VOLUME 1 THE Devoted to the Upbuilding of Vass and Its Surrounding Country SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 A Fine Fxample Tiiere are cliilclren starving in Europe, women are suffering, an.l once strong men are breaking un- •ler the strain which the war has them as an inheritance. We are comfortable here in our own .and. and few of us have the least dea tliat conditions are at this mo- iiieiit worse in some European coun- iries than history has ever recorded. America lias heard the cry of starv ing children in Austria through Herbert Hoover, and it is good to Know that she is answering, show'- ing that she can forgive a recent t-neniy, and that her big heart will nut i»ermit little cLildren to starve. But the part of this answer which will strike Vass residents most forci- My is the answer being sent by the tanners of this nation. President Howard, of the American Farm Bu reau, said recently in a speecli at ♦ 'liicago: Farmers in 37 states have author ized Mie as their president to offer • nougli American-grown corn to leed the starving millions of Eu- roi)(*( China, Armenia and other for- •i^"u countries. And I promise that *he farmers will deliver their offer ings i)romptly to the point of ship- hient. This treasure will come in voluntary gifts* of from 5 to 3,000 hushels, many wealthy farmers naving given as liigh as 3,000 bush- -Is.- All that the farmers insist on is the corn he not sold, but must go -traight to the people who need it The farmer is having a pretty lough time of it himself just now, with grain and hog prices declining, But he conies to the front when TrouI'Ie appears, lie Realizes that the good in the world outweighs *he evil, and he sets a mighty fine example for the balance of the u’orld. VASS, N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1921 PRICE FIVE CENTS Bank Controversy On i lu‘ controversy between the Fed eral Reserve Bank of Richmond, and the State Banks in North Carolina, 'vill eventually- go up to the Su preme Couil of the United States, and will be watched with great in terest hy the people of this state. ^>11 November 1,5th 1920, the Fed- ^iral Reserve Bank began collecting all checks in North Carolina at par, ‘dthough the banks in this state had J'een collecting exchange for years, on checks for which they remitted. This practice was continued until February 5th, when a law was rati fied by the Legislature, authorizing the State Banks to collect exchange, and providing that if the Federal Reserve Bank presents the checks at the counter, the paying bank may settle with its check on a bank in which it has funds. Th6 Federal Reserve Bank at once put its agents in North Carolina, and began presenting checks at the counters of a large number of State Banks, demanding payment in money, and refusing to accept a check as provided by the North Carolina law. A great many checks were returned by the Federal Re serve Bank to the Banks from which they received them, and some of these checks-have returned to the original holders. A large propor tion however have been forwarded by the banks holding them, to the banks on which they were drawn, for payment in the usual way. An injunction has been secured restraining the Federal Reserve Bank from returning, as dishonored any check not paid in money, which should put a stop to presenting, at the counter, checks dated after Feb ruary 5th. This injunction is re turnable before Judge J. Biss Ray, on March 1st. A number of merchants and oth ers who liad forwarded their checks, have received letters from those to whom they had sent them, saying their banks are objecting to taking checks on North Carolina State Banks, on account of the action of the State Banks in refusing to re mit for the checks without charging exchange. These merchants are ex plaining the matter, and anticipate no further trouble. The shifting of bank clearings from the clearing centers in this State to Richmond, brought about by collecting all checks through the Federal Reserve Bank, occasioned a loss in deposits to North Carolina clearing banks of about ten mil lions of dollars between November | 1,5th, and February 5th, but it is ex-1 pected the re-establishment of clear- I ing through North Carolina banks | I will bring these funds hack to the | ' State. I A Fine Compliment A stranger who recently had oc casion to spend several days in Vass told us just before departing for his home that one thing which impressed him during his stay here was the number of latch-strings that were hanging out. He w-is from a big city, where one hardly knows his next-door neighbor and it was pleasing to him to be where people spoke to him whether they knew him or not, and where they appeared to have time to answer his questions and to treat him courte* ously. This is a mighty nice compliment for the town, but it also proves that there is-still another good reason for making your home in a place this size. You bump right into neighborly help and courtesy at every turn. You find people who are more interested in life than in seeing how many dollars they can pile up. You feel that community, spirit which the smaller towns of this country possess but which the large cities brag so much about. The gentleman was impressed with the fact that our people had time to answer his questions, and seem ed pleased to be of assistance. He is carrying that same report wher ever he goes, and such reports never do a town any harm. If making and hoarding money is your prime object in life, then you belong, possibly, in the large city. But if you want to feel that you are cared for by your fellowmen; if you want to feel the real community spirit and know what it is to have real neighbors and neighbors you can depend on, then our advice is to stay right here, hero where the latchstrings are hanging out and where people have time to he po-| lite to strangers. Quit Kicking For the love of Mike, let’s be done with this whining and moaning about hard times; and let’s stop all this talk about how much worse conditions are apt to be in a few months than they are now. We know that isn’t very pretty English, but it is plain English and we are hearing too much kicking, anyhaw, to make us# care much what kind of talk we use so far as grammar is concerned. The only person who ever got anything out of whining is the fakir who stands on the comer pretends he lost a leg in the great war and begs a dime, when in reality he lost the limb through being too lazy to get out of the way of a passing automibile. H you want to get into this class you are welcome, but pick another conmiunity to do your whining in. What if business isn’t as good as it might be? Are you going to make it any better through running around shrieking about it? You had some mighty fine times in the last two years or so, and if you won’t take the bitter with the sweet then you’re no better than a spoiled child. Life is not all sugar, and it would be a pretty sickening kind of proposition if it was. Stock Clubs France’s answer to Germany is sub stantially that it had better pay up when paytime comes or it may find its things out on the sidewalk. Farmers around Vass will be in terested in knowing that splendid progress in live stock and poultry breeding by boys’ and girls’ clubs is reported from many sections of the country and made tlie basis of an interesting report by the govern ment. The Department of x\griculture is interested in these clubs'and reports that in seven states last year there were 1186 of them, with a total mem bership of 28,490. Of this number 12,786 male reports, showing that 731,709 eggs were set. From these 510,478 chickens were hatched. The value of the products sold was set at $94,791.32, while the value of the stock OQ hand was estimated at $382,777.37. A total of 712 exhibi tions were held with 5,615 competi tors participating. The prize money divided among the winners amount ed to $9,681.14. The department urges farmers throughout the United States to lend every encouragement to the boys and girls, and to assist them in forming live stock and poultry clubs whenever possible. They are the ones who will be running the coun try in a few years, and there is noth ing more important than implant ing in their minds now the dignity and opportunities offered to intelli gent men and M omen in agriculture. Any one interested in promoting this work in this community will find plenty of help, advice and en couragement if they care to write the Department of Agriculture at Washington and ask for it. TOBACCO GROWERS NEn AT CARTIIAGENONDAY,MARCH 7