MOORE COUNTY’S leading news weekly THE A Paper Devoted to the Upbuildifig * VOL. 11, NO. 18. LAKEView MANLEY Xpineblupp OAf LOT FIRST m NEWS AND ADVERTISING of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Aberdeen, North Carolina FIGURES REVEAL EQUAUZATION IS BEST FOR MOORE founty Would Get More Under MacLean Bill But at Heavy Cost Volunteers Have Stiff Fight With Forest Fire Near Southern Pines Thousands of Acres Burned Over Sunday Afternoon But Houses Are Saved difference OF $14,446 Moore county would fare better than the average North Carolina county under the MacLean school .bill, but, along with 85 other counties^ of the State, Moore w^ould lose nearly $15,- •00 a year more under this bill, v\ith the general sales tax already adopted by the House of Represen tatives, than by the operation of the Senator Folger bill, which provides a $10,000,000 equalizing fund. Under the present equalizing fund of §6,500,000, Moore county received for school aid this year $69,468.92. With the proposed $10,000,000 equal izing fund, Moore, according to esti mates compiled by the State Board of Equalization, would receive for the lext two years $115,640.83 a year. Under the MacLean plan, Moore ’’ould receive $175,839.40, or the en- ire six months school budget. This niear:^ $60,198.57 more under the Mac- ".ean plan than under the so-called Folger plan of increased equalizing fund. But the sales tax is estimated to hring in $9,000,000 in revenue for the school fund. That means an average of about $3 per person in the State, which has a population slightly above 3.000,000. Moore county had a popu- ■r.tion of 28,215 according to the last lensus. At $3 per person—and this county would probably spend more Ter person than the State average— 1/ooi'e would pay into the State school fund $74,645, which is $1^,446.43 more *han the difference between the amounts this county would receive under the MacLean and the Folger plans. In other words, under the MacLean plan, with the sales tax, Moore would •‘•eceive $175,839.40, but would pay $74,645 of the amount in sales tax, thus getting $101,194.40 clear. Under the Folger plan Moore would get $115,640.83 from the enlarged equal izing fund, all clear, or a clear gain of $14,446.43. Approximately 85 of the counties of the State, on the same basis, wouk* get more clear under the Folger plan ihan under the MacLean plan. Thi 15 other counties that would get more ■ban they pay under the MacLean plan are the 15 larger counties of the State, according to the Board of Kfjualization figures. Blue Renamed for Mayor of Aberdeen Shamburger, Sloan, CavinevSS, Doub and Rowe Nominated for Commissioners With Bion Butler acting as field general on one front, Alex Field on the other and Miss Julia Scott Butter field mounted on a fiery charger serving as liason officer between the two forces, one of the largest forest fires of the year in this section was conquered after a tough battle on the hills overlooking Southern Pines last Sunday afternoon. The fire was still raging in the Fort Bragg Res ervation on Monday, but the danger to Southern Pines was over when the large army of volunteer fighters quit the battle front last Sunday night. The fire started on the hilltop in back of The Paddock, near the old Yeomans peach orchard. Alex Fields was first to notice the curling smoke, and the fire had not covered much area when he arrived on the scene. But before he could get help, the high wind had carried the flames into the thick woods, and the dry scrub oak and pine needles, whipped by the wind, became a raging torrent in no time. All available manpo'wer was called into action and all were needed, for the flames threatened the Bower and Butler homes and numerous ne gro houses that lay in the direction the wind was blowing. More than a hundred were organized to start back fires against the tide on the several fronts, Mr. Butler directing forces in his direction and Alex Fields head ing the volunteers along the Gallery and Paddock fronts. It was one of the hottest fires to fight the oldest fighter in the line could recall, the wind almost blowing a gale at times, and shifting in direc tion frequently so that when it looked as if a section was safe, a gust would send flames scurrying off into anoth er. The fight lasted from soon after noon Sunday until dark, and the worst of the conflagration was then in the government reservation. The au thorities at Fort Bragg were notified and sent a large detail of soldiers to protect Uncle Sam’s interests. The loss was not great, all houses being saved. Several thousand acres were burned over, however. Geo. Wright Addresses Chamber of Commerce Fiather of American Golf Dis cusses Development of the Game in This Country Henry McCoy Blue was renominat ed for Mayor of Aberdeen for the next \vr: years as a result of the town n' eting held Monday of this week, and the following were named for T‘\vn Commissioners: Frank D. han'burger, John Slo^n, W. D. Cav- 11'ss, H. W. Doub and J. Vance Rowe. The present commissioners are M. '^1. Johnson, C. J. Johnson, John nc McLean, J. R. Page and G. C. ymour, who retire this year. There is talk of a second ticket in he field, as is usual, and village poli tics will begin to seeth from now un til the election in May. KIWANIS CLUB MEETING The Aberdeen Kiwanis Club held i' ' weekly luncheon Wednesday at the -’Icore County Court House, Carth age, North Carolina, the meeting be- i’lA one of the regular monthly bus iness meetings of the club. Jimmy McXab, chairman o:^ the Dance Com- it tee, reported that the annual Ki wanis dance would be held at the Pinehurst Country Club April 10th and that music would be furnished hy the North Carolina State College orchestra. Following the ladies’ night program which will be held during the early part of the evening, dan- cii^g will begin promptly at 10:00 p. m. and continue to 2:00 a. m. Each Kiwanian was given three tickets to sell. An interesting visitor at the meet ing of the Southern Pines Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday was George Wright of Boston, who talked to the gathering about the game of golf as the father of golf in this coun try. Mr. Wright is 84 years old. He was one of the first professional baseball players in the United States and in the history of the game. Pri or to baseball he was a cricket play er in Philadelphia, and from that he took to the game of two-old cat, which was the foreruner of baseball. When three and four old cat grad uated into four bases instead of two, and putting out a player depended on touching him with the ball instead of throwing and hitting hinn with it, baseball ari’ived and Mr. Wright followed with the game. Ultimately in a shipment from abroad of sport ing equipment he included some golf sticks and balls and a Scotchman here saw what he had and talked golf with him a little. Mr. Wright found a place out of doors where he Could make some little holes in the ground and knock the balls with the crooked clubs, and there Was born golf in America. i The expansion of the interest in this game, its wonderful hold on the whole United States, and especially the distinction it has attained here in the pine barrens of the Sand hills, largely instrumental in trans forming this section into one of the popular playgrounds of the world, led Mr. Wright to go into some de tail in the development of the game and its striking rise from a curios ity to a great asset. Paid Your Taxes? Brother McLean Says You’ll Be Advertised if You Don’t Hurry Up Those who do not want their land advertised for sale have just one more month in which to pay their taxes, as the property will be advertised the first of May. According to J. D. McLean, county tax collector, collections are quite a bit behind those of last year at a corresponding date. They kept up well until the first of Jan uary, but February and March saw a rapid decline. HOSPITAL IS GIVEN SUM OF $5,737 BY DUKE ENDOWMENT Trustees Distribute $861,175 to Hospitals and Orphanages in Cafolinas 144 INSTITUTIONS BENEFIT The Moore County Hospital is to be ' the recipient this week of v. check for $5,737. as a result of the distri bution of funds from the Duke En dowment, voted at the annual meet ing of the trustees on Tuesday. Distribution of $861,175 to 144 hos pitals and orphanages in North and South Carolina was announced at the conclusion of the meeting. Checks for the amounts allotted will be mailed immediately to the in stitutions. A total of $714,453 was appropriat ed to 100 hospitals, while 44 orphan ages were given a total of $146,722. Disbursement of the sum brought to $5,094,281 the grand total of dis tributions from the endowment since it began operations six years ago. Sixty-seven hospitals and 30 or phanages in North Carolina received i $443,018 and $98,441 respectively in the allotments, while 33 hospitals and 14 orphanages in South Carolina re ceived $271,435 and $48,-281 respec tively. ' The largest single appropriation was $66,889 to the Roper Hospital, | Charleston, S. C. Allotments to hospitals are based on ^ the number of day’s care giveti char- , ity patients free. One dollars per free i bed day is allotted. State Dentist Treats 964 County Children Total of 4,656 Operations Per formed by Dr. Pigford Since First of Year The Woman’? Auxiliary and Parent- Teacher Association will hold a ba zaar and food sale in the vacant room next to Arnold Shoe Store Saturday, April 4th. Little has been said about the den tal clinic that has been in progress in the schools of Moore county dur- | ing the past few weeks, but much | has been accomplished, as j^s shown j by figures compiled by Dr. Guy E. j Pigford, State dentist who is doing the work. The figures cover the per iod beginning December 29, 1930 and ending March 28, 1931. A total of 964 children have been examined for dental treatment and 879 have been treated.] A total of 4,- 656 operations have been performed. There are 605 fewer bad teeth in the : mouths of Moore county children to j poison their systems, and 923 chil dren have had their teeth cleaned. Dr. Pigford has worked in the fol lowing schools: Putnam, Dover, Moody, Mt. Zion, Acorn Ridge, Cedar Hill, Needham’s Grove, Hemp, Cam eron, Carthage, Plank Road and Rock Hill. He will be in the county sev eral weeks longer finishing up the work. 'This dental clinic, which will mean more than can be estimated to the children of the county, was made pos sible by a fund of $2,000 raised by Mrs. Francis T. Keating of Pine hurst, she being the largest contrib utor. Friday, April 3, 1931, BETTER PICTURES POSSIBLE ONLY THRU EDUCATION Cultivation of Public Taste Great Constructive Effort of Indus try, Writes Will H. Hayes PREVIEW PLAN BIG AID By Will H. Hays (The following article, written es pecially for The Pilot by Will H. Hays, president of the Motion Pic ture Producers and Distributors of America, Inc., and former member of the late President Wilson’s cob- inet. was prompted by a recent edi torial appearing in this newspaper. —Editor. I have just read with interest and appreciation your editorial of March 15th in which you stated that “Mr. Picquet discriminates and he pre sents that type of picture that has a wholesome influence in the main.” It is the primary responsibility of the producer to furnish the highest standard of productions followed by the responsibility of the exhibitor, as Mr. Picquet practices, in using dis- crimnation in selection of pictures and last, but by no means least, is the responsibility of the public demanding better pictures to support them when they are shown. The education of public taste in mo tion pictures is one of the great prob lems and one of the great constructive efforts of this industry. No produc?er or distributor or exhibitor can con tinue in business unless he gives the public what the public will accept and pay for. But I do not know a single individual of importance who is con tent to have this great industry held dowTi to the levels which would be indicated by an unqualified acceptance of what might be termed “box office standards.” Only insofar as the general level of public taste rises to higher stand ards will it be possible for this in dustry or any other industry to bring the general level of its product up to the standards cherished by tlie mak ers of the product. Again and again in the motion pic ture industry the world has witnessed the spectacle of the courageous and idealistic producer bringing forth a screen drama that was so far above the levels of general public taste that only extraordinary efforts kept it from being a complete failure finan cially. Again and again these dramas that reflect new standards of art afid good taste are brought forth, and time after time the results are disap pointing to their producers. And yet that inner urge which marks every one of our producers as a true artist, causes him again to make the trial. Obviously, to any scientifically- minded observer, every picture that is produced will meet the highest standards of today only when pub lic taste of tomorrow has been edu cated to the point where it demands and will patronize our best. It was upon the'* initiative of this association in cooperation with the national groups that the previewing plan at Hollywood where eight na tional^ groups are seeing pictures in advance of release was set up to fa- ciliate the progress of better motion pictures through public support. Lists of recommended pictures are being sent by them to thousands of their constituents throughout the country. NOBLES TO ENTERTAIN IMPERIAL POTENTATE HERE FIVE CENTS Substantial Dev\^^se in Tobacco Acrea^> Only Hope for Price ^ 4,eco V ery Another Girl Solos Miss Peggy Haynes Tries Out • the Clouds Above Local Airport, Alone Miss Peggy Haynes of Ardmore and Pinehurst made her first solo flight on Tuesday, being the sec ond woman flyer to solo at the air port this season. On Friday pilot Harry Sievers flying a Fleetwing with passengers from Cleveland landed. The day before S. J. Crain flying an East Coast Air ways “Travelaire” from Miami to New York dropped in for gas. Other arrivals include Dr. Rich ard U. Light and his dog, “Red,” in a Pitcairn Sport Mailwing from Washington, and J. P. Mattux, of Salisbury tn his “Waco.” Another Big Planting Following Last Year’s Record Crop , Means Ruin for Farmers FIGURES ARE APPALLING Bion H. Butler The Tobacco association is urging the farmers to reduce the acreage planted in the last few years in to- I bacco, and the argument is simple I enough. In 1914 the acreage planted to tobacco in this country was 1.- 223,000 acres. The acreage in 1929 exceeded 2,000,00 acres, while old world production has been increasing proportionately. From 1914 to 1929, the last year world figures are ob tainable the world’s supply of tobac co increased about 250 per cent, and not only the United States but the I whole world is engaged in grov/ing I the crop, and on a steadily increasing I basis. I North Carolina has steadily in- I creased its acreage and production I rlong with the rest of the bright leaf producing states, but likewise the Large and Colorful Crowd Attends Final Day of Horse Show I Burley tobacco growers have been , piling up a bigger production, and Bright Su??shilie Brings Out is worse that increasing Burley Society Leaders and Young er Set in Large Numbers tobacco has been supplanting North Carolina bright leaf in the manufac ture of cigarettes until North Caro- After having been deprived of most ■ cigarette factories are depending of its color by the dlagreeable drizzly . <>" Kentucky and Tennessee for their leaf. weather Tuesday and Wednesday, the Pinehurst Horse Show made up for stimulated the production it all in good measure yesterday crop until every country is when tne remaining postponed classes niaking a much too great supply forits were shown. own use. Competition with American Society turned out in large num- gj-own tobacco has increased, nntil bers and the ring side took on a col- spite of the strenuous effort'? of orful atmosphere which added to the American grown tobacco has inoreas- gayer aspects of the occasion. ed, until in spite of the strenuous The classes shown this year have efforts of American cigarette manu- beer* well filled and the horses factrrers the supply of cigarette to- entered have been of high order. ibacco has expanded, and now the Even to the most casual obsrver it supply on hand is simply so great is apparent that the horse as a maj- that for the farmers to add another or form of sport and recreation has jjjg crop to the amount of leaf in ex arrived in the Sandhills. The popu- istence will mean a stock that v/ill larity of matinee racing here this fj^d no market. season, the interest manifest in the fox and drag hunts and the enthusi asm with which the bridle trails have been followed all point to an in creasingly important place for the horse in the scheme of things here. King Red Vine, owned by A. H. Handley of G*oldsboro, N. C. won the championship in five gaited sad- Along with this the tax on manu factured tobacco has increased until no other crop in the world has been compelled to see its products loaded with taxation to be paid by the buyer of the product before it can be mar keted. Between the tobacco farmer and the buyer of his le^f lies a tax of nearly half a billion dollars that must Giltner of Tennessee. Esten A. Fletcher of Rochester, N. Y., Illustrious Imperial Potentate, is to be given a reception by nobles of the Oasis and Sudan temples at the Carolina Hotel in Pinehurst next Tuesday, April 10th. The meeting will be informal and the nobility of the temples will be welcome, an nounces J. B. Whittington,- potentate of the Oasis temple. There will be a Brick Party at the Pinebluff Library Wednesday, April 8th. Al! th£ ladies of the town are invited to be present at 3 o’clock p. I m. Special Eester services will be held morning and evening at the Aberdeen Presbyterian Church next Sunday, April 5th, at which time the Quarterly Communion ordinance will be administered. On the third Sunday in April the regular services will be held in the Old Church at Bethesda. Visitors in the Sandhills are especially invited to these services. Singing Flowers Prof. Chris Anthe Mum To Exhibit Famous Collec tion Here Next Tuesday A “Garden Party,” featuring Professor Chris Anthe Mum, will be given in the Civic Club at 8 o’clock Tuesday evening, April 7th by Mrs. Maude Grearson’s Circle of the Baptist Church. Bowing to the charms and united efforts of the members of the Circle the Professor, a noted scientist, whose life has been spent in teaching flowers to sing, will break his jour ney from Florida to New York in order to exhibit these wonderful musical flowers of his singing garden. Mr. Pier will be cello so loist, and Mrs. 1^. Ellsworth Giles will accompany on the piano. Also taking part will be the Misses Dorothy Richardson, Madie Wade, Ethel Jones, Evelyn Rhodes; the Mesdames Myron Adams, Raymond Kennedy, Virgil Clarke, R. P. Mills, Albert Adams, Irene Millar, Reba Kennedy, Lawrence Williams and Albert Adams. An entertain ment of unusual beauty is promis ed. die horse class in the third and final taken from the proceeds of the day of the horse show of the Pine- I g^lo of the tobacco before any money hurst Jockey club. |can be returned to the producer. No Wyoming in the Thorndale stables, | signs are seen to indicate that this Millbrook, N. Y., won the champion ' tax will be lowered in the immediata^ hunter blue ribbon. Amber King, in I future. Rather the finger points to the stable of Thomas and Alexander j hig-her sooner than lower taxes on the of Pinehurst being adjudged cham- j tobacco crop, which means that the pion three gaited saddle horse. j man who has^* to buy the farmer’s The judging was well handled by ! pro<:uct must pay more for it, but Ernest I. White of New York, War- | that the increased amount must come ner Baltazzi of Aiken and Dr. G. B. i Q^t of the sale price of the manufac tured goods before any of the in^ crease can filter back to th.i man who grows the tobacco. In the face of these condition? I he farmer has but one way out, and that is to raise less tobacco and moie something else. He cannot grow to- ; bscco to buy pork, corn, hay, or any- j thi’ig else he can make on his own i farm for his own use, for the tobac- I CO will not bring the price i o pay the bills. There is no other way out j of the difficulty. Too much tobacco ! has been grown all over the world-— J too much is now in the warehouses ready to meet the needs of the future, and more piled on top of what is al ready in the hands of the manufac turers will further kill the price. It is useless to complain <>i the manufacturer. He does not w’ant more tobacco. His money is tied up in the surplus he already has on hands, and he has little room for a further crop, and no desire to put money into more leaf, until he disposes of the surplus in his possession. All the argument in the world as to the attitude of the factories will not help the situation. If the surplus production keeps up, Reynolds, the Aberican and the others will be obliged to fall down complete ly in the purchase of leaf, for a limit ' comes in time to everything. They can not continue, whether they want (Please turn to page 4) #

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