The Children’s The Adventures of Bessie Bette. i Lawyer—Yes, he evidently remem- 0essie Belle Meets a GiftiiC* bered you—at least jrour name isn’t Bessie Belle fell asleep under a mventioned in the document, wide spreading maple tree. Her- bed j was the soft green grass and her pil- Mother—No, dear, you mustn’t eat low a clump of daisies. Naturally any more candy today. Don’t you Bessie Belle was tired after so Wftny j know it is bad for your complexion ? adventures as she seemed to have had Daughter—Well, I know it makes recently, and that was what had made my compleckshun awful sticky, but it her so drowsy and sleepy — sound washes off. sleepy. Bessie Belle, like other little girls j ..^hat are your charges, doctor?" that lived in the green valley and near i .e where the | On Monday evening of last week flower started its root,” 'thought Bes- ‘ Mrs. Lou Eastwood Taylor was hon- sie Belle aloud. ’' ! ored to a swimming party and picnic On one comer of the cave was a | given by the younger set of her inti- huge table, so large that Bessie Belle ' mate circle. never could describe it. And the i The party assembled in the Lake- chairs so large that the very rounds I view Park at 7:30 and enjoyed a most were made from huge trees. And in 1 delightful swim, after which every one of these great large chairs was j body heartily participated in a well- a real giant, so large that B6ssie j planned supper. The bride received Belle thought he would make three of j many good wishes, her daddy and the hair of his head i On Monday evening of this week a dragged the ground. * ^ bbuflPet sapper was given at the home Bessie Belle scrambled to her feet Mr. and Mrs. Jw B. Eastwood,* ttie and run and hid back of onfe of the parents of the recent bride, Mrs. huge rounds of one of the chairs. 1 JVederick Tayldr, Jr. Only a few "What you hidin' for? I spy ybu!”' said a small tiny voice right in^‘back of Bessie Belle. (To Be Continued.) fiiends and relatifes were present. The guests ' accompanied the young couple to Southerli Pines^ where^hey de^irted ’on a late ^in fo# Western poMtii, temiinating^an Diego, Calif, Don’t forget to send in your poems. Prizes will be given the first of Sep tember or the last wee^ in Au^st. Please do not forget your ad I I am now in position to make small first or seccfnd^ mortgage loans on bus iness -or residence--property"Mil the towns of Vkss and Cameron. J. Vance Udiwe, Attorney, ABeWeen, N. C. tf. W. H. MUMFORD, Dealer. SoDthern Pines, N. C. W. Duncan Matthews Attorney -at-L«w Vass, North Carolina, LOST—White and tan spotted point er dog; also white and black ticked setter bitch. Both dogs wearing; collars with name, George C. Moon^ Southern Piaes. Notify E. V. Perk- inson. Southern Pines. 4t, HAVE YOU A SMALL FARM THAT you want t6 sell? I think I can sell it for you. E. J. Tillman, Vasa, N. C. The Service Shop PAINTERS - Sigfns Fniiiitlire Floors Artfstte Interior^ 30 Years Experience in HIGH CLASS PAINTING — Best Material Used— Satisfaction Guaranteed A. J. Fry, Owner Box 822. — Pinehurst, N. C. TO AND Through the Beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia; Also Entrance to the Wonder ful Luray Caverns. Including transportation, hotel rooms and meals, cost of sight-seeing trips, entrance fees, guide fees; in fact all expenses paid from time you leave Vass, until you re turn. SK DAYS OF SIGHT-SEEING These are Free Vacation Trips wMch" are being offered to the readers of The Pilot FOR SPARE TIME WORK "VASS,*’N. C PLACES YOU WILL SEE— You will see the wonderful sights of the Capital City, including the Capitol Building, Senate and Co^ess Chambers, U. S, Supreme Court room. President Hall of Fame. From the Capitol Building you will rait the Congressonal Library, Art Gallery, White House, Mu seum, Bureau of Engraving, where paper naoney and st^ps are made; Washington Monument, Lincoln Me morial, Arlington Cemetery, vi^ting tomb of Uitoown Soldier; Mt. Vernon, home of George Washington; Cathe dral containing the tomb of. Woodrow Wilson ^d Ad miral Dewey; the Zoo and many other places of interest. The trip through the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and a trip through the Luray Caverns is worth any effort necessary to win one of these trips. The tours will be personally conducted by the Edger- ton Touring Company, of Greensbwo, who have been conducting tours to different parts of the world for the past eight years. Every tour wilLbe well chaperoned, everything done for the comfort and pleasure of each member of the party. THIS IS NO CONTEST Any white person of good character may earn one of these trips. All that is tecessary to win is to secure enough NEW or RENEWAL subscriptions to The Pilot amounting to $160.00 in Cash. Every person turning in $160.00 in cash or subscripl ions will be given this TRIP. In case you fail to secure the required amount, you will be allowed 25 i>er cent on each $1.00 turned into the office for your work. This offa: is good for both NEW ahd RENEWALS. We will be glad to furnish list of Renewals' to all contestants. Campaign Closes August 1st, 1928 No one will be allowed to solidt mwre tiwui the required $160.00 in order that as mimy contestants as poBflible iwtil have an opportune to win a trip, which gives each contestant ample time to secure the |lfi0.00 in subscrip- ti