Four THE PILOT, » Paper Witji Character, Vaaa, Jlorth Caroliiia. Friday, November 9, 1928 the pilot Published every Friday by THE PILOT, Incorporated. Vass, North Carolina. nelson C. HYDE, President. Subscription Rates; One Year Six Months $2.00 $1.00 Governor Williams. Mr. John- them. Two heritages Bryan left j fice with so few questions raised son is a Scotchman by heredity' his political residuary legatees, as to their acts. He has done a and by instinct, and he keeps on One was the right of suffrage good work, and the whole people his desk in his office in Aberdeen! conferred on the women, and the j appreciate it. a copy of the Scriptures in Gae-1 other was the spirit that was | lie, although whether he can aroused against liquor. Governor i A DEMOCRATIC GRAINS OF SAND Bill Philips, who is teaching in a high school in Bladen county, was at home at Manley over Sunday. He is Professor Philips down there now. read the text this historian doei Smith could not escape that vi- REVULSION, not pretend to say. Probably he rile ghost that walked his trail > One of the misconceptions of ^ can, for although of some gene- from the day his banner fell in the Tuesday election is that it is | one of the honor students at rations of American upraising Madison Square Garden four a great Republican victory. College, and came away from he is still pretty much of a years ago. Bryan was the apos- j Nothing could be more incorrec^. Scotchman. He delights to get tie of woman suffrage. Bryan.It was solely and simply the re- back into the country whence was the apostle of prohibition.'jection of Governor Smith and the stock came, and toddle down Bryan was the bitter enemy of i his connections by th^e Demo there with the reputation of one of the best students of the institution. At the same time he was at State Ed Cameron, of Manley, was also at era tic voters of the whole United I University, and Cameron held cut into pieces for the family table. One was nearly 14 inches long. One somewhat regretful patriot (no names named now, you know), says, “Well, I didn’t half expect him to be elected anyway.” N. A FOREMOST Sam Richardson keeps his cigar ettes in the safe of late. “Had to do something,” he says. “Went out and got a pack of cigarettes. Took out one. Laid ’em down on my desk and went out. Come back bimeby an4 reached for the pack. Just one left State man who has rated high in' Put ’em in the safe now, and if I Address all communications to The Pilot, Inc., Vass, N. C. Advertising Rates on Application. I by Willie’s mill, and through the Tammany and of Smith. I land of Dr. Hornbook, and the When the battle was staged at j States. The Republicans did not; ^^sh honors for scholarship at the Entered at the Postoffice at Vass, boys Burns and Walter Scott Houston Bryan was absent from’pile up the majorities that elect- University as Philips did at State. C., as second-class mail matter. | and Jane Porter wrote about, the strife. Mistaken prophets jed Mr. Hoover. Republicans in Moore County boys ranked well at and he brings home many an in-' figured that his influence had | every State deserted their ticket college. Albert Ruggles is another teresting yarn about that land of ceased. They forgot that mem-i in large numbers. But Hoover cakes and haggis and kale. cry persists, and that forces I was saved by the large accession ' scholarship, and Cyrus Butler grad- j don’t forget the combination like a This pair of historians are in- may be loosened by a man while | of Democrats everywhere, and i uated with high honors at State a; friend did who came back from the teresting not wholly because living that will continue even af-; by the aid of the women in all! couple of years ago. ! North a few days ago, I can find on'- A. can tell of the early hap- ter he is forgotten. Few great- the States who looked with | anytime.” one Ol V ^ , I 1 Y-irro '♦‘Vxii'i* nr^iintv lip— i-w 4-/^0 r\-P •»»irrir4-c»/-»nono HrvnVk'f" rvn rkf dyviT^'l^ j Jim IVIcColcmanj of the Pag9 Ford ■— up Aberdeen, says Friday is As usual a lot of the ftiiows who majority for the State unlucky day. Last Friday he used to think it necessary for folks to fluences of the objectionable rejected some of his doctrines, a; Democratic ticket. Moore County * Fords to buyers. He is have hair on their faces and chew course followed by the governors large number accepted some of j gives its usual majority for '^^®® h^ppy because he says the new plug tobacco to be able to vote are county known as Cameron Hill, he came years ago into the ATnore Countv turoentine for- ^ . , , , ^ ^ ^ . p r Ld where he found the un- ^^e colonies under the proprie- them, and among the number ac-‘County ticket and for Congress-; coming up to all expectations now blaming the women for the re- hrnkpn woods he leaves a com- tors, the breaking away of the cepted were prohibition and | ional candidate. But State and' considerably ah^ad at that, suit this week. ninnitv that is based on modern‘^^w world from European domin- woman suffrage. I County vehemently protest anxious to see the flying field p(Xenience civilization, prog- the establishment of human Bryan fought a life long war- against Governor Smith. The DREAMLAND. and comfort. Much of all;against Tammany, with his,solid South protested against Detroit is now turning out two fly- ret=s th-it hi^ been gained in this re-'kings, and the evohition of the knife always out for the old Ti-;Smith, not for Hoover. And it "’a<^hmes a week with orders ^rpct iV due to Mr. Cameron. that on this continent ger. That it was an energetic was done not by Republican Faraway! Far away ! Where he ■set foot progress fol-'as the foremost exampl" warfare the scars he carried to,votes, but bv Democratic votes months, lowed Va^s is largely his crea-i^f helpful and progres^sive gov- his grave leave no doubt. Prob- It is extrei)iely doubtful it Mr. tion From his earlv manhood he world has ever ably had Tammany been a friend'Hoover codld have carried the was’an employer of labor, first in. known. The Daughters ot the to Bryan he would have reached ,countr\- by such a vote if anoth- hi< turpentine work, then in could not have chosen the object of his political ambi-,er man had opposed him. Cer- saw mills. A quarter of a cen-'t"’° ^ap- tion and been President of the t;,in!y he could not have run turv ao-o he was prominent i,,' to inteiTJret the signifi- United States. Tammany ham-^.-nvay with Texas. Virginia, this section as a mannfnrtnvAv cance of what was done there on strung him. and probably large- North Carolina and Florida as - satisfac- One curious thing about the days after election is that it takes about as much work to explain how it hap pened as it took before election to «et it to happen. prophet IS not ning plant. the schools when schools were few and of humble proportions, but he saw that a school house and community when ne came, as fast as better buihlings and facilities could be provided A. Cameron was there to lend the chief hand in bringing about the lilt. He was an apostle of thing""that" cj There is still a broad field that is to be explored and its resource developed much more extensive- I I, i Jl tX t. d V. 1 i. V-/ JL 11 V.j^ IjI I church followed into the than has so fai been done, he came, and ^ rk^hT FAIR PRESS. Now that election is over and the field can be re\ iewed with an Over a strange and starlit deep Where the beautiful shadows sway Dim in the dark, Glideth a bark, Where never the waves of a tempest roll— Bearing the very “soul of the soul,” Alone, all alone— Far away—far away To shores all unknown In the waking of the day; To the lonely land of dreams, W’^here what it meets with what it a •m everybody your foresight, en tougjier. Smith was personally non grata'vigor since the convention, and to Bryan, and the feeling was | it has been apparent for weeks Frank Bass with a crew of hands is seems mutual. But Bryan was the | that he was a hopeless impossi- <^^earinp- out new routes for the hunt Brightly dim, dimly bright; father of some ideas that stirred bility. ^lub and setting many new jumps in Where the sun meet stars at night, the emotions of men. The child; unable to see anv territory traversed, where the darkness meets the light does not^ die with the father, comfort for the Repil'bli- interesting new country not yet Heart to heart, face to face, The coffin can not enclose the, ^he South as the result be brought into use this in an infinite embrace. res goo I roads. was and tor a time on sa-J Manv tov.'nship are directly attributa ble to his efforts. The hotel is another of his accomplishments, ail'.' The Pilot at Vass was found daggei iu the dead luind. And election, except tbat both which eve to what has been done one Pi'ohi )ition '/ame to plague parties have been able to i*ealize CKtvernor Smith, anc the womolu t^at many things both lliought entranchised largely through positive, and Brayan s influence, added to the torment, for the 'vcjmenV vute.< e„nception of pol- made the election w hat 's. It .^e^tion of the union. IS a curious tnpdy with the and as great freedom of political vie or removed rom the .scene. „-hen the time comes to But it he can(4S rilling ]iast on f{)l]f,\ving through the Demo- tne tram. He w^.s a 3-Ieth')dist, cratic newspapers, and both as the fine church near nis house their aflvertisements and their 1 . 1 • 1 • ^stifie.^. In politics he was a communications which were not , decides t.iat his big Republican, but never so narrow advertising reached cannot - ,,, ^.‘^^'to anticipate any sloughintr of what he has done it would be in- ,the South from Democratic prin- teresting to know his feelings in However, it is pretty the case. determined that the South I will vote as its people flictate on any subject that introduces such \ RECORD TO ENVY. Frank Page is to retir* from his active management of the North ('arolina Highway sys- lem. While it is said h#‘ will '•ontinu(‘ to s^rve in a limited ca pacity as head of the road de- as t'* alknv partisan prejudice to lead him into any questionable course. As a citizen he hiid a remarkable standing, for he had a wide reputation as a man of unc.pp reachable integrity. His busiiioss transaction? with his neighbors were accepted as the basis of F -w people aff(>rd to stay any longer on a iob that does not need his full ang a vast army of readers. The I’ilot has had a. rather va- that (toes ried of newspaper st'rv- and service, ice, and the conclusion is reache 1 Page has btn'ii a (}ueer that in no other State that ^s h-- public lite. He wa : called have the columns of the against his protest. papers been so fairly (,;pen lor all attempted a couple ot times, orts of dignified discussion as now he goes in .^pite ot all efforts to induce him to stav. pointed question as the possibil- H ity of Governor Smith for Pres- |i ident. How far the influence of H this, election will reach no one § can tell, but it will probably be « wholesome for the whole nation ^ and all the states. Yet the solid South is scarcely less solid than it has been, as local results in dicate. » n THIS DOESN’T SEEM TO MAKE US MAI). n IX tx n ♦♦ H H S htie in some c> North (’arolina. Per- of the material of- or of The Pilt)t:— j I received your letter sometime ago TT . 1 , I asking that I send in mv subscription He took up the .)ob be-i,^^j j , Naturally 1 cause it was presented to him as the duty of a man to lend his help to a big work. He stayed because he was importuned to haggled, with him over prices, or haps Qiiestion( d hi.s vexght.^ or meas- fered the papers has not seen ot anything ij^ht, but it is also fair to sav ne y'tltred for sale. Not many that practically everything that a ' ”'^1 graves with [jgen printed, no matter "’hat the viewpoint, has been of I’emain on a ,iob that he had or- Lameion, an(l a record of help- a character that could rai.-;e but gamzed and carried forward to lu ness anil of wholesme exam- uttle question as to its sincerity "'here it would be difficult to fif T- “"fl ‘ts endeavor to be logical "^w man without los- tni,v tnan nis. 4.^ ing efficiency. He goes now be cause his work has reached a and considerate of those criti- Mr. Cameron leaves a family of "i‘ Gd. boys and girls who are of the It is not so long ago that a po- where he figures that he is i am very much interested in the paper as my brother started it and the year I worked with him he won the cup for the best weekly printed in the State. However, I must say that you have made a wonderful improvement in the paper both in make-up and in news | matter and I think now you are get-1 ting out the best weekly in the State,' Our Repair Department In our previous advertisements we have men tioned our complete line of electrical supplies and fixtures. Radios. Frigdaires, Washers and other items. In this issue it is our desire to call your atten tion to our service and repair departments. We are equipped to install complete wiring systems for light and power, to furnish estimates and ad vice on any wiring job, to repair any make of radio, electrical appliance or storage battery and to service Frigidaires, Copelands, electric motors and any type of electrical system. Our men will gladly furnish you, gratis of course, an estimate on any electrical project or repair job you have in mind. Gregory & Bushby, Inc. Electrical Contractors—Radio—Frigidaire. Daniels Building. Southern Pines. n ♦♦ substantiaf strata'of ■‘the"‘com- liticaf campaign °wal'tne occas- not essential to its continuation. the“L‘wLkHefl have = munity. Alton Cameron, who ion for all manner of scurrilous Frank Page has had a uniqueweeklies have, has been active in the business accusation, and of bitterness and experience. He has listened to affairs established by his father, hate. But with all the eager- influence but those that spoke has been taking on his should- *^^ss on the part of so many ^^r the common good. He built ers the burdens of the various People, the campaign that has as an engineering proposi- mstitutions, and is doing a closed has seen less of intoler- ^^n, and no other test of location riiiui’s work with the same con- ^^ce than perhaps anv campaign or construction or type or ma- fidence of the people his father ever w^aged by so manv people Serial or anything could get past held. The daughters are in'with politics as the bone of con- He selected his engineers homes of their own where they tention. It may not be that the solely for their efficiency, and he are reflecting the virtues of '^orld is growing better, for that followed their suggestions un- their ancestrv. ADAMS AND JOHNSON. would be to say that such a tr-- could persuade them tha^ mendous body as this b g woii ‘ their conclusions w^ere illogical, has taken on a swift veering to not moved by mass at- another course. But it is appar- t^ck to build roads that should ent that both newspapers and ^ot be built, nor where they ' Two i. ent ti are on -the program foTth^dedf Carolina have should not be built, nor of the rnt!,^n fVip marifpr tv.1 exhibited a tolerance di tne pggpjg-j. opinions that was not faced many a joyous scrap with a tolerance of other •'"ind that should not be built. He JudgrAdam^°a'^nfTT*^M^M common attitude of either the multitude that undertook to son These ^ >" times that get something he did not believe clistinclon in their toTk Ind ^orth Carol na news- in. but he rarely lowered th: familiarity wifh tViT f DAGGER 'best method and the best way in their communitv of JN THE DEAD HAND. every respect before reaching tion to the develonmp f / tragedies of the any conclusions. In the opinion nation. Judge IdTZt ularlv associatpH fu %.! J la X? most capable road “!fvV early down_the_ antagonist who on builder in any of the State, and I^'ver as he is,Tuesday fell in the political en-|few men in public life, who have the battle atjber 6. Bryan is dead. But many thi» ^ 11. ^ * len m Lue political en- on climaxed with the'come into contact with so many hpjl to Kr^^rSeTt -d -volving so many i/- the house and the other with!deeds that men do live after terests and so many millions, of dollars, have been so long in of- seen that are published up here. I learned my trade, or I mean I started my trade on the old Moore | County Blade around thirty-six years j ago and I have been learning some-1 thing about the printing game everj since and I think I should know a ■ Yes, Quality and Service Does Count good weely paper when I see one. The Pilot is “IT.” You are printing the best paper in the best County in the best State in the United States. So go to it. MURPHY BREWER. Rochester, N. Y. Oct. 31, 192S. Tell your friends about The Pilot. The Leading weekly in Moore Co- CITY TELEPHONE CO. “USE THE WIRES” The object of the personnel of The Pinehurst Department Store is to combine Quality and Service by REAL COURTESY Visit the Departments: Groceries, Market, Men’s Furnishings, Dry Goods, Kitchenware riNEHDRST DErARTNENT STORE Since 1895 Pinehurst, North Carolina. n i