Get Ready For Farming I kinds Gear, Is O. 4 THE EARLY FLY “The early bird catches the worm/’ is a favorite saying at most any sea son of the year. It might also be said with equal emphasis and truth fulness that swatting a fly now means a million less flies a little later on. Citizens of Vass are aware of. the fact that the breeding proclivities of the housefly are unequalled in the in sect world. . For that reason it is good judgment to start swatting be fore they have the chance to breed. The fly swatter, tanglefoot paper and other devices for cutting down the ranks of the dangerous pests should find ready sale even this early, for they can be used to greater advantage now than they can later on, when warm weather, fertile breeding places and the ability of the insect to multi ply its kind results in great numbers where there are now but a few. It is the first flies of spring that do the most damage, in assuring swarms later on. Get the fly swat ter now and practice up on killing them. Rid the house of them as rapidly as they appear. If persisted in, a daily attack will insure compara tive freedom from the disease-car rying, food-infecting and baby-men acing destroyers. Make it your busi ness to kill the first fly you see, and continue the practice every day. WORDS OF PRAISE Dr. Royal S. Copeland, Health Com missioner of New York, whose “health hints” appear daily in several hun dreds of newspapers, is without, doubt the best known physician in America today. He is wise along other lines too. And for the benefit of Vass merchants who may look upon adver tising as a liability, instead of an as set, we want to offer these few words from Dr. Copeland’s pen: “I have never urged that the in dividual physician should advertise. I don’t care to see in the paper that Dr. Smith is the best doctor on Broad way, or anything of that kind, but I want to see medical men use the engine of publicity to enlighten the public and combat diseases which kill hundreds of thousands because there is not the contact between the medical man and the public that there should be, and because so many, through fear of ignorance, fail to obtain treatment in the initial stages of a disease which might be cured if taken early and cannot be cured later. The newspa per is the most powerful engine of publicity in all the world—fUse it often.” BIRD REFUGES ) ‘ the men who have already grown up should remember the monetary saving —$400,000,000—due to the birds of this country, and give them protec tion wherever and whenever it lies in their power to do so. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere ap preciation to our friends for the many acts of kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of our husband and father. MRS. N. H. McNETLL, MARY McNEILL, JOHN McNEILL. ANNOUNCEMENT There is a necessity for preserving bird life in the agricultural districts of this country. The Department of Agriculture at Washington, declares that the destruction of damaging in sects by this wild bird life in the United States saves to the farmers no less than $400,000,000 annually. For that reason the department is encouraging refuges for birds on the farms of this country. It is said that hardly any agricultural pest escapes the sharp wits and beaks of wild bird life in our rural communi ties. Many Vass citizens shoot to kill birds without considering the fact that they are thereby lessening the number of insect-destroyers, and thus lessening our grain crops. It would appear that a little campaign of edu cation in our schools, where the men of tomorrow are growing up, would be valuable in the years to come, while To the Voters of the Thirteenth Ju dicial District: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Solicitor, subject, how ever, to the action of the Democratic party at the next primary. If I am nominated, I shall make a vigorous campaign in behalf of my party and its candidates. If elected, I shall discharge the duties of the office in an honorable, efficient and conscientious manner and protect the interests of the state and society. I shall, also, see that every defendant gets a “square deal.” I shall prose cute, but I will never persecute. I shall make a fair and impartial prose cuting attorney and know nothing in my work but to do my full duty. I shall make no fake ^promises to influence voters to support me. I will not “camouflage.” Upon this platform I ask your sup port. Sinecerely yours, GILBERT H. RUSSELL. Laurinburg, N. C. NOTICE! To Mrs. S. F. Cummings: TAKE NOTICE; that at a sale of real estate for the non-payment of the taxes assessed against said prop erty for the years 1919 and 1920, the same having been made at the Court House door in Carthage by D. Al. Blue, Sheriff of Moore county, on Aug. 1st, 1921, the undersigned pur chased 14 acres of land listed in your name in Sandhill Township, sold for said taxes. Unless the same is re deemed by the payment of the pur chase price and costs on or before the expiration of one year from the date of said sale, to-wit, Aug. 1, 1921, the undersigned will apply to the said Sheriff for a deed fof said land. This April 7, 1922. THOS. B. WILDER, Purchaser. NOTICE! To J. A. McIntosh: TAKE NOTICE; that at a sale of real estate for the non-payment of the taxes assessed against said prop erty for the year 1920, the same hav ing been made at the Court House door in Carthage by D. Al. Blue, Sheriff of Moore county, on Aug. 1, 1921, the undersigned purchased 89 acres of land listed in your name in McNeill Township, sold for said taxes. Unless the same is redeemed by the payment of the purchase price and costs on or before the expiration of one year from the date of said sale, to-wit, Aug. 1, 1921, the undersigned will apply to the said Sheriff for a deed for said land. This April 7, 1922. J. E. McINTOSH, Purchaser. MONUMENTS & TOMBSTONES If you are interested in Monu ments or Tombstones, Write Rockingham Marble Works ROCKINGMN, N. C. —Or See— D. CARL FRY, Carthage, N. C. A large and well selected stock of monuments, tablets, etc. on hand at all times. Quality, work and prices guaranteed. Equipped with latest pneumatic machinery driven by electricity. WISE .yX. fn A bank account paves the way. Re member that the biggest bank accounts in the world today were started small. It’s putting away something every week that counts.. Don’t wait until next year. START NOW Come in and let us explain how you can make a little money work while you sleep. THE BM OF VASS Vass, NortH Oarolina WE WAKE THEM UP YOUR BATTERY! or IS it a Good-for-Nothmg Dreamer, always Loafing on the Job? If so Bring it to us—our shop is The Alarm Clock for Sleeping Batteries. Try the STILL BETTER WILLARD with the New Threaded Rubber Insulation, and you will forget your Battery Troubles. This Battery is used as Standard Equipment by 138 Auto mobile Manufacturers. THE ELECTRIC SHOP, Pinehurst. INSURANCE THAT IS SURE! PAGE, NEWCOMB & WILDER ABERDEEN PINEHURST CARTHAGE We offer the Best in Insurance Service Policies neatly and correctly written. Records carefully and correctly kept. Lossis promptly and satisfactorily adjusted. Bring us your Job Woric