VOLUME ri 1 Jt HE PILOT NUNBER Devoted to the Upbuilding of Vass and Its Surrounding Country SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 VASS, N. C., FRIDAY, DECENBER 24, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS GEORGE R. ROSS Buys Interest in Farm The above is a exact likeness of George R. Ross who will represent Moore Ck)unty in the coming General Assembly. Mr. Ross was born in Randolph County, but has been in Moore many years. He was edu cated at the State College and is wellknown over the State. Lakeview Nass Meeting of Farmers It is proposed by many of tlie lead ing farmers of the county that we hold the biggest meeting of farmers in Car thage on New Year’s Day ever assem bled in Moore county at one time. This meeting is brought about for various reasons. At this particular time ev ery one is having his share of a great loss and h's part to bear iiT bringing about such changes that are necessary to get things back to normal condi tions. At this meeting Dr. Clarence Poe, editor of the Progressive Farmer, and Mr. T. B. Parker, cotton warehouse commissioner, will be the main speak ers of the day, while quite a number of local men will be on the program. After the special addresses the meet ing will be thrown open for general discussion and allow any farmer in the county to offer suggestions that will be helpful. At this meeting permauent associa tion of the Tobacco Growers of Moore will be perfected and equally well will other farmers be given information that will be just as helpful to them as the tobacco growers. Tobacco is only one subject for discussion, and it doesn’t matter what you grow, how large or small, share-cropper, tenant, or landlord, you should be here. There is nothing like starting the New Year right. When the first of the year comes how many of us really know just what we are going to do ? How many have got your plans complete for the 1921 crops? How many have paid off the mortgages? How many have paid all they owe? How many have mar keted all their crops? How many have made their 1921 food and feed supply and paid up all their fertilizer bills and ready to go into their fields with a new zeal ? Have you paid your taxes? Have you paid the preacher? And have you paid the doctor ? These are only a few things we should con sider and as a get-to-gether meeting there is no better way than a mass- meeting of every farmer in the county. Let’s be prepared to discuss those things that will be helpful and assist in placing our farms on a little better paying basis. At 1 o’clock there will be a public dinner in the big new tobacco ware house where we will have a social hour together. Every farmer is asked to bring his dinner and there will be hot coffee and other refreshments served free by a local committee. Get your business in shape so you can spend New Year’s Day with your fellow farmers and be in Carthage by 10:00 o’clock. MARION W. WALL. Let’s Have a Band There is enough good material in Vass to organize a first class brass band. Why not get together and talk it over. Any in formation on the subject will be gladly given to any one calling at the Pilot office. Mr. J. C. Benjamin of Raleigh was a business visitor of Mr. W. H. McNeill’s Friday. Mrs. T. Driggers, of Hamlet spent part of last week-here with her people. Master Glenn Caviness is in Aberdeen taking medical treatment. Mr. Lloyd Ryan, of Uniontown, Pa., is visiting his friend, Mr. W. C. Hendren here this week. Messrs. H. W. Doub and Frank Maples of Aberdeen were business visitors in our town one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart and children from the Buchan Farm were in our village Friday, the guests of the McNeills. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Knight of Thompson, Conn., have rented the “Dell” and will spend the winter in Lakeview. They ar rived in town Sunday. Mesdames J. R. McQueen and I. J. Tdin- tor, and Mr. Leon Wescott were in SanfoiU Thursday shopping. Mrs. J. R McQueen, Misses Pearl and Blanche McNeill and Alice Littlefield at tended the Bazaar at the Farm Life School Friday afternoon. Miss Ruby Smith, who has been teach ing near Apex, came home Saturday for the holidays. Quite an interesting program is being prepared by the children of the Sunday School and will be given night before Christmas. There will also be a Christ mas tree. Died Mr. Neill Johnson, 68 years of age, died at the home of his brother, Mr. Allen B. Johnson, Saturday, December 4th, about nine miles from Vass. He had been in bad health for the past 18 years, and for the last 14 years was helpless. He will be missed by his brother and brother’s wife, who attended to every want. Mr, Johnson was bom and raised in Moore county and was a member of St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church and a highly respect ed citizen. His funeral was held on Sun day, December 5th, burial being made in tne Johnson family burying groimd. Coons Turn Into Husk Several weeks ago a colored man was gjlng up the road, towards Cameron, with a bag under his arm, an axe on his shoul- Another big transaction recently concluded is the purchase by James- Barber of New York of half interest in the Marlboro farm, near Aberdeen. This big property includes 1,200 acres, many buildings, cleared land, farm equipment, and is a good going con cern close in, and the trade is said to have been made on the basis of $100» That it is worth the money is evi denced by the fact that soon after the purchase a sale was made of a piece of it at $175. Mr. Barber has the worth of his money, yet the sale indi cates that the bottom has not dropped out of values as has been predicted by some of the prophets of fear in Moore county. Marlboro farm is a desira ble bit of land well located, and welP equipped. It is a good farm proposi tion, and :t is also well adapted for dc'vf in r .rll size.:? tracts, and •. ip.u' u*« ,vten Ab^rdc». and Pinebluff- and not far from Pinehurst there is*' no doubt that it will before long come • into share in the settlement plans that. are breaking over this whole region. James Barber is a highly desirable addition to the Marlboro group. He is. already a big holder around Pinehurst and is one of the active men in the KnoUwood operation. He is a big shipping operator in New York, the Baber Steamship lines being reputed to touch at practically every impor tant port on the globe. Mr. Barber is a man of means, of business ability and acquaintance in the business world, and above all things of interest and faith in the Sandhills country. The Marlboro Farms will be a stock company from now on*, with Sam Rich ardson president, and he with Mr. Bar ber, Talbot Johnson and Banks Saun ders will be the directors of the cor poration. For the present the inten tion is to operate the farm on a modeniiL scale and plan, making such crops as. it is adapted for and improving the- place in any way that conditions indi cate. The ultimate disposition of the property will be determined later. What Others Think of Us The Citizen welcomes as a neighbor the "Pilot,” of Vass, a bright and neat little paper well written, well printed and pleas antly gotten Op all around. The “Pilot” is managed by Mr. Stacy Brewer and con tains much local and personal matter of interest Tha Citizen extends it best wishes to the “Pilot”—From the Sandhill Citizen, Southern Pines. Editor Pilot —Dear Sir: Your bright little paper has just come And as a paper, its sure some.. We need a guiding hand to go Through this old world, (its acting so.) And this one seems so clean and bright. I’ll have to send for it, tonight. A Pilot’s good to have and keep. When wide awake, or fast asleep. If all are good as this you send. On which, one always can depend— Congratulations are your due Find them enclosed, with check to you. Cordially yours, Helen Mar D’Auby.. The many friends of Mr. J. B. Eastwood will be pleased to leam that heunvlevweiit the operation fine and is getting along nicely. Mrs. A. S. Newcomb had a number of her friends over for dinner at the Sewara Inn Thursday. After the dinner, they played cards in Mrs. Newcomb’s attract ive little cottage. Miss Maude Smith of this place and Mr. — Kelly of Hamlet were united in mar riage last Wednesday at Carthage. Our best wishes go to this young couple in their new journey of life. Miss Smith has taught school for several years and is a very deserving young woman. Qer and leading a dog. He was met by a farmer and asked where he was going? Toe c jlored man replied that he was going after coons, as he thought the night was excellent for coons. The. next morning, ioi:4 before cay break, the colored man was met by the farmer driving a wagon and v