Friday, November 9, 1928. THE PILOT, a Paper With Character, Vasa, Nok-ch Carolina. Page Seven The s News in And About Aberdeen Miss Mary Johnston, Dean of Flora Macdonald College, at Red Springs, spent a few days in Aberdeen last week as the guest of Mrs. B. Wilder. TOBACCO SOARS IN GOOD STYLE AT ABERDEEN Meniston, Maine, have been in Aber deen for the past week as guests of Miss Alice King. Mrs. Thomas A Hamm and little Tijr 1 • I • Betty, who have been vis- Little Emma Jane Melvm, enter-, iting in the home of Mr and Mrs tained about 30 of her little friends | Charlie Bridges for some time re cm last Thursday, November 1st, at j turned to their home in Atlanta Ga i FARMERS MUCH PLEASED. her home on Lakeside Heights, cele- last week. ’ ’’ j brating her fifth birthday. Hallowe’en; Mr. and Mrs. Willie K '^o^aceo movement at Aberdeen is exceptionally satisfactory. Last Fri- Big Sales With Prices Reaching as High as $75 a Hundred Pounds. Friday evening, November 2nd, at the home of Mrs. Hattie Stutts, when her only daughter, Monnie Mae, became the bride of Isham T. Britt, The bride’s pastor, Rev. Lacy Mc Duffie of the First Fresbjrterian church of Candor officiated, using the impressive ring ceremony. Only a few friends were present. I The bride, who was costumed in , white georgette trimmed in rhine- charge of the Alfred Moore Chapter D. A. R. Scouts from Aberdeen and Southern Pines as well as the other Moore County troops will participate. iMRS. W. F. CHEARS DIES IN SANFORD Crockett Chears, also survives her. Mrs. Chears was a faithful and de voted wife and a kind and loving mother. Her many friends extend their sympathy to her family in their bereavement. Funeral services were held at her home in Sanford last Tuesday. Inter ment was in the Buffalo Cemetery near Sanford . Mrs. W. F. Chears, wife of W. F. Chears, jeweler, died at her home in Sanford last Monday. Mrs. Chears, , , , , , , , , who had been in failing health for the j ^ones, IS the d^ghter of the late M. thought to be improv- SUBSCRIBE TO THE PILOT—$2.00 M. Stutts and Mrs. Stutts and has - ^ ' day was a good day on ths floors, with above 175,000 pounds selling, much of features were introduced in the games played, and the little guests thor oughly enjoyed themselves. At the end of the party delicious refresh ments were served by Mrs. Melvin. , ivate uam-' i Mr. and Mrs. M. Sch'wartzman and )vell and Mrs. C R Jackson went un ' ^ the quantity indi- little daughter spent last Sunday af- to Raleigh on last'Saturday to ‘I*®* Aberdeen continues to grow temoon in Lumberton with friends. >—-■ i-i. - > „ . ; favor with the farmers. Willie K. Pleasants and son Bra^ord, of Hamlet, spent last Sunday in town as guests in the home of Charles E Pleasant*^ Missp«i n , i cents, and some up to 75. for the past few years has held vow. Jeannette Leach^Mrs.Kll cZ-1"'Jf . - - . , 1 , iiig when she suffered a relapse last host of fnends throughout this sec- ^ ^ tion. Mr. Britt is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Britt of Eagle Springs, ness at first hand the ball game he- I T ^ ^ 7 T I Mrs. Frank Page, Mrs. H. A. Page, tween the State and Carolina Col a pio- '-01- neer in tobacco growing, starting in T. B. Up- was a Sr., and Mrs J. J. Heckart motored; leges. over to Fayetteville on last Tuesday ■ On last Saturday Misses Alice Kine-1 Johnson King I plant his first crops in the Hoke coun- and Edith Wyeth, accompanied to do some shopping. J. Talbot Johnson spent several | their guests, Messrs. Givens and Pat- days in Baltimore last week looking i terson, spent the day in Greensboro after business interests. The tearing down of the old Aber deen Hotel building on Main street, visiting Miss Ada Carolina Discount girl. Mr. and Mrs. Colin whose unsafe and delapidated appear- | moved into their new home on Pop-1 he would have At— lar street ’ ' ' ance has been an eye-sore in Aber deen for some time, marks the pass ing of one of Aberdeen’s oldest land marks. We understand Hardin Gun ter has purchased the lumber in this old building and is having it removed and placed on Wolfpit avenue, near Poplar street, preparatory to erecting Raleigh visited their parents over the commenced to' . the Hoke coun- j Carthage Schools at the Warehouse y I ty field, is one of the big planters,' Saturday night saw many interesting and one of the firm patrons of the things. Side shows, fortune telling Aberdeen markets. He remarked the , lunch stands, candy booths, grab bags, enny, a ormer pther day that he had been bringing | being carried around, confetti galore, his tobacco into Aberdeen as fast as etc. The costumes were most attrac- he could get it ready, and that later tive, clown costumes, gypsies, fairy, Thp or K I he would have more of it in shape, ‘ pirate, black cat costumes, any kind 11 ouse ey are and that it would follow to the same!that you can mention most was there. later Mrs. Chears was a devoted churchwoman and a member of the Sanford Chapter of the Eastern Star. She is survived by her husband and two sons, Crockett and James Chears Packing Company in Hamlet. I of Charlotte and Siler City, respec- After an extended motor trip | tively. A grandchild, the son of through Florida they will make their home in Hamlet. Hallowe’en School Carnival. The Hallowe’en party given by the PER YEAR IN ADVANCE DR. OLIVE CHIROPRACTOR Southern Pines. 9 to 12 A. M. Osborne have And most everything eatable. Every one had a glorious good time. With the “candy walk” and the award for two or more bungalows Mrs. Stewart Weaver is at home again after spending some time in Highsmith’s Hospital at Fayetteville, convalescing from an operation for appendicitis. Her many friends are glad to see her looking so well and able to be out automobile riding. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Farrell, of Ashevile, are new comers in Aber deen, and have moved into the house on Wolfpit avenue recently vacated by C R. Jackson. Mr. Farrell will be connected with the Ford garage at this place. News of the death of Mrs. Marga ret Mann has reached friends in Aber deen. She will be remembered as be- week end. I Rev. Mr. McRae, our present Meth odist pastor, preached A. Cameron’s funeral which was held at Vass on last Monday afternoon. J. F. Allred, Cliff Johnson and several other friends of Mr. Cameron were present for the burial services. Mrs. Della Williamson, who has been absent on a sick leave for sev eral months, has now recovered her health to the extent that she is able to resume her work with Johnson & Johnson, as one of their stenograph ers. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Wilkes, who live on J. J. Heckart’s farm, near Aberdeen, on November 5th, a son, ing the mother and living with her has been named James Thomas, daughter, Mrs. Bessie Fouts, when E. T. McKeithen and family mo- the Fouts family lived in Aberdeen tored over to Carthage on last Sun- several years ago. While here she *^3,y afternoon for a visit to Mr. Mc- made many friends, and it was a great Keithen’s parents, shock to them all to hear of her sad Billie Huntley, who is attending departure. school at the University at Chapel Mrs. J. Talbot Johnson spent last Hill, spent the week end with his pa- Saturday in Chapel Hill attending rents at this place. the D. A. R. exercises that were held there on that date. TOM BLACK STARTS NEW The Methodist conference recently] HOUSE ON MIDLAND ROAD, convening at Wilson has appointed i Rev. G. B. Starling to take over the ind of the hoar, V V.4- foremo3t farmers of Hoke county and Mrs. Mary CampbeU-r I makes big crops and good quality. He r-oiri n J TT 11 : markets where he can get the best; the best costume. Miss Mary Fowler whn nrp [ results, and his persistent use of the i Spencer won first prize and Little - a en ing a e o ege in Aberdeen market as the outlet of his | Annie Lee Cooper won second prize. crop is wholly a matter of business, i These yearly carnivals are a means In talking about his sales in the Aber- i for the different departments of the deen field he said that the attention schools to raise money for extra Banks Saunders gives everything that equipment and things that are not comes into his warehouses is one i furnished by the county and town, thing that makes the Abedeen sales ^ Miss Bryan’s Class Gives Program, as satisfactory as they are. The program given by the little The general note at Aberdeen these! ^^ss Bryan’s two grades was days is one of satisfaction with the i enjoyable. The little duck prices, and the comment is to the the little song about the feet that the prices are higher now|^^®st were both good. The whole than at any time since the World War. the program which One feature is the big quantity of J *t more interesting. Miss Bryan high grade tobacco that is coming i interested in each child, she sees this way from points farther away i knows what they are doing, than usual. The sentiment among j Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Davis, of farmers is that Aberdeen is getting i Greensboro and Mr. and Mrs T. C. bettier prices for good tobacco, and j of Jonesboro, spent the week | a lot of it is hauled a long distance,!®"^ ^^th Mrs. Flora Black. j and with no disappointment. Sales i Porter of Rocky Point is stay- j this year are much above any previous' ^ Carthage with his j season, and all the signs look good 1 Porter. j signs for activity the balance of the year. CARTHAGE Aberdeen and Vass Methodist churches, succeeding Rev. Mr. Mc Rae, who has been pastor here for the past four years. Mr. McRae has been promoted to a charge at Golds boro. Mrs. John W. Graham and Mrs. Ella Juat motored over to Fayette-1^ " ent.' ville last Tuesday afternoon on a shopping expedition. Mill Mildred Campbell, who is j teaching in Jonesboro, spent the past j week end with her mother, Mrs. Mary | Mrs. Ellen Seri, mother of Elmer Campbell. Willis Seri, pastor of the Congrega- Mrs. Carrie Marsh, and son and | tion Church of Wide Fellowship, died daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Daniels who i at her home in Southern Pines on have been living in the house recent-! Tuesday morning. Mrs. Seri was 75 ly vacated by Mr. and' Mrs. Cooper, years old and had been a regular win- A note from Louisburg, says: Mon day evening Misses May’ and Edith Yarborough gave one of the most de lightful parties of the season at the _ Four Winds Tea Room in honor days in Raleigh. Mrs. J. Albert Wheeless, a receiil' K- W. Pleasants was in Shelby Sun Miss Lena Morrison, of' Mrs. J. E. Waddell is visiting in i Henderson with her daughter, Mrs. Porter. [ Mrs. Bradley Denning has return- ' ed to her home in Lakeland, Florida, where she has been with her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Muse. | James Pleasants has been spending Tom Black has material on the, ground and the excavation commenced I bride, nee for his new home on the Midland I Moore County, road at the joining of Pinedale and I The rooms were made more attrac- Pinehurst. The plans call for an at-i tive with a profusion of fall flowers, tractive building, which he expects to ' Five tables were laid for bridge with hurry forward as fast as possible that j tallies and other appointments sug- he may ^t into it early in the win- j gestive of brides and weddings. At ter. It is one more in the Midland | the conclusion of five progressions i Friends were glad to have Newton ! Clegg home for the week end from ■ his school at Davidson, j Clyde Kennedy, of Columbia, S. C., | |j • stayed in Carthage over Sunday. ' S. B. Richardson, of Southern Pines. ‘ ■ and Ralph Page, of Pinehurst, were THE PINEHURST LUMBFJl YARDS PINEHURST, N. C. With the big improvement in building in the Sandhills the Pinehurst Lumber Yards are providing the greatest assortment of Lumber and Kindred Building Material ever assembled in this part of the State. Particular attention is given to variety or dimension stuff, in the big sizes as well as the smaller kinds, and with our own saw mill and planing mills at the yards, and four other mills in the woods under contract for the en tire output we undertake to care for anything that is needed. All the Staples, Long Leaf Pine, Rift Flooring, Gum Flooring, Oak Flooring, Moulding and Mill Work, Red Cedar Shingles, the Modem Wall Boards, Celotex, Sheet Rock and Rock Lath. Orders for Special Bills executed as quickly as the mills can roll the logs on the mill carriage, and of any size, quality or character. THE PINEHURST LUMBER YARDS PINEHimST, N. C. Miss Frances Barrow was presented' town Monday have moved to Pinebuff for the win ter. Mrs. Evelyn Pleasants was in a Charlotte hospital last week undergo ing a tonsil operation, but is able to be back at home now. Miss Emma Dendy, of Flora Mac donald College, Red Springs, is the guest of Miss Virginia Gaston. Bill Givens and Mr. Patterson, of iwith the high score prize, a bottle of MOTHER OF REV. MR. SERL i perfume, and Mrs. Wheeless, as guest DIES IN SOUTHERN PINES |of honor, was given a beautiful piece ^ of china. i Miss Currie Entertains S. S. Class. ! On a recent afternoon Miss Mary! Currie entertained ber Sunday School j class with a Hallowe’en party in the i Sunday School rooms of the Presby terian church. j The little children were dressed in | costume, some as clowns, some as! gypsies, and in different characters. | Patton McLeod came down from the, •; 1 State University Saturday for a two days’ holiday. ♦♦ 1 ♦♦ ■ ♦♦ t ♦♦ , ♦♦ i ♦♦ BOY SCOUTS LEADERS ! H ACTIVE THIS MONTH. H ter resident of Southern Pines for the past ten years. Her home was in Delavan, Wis. She had been in fail ing health for several years and her death was due to a heart attack fol lowing her arrival in Southern Pines last week. In addition to her son, the Rev. Mr. Seri, she is survived by a sister, Mrs. Frank Dickens, of Delavan. be ■ it u ANNUAL MEETING OF THE I MOORE COUNTY HEALTH AND WEL FARE ASSOCIATION ► AND I I MOORE COUNTY CHAPTER AMERI CAN RED CROSS IS SCHEDULED FOR TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH AT 2:30 P. M. AT THE COMMUNITY CLUB HOUSE PINEHURST ?m:»iiiinn»;«nii;iiniiinimTm Many games were played on the lawn after which the children were invited into the Sunday School rooms, where they were served apples and candy. The favors were little yellow crepe paper caps with a wise owl on each one. Miss Currie gives to the chil dren who are in her class these par ties yearly at Hallowe’en, Christmas and Easter time and the children look forward with much pleasure to them. Miss La Mare Spencer has Party. Little Miss La Mare Spencer enter tained a few of her friends celebrat ing her seventh birthday on a recent evening. Games were played on the lawn after which the little guests were in- j vited into the dining room where the table was beautiful with the birthday BY BILL SCHROEDER. » Under the direction of the Leader- it ship Training Committee of vthe Wal- 1 ♦* ter Hines Page Council an elementary! H course in Scout Leadership will given in Pinehurst. | The sessions will be held in the | new building of the Pinehurst school j and the gymnasium will also be used for activity programs. This course fs conducted for the benefit of the men of the Sandhills who are inter ested in Scouting as well as for the Scoutmasters, assistant Scoutmasters and Council officers. The course is open to any man over 18 years of age and it is hoped that; a good many of the men will take j advantage of this training program, j Those completing the course will. receive certificates from National j Headquarters which will entitle them; to commissions in Scouting should j they desire to take an active part in the program. The first session will be held on Nov. 20th, the second on Nov. 27th, third on Dec. 4th, fourth on Dec. 6th, fifth on Dec. 11, sixth on & it TRAINS Low priced, ten different models U tt cake forming the center piece. There were seven pink candles on the cake. | Dec. 13th. The children were served an iced 1 The sessions will begin promptly course, with candy. Those invited j and will not continue over two hours. ^ I were: Margaret Penn, Hubert Wil-lThe Moore County districts of the | liamson, Mayo Jenkins, Helen Way, Council should endeavor to be well' ♦♦ n ♦♦ the i II Lewis Sugg, Neill McKeithen Clegg, Helena Blue and Mable Baker. represented at these sessions. The Sandhill Scouts will hold a Misses McLeods Hostesses to Circle 4 Field Day in Southern Pines on No- Misses Janie and Cornie McLeod entertained Circle No. Four at their home Monday evening with 16 mem bers present. Mrs Chas. -Barringer was chosen chairman and Mrs. Welch secretary and treasurer. A collection of $11.45 was taken. Committees with regard to te bazaar were appointed. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Barringer. Britt-Stntts. A home wedding was solemnized /ember 23rd. The troops from Aber- ': deen, Pinebluff, Southern Pines, Pine- j hurst, Carthage and Vass are expect- j ad to participate in this Field Day. The winning troop in this contest j will represent Moore County in the | Council Field Day to be held in San- j ford during February. Details as to i the events will be announced in the next few days. Scouts will assist in unveiling mark er at the Alston home at Horseshoe i on Deep River. The exercises are in' , \ AEROPLANES From small models to rid ing sizes, all varieties, ten cents to fifteen dollars. AUTOS Boys* autos, Nash, Buick, Chevrolet, etc., at one-half the price asked elsewhere. tt s SCHROEDER’S TOYS SPORTING GOODS GAMES New Hampshire Avenue—Opposite Fire Station Southern Pines, N. C. liiiiinrTmmrmTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTmTninnrniiinTnTr TTTTnnnTiiTTniiiiiiiiiinul