Page Four TriE PILOT, a Paper With Character, Afeerdeen;jJOTtt_Cardina Friday, October 23, 1931 No White Labor on the Job At New Colored School Building Colored Contractors Doing Good Work'with Men of Own Race Exclusively^ Court House News Thsec Score and Ten—Plus Southern Pines Boasts a Youthful, Healthy Colony of Octo- and Nonagenarians, Headed by John Hayden, 95-Years Young ing a day’s work. _There will be three general ses sions of the conference, one on Ppj day afternoon, one Friday evening and the third ,on Saturday morning at 11:00 o’clock. In addition to general The interest that has developed in Southern Pines in connection with the West S,outhern Pines situation has also found expression at the colored settlement at Pinehurst, where a col ored contractor is building a big new school house for colored students t^o replace the one recently destroyed by fire. The walls are up and the roof is going on the building, everything ■done by colored lab^or. Not a white man is seen about the grounds ex cept an occasional visitor who comes along to note the progress and the skill with which everything is for warded. One of the first things seen by a spectator is a signasking that you “Do not talk to the workmen.” That characterizes the whole program, and the workmen do not talk to each other very much. What is said by any one is in line with the work, which is car ried ,on by A. L. Boykin & Son of Sanford, according to a sign on the job, and an outsider who was also looking on from the edge of the job, said that the man on t,op of the wall hustling roof timber to the top of the structure was the son. He was not interrupted to ask him any questions, for he was too busy, and anyway the whole story was theve plain euough for anybody with eyes to see. Every man on the job was moving, and it is doubtful if any job in this section has carried on^ith less lost motion, less time f,or aimless talk, or less time to turn around. Labor saving devices are used wherever possible. A crosscut saw shapes a pile of joists at a time in stead of, one man with a handsaw. Shoving beams up on the top of the walls is done by a group ,of men who do team work, and repeat the one motion time after time in a rhythm that leaves no place for idle gesture. That Boykin son grabs an end of the big plank as it goes by him just like the others do, and he says ‘‘up she goes,” and she does, and the gang reaches for another. Mr. Taylor*, at the general office, who has supervis ion of the work for the school board, says the job is well done, that it is coming rapidly, that it vdll be com pleted probably safely within the contract price, although the contrac tors were decidedly low bidders, and that the hands are doing good work, the low bid probably being a safe one as the abundance of satisfacto'T help evidently has made the cost of building lower than in the past. Considerable comment is heard concerning this job, for it is no doubt the most ambitious that has been un dertaken in this section by exclusively colored labor, and the prediction is ma "e that if it is carried through with the efficiency that seems ,apparent the new school house will be some thing of a momumental evidence of the colored folks are making in the Sandhills. The Recorder’s Court docket this week was unusual, in that there xwas not a single offender up f,or violating the prohibition law, and all of th^ de fendants were^coldred. The heaviest sentence meted out was fiifceen months on the roads to Graftt Crutchfield, found guilty ,of an assault on Clyde Blue with a shot gun with intent to kill. Albert Douglas, for the larceny of some clothing from the room of anoth er man, was given twelve m,onths on the roads. Albert White was up for malicious injury to the Southern Pmes jail. He was found guilty and sentenced to serve six months on the roads. Ac cording to the warrant. White broke a stove in the jail and threw part (Of it through the windows of the jail, breaking out the glass and damaging the jail to the amount of around $25. James Currie was fined $50 and the costs for carrying a concealed weapion and it was ordered that the pist,ol be impounded. Notice of appeal to the Superior court was given and $200 bond was required. Herbert Harrington, charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, pleaded guilty to the assault but not guilty to the intent \o kill. He was charged with shooting Delphia Reeves with a shot gun, in flicting permanent injury. This case was left open. W. M. Diggs pleSded not guilty to an assault with deadly weapon charge, and the case was continued to next Monday for the State. The warrant charges Diggs with assault ing his wife with a knife or a razor, making a wound about five inches \ong in her side which required sev en stitches. New American Legion Officers Are Installed Pleasants of Raleigh, Willie Pleas ants of Clover, S. C., Vernon Pleas ants of Rowland and Mrs. Glennie Muse and Reid Pleasants of Carthage were guests in the home of Miss I-il- lian Pleasants last Sunday while at tending the H,ome-Coming at Bethes- | meetings there will be more than a da. I dozen departmental meetings for Ikrs. G. G. Martin has returned primary teachers, grammar grade from Spartanburg, S. C., where she teachers, teachers of various high has been visi<-ing friends and rela-! school subjects, high school princi- tives for some time. ‘ pals, city superintendents and county Jack Taylor of the Aberdeen Sul- superintendents. H. Lee Th,omas is chairman of the county superintendents department Met J,ohn Hayden on the street in ‘ better than some younger folks who Southern Pines last week. Just back are heavier geared in the locomotive "from the Path Valley country up in | department. Southei^ Pennsylv^inia. fNinety-five Ran across W. F. Junge with a bun- next May, but he and his wife were die of mail under his arm, traveling walking up street as sprightly as on his own p,ower that has stood him, , , , . ^ ^ . young things not over twenty. See' about as long as the other fellows ! them on the street most any day, and | mentioned. Lives in that octogenarian relatives, always on foot. No automobile neces- j quarter of town. Down from Couders- sary for them to get down town, or to port, Pennsylvania with the first the postoffice, or to church. Still think draft, when P. R. Stebbins, Peter well of the feet and legs Jehovah en- ' Beck and that delegation moved dowed them with, and they get about | south. Another m^ with girls to on their own wheels. Talking of Path ; boast about. Gathered up Riggan for Valley in Pennsylvania that’s where | son-in-law, which was a good job. Herbert Cameron and Frank Buchan Good son-in-law, good daughter, and! Belmont, spent Sunday at got their wives. Path Valley must be i while Ri^an is njot eighty yet he 1 visiting Marvin Rhyne, who a mighty good c,ountry. At least the can come down on his own feet. These | University, two girls here that represent it in- old timers don’t spend much money 1 Alton McLean is visiting her dicate as much. , | for gas. But they get there. j parents in Qolumbia, S. C., this week. Saw another old chap coming smil- ! S. A. Richardson, who lives on Ben-; ^ ing around the corner at Thrower’s nett street, has a birthday in a few i DISTRICT CONFERENCE drug store. On foot. Eighty years old | weeks, when he gets in the eighty TO BE HELD IN DURHAM but still walks out to his farm a qou- i class, and at the Baptist church Sam - pie of miles on the Young road. Hugh | Richardson said his aunt was to sing The north central district c,onfer- | ~—- Davy Cameron. Got a bunch of fine , alto .along with the rest ,of the con- ' ence of the North Carolina Education SHRINE CLUB APPEALS TO girls, too. Motherly wife at home who gregation In the singing service and Association will be held in Durham PUBLIC FOR SPECTACLES makes a real home f,or Hugh Davy and she can remember back as far as | on Friday and Saturday, November — the four girls. Charlie Grout lives out. Sam’s father can. There comes up the | 6 and 7. This district is composed of j The Sandhill Shrine Club will hold that way. See him nearly every morn- question again of girls. S. A. Rich-! the counties of Chatham, Durham, an eye clinic for school children of the Mrs. Ralph Leach was called to and he has announced a program of Durham last week on account of the | unusual interest for his department illness of her daughter, Mrs. Neil | On Friday afternoon at 3:30 Attor- Graham. j ney-General Dennis G. Brummitt will Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rhyne, Misses ; speak on the 1931 school law. John Mae and Kathleen Rhyne with their' W. Hinsdale will have as his subject guest and aunt, Mrs. Ella J. Hoff- i “Taxation for the Suppiort of the State System of Public Schools.” On Saturday, November 7 at 9:30 a. m. Dr. A. T. Allen will address the county superintendents on some phase of public school work in the State, and Dr. Clyde R. Miller, direc tor ,of Public Relations of Columbia University of New York will speak on “The Schools and the Public.” ing about the same hour, padding the hoof as the printers say, on his way down to the post office. Past eighty, but his running gears go,od as gum. ardson has a girl some folks call j Franklin, Granville, Halifax, Harnett,; county in the near future, and provide Mary, of if they are younger they i J,ohnston, Lee, Moore, Nash, North- i from its charity fund glasses for call her Miss Mary. Some others call I ampton. Orange, Person Richmond, i those found in need of them. Secre- her Saint Mary, f,or she has endear- ' Vance, Wake, Warren and Wayne. The | tary Gloma A. Charles, Aberdeen re- No automobile except as somebody ed herself to the town and the peo- ■ membership in this district will ex- i quests th,ose residents of the section who likes to talk to him picks him i pie where she lives. They came from ; ceed 2,500 teachers, and more* than up and takes him back home. Niagara Maine long enough ago to be natives ^ 1,000 are expected to be in attend- county in New York, Grout comes here. S. A. Richardson shares with I ance at the sessions. Moore county _____ _ from, years ag,o, however, and long Bion Butler the distinction of possess-1 teachers will be well represented at' every four frames they receive gratis enough to have been here over forty ing the finest billy-goat whiskers in I this conference as it will be possible years ago to help start the orchards Moore county. Mr. Richardson knows for them to attend Friday afternojOn and vineyards. And talking about or- what to do with his feet, although he and Saturday morning without miss- chards and vineyards, H. P. Bilyeu, is not as aggressive a worker as . — eighty-two, was drifting around the some. In the past he came home one who have spectacles frames for which they have iio further use to send them to him, stating that for they are enabled to take care of one more child with glasses. Addres the spectacles to Mr. Charles, Aberdeen. tt town last week on his way to Raleigh day and told the family he had quit>g to the State Fair. Bilyeu began plant- work,- and that he wasn’t going to § ing here in the sand in the late eigh- work any more, and was g(Oing to re- ties. He doesn’t have feet as big as tire. He hasn’t hunted up a job since ♦♦ some of us, but he navigates on them he came south. jH O’Callaghan Takes Over Reins of Sandhill Post at Enthu siastic Meeting Aberdeen Social Events u .n M: s. Vice Pres, of Federation District Larg^ely Attended Meeting of Women’s Club Members Held at Hamlet Thursday A largely attended meeting of the Ninth District of the North Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs was held ir the Presbyterian church in Hamlet on Thursday of last week pith tho Hamlet Woman’s Club as h.ostess. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. T. B. Upchurch of Raeford, dis- tri.‘t president, and Mrs. J. M, Hob- good, president of the State Federa tion was the principal speaker. Mrs. G. E. Marshall of Mt. Airy, chairman of districts, and Miss Freda Heller of the State Librai'y Commission were present and made short talks. A nxost cordial address of wel come was given by Mrs. T, G. Mon roe, president of t;Jie Hamlet club and Irlrs. J. Talbot Johnson of Aberdeen very graciously responded. Several choruses by the Hamlet Music Club and an organ recital added much to the days’ program. The biennial election of officers was held, and Mrs. Monroe of Hamlet was elected president of the district, with Mrs. R. N. Page of Aberdeen as vice-president. Interesting reports which showed that the clubs had ac complished much during the past year were given. Nearly every club in the six counties c,omprising the ninth dis trict v/ere represented, with a num ber present from Aberdeen, Vass and Raeford. During the noon hour, a most de licious luncheon was served. Mrs. extended an invita tion for the district to meet in South ern Pines next vear. New officers of the Sandhills Post, American Legion, were installed at an enthusiastic meeting of the past held Tuesday night at the Civic Club in S,outhern Pines. Paul Dana, North Carolina Department Vice-Command er, acted as installation officer in the enforced absence of Bill Luck of Ham let, District Commander, who was scheduled to do the installing. New officers of Sandhills post who took the oath of office at the meeting weie: Commander L. V. O’Callaghan, 1st vice commander, Col. G. P. Hawes; 2(1 vice commander, Robert B. Donald son; adjutant, F. M. Dwight; finance officer, C. T. Waldie; sergeant-at- arms, J. C. Clark; chaplain, the Rev. ■J. Fred Stimson; publicity officer. Nelson C. Hyde; historian, Struthers Buit; service officers, Max Backer, rank Shamburger and Robert Denny. Denny, Backer, O’Callaghan and Dana reported on the State conven tion held at Moreheac^ City in July, and the latter read a report of the p.ost’s finances showing some $900 in its general fund, building fund and veteians’ welfare fund. Henry John of London, England, representing the English |Bpeaking Union of Great Britain, gave an in teresting talk on the aim of that or ganization to foster a closer relation ship between English speaking na- t’,ons. He told of the complement in England of the American Legion, the British Legion, organized by World ^\ar veterans after the late war and now numbering close to 200,000 mem bers. The American Legion recently announced its millionth member. Strut! ers Burt was welcomed bafck from his summer in the west and made a few brief remarks. ♦♦ ( ♦♦ I ♦♦ PINEHURST THEATRE OPENS NOVEMBER 2ND. Reception for Teachers Mrs. J. R. Page and Mrs. J. H. l\ H,onoring the faculty of both the Suttenfield are attending Synod at, Aberdeen High School and the graded Wilmington this week, school, the members of the Book Club Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Wrenn of Siler ' « entertained at a delightful reception | City, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Folley of Sum- H at the Community House last Friday ter, S. C., were Sunday guests in the ' H afternoon. The otherwise attractive, home of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Folley i U living ro,om w^as made more so by the and attendants at the Bethesda home- H artistic fall decorations, and the coming. cailying out of a color scheme of Worth Thomas, w^ho has spent the g browm and gold. past six n^onths in Oregon and other ^ It An enjoyable musical program had western states, returned home last § been arranged, and a delightful hour week for a visit with his mother, Mrs. W’as spent, during which Mrs. K. P. Margaret Thomas. ’ ~ Darby gave a vocal s,olo, with Mrs. Mrs. D. L McKeithen spent the II E. L. Pleasants accompanying her at past week-end at York, S. C., visiting \\ the piano, followed by a piano duet her mother, Mrs. Janette Heradon. ' II by Mis. Pleasants and Mrs. E. T. On her return home she was accom- jj McKeithen, the program ending with panied by her mother for a visit. - H musical readings by Miss Turnbull of Christine Allred, Annie Belle ft me uist. Thompson and Edna Maurer were H An en.ioyable social hour followed shopping visitors in Favetteville last |j the reception during which delicious Saturdav t ♦♦ refreshments were served. i u a i j ** Among tne club w’omen of Aberdeen _ attending the District Women’s Fed- H Budge Club Farty ■ ^ I' \ j Mrs. H. E. Bowman, :S no.cess to her Bridge Club last Fn- ^ ^ ^ , g -ay night when she entertained at her W. Doub, Mrs. E l'H home on poplar .street with two ta- pjeasants, Mrs. E. T. McKeithen and j> bles of bridge. At the conclusion of, q | *: the game, High score prize was i ‘ jj;, Fred Blue leturned from Fay-' I awarded to Miss Edythe Wyche, etteville last Monday where she took ^ H while second prize was presented t,o ^er small s,on, Fred Blue, Jr., for! 51 Mrs. Neill McKeithen. ^4. » tt . , 1 .treatment at Dr. Pittman’s Hospital, p Miss Pearle Lawhon of Carthage' ^ guest of her brother, Curtis that given by Mr. and Mrs. J. Talbot | Sunday. WE, and Ail/x Cnna.— J CTTICI^ invite^ you to see^ her newest shoe^ styles now on display at our stores 174 Sizes and Widths Tanging from 1 to 12 and AAAAA to EEE a n H ♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦ SHOES FOR WOMEN VQ.u;;ti^O NO longer RE TO.I D ’ THAT you , H A'yE '^N :: TUNE IN — ENNA lETTICK MELODIES every Sunday evenin'^ over WJZ and 35 Associated Stations Party at Mossgiel Cabin A paity of unusual interest was Johnson last Friday evening at their log cabin at Mossgiel, near Blue’s Bridge on Drowning Creek, when they entertained in honor of the Aberdeen School teachers, with a number of other invited guests. Stunts, contests and dancing were the order of the evening, and every one had a most enjoyable time, at the close of which delicious refresh- .nents were served. C. T. PATCH DEPT. STORI SOUTHERN PINES, N. C. The Carolina Theatre at Pinehurst onens its winter season on Monday, November 2nd., matinee and night, with the special production, “The Cu ban Love . Song,” with Lawrence Tib- bett, to be followed ,on Wednesday, Nov. 4th, with Kay Francis and Lil- an Tashman in “Girls About Town,” and Ruth Chatterton in “Once A Lady” on Friday November 6th. On Wednesday, November 11th, (Armistice Day) matinee and night, a re-issue of the most famous of all war plays, “All Quiet On The West- '^rn Front” will be the attraction. This rsroduction is beirfg brought back as a special production for the occasion and will be shown in the leading trea- ires on that day throughout the Unit- '"d States. Popular prices will pre- ail. Personals Miss Lillian Brown is at the pres ent' in New York city, where she is buying up fall and winter go,ods for the_Ladies Style Shop. E. E. Brantley is spending soHie- time visiting his daughter, Mrs. George Moger, at Gloucester, Va., and attending the Sesqui-Centennial Cele bration at Yorktown, Va. Among those from Aberdeen at tending the Georgia-Carolina f,ootball Tame at Chapel Hill last Saturday w'ere Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Lockey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shamburger, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Blue, Dr. H. E. Bowman and son, Billy and Misses Janette Leach and Alyce King. Miss Hailie Freeman, who is a stu dent at the North Carolina College for Women in Greensboro, spent^he past Don^t be fooled by ^^cheap^^ house paint It costs less per gallon—but more per job and much more per year. For a beautiftd job—a long wear ing job-—a very inexpensive job—use Attending the Home-Coming at Be- | « th^sda last Sunday from Candor j ttntttttutttttttr w^ere Mrs. J. M. Singleton and daught-' er. Miss Edith, and Mrs. Katie B. 8 8 Shear and daughter. Miss Kait Lee. || Shear and daughter. Miss Katie Lee. H the position of office nurse and as- ^ sistant to Dr. E. M. Medlin. H ♦♦ Mrs. Robert Goodwin and daughter, § Miss Kathlee of Raleigh, were guests H of Mrs. H. A. Keith and Miss Good- H win over the week-end. jS Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bryan attended || the funeral of Mrs. Bryan’s sister-in- S law, Mrs. Thomas Smith at Henderson H last MfOnaay. 'i H Mis. Gordon Keith and children are ^ visiting relatives at Columbia, S. C., H this week. j ^ Mrs. M. S. Weaver spe^t the past. S week-end at Maxton, visiting Mrs L 'H J. Lea. ' H Carl Buchan, Jr., Ralph Buchan § and John Buchan of Raleigh attend-' tt ed the Home Coming at Bethesda last | § Sunday. i S Mrs. Robert Gwyn, who was on the ' § sick list last week, is much improved. : S Mr."and Mrs. A. L. Burney, Mrs. • ♦♦ Charles B. Thomas and Mrs. E. J. i H Maqon were shopping visitors in. Fay-1 etteville last Friday. j n Get our new low prices before buying. A big stock to select from. EARTH B Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ellis of Sa- j H week-fend at h,ome visiting her par- j vannah, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. John Ellis ' II nts, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Freeman. , of High Point and Mrs. Herman ' ^ BURNEY HARDWARE CO. Aberdeen, Phone 30 • North Carolina tt

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