Friday, September 4, 1931. a Paper With Character, Aberdeen^ North Carolina Page Five The Week in Southern Pines THE PARK VIEW The Year Round Hotel of Southern Pines Offering excellent dining room service, cool and comforta- g ble bed rooms, with or without bath, for transient or seas- § onal guests. Special summer rates. « COZY OAKS Under new management Now open for the season Permanent and Transient Guests Good table, clean rooms, moderate rates MRS. W. E. GARDNER Delicious Meats QUALITY STEER BEEF GENUINE 1931 SPRING LAMB HOME DRESSED POULTRY VERMONT MARKET East Broad St. H. W. DORN Southern Pines PAUL T.BARNUM, INC Insurance of All Kinds —At The— Citizens’ Bank Building Southern Pines, N. C. Successors To PAUL T. BARNUM and S. R. RICHARDSON, INC. B. & M. SHOE SHOP Fine Repairs at Moderate Prices Next to Baker’s Food Shop West Broad Street, Southern Pines tx i Wear Clean Clothes When you send your laundry to the FAMILY LAUNDRY you g’ive employment to more than 20 people and provide a living" for more than 60 people who spend their money in the community. S iV THE FAMHiY LAUNDRY, INC. Telephone 6101 Southern Pines imxnmtxttmxn H Why pay a prem ium for oil or gas when iron fire man automatic coal heat costs THE IRON FIREMAN I. T. CLARKE DEALER FOR MOORE COUNTY Mrs. J. Homer Mann and children have returned home after spending a delightful vacation at Morehead City and Atlantic Beach. T. W. Hughes, relief manager of the Western Union in Mrs. Mann’s ab sence, has been called to his home in Rock Hill, S. C., on account of the sudden death of his father. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welch have returned home after spending some, time in Bethlehem, N. H., and Bidde- ford Pool, Maine. Mrs. Welch stopped over in New York to do the buying for the gift shop on her way home and also attended the Art and Gift Show in Philadelphia. Miss Eileen Loomis is at home re covering from an appendicitis oper ation. She plans to return to Rich mond in about three weeks. The Intermediate Christian Endeav or Society of the Baptist Church will hold an Ice Cream Social in the city park Friday night beginning at seven ©’clock. The proceeds will go towards building the new church. Everyone is invited. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Tracy have just returned from a motor trip through maine having spent the first part of the summer, in Atlantic City. Ralph Chandler, Sr., and son, Ralph Jr., and Miss Elsie Chandler motored to Carolina Beach this week. Miss El sie Chandler will be the guest of Miss Faye Shulkin at Kure Beach for several days. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Everest have been delayed in returning home on ac count of an accident to Charles, Jr., in which he sustained injuries to his arm and is in the hospital for a few days. Miss Ruth Sergeant and father Mr. Sergeant will return the latter part of the week from New York where they have been spending the past month. Miss Peggy Elliott has returned home after spending several weeks in the north. S. B. Richardson and daughters, Dorothy and Ruth and Miss Zilla Adams spent Sunday in Raleigh with Mrs. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lamont of Orlando, Fla., have arrived in South ern Pines and are occupying an apart ment in the Citizens Bank "building. Yates Allen of St. Paul is visiting his sister, Mrs. Vance McMillan this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Grey will leave the latter part of the week for Littleton, N. H., to spend a few weeks. Miss Wilma Blake of Stedman is the house guest of her sister, Mrs. G. N. McCall at her home on New York avenue. Miss Dorothy Tate left Thursday for the western part of the state where she is a member of the faculty at a school near Asheville. J. M. Overton of Mt. Gitead spent a few days here with his son, Tyler Overton. Mrs. E. W. Pavenstedt and children arrived Wednesday. Miss Sue Wicker has returned from a three weeks vacation trip to New York City. Mrs. Yates Poe entertained at two tables of bridge Tuesday evening. Her guests were Mrs. Irene Millar, Mrs. Ralph Chandler, Miss Mary Cameron, Mrs. Herbert Cameron, Mrs. Esther McDaniels and Mrs. Lawrence Grover. Mrs. E. C. Edson and daughters Al- gene and Evelyn and Dwight Hos kins motored to Myrtle Beach Sun day. Miss Ethel Smithey and Mrs. Law rence will spend the week-end in New York. Miss Katharine Morris, Tom Pow ell and John Hinton of Raleigh were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Thrower Wednesday. They were here for the golf tournament. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Ruggles and John Ruggles returned Saturday from a two weeks’ vacation at Carolina Beach. Mrs. John Jordan has gone to Read ing, Pa., to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Eckert. She will also visit friends in Philadelphia before returning home early in October. Mrs. Earle Merrill of Winston-Sa lem who was in town to attend the Ruggles-Case wedding Tuesday spent the remainder of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Moore. Miss Lena Cameron returned home Monday after spending two weeks at Virginia Beach. Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Pelton and daughter, Isabel, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hutt, Mrs. Lucy Cameron, Stuart Cameron and Helena Kelly have re turned home after spending several days at Carolina eBach. Stuart Cam eron was taken to the Moore County Hospital immediately upon his arriv al where he is suffering with a ser ious arm infection. Mrs. B. H. Beasley and daughter have returned home after spending the summer in Norfolk. Dr. and Mrs. Brennan who have been passing the summer months in Asheville have returned to Southern Pines and are again occupying the i Cherry house on Indiana Avenue. | Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Davis and son, i Elmer, Jr., spent Monday in Char lotte. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buchan, Frank Jr., and Katharine Bnchan have re turned from Carolina Beach where they spent^ a few days. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ruggles who were here to attend the wedding of their brother, Albert Ruggles and Miss Dorothy Case have returned to Raleigh. Mrs. Lillian Spinks who has been visiting her brother. Chief B. H. Beasley returned via motor Sunday for California. Miss Eileen Shear returned Sunday to Oklahoma City after spending sev eral months here with her sister and brother-in-law^ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Patch. Clifton Cameron, Jr., has gone to Washington to spend a few days. Kathleen Wicker of Hamlet and Frances Cameron of Aberdeen are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Cameron for a few days. Miss Dorothy Stutz and Miss Alice Stutz left Saturda.y to visit friends in Maine and New Hampshire. Mrs. Bion Butler returned Wednes day from Kingsport, Tenn., where she has been visiting her son for several days. Mr. and Mrs. George Barton of Boston are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Barton at their home on Maine avenue. Prof. and Mrs. J. Richard Johnson are guests of their son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Vinson Johnson at their home on Country Club Drive. Miss ~ Sarah Patterson left Satur day for Richmond to enter St. Eliz abeth Hospital for training. The Rev. J. Fred Stimson had as guests over the week end his mother and Miss Ola Warner and James Deal. Mrs. V. M. Royer who married W. E. Thayer in Boston on August 10th expects to return to Southern Pines about September 25th. Mayor Stutz and Mrs. Stutz are ex pected back in town from their Maine trip Thursday night. Pilot Colton and Mrs. Colton made a flight to Concord Monday. Maxwell Grey and family arrived W^’ednesday night from Bath, N. H., where they spent the summer. C. Glen Bruton of Candor visited the airport Sunday flying a Waco plane. C. T. Patch returned Thursday night from a week’s visit to Peacham and other nearby towns in Vermont. Mrs. George Colton is visiting friends in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Tracy arrived from Wyalusing, Pa., Tuesday morn ing and will remain for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Skinner spend ing the summer in Crestmoor, Pa., re turned via motor Wednesday and are at home on Weymouth Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Clarke accompan ied by Mrs. Charlotte Clarke Seawell are motoring northward to New Eng land. Mrs. Seawell will remain in Lynn, Mass. Word has just been received of the death of Myron H. Richardson in Lit tleton, N. H., on Tuesday, September 1st. Mr. Richardson has been a win ter resident of Southern Pines for the past 12 years. COMING ATTRACTIONS AT THE CAROLINA Patrons 6f the Carolina Theatre will note several changes in the list of attractions since the publication of the schedule in the local columns last week. Sept. 7-9, Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell in “Merely Mary Ann.”; Sept. 10-12, Joan Crawford in “This Mod ern Age.”; Sept. 14-17, Sally Eilers and James Dunn in “Bad Girl.”; Sept. 17-19, Maurice Chevalier in “The Smiling Lieutenant”; Sept. 21-23, Jackie Coogan In “Huckleberry t’inn;’^ Sept. 24-26, Charles Rogers and Car men Barnes in “The Road To Reno;” Sept. 28-30, “The Four Marx Broth ers in “Monkey Business;” Oct. 1-3, Sylvia Sidney and Phillips Holmes in “The American Tragedy;” Oct. 5-7, Sessue Hayakawa, Warner Oland and Anna May Wong in “The Daughter of the Dragon;” Oct. 8-10, Nancy Carroll in “Personal Maid.” ALL OUTDOORS is caUinq you Why Let Your Meals Keep You Home 7 MLAT-/Atf main dish STtAKS and CHOPS Quiekly Cooked ROASTS and POT ROASTS m slow oven Netd No Watehint • For Qgality Meats Visit Our Market Sanitary Cash Market E. B. Naynard, Pnp. SOUTH ST. ABERDEEN THERMO PULLOVERS All Wool, in the new Au- and Tan, tumn colorings weights. Blue, Brown, Green. $3.50 Hose to match $1.50 Thermo Pullovers Better Quality $5.00 and $6.00 THE TOG SHOP Broad St. and New Hampshire Ave. Southern Pines xxmxsm tssttsm ANTICIPATE YOUR SILK UNDERTHINGS NEEDS AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS UNUSUAL GLOVE SILK S A.I-.E: n»^TTT"’TTT’t I 1 WE ARE OFFERING THE BEST KNOWN MAKES AT ASTON ISHINGLY LOW PRICES FOR THIS WEEK Striped Glove Silk Bloomers, regular $4.50, special $2.89 Vests to Match, regular $3.00 values, special $1.89 Same Quality in Chemise, regular $5.00, special $2.89 Italian Glove Silk Bloomers, regular $3.75, special $2.89 Silkai^ese Bloomers, regular $2.50, special $1.89 Vests in Italian Glove Silk, regular $2.25, special $1.39 Very Best Grade Non-Run Rayon Bloomers 89 Vests to match Other Good Grades Bloomers, novelty or tailored, special at .39, .50 and .69 Handmade Gowns, smart tailored, lace trimmed styles or plain, val ues to $10.00. This sale, choice $5.00 Hostess Pajamas, one piece, printed or plain. Silk, special ...$5.00 Satin or Flat Crepe Pajamas, three-piece, values to $12.00, choice ....$6.98 Lace-trimmed Silk Negligees, pastel shades $5.00 Wrap-around Slips, silk radium or flat crepe, regular $3.00, spec $1.98 Semi-fitted Silk Radium Slips, regular $6.00, special $3.75 Non-cling tailored Slips, flesh or white , $1.00 EUGENE HATS First Fall Hats, felts w^ith feather trims, special $1.98 SALE IS GENERAL THROUGHOUT THE STORE C. T. Patch Department Store Southern Pines, ^iiiiiiiiii North Carolina