s A TRIP OUT WEST o num- sell at e will N. M. FOR SALE U I C K ler 5 Passenger. Good Condition ire Bargain for Cash kman & Jordan Sanford, N. C. Sale [bidder for cash, on ’y 2Gth premises in iss gs, 76 to 100 |ot Farming T things. QL.UE # i By J. V. Snipes We now leave the zoo and take a car back down in the busy section of Cincinnati; here we decide to walk leisurly along and take in more of the sights, finally drifting back to our hotel where we had left our bag gage, and this is where we get tangled up in so large a city. We thought surely we were going in our home ward direction, but the streets every where were full of people and we still have to keep an eye peeled every minute to prevent getting run down by a street car or auto, with a po liceman at every corner trying to protect the people from mishaps. We are seeing something of interest every minute, and as night is drawing near we wonder if we are almost to our hotel; begin to make inquiry and we find that we are going directly in the opposite direction—that we are some five or six miles from our headquar ters—so we turn about and catch the first car going in that direction, and by getting tw^o or three transfers we finally reach our hotel about an hour late. We had happened to get a room where we could look out across the Ohio river, where steamboats were going all the time up and down, load ed with people. Upon inquiry we learned that there was a place called Coney Island some ten miles up the river, which was a place full of amuse ments after the fashion of the real Cony Island at New York, and the boats were doing a land office busi ness carrying people to this place where they could spend their money. We look across the river into the state of Kentucky; the river is the dividing line between Ohio and Ken tucky and three great bridges span it. They are all toll bridges owned by corporations, and a man is at each end of them collecting fares every minute; a constant stream of people going all the time, and yet we learn ed that the cost and up-keep of these bridges was so much that the owners had never gotten the interest on the money invested. We next take a car and go through several cities on the Kentucky side; will speak of that next week. (To be continued) As a usual thing when a man gets in hot water he has to be bailed out. OTR CHURCH DIRECTORY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. 0. B. Mitchell, Pastor. Preaching every third Sunday at 11 o’clock. Sunday School every Sunday morn ing at 10 o’clock. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. L. H. Joyner, Pastor. Preaching every first and third Sun-