i^ge Eight Sunday School Convention to be Held at Yates- Thaggard Sunday THE PrLOT^ a Paper With Character. Aberdeen. North Carolina i Busy Day in Court for Judgre Humber Friday, October 9, I931, heatre Re(5)rd Breaking Attendance Ex pected for Annual Meeting of County Association All indications point to a record- breaking attendance at the Annual Moore County Sunday School conven tion, which is to be held Sunday, Octo- i bar 11th, 1931, in Yates-Thagard . Baptist Ghurch. The opening session will convene at 9:45 a. m. ; According to the announcements I made by the officers of the County Sunday School Association, the pro gram has been prepared with the idea of having a convention in which there will be discussions of Sunday School plans and problems, the arrangement being to give something in the con- , vention that will help the workers of all departments of the Sunday School. : Among the speakers on the pro gram will be the Rev. Shuford Peel er, Salisbury, General Secretary of the North Carolina Sunday School As sociation. Many prominent local speakers will address the convention