G ON! VOLUME ONE THE PILOT NUMBER Devoted to the Upbuilding of Vass and Its Surrounding Country SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 VASS, N. C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS New Development That Means Much To Our Section es 1921 t. These ce sale in and they ge of this aring ap- $7.S0 $6.00 $2.2S $1.50 7Sc 45c 3Sc Stuff $2.90 others on days What is probably the biggest enter prise ever attempted at once in the county, and what promises to lead to one of the biggest things ever under taken in the State, started last Friday afternoon when the stockholders of Knollwood at their meeting at Pine- hurst decided to begin operation on the half million dollar job that the architects have planned, and which will grow into millions in the next few years. James Barber was elected presi dent of the corporationfor next year, Lenord Tufts vice-president and general manager for a period of five years, and A. S. Newcomb, secretary and treasurer. The stockholders were made directors. Those are James Barber, of the Barber Steamship Co., an institution that is said to have steamers sailing into every part of the globe worth visiting, Leonard Tufts of Pinehurst, J. W. Gorrigan of New York, H. B. Swoope of New York and Pensylvania, coal-operator of means and ability, H. H. Rackham, the attorney who incorporated the Ford Motor Co., L. M. Boomer, repre- sentingthe Waldorf- Astoria Hotel of New York H. A. Page, Jr., A. S. New comb, S. B. Richardson, T. A. Kelly and J. Talbot Johnson, a bunch of Moore county men who were the fath ers of the proposition. ^ The Knollwood company during the summer bought from H. A. Page, Jr., some 5,200 acres of land connecting Southern Pines with Pinehurst. At the meeting Friday it was agreed that the acreage immediately west of the Seaboard Air Line railroad should be the site of the first development, anc that it should take the course of winter resort creation, to be on the most modern lines, and for this pur pose about a quarter of a million was appropriated, to be followed by more as fast as it is called for by the work of contractors. Already the first of a system of avenues has been built to connect Pinehurst and Southern Pines and the road system will be one of the jobs tackled at once, and carried out on an elaborate scale. Donald Ross was notified at the meeting to begin work this week on No. 1 golf course which he has already surveyed ond lo cated, and which is to be an eighteen- hole course, and the best that money can make. -He says he will have it ready for use when the season opens next fall. After No. 1 course is com plete he will proceed directly to the No. 2 course. These^ courses are lo cated on the w^est side of McDeed’s creek one on either side on the road that connects Pinehurst and Southern Pines, and which has just been built by the Knollwood corporation. On notifying Mr. Ross to proceed with the construction of the golf courses a telegram was dispatched to Aymur Embury II the architect who has made the plan for the club house. and he is instructed to locate his building and prepare for instant com- mencment of construction. The club louse will be a structure over 500 eet long and three stoHes high. It will have a living room 36 by 86 feet in size, a dining room 36 by 76, .100 bed i;ooms, card and billard rooms, 2 arge sun rooms that will be practical- y a large collection of greenhouses, and a lot of other things it is hard to classify. One big room 28 by 70 will be a sort of play room or amuse ment hall for such diversion as may >e desired, and another feature will be an enclosed park of roome for mov ing pictures with balconies surround ing in with tea or informal lunches or similar parties can be given while entertainments are in progress. A swimming pool of ample size is an other feature, as well as two large fire proof locker rooms, one for men and one for women. A department for servants 100 by 32 feet and three stories high will take cae of this problem. A-bout the club house willbe various . t if »•. 'IK *, . other conveniences for sport, includ ing six tennis courts, and such things as may be suggested. The location of the club house will be on the left of the road running from Southern Pines to Pinehurst,and about three-quarters of a mile from the crossing of the Carthage road, and about half a mile from McDee’s creek, where one of the most desireable golf courses in the South will be created. The course is almost wholly in the cove and valleys and the knobs are covered with pine groves the effect being to shut out the winds on the blustery days, and to give a fine prospect to sunny days, which abound. The Knollwood corporation will continue to be the operating organiz ation in handling this big affair, but it will work under two different heads. Leonard Tufts will be the general manager, and he has been given ab solute authority to handle the proper ty according to his own judgment, the only repuirement being results. This is a pretty liberal schedule, but Mr. Tufts has showed by his work in the Sandhills that he is equal to the job. As the objects are in view he will di vide the property into two sections the one east of the Seaboard being alloted to sale and development in big and little farms, winter homes village property inlots or acrage orch ards, vineyards, or whatever the peop le care to make of it. This section will be placed in the hands of one man who will be Mr. Tufts* manager for that section. Onthe other side of the railroad will be the section in which the golf enterprise will be locatec and that section will be in the hands of another manager under Mr. Tufts The two will be handled separately by their managers, and the side east of the railroad will continue to be known as Edgemoore Heights and operated under that name. This will be distinct ly a real estate development and sale proposition j- much after the idea that Mr. Page was carrying out when he sold the property to Knollwood. Edgemoore Hights has about 2,500 acres, lies well and will be in demand for home sites and farms as soon as it comes on the market, which will be as soon as the plans can be shaped up. Making the plans does not mean simply laying out a few farms and ots and then offering the property for sale. The most systematic survey ev er made in this section will now be undertakken, and every piece of gro und will be studied as an individual tract and also as a part of the big scheme that it is about to fit into. Roads will be laid out on a still more extensive scale, and built. Maps in detail will be drawn and printed, and comprehensive advertising prepared so that when selling commences it will be on the most intelligent and syste matic basis ever undertaken in Moore county. All the experiences gained at Pinehurst, Edgemoore and elsewhere in the community will be brought to bear, and such development made as will show the values of the property to be sold. The marketing of the 2500 acres of Edgemoore will be one of the interesting features of this move ment. When Mr. Ross has defined his golf course boundries and Mr. Manning has completed his survey for parks and other improvement he will pro vide avenues that will lead to such adjacent territory as has not been taken for golf and park land and there will be established home sites of from an acre upwards, which will be offered for sale. The prices have been fixed on these sites at $1,500 an acre. In order to encourage building pro mptly the first buyers who locate their sites will be given a rebate of $1,000 an acre if they build within the year, $750 if they build in 1922, and $50(' if they build in 1923. About 400 sites are available around the golf courses and if they are utilized as rapidly as thebuilding locations have been taken at Pinehurst in the last half dozen years, five or six years will see this part of the property covered with handsome modern homes, and with a fine club house, hotel and various facilities for winter sports and amuse ments. It is canndently predicted by those who are most familiar with the devel opment of the Pinehurst section that in half a dozen years the settlement will be continuous throughout this territory described and that from six to ten thousand people will be in the city that will have grown up, and that inside of 25 years here will be created a community that will have the great est housing capacity of any city in the state. This is the basis the projectors of this scheme are figuring on, and they are men who do not shoot many arrows in the air. The golf scheme that is to be the first unit completed will not be ex clusively to the first members who go into the club. An arrangement is con templated that will take care of the lome owners in the neighborhood of the courses, under certain restrictive conditions, although these are not yet determined. Another idea entertained is a bachlor’s appartment at the vicin ity of the club house to accommodate the chronically unattached who do not appreciate the society of the women and children who might.stray into the club house or be quartered there with their men folks. Other things are also contemplated to make the winter pos sibilities as comprehensive as any place on earth offers. These will be worked out as the development un folds. It is the expectation that arrange ments can be made with the McQueen light and power service for what ser vice will be needed for the various de velopments, and as the Southern Pines water plant is not far from the club house site an effort will be made to have water service extended from that town to the new community. The plant was built with the idea of serv ing a much bigger town than Southern Pines is yet, and to accommodate just such growth as promises now at Knoll wood, and it is hoped a bargain can be struck. Mr. McQueen is broadening his lighting plants so that he will probably be in shape to go ahead in this work by the time his service will be needed. This is a general way the outline of what is projected for the expansion of the Moore county resorts. It is a scheme of such magnitude that it can not be comprehended. Before it is car ried very far it will-mean-the expend iture of several million dollars, and that will mean a permanent winter population of so many people that Moore county will not know itself. The men behind the movement have ample capital for anything they want to do, and besides they have the acquaintance and standing that will bring the people to them from all over the North. Entertained at Rook Miss Annie McGill delightfully enter tained the younger set at a Rook Party last Friday evening. .Delicious candies were served. Those present were Misses Agnes Smith, Jessie Brooks, Lois Sanford, Jewel Edwards; Messrs. Gordon Thomas. Will Smith, Arthur Thompson, Clyde Cox and Eugene Keith. On account of the crowded conditions of our advertising columns we had to leave out considerable reading matter which will appear next week.