Pape Six THE Pll.OT, a Paper With Character; Vaas, Norlik Carolina. Friday, November 9, 1928 The Week in Southern Pines Douglas Gregory and Norman Day made a record round trip to Greens boro Monday night. The boys left in Doug’s Studebaker at 9:30 and were back at 3:30 a. m., with a load of radio sets and accessories. Evident ly the bovs have to work nights to keep up with the business. The hockey game between the girls of the Southern Pines High School and those of Fayetteville High has been postponed until further notice. It had been scheduled for some time thi. week. The Southern Pines team will play its first game here Saturday Avith the girls of Greensboro High .'School. p:isie Chandler and Dorothy Case were among the Southern Pines peo ple who attended the State-Carolina g'liiiie at Raleigh Saturday. Mr. Burgess is refinishing and dec orating the interior of the White .Mountain Photo Shop. Mr. Putnam, proprietor, expects to open the store this week. A great deal of new equipment is being installed and the studio will be modern in every way. S. E. Slaymaker and Mrs. Harry Vail are among the recent purchasers of Frigidaires, according to Gregory and Bushby. C. T. Patch and Mrs. L. B. Miles left Tuesday for New York to select a new stock of fall and winter fash ions and holiday goods. Home from school for the week end we noticed Cecil (Spike) Dyer, Harold Dillehay. Warren Olmstead and Bill Fisher. Mrs. A. Purley and daughter, Mrs. Wood, are at the Red Villa for the winter. Mrs. T. J. Fox has, as a visitor, Mrs. Finn from New York City. Many new signs have appeared in the last few weeks, among them those I of the Pine Grove House, Mrs. Hayes’ Shoppe, Schroeder’s, White Mountain I Photo Shop, S. & W. Cafe, Holly Tree j Nursery, Grey’s, E. C. Stevens, Jeffer- ‘ son Inn, Elite Cleaners, Family Laun dry, Piney Woods Estates and Betty Schwab Shoppe. They were the work of Swift, our local sign man, who is, apparently, a busy man these days. Dr. and Mrs. A. McNeill Blair have returned to Southern Pines after an extended trip to Europe and a summer spent in Bethlehem, N. H. Mrs. C. L. Hayes and daug-hter, Mary Del, are back from a trip to New York City. They have bought a great deal of new merchadise for :Mrs. Hayes’ Shoppe, j Miss Doris Wheeler, a student at , Radclitfe College, is in the Peter Bent I Brigham Hospital in Boston, recover- I ing from an operation for appendi- 1 citis. j Mr. and Mrs. George Marcus, of I Cambridge, have moved into the El- I lington apartments for the season. W. S. Coursey and family are oc- I cupying an apartment at the Tara 'Nook. I Rev. J. Fred Stimpson delivered the morning and evening sermons at the Baptist church Sunday. Topics were “Why Go to Church” and “The Par able of the Good Samaritan.” Bridge-Luncheon. This week the Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club was entertained at lunch eon and bridge by Mrs. Walter S. Halliwell at her beautiful country home. A delicious luncheon was serv’- ed. At each one’s place at table w'as a souvenir, attractively made leather card case, which was a delightful sur prise to everyone. During the after- ’ noon the usual game of bridge w as enjoyed, with Mrs. Halliwell winning highest honor, Miss Charlotte Erson second, and Mrs. D. G. Stutz receiv-j journalist, and myself. I am afraid ing the guest’s prize. |l did not get much out of the service. Personals. I Seemed to make the Missionary happy home folks. N. Tweedy, after spending a de-1 so I am glad that I went. | Rev. M. D lightful summer in Canada, has re turned for another winter season Thomasson, of Campbell’s College, | of them obtaining permits through were here for the week end with I either political pull or deceit. While jthe gangsters is evading or violating McNeill, assisted by jthe law the householder and average Had a sad experience with my! Rev. T. L. Edgerton conducted the citizen has been left unprotected French conversation yesterday. You I funeral of Mrs. Margaret Cole Cam-1 largely because the obtaining of a Major Wodley was the week end j see I came by a French boat so as toleron at White Hill on November 3rd. guest of Mr. and Mrs- Walter Halli -. learn French, so I spend all possible 1 Mrs. Cameron was 88 years old and well. ! time talking to the other voyagears. | was a fine, Christian woman. Jackson Boyd this week made a tripj^ ®^^ yesterday I was seated on deck to Harrisburg, Pa. trying to tell a French girl about' ANTI-GUN LAW WORKS Mrs. Millard Turner was at her I IN FAVOR OF CRIMINAI home in Meridan, Conn., this week. !f * sound-1 u- u “ ^ .1,. T 1. .J .1 The New York Sullivan Law which troubel in providing their member permit by him has been surrounded with annoyance and red tape.” All laws which have attempted to reduce crime by passing general re strictions on the sale of weapons, have borne similar -results. Efficient criminal organiations wouldz have no Mr. and Mrs Arthur Lyons motored i^ haven’t the slightest idea as to' ou.,.va„ troubel m providmg their members Greensboro Friday. ' j what I said, although it would be makes carrymg a concealed weapon; with smuggled guns, even if all other most interesting to know. Much love, LESLIE. CAMERON It is reported that James Boyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Boyd, w'ho j has recently undergone an operation: in a New York hospital, is doing nice- j ly and is expected to be home some time next week. Hunter i’rving and Sim Pollock, members of the State Highway com mission, have gone to Reidsville for j Mrs. D. S. Ray and Mrs. O. F. Tay-1 enacted at the request of one Sullivan work on another road job. | lor went over to Carthage to hear in order to protect his gangs against Both Arthur Olmstead, who is now ex-Governor Cameron Morrison speak. | the inroads of other gangs infesting living in Ohio, and Warren Olmstead, Quite a number from here attended jthe East Side of New York, so that who is a student at Chapel Hill this Group Conference at Hemp last | Sullivan’s gangsters could obtain per- 1 1 ^ j. i without a permit a penitentiary of-! sources failed. To the criminal “pis- fense, is often held up as a model by j toP’ laws are jokes which assure him crime reformers who advocate the en-1 unprotected, unarmed prospects, actment of similar laws throughout the nation. In speaking of this, Justice Strong, Mrs. R. C. Thomas and I. S. Thom-j of Brooklyn, recently said that “the ^ as were in Pittsboro Sunday visiting j history of the so-called Sullivan Law relatives. I is one of interest. SOUTHERN PINES FIRM LEASES SEVERAL COTTAGES. year, were at home for the week end. Mrs. W. C. Mudgett, Mrs. N. F. Wil- ^rs. Cameron McLean, of sen and Miss Charlotte Erson motor- Wilmington, were guests for the week ed to Raleigh for the day on Wednes- ^ day. Mrs. Shields Cameron and baby re turned home Thursday. Both are do ing very nicely. mits, while the rival gangsters could end of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McLean and attended the funeral of his uncle, A. Cameron, of Vass, Monday. j ^ Dr. and Mrs. Harper spent Monday ' S in Greensboro. ' ^ The Woman’s Club held its monthly ^ PrPshvfprisiTKS FfnIH meeting at the School building Wed-: COUJ ICl Xiuiu nesday. After the business of the af- ^ AnnUHl Conference, temoon was concluded, the teachers, § who were hostesses, served sand-1 g Annual Conference Delegates of wiches, cake and coffee. H Six of the Ten Auxiliaries Miss Bonnie Muse came over from t g Gather at Pinehurst. Hamlet to spend the week end. ^ tt n I MTi rr A T^xr Leonard Huggins, of H Th ^ I \UMBERLE'k Sec.v. chapel Hill, spent Sunday with Mrs.; 8 The District Conference, Presby- j) g terial Auxiliary^ Group No. 6, met in | ^had Dayis, of Carthage, was ■ | Pinehurst m the Commumt.y House, , the guest of Mrs. J. D. McLean Mon- H October 31st, wnth Mrs. J. D. Wim- g berley, of Aberdeen, District Chair- ^rs. H P. McPherson spent some a not. Ever since the enactment of this law gangsters have all had pistols, either with or without permits, many In indication of an approaching The law was first busy season the firm of Barnum and Page reports the following leases for the season: The Hanover Cottage to Dr. D. J. Ellison, of Hohokus, N. J.; Comfort Corner to F. H. Jones, of Manchester, Conn.; Knowles Cottage to W. E. McCord, of Windsor, Vt.; The Brander Cottage to W G. Rob bins, Babylon, L. I.; Wayside Inn to Miss S. C. Todd, of Washington tistxxxxixttuxxxxmxxxxxxxxxxz tt n man, presiding. days last week in Sanford, the guest •« Guaranteed Repairing We repair all makes of cars. Our service is prompt, our materials first class ar«d our work guaranteed. GAS OIL TIRES TUBES The register showed representatives jjrs. J. P. Monroe, from S1.X of the ten au.xiliaries and g. N. Ferguson, of Bladenboro, tw;elye officers present. t^e week end at the home of Rey. T. A. Cheatham of Pmehurst, jjr. and Mrs. H. P. McPherson. ^ conducted the opening devotional, en- r. c. Thomas and Miss Margaret couragmg the ladies in their work, Thomas visited relatives near Pitts- stressing that they attain the strength Sunday to do more noble things and to be Q^it^ ^ number of Cameron people an inspiration to others. atended the funeral of A. Cameron at Miss Fannie Gray told the ladies Johonson’s Grove Monday, how glad they were to have them, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Graham and and Mrs. W. M. Fairley responded children and J. W. Norman went to for the visitors. Raleigh Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. n discussing The Duties of the Raymond Thomas. Local Presidents,” Mrs. Fairley, pres- Henry Dowell Jones and Ralph ident of Fayetteville Presbyterial Auxiliary, brought out three do you drive at night? if so you have probably had many narrow escapes from running into wagons that did not display lights in spite of the state law that requires horse drawn vehicles to display lights one of our companies recently paid a prominent professional man of southern pines a larg?e sum of damage to his car and is defending him in a damage suit which the driver of a wagon is bringing against him for an unavoidable collision at night although % the wagon did not display a light north Carolina is not enforcing this law therefore we need as much insurance protection as ever john bloxham will gladly fix you up with automobile and per sonal insurance s b richardson inc real estate and insurance | southern pines north Carolina | n u n n H tx S n :: BATTERIES Keith Motor Co. Vass North Carolina. 8 OATfVj il ALL SIXES OF «1S PRICE OFFERS points, the General Assembly Wom an's Wok, Synodical Auxiliary and the Local Auxiliary. U Mrs. R. N. Page, of Aberdeen, the H honorary president of the Fayette- ^ , ville Presbyterial Auxiliary, gave an h interesting talk on “Stewardship of m tTime and Service,” and “Sabbath Observance.” it Most impressive of all was an ad- ^ dress given by Miss Lean Fontaine, Foreign Missionary to Chienja, Ko-' rea, who was dressed as a Korean girl. She told of her work and some interesting things about Korea. ' Each secretary of the different causes presented the work in a clear, | concise and interesting way. 1 Letters of sympathy were sent to; Mrs. Murdoch McLeod and Mrs. J. H. j Suttonfield. ^ Courtesy committee appointed: Mrs. | ' R. S. Boyer, Mrs. R. N. Pagie, Mrs. i M. J. McDonald , The Pinehurst Auxiliary ladies did everything to make the meeting a ‘ success. The weather changed and ■ was ideal, the lunch good, addresses fine. Altogether it was a most pleas- j ant and profitable day. j The conference will meet with the ■ ' Eureka Auxiliary next year. Seasonable Merchandise M. S. 24-11-28 A LETTER FROM ABROAD. ^^pHBody by Fishcrl The very phrase suggests the newest style, the greatest luxury, the finest construction. Yet only Pontiac among all sixes of its price offers Bodies by Fisher* And their lon^ low, smart lines, their deep-seated comfort and durable hardwood and steel construction explain much of the tremendous popularity which Pontiac continues to enjoy. But bodies by Fisher represent only one of the many advantages offered by today s Pontiac Six. A 186<ubic inch engine equipped with a new, more highly perfected carburetor the cross-flow radiator with thermostatic control-— I’. e G-M-R cylinder head ... all these vi^l eii'^ineering advancements are^ provided by Pontiac and by no other six selling for as little as $745. 2-D..OT Sra^n, $745} Coupr. $745{ Sport Roadster, $74' Phneton, $77 j; Cuhrinlet, $79‘ii 4 Door Sedan. $S25; Sf>ort Lan au Sedan, $H7 VH fyricet at factory. Check Oakland Pontiac delivered priceB —IIm:> tiurlude lotwst h tntllitiK charnes. General Motor* Time fay mcnt Plan available at minimum rate. hartsell motor company Cameron, N. C. D’Artagan, Approaching Colombo. Aug. 28th, 1928. Dear Folks:— Just another note to send along from Colombo, which we should reach in another hour. I have two letters of introduction from Lord Mandeville to people there, so it should prove to be a very interesting party. One thing I am determined to see there—the trick whereby the Indian Fakir causes the Mango Tree to grow out of the ground, while one looks on. I have heard of the trick all my life, and this is its home. Went to church on board yester day morning. Such an ill-assorted congregation I have never seen be fore, and probably never shall again. The service was conducted by an Eng lish woman Missionary who s quite evidently a fanatic. Her sermon was about herself—weighed down by sin at the age of twelve—she embraced the life of a Missionary as the only means of being saved. She was as sisted by a Buddhist Priest, recently converted, and not yet shorn of his priestly vestments. An English girl of doubtful morals presided at the piano, while the congregation consist ed of an American travelling man, an Austrian Jewish trader, a Russian A Smart Satin Frock and a Trim Jersey ly DrM* No. E 2842 25 cents m EXCELLA PATTERNS E2842 E2844 \tade-at-home cost approximately Satin is vety smart for afternoon wear and for street and general use jersey leads the mode. We offer you a fine selection of new shades in h«th fabrics at reason.^ble prices. Frock E 284.2 in size 56 requires 6 yards 59-inch s uin and frock E 2844 requires in size 36, 2^4 yards of 54- inch jersey. Drctt No. E 2844 25 cents for the Thrifty Buyer t: Use Excella Patterns. They are cheaper. We carry them in stock. S xt XX n May os’ Underwear for Men. $1.25 per suit. Hanes’ Underwear for Boys. 75c.-$1.00 per suit. Children’s Combination Union Suits. Both long and knee length 75c each. Ladies’ Underwear of All Kinds Vests and Pants, Union Suits, Bloomers, Teddies and Princess Slips. Part Wool Blankets These Blankets are about sixty per cent IVool, 66x80 in size and doubled. Only $3.95. . Plaids. for Quilt Linings. 10c and 15c per yd. Vass, Vass Mercantile Company North Carolina

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