About You I By Heinz Rollman The untimely death of Dave Hall has put a tremendous burden -on our Congressional District. Only with the good will of all the candidates in both parties and only with the help and understanding of a large number of people, can we overcome together what looks now like a wasteful and time consuming undertaking. Under the law, the governor of the state now has to call for a spe cial election and X don't know if there is anything in the world that he could do about it, even if he wanted to. But we have to be realistic and we have to be thrifty, especially when it comes to the taxpayer's money. A special election. Just simply in election costs, can cost us as I much as $50,000 and probably j twice that much money. "Why", you may ask, "so ' much"? The special election to fill the unexpired term of Dave Hall until January 2, 1961, will require a special primary for both parties with the possibil ity, in case of a tie, of a run off primary and on top of that a special general election. In other words, three Different elections to send someone to Washington who at besft could start working there Jnaybe sometime in May. Now you must realize that our district ' has over 200 voting places and ! every voting place is supervised by judges and registrars from both parties so that you have hundreds and hundreds of peo ple who have to take care of the technicalities so that the voters can perform their priv lige to vqte and all these peo ple have to be paid, not once, not twice, but possibly for three different times of voting. That is the law. No one can change it except the State Legislature, which is not in ses sion now. And for the governor to call the assembly, especially to change this law, would also cost the taxpayers untold thou sands of dollars. Now I have always felt that it is mighty important for a district to be represented at all times in Washington, but we must be realistic. When the congressman gets up there in Why Buy Your Insurance Here? We are Independent Insurance Agents and are free to choose the company which best suits your paticular needs. We ,Sell AM Lines of Insuramce THE WAYAH AGENCY, INC 39B East Main Street Phone LA 4-3218 Franklin, N. C. THE STEEL STRIKE IS OVER AS A RESULT NEW CARS ARE ROLLING IN We Have to make room for them ... so come by and check the LOW, LOW PRICES We are Offering on the Wonderful '60 Fords and Falcons CONLEY MOTOR CO. Main Street Franklin, N. C. May to fill the unexpired term, what will he find? He will Just have time enough to shake hands with his colleagues In Congress before Congress goes home. Remember, this Is a j presidential election year! Cong- j ress this year plans to go home in June, and nothing will be ' deader in a presidential elec- ! tion year than Washington from June until the middle of \ November of this year. All de cisions by , all government de- ' partments are postponed. No new laws will be passed since ? the members of Congress are not there, and everyone will be in his home district running around making arrangements to be re-elected. Thinking about those things made me realize that a vacancy in Congress until January will not hurt us as bad as foolishly wasting a ' huge amount of money. There ; Is not only the $50,000 or more . that it will cost to hold the one or two or three elections. That's just the beginning. On top of that, the cost to the taxpayers would be about $12,000 for the congressman's salary between June and December. He would, be paid seven months for shak ing hands one month. And then add to that another $17,000 that will be paid from June to De cember to the staff of the Congressman if the vacancy is filled. This staff will do little while our government is in low gear. Many of you only know too I well that communists all over | j the world create crisis after I crisis vheri Congress is not in j session, especially' during a presidential year, when most j congressmen hate the idea of I going back to Washington and j are unable to work as hard as they can on being re-elected. ! At times like this the Adminis I tration runs the show alone, | that is, th? President and his | Cabinet and their staff. I If you are very conservative and add all the expenses to j gether it will cost the taxpayers I in excess of $100,000 to elect I someone to fill this vacancy, a j vacancy that for all practical j purposes won't be much more than a month or two. I don't ! think we have this kind of money to waste, do you? I don't j think that anyone, regardless, | could do enough in a month so I that we can afford to spend a 'hundred thousand dollars or more, likely twice, on him. Some people might feel that a Congressional District can ill afford to be without represen tation even for a few days. Please let me assure you that there are now more than half a dozen Congressional Districts in our nation who have a va cancy in Congress until next January. The state constitution in these states, where there are the vacancies, foresees to keep a Congressman's seat vacant if during his term of office he either resigns or dies. But we must remember this: Senator Jordan maintains, at the ex pense of the taxpayers, an of fice in the 12th Congressional District and it would not be unreasonable to foresee that his office in the 12th District would be delighted to take care of any special situation that might arise and to pass on this infor mation to the Senator's office in Washington. And, further more, part of the staff that worked for Dave Hall can re main on the job until the new Congressman is sworn in in January 1961. Simply I want to DR. DANIEL A CHASE ANNOUNCES THE OPEN INC OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF CHIROPRACTIC at Office Hours: Palmer Strict Telephone: 9 to 12 ? l to 6 Franklin, X. C. la 4-3505 $99.50 and up Less Springs and Mattress MACON FURNITURE MART Located on the Square Franklin, N. C. point out this: Without wast ing these huge amounts of money, emergencies, special sit uations and special needs still can and would be handled. But there is a way out. The special election, by the time this will appear in print, has probably been called by the governor. All candidates for Congress have a certain time in which to file. That is their privilege and they should do so. And then the only fair thing to do to the people in our dis trict would be the following: That every candidate declares under oath that he will not run in this special primary, run-off primary, or special elec tion and that all the candidates together will so Inform the Board of Elections in Raleigh and the governor. Then there will be no elections, there will be no candidates, and the gov ernor has done his duty and the candidates have done their duty to the people. Naturally if one of the candidates would not go along with this idea none of the candidates could go along with the idea for If one candidate would want to have the election take place, then all the money and ail the effort has to be spent anyway and the other candidates I'm sure will not let him run un opposed. Everybody who wants to be a candidate for the reg ular primary May 28 can natur ally do so and then we have our regular primary May 28 and the two winners, the one on the Republican ticket and the one on the Democratic ticket, will face each other in the general election on November 1. I will say very clearly this right now. That if not all can didates agree to forego the spe cial election that in that case, being a candidate myself, I would take part in such special elections. And should I be the winner, should the people de cide that they want me tor represent them in Washington, I will not accept the salary for the unexpired term of Dave Hall. I will give that money , Swafford's ^ Sayin's Howdy Men: Your 'Ole Country Grocery man wants this to be for men? and men only. You've heard It said that we profit by the mistakes of others. Well, here's one who made a bad mistake ? one that caused me to suffer ? and still ain't over it. All you men? especially married men ? can keep from making the same mistake, and if you be lieve me ? you will love and appreciate your wife more and have a lot less trouble. However, if you ever do what I did ? don't tell your wife. The other day (one of those cold ones) I decided to fix my own lunch. Now hash, when made right, is a favor ite dish of mine, so I got me some ground beef, put it in a frying pan, added salt and plenty Of pepper. By that time the pan was good and hot. I didn't know what to put in next, so I got me a little sausage seasoning and two or three other hot sea sonings ? put these- on the beef and kept stirring. By that time the pan was so hot black smoke arose, ming led' with a peculiar odor. I couldn't think of another thing to add except some eggs. So X broke two into the beef and continued the mixing process. Knowing how long to cook "anything is not an art of mine, (I found out), for the hash (?) was so tough and hard it took me a long time to eat it, and (which, by the way, never did get cool enough) only then by keep ing a constant flow of strong coffee following every bite. I couldn't eat any supper, and that night dreamed of eating helping after helping of good hash. Even the thoughts of it now (a week later) causes the same hard lump to form in the pit of my stomach. I could have ? and here's what you do ? opened a can of something and had a good lunch. When any of 'you men de^ clde T/> fix your own lunch ? come by Swafford's Country Store. I won't sell you any thing to make hash ? but plenty of stuff you can open and enjoy eating. (Lots of men eat herei. And you had better keep a few cans of food around the house to open when jrou ^get hungry. PAUL SW AFFORD Swafford's if Country Grocery 1V4 miles from city limits on Eryson City Road Ramblin' Around Cullasaja and Higdonville MISS MARIE JENNINGS Staff Correspondent Play Given A large group, Including visitor? from various churches in this section, were at Hlgdonvllle Bap tist Church Sunday night to see the play, "The Lost Church," presented by the Training Union of the Burningtown Baptist Church. Cunningham Preaches Attendance was good at Sugar fork Baptist Church Sunday de spite the fact that many are con fined to their homes with flu. Jesse Cunningham preached at the morning worship service. Reminder! Hlgdonvllle folks, remember that tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 is meeting time for the Higdon ville Community Development Or ganization at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moses. The 4-H Club will lead the devotional. Has Quilting Tuesday bf this week some of the Higdonville and Cullasaja ? home demonstration club women met at the home of Mrs. Fred Ruppenthal for a quilting. The completed quilts will be given to a worthy family. Cruse Preaches Sunday night, the Rev. Floyd Cruse preached at the Cullasaja Assembly of God Church. The pas tor, the Rev. R. E. Stephenson, was helping in revival services at ihe Burningtown Assembly of God Church. Club Meeting Set Cullasaja Home Demonstration Club will hold its monthly meet ing Friday < tomorrow i at 1:30 at the home of Mrs. A. C. Moore. Special attention is called to the time set for th? meeting, as the club has been meeting at 2 o'clock in the past. The theme for the program will be "Care of Furniture and Rugs." Mrs. Thomas Lindsay and Mrs. Charlie Anders, housing and home furnishing project leaders, will be in charge of the demonstration. School News The flu bug has visited both teachers and students at Cullasaja School. So far, four teachers have suffered attacks of flu and ab sences among the students arc in creasing daily as a result of flu. The Cullasaja P.-T.A. has made a $25 contribution towards the sponsorship of the Little Sym phony. The students are looking for ward to hearing the Little Sym phony on March 9. The thirc' through eighth grades are study ing the orchestra instruments, as well as the background for the back to the government for I would not feel that I would have earned seven months pay for one months work. If the government would not take the money back I would give It to the United Fund in all of our ten counties in exact propor tions to the population. If the people would want me to rep resent them for the unexpired term I could not possibly ac cept a salary anyway also for this reason: How can i face the voters in the regular pri mary May 28 and the regular general election November 1 if I do my campaigning at the expense of the taxpayers? People who want to be elect ed to Congress have to be clean, they have to be honest, and they have to be thrifty with the taxpayer's money. I believe these things start right at home and this is an opportunity for I all candidates for Congress to prove at least with one action and without a lot of words that they think &nd feel and know that the voter and the taxpay er is our master and that a Congressman is only the serv ant of the people. Not knowing what the next few weeks might bring from the other candidates I would like to make the follow ing statement here: I believe the honor to serve in Congress is bestowed by the people on a man. This honor cannot be bought. Please do not come to me under any pretext asking for money to help me win in the campaign it it should come to the special elec tion which I hope it will not. I will not insult the integrity and decency of the people in our mountains, the people whom I have learned to love and respect during 20 years of mingling with them. I will not insult them by paying for transportation to go and vote or in any other wajf. Voting is a privilege and upright and hon est people don't need any other inducement in the world to ex ercise that right and privilege except to know that we live in the most wonderful democracy that has ever been created by human beings. .ll'alJ Pol .\J) -1 music and the composers of the symphony music. They are learn ing to sing two songs, which they will sing with the Little Sym phony. Cullasaja School played Car toogechaye School in the Frank lin High School gym Wednesday night of last week. Cartoogechaye won both the boys and girls games. Personal^ Miss Ethel Gibson, of the Mash burn Branch section, is spending some time at Andrews with her brother, Charles Gibson. She went there last Tuesday. Mrs. Grace Bryson Hoilman spent a few days last wek visiting her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Bryson. Friday she left for Knight's Landing. Calif., with her nephew, Bryant Bryson, and her brother, Patton Bryson. She plans to make her home in Knight's Landing with Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Bryson and their family. Before coming here to visit, Mrs. Hoilman lived in Detroit for a number of years. Mrs. "Dude" Berry happily re ports that she has finally taken the cast off her leg that has been such a burden for the past weeks. She has advanced to the crutch *De4iy*t^ YOUR OWN _ floor' [ 1/fil ? With Johns-Manville Asphalt As bestos Tile you can design cheerful, lovely floors incorporating your own ideas of color and pattern. These beautiful, long-wearing floor tile are easily kept spic and span, save work. Furnished in individual tile units, you make your choice from wide range of beautiful marbleized colors. NANTAHALA LUMBER CO. Depot St. Franklin Dial LA 4-2133 stage now. Boyd Teem and son, Victor, of Pontiac, Mich., are here for a visit with Mr. Teem's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Teem. Mrs. Fred N. Sorrells and Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Ledford made a business trip to Shelby last Fri day. . Here from Jacksonville, Fla , for the week end were the Rev. Fred N. Sorrells, Orover Sorrells. Beulon Stanfield, Bill Holland, and Willie Wykle. Charles Horn Serving At Naval Air Center PHILADELPHIA. Pa. ? Charles R. Horn, hospital corpsman third class. USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Horn, of Route 2, Prank lin, N. C? is serving at the Naval Air Material Center, Philadelphia, Pa. Before entering the Navy .in September 1952, he was graduated from Franklin High School and was employed by the Glenn L. Martin Aircraft Corporation in Baltimore, Md. On Dec. 31, 1942, the USS Essex, first of the famous Essex-class air craft carriers, was placed in com mission at Norfolk, Va. RUPTURED? Get the world'! beat trnaa at a ?rj reaaonable price. Sold by WALTER A- STEELE, Franklin. N. C? Expert Fitter. Why Successful People Pay Bills By Check They don't want to risk loss by carrying large sums of money around with them. They don't want to waste time running all over town to pay bills in cash. They do want a bonafide receipt (their cancelled checks) for every payment they make. They do want a clear record of how much they spent for what. OTHER BANKING SERVICES Savings Accounts Home Improvement Loans Personal & Auto Loans Safe Deposit Boxes THE BANK OF FRANKLIN Member of F. D. I. C. SANTA CLAUS IN FEBRUARY AT PEOPLE'S DEPARTMENT STORE Well ? not really, of course. But it'll he like re ceiving gifts when you take advantage of these FINAL REDUCTIONS SPECIALS BOYS' CORDUROY PANTS Sizes 8 to 18 Reg. $4.49 ? Close Out $2.99 ONE TA&LE Ladies' and Children's SHOES Values to $6.99 ? One Price $2.99 ONE TABLE Men's Long Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS Reg. $2.00 $1.59 or 2 for $3-00 MEN'S ALL WOOL ?? SUITS Value* to $40 ? as Low as $19.88 SHEETING 5 YARDS $1.00 4 YARDS BEST QUALITY LL $1.00 PEOPLE'S DEPARTMENT STORE S & H Green Stamps With Every Purchase