Dress Shirts 69c Step On Cans 25c Infants Wear 19c These Goods Will Be On Display On The Sidewalk In Front Of i I BELK'S -FRANKLIN AT 8:30 FRIDAY MORNING