GOOD RESOLUTIONS ARE HDCH LIKE PIE CRDST! They're easily broken. But we’ve never broken our resolve to sell you—all the year round—^the Purest and Freshest Groceries AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES .A. Oup of Good Ooffee Our line of Coffees is, like everything else we carry, the BEST to be found in this section, and we have no faiicy prices. Take home a pound and we’ve made a coffee customer of you for life. B E PREPARED Keep a little supply of Canned Goods, Salt, Sugar and Other Staples on hand so you’ll not have to run to the store for them when company comes in suddenly or when the weather is bad. LET US MAKE YOtJ SPECIAL PRICES ON GOOD GROCERIES IN QUANTITY LOTS GUNTER’S STORE VASS, NORTH CAROLINA “AIN’T NATURE GRAND?’ A Michigan man recently paid the sum of $50,000 for a strawberry plant which he bought from an Iowa grower. There’s a saying about nature being grand, but that isn’t what made this one strawberry plant worth .$.50,000 to the Michigan man, who declares he got a rare bargain, though most Vass citizens may promptly declare* he was “stung.” Nature never produced a fruit or vegetable worth that much money until the brain of man got to working and made possible its im provement and development. Few of the fruits or vegetables we eat today were fit to eat until the brain of man worked on them, and cultivated them. It is so with all the things which na ture has provided to sustain life. Man has through his persistent work in breeding larger and better varie ties brought about varieties such as the $50,000 strawberry plant. Na ture is wonderful—but no more so than the brain of man. few friends. There are many of this type also. But whatever their tem perament they are doing some of the finest work of the community in which they live, and they are entitl ed to every honor and social recogni tion that can be bestowed upon them. NOTICE OF LAND SALE PRETTY TEACHERS Where is the Vass man or woman who cannot remember the time* when school teachers of the fair sex were >seldom considered good-looking, and who were always looked upon as old maidish and bookish? It used to be the case in a vast majority of cases that this held good. But it’s different now. For now the modern school teacher has developed into a young person whose charms considerably agitate the male heart. Proof of this is found in the rapid change that takes place in school teaching forces. Constantly the superintendents are having to find new ones, since these girls disappear so fast into the state of matrimony. These girls do not commonly marry the fashion plates of the smart set, but they know enough to pick solid and substantial men.^ Many school teachers may say this is an overdrawn picture, as they lead quiet, hardworking lives in places where they are not known and have Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain deed of trust of date April 27, 1921, executed by Vass Hotel Building Company, Incorporated, to the undersigned W. D. Matthews, Trustee, for the pur pose of securing the payment of an indebtedness therein mentioned due to the Bank of Vass, which said deed of trust is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Moore county in Book of Mortgages No. 34, at page 381, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by the terms of said deed of trust and application having been made by the party to whom said indebtedness is due to the undersigned to fore close said deed of trust, in accordance with the terms thereof the under signed trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door of Moore County, in the town of Car thage, on Monday the 1st day of January, 1923, at 12 o’clock noon, a certain tract or lot of land lying and being in the town of Vass, Moore County, North Carolina, and more particularly described and defined as follows, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of Vass Mer cantile Company and other, beginning at an iron stake at the intersection of Maple Street with railroad street; thence with said Railroad Street S. 38 W. 159 feet to a stake by said Railroad Street,* thence N. 52 W. 86 feet to a stake; thence N. 11 E. 105 feet by a stake by the south side of said Maple Avenue; thence S. 79 E. 150 feet to the beginning. This 21st day of November, 1922. W. D. MATTHEWS, Trustee. U. L. Spence, Atty. (12-1-22 4t.) 4i 4i 4i # 4i 41 Gratitude Expressed IN extending the Season’s Greeting’s to our friends, we desire to express our appreciation of their liber al patronage in the past and the hope that the ser vice we have rendered will -merit a continuance of the same. Iflllll l (liilK PINEHURST LUMBER YARDS PINEHURST NORTH CAROLINA LUMBER FOR EVERY PURPOSE •f •| J *1 *! .1 I « « « « # « « «<