And die angels sang, "0? earth peace, good will toward r.n." May the Christmas message bring you joy. Macon County Supply Co. and j Macon Furniture Mart Mohammed, Most Activu Salesman (Editor's Note: Hert >re about Turkey and its cus toms from an exp.ri, F uuii lin H'gh's exchange stu nt, Adem Unal) . I wrjte about the bu\!h of Islam, our religion, and Mo hammed. About 570 years after the birth of Jesus Christ, Moham med was born in Mecca., Ara bia. Mohammed was b: gotten and born hke anybody else. His father and mother were all well-todo Meocans, who be longed to on illustrious clan known as the Koreiah. Mohammed's father was call ed Abdullah. He is reputed to have been the best looking, the most charming, the most worthy young man in Mecca. It is said that when he be came engaged to Amina bind Wahb, the hearts oX many ycuntt Mecoan laaics were brok SX1. Abdullah had several beauti ful sisters and! eleven brothers. Pour or these were to play Im portant roles in the world re volution which the chi'.d of Abdullah's marriage was to bring abouit. The names of these four were Abu TaJab and A,bu Jahaib, conteonporarls of Abdullah, and1 A1 Aifoa* . and Mamm, considerably younger. Their father was a cy^injuish _d Meccan called Abd'Al Mot taleb. "Ihe nam a of his father was Hashim. This is as far tack as it is necessary to go in Mohammed's geneoicey. His father, Abdullah, cied fc afore threa mon'ths c." iiis birth. He never saw his father. When, he was six year: 's!d, the death of his mother followed his misfortune. We know the life of Moham med, clearly, without hesitation. Ha was wire. He rr. r .2 liid v.crd.'i. He ntver 1 ? any- j body's feelings. He was 1 ke by j everybody. When eve.' ha! went, he had been of good ! omen. Then he grew. H - became a young man. Before he v.r>s six- 1 teen, he hail c of.c travel- ' ing Uieui inc. :. Mco ? i i a '..e. Ha i id :: ? '. : . tJ v.'.'.a\ His cUif t iraal'j, Az ZubiMr,- v,r.} a ccsunurj cf the- ICoreishito armies. ' ? 1 The cair. " . > v. ' ' ? ::v-' ing him a iv i'-m joy .. : 1 1 v- | ing. Beforo hi was tw , Lj had traveled A-"'' ?? f- ? , men to Syria, Palestine . e X3o you arid yours, our wishes that you may know V all the joys of f' d? i 5?, ' Nantahala Power and Light Co. I Torth towd Perp'a. MuiianiDica <.?? ? lau.'.S him self representor)*: other mer chants as well as his uncle, Aim raleb. His reputation for hard jvork and honesty had spread. Before he was twenty-five, he had become one of the most active traveling salesmen in western Arabia. He was married with IUia Slje when he was 25 and K ha il je 40. I'll tell about Mohammed, now he became the messenger if God, in my next writing. I also want to tell about New year's in Turkey next week. ll/hat better lime than Kir try Yule tide to express deep appreciation to our customers j for their loyal patronage j ;.'.roughout the year . . .We Reeves Hdwe. and Building Supply Co. VJo you, friends and customers, we're sending glad greetings, with every wish that you and yours may enjoy a most wonderful holiday time, blessed by good health, surrounded by good fellowship? and always of good cheer. For us, one of the brightest joys of the season is the opportunity it gives us to express, once again, our heartfelt gratitude for your continuing patronage and good will. Most heartily, we thank you! I , ' ? ? ? ?.????? .. , I ' ? ... Zickgraf Hardwood Company Nantahala Lumber Company Franklin Machine Shop