Page Four THE PILOT, a Paper With Character, Aberdeen, North Caroliaa THE WEEK IN VASS Leaguers Enjoy Outing Members of the Epworth League, of the Vass Methodist Church enjoyed a delightful outing on Wednes<3ay ev ening of last week. The young folks met at the church where they board ed a truck generously cushioned with hay, and proceeded to Juniper Lake, where swimming and boating were en gaged in. A sandwich feast climaxed the program. Those enjoying the hay ride were Misses Elizabeth Keith, Louise Les lie, Catherine Graham^ Marjorie Les lie, Eva Callahan, Pauline Thompson and Nettie Gschwind; Henry A. Borst, Jr., Russell Thompson, Bernice Gra ham and Ray Griffin; Mrs. H. A. Borst and Mrs. S. R Smith. For va rious reasons, several of the members were unable to go. Lawrences to Return Soon Rev. C. A. Law^rence and his son, Alton, who with Miss Ruth Lawrence of Montclair, N. J., have been on a va cation trip for the past three weeks, will return soon. They visited the mountains of North Carolina and Miss Lawrence, who had never before been in Western North Carolina, termed the scenery there the prettiest she had ever seen. Jerry Mac Cameron Passes Little Jerry Mac Cameron, baby son of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Cameron, passed away at the home of his pai? ents here on Thursday evening of last week after a brief illness, his death coming as a great shock to the fam ily. Jerry Mac lacked only four days of being eight months of age and was a beautiful speciman of baby hood. In the presence of a large number of neighbors and friends of the fam ily, the little body was laid to rest in Johnson’s Gro/e cemetery at 3:00 o’clock Friday afternon, and the grave was covered with bright summer flowers. Mr. Alex Smith had charge of the burial service. Surviving are the parents and a four-year-old sister, Virginia, who have the deep sympathy of the neighborhood in their great sori’ow. Giles, A. G. Edwards and his twin sons, Max and Baxter, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Seth W. Lassiter at their home near Smith- field. Miss Georgia Biggs, Mrs. Biggs, Mrs. Covington and Miss Mittie Cov ington, of Raleigh, were Sunday vis itors of Miss Jennie Cameron. Miss Regina Edgerton, of Raleigh, came Friday to spend a few