TIPS ARE GIVEN ? Fire Safety Family Job At Christmas With the rule season rapidly approaching, Americano across the nation are being urgvd to uas care wltii fire, and make Christmas tfrite year a happy one. The National Board of Fire Underwriters points out that Christmas fine safety la a Job ft?r all the fiamlly. Parents, ancles and aunts are be In* arced this year to buy sale toys for children ? toys that are not Ukeiy to cause fire, shock or explosion. The National Board of Fire Underwriters points out that miniature rockets, lirfluea and automobiles that use kero sene, rasoliae, or carbide for fuels, may he hazardoas far the very joasf. Parents shoald supervise all play with eleotrieal toys, or those using fuels and chemi cals, the Board advtoea. A week or so before Christ mas. the family should be coll ed together and same fire safe ty task msagaexi to every one. Father, aa a rule, buys the Christmas tree, and the board May the wonder and warm . .7 cl\'.;:L::r.:s ;:ivc you ?:rcat per.:; :.."J j*>y *vith family and friends. Western Auto Associate Store Verlon Swafford, Owner aeons be should be sure and se lect a tree that Is fresh. He should run hie hand over one at the branches. If the needles fall off, the tree la