MOORE COUNTY’S LEADING NEWS WEEKLY VOL. 12, NO. 3. 9PRIHCS LAK£VieW MANLEY SPPIHOS neblupf PILOT FIRST IN NEWS AND ADVERTISING A Paper Devoted to the Upbuilding of the Sandhill Territory of North Carolina Aberdeen and Southern Pines, North Carolina, December, 18, 1931. FIVE CENTS CARTHAGE HONORS MEMORY OF LATE MRS. ROY J. HART Book Reviewers Present Library For Classroom She Served in Graded School No Construction, No Road Building, No Work in Peach Orchards Means Many Unemployed in the Sandhills MISS SEAWELL’S TRIBUTE Frank Buchan, Chairman of Committee on Unemployment, Explains Program for Relief AID TOWN BY AIDING IDLE In an impressive service, the chief feature lof which was the presenta tion to the school of a book rack fill ed with books, the Carthase Book Re viewers on Thursday morning at the Carthage graded school held its me morial for one of its charter mem bers, the late Mrs. Roy Hart. The chapel period of the school was given over to the club for the service, and Miss Bess Stuart, chairman for the occasion presided. With the singing of a Christmas hymn by the audience, comprising the school and many visitors, the service opened, and following the de votions, led by Prof. 0. B. Welch, the Round Dozen Music Club, of which organization Mrs. Hart was a talent ed member, sang “Give of Your Best to the Master," a favorite hymn of Mrs. Hart and .one she was frequently requested to sing as a solo. The president of the Book Reviewers for 1931, Meade Seawell, brought the message of the club, saying: “One cold evenini>: in February, now nearly five years agr^, a jjroup of us niet together for the purpose of forming a book club. We felt the need of study and desired the benefit of the social and" intellectural contact which such a club makes possible. In con sequence the Book Reviewers came into being. But one who w’as with us at that first gathering, whose faith mingled with our faith and whose strength joined with our strength to make real our proffered dream, has been called away and has passed be yond our reach. “This brief service this morning, marked by simplicity as she would have wished it, is in menioriam for Augusta McKeithen Hart, our loved member whose gentle voice is still. Yet we see her in the afterglow of memory, and we may see her in the light of faith. She was our friend, friend in all the splendid significance the word implies. She gave us much, en I what she gave was of the en during quality, things of the spirit easily di.scernible in her daily walk. Her life touched ours at many points and added meaning to our own. And today our hearts, while aching with the loneliness her sudden death has brought to us, are hirne up with a thank.^giving lor what she gave and what she was. “Augusta was born and reared in ^loore (.ou'ity, and spent the greater part of her life in Carthage. She felt the beauty of our ridge with its roll ing hills on either side, our tree-wall- ed roadways, our genial homes com placent in their happy and friendly quarters; and she valued the worth of our people, in whom she ever found joy and to whom she ever gave a loy al friendship. If August^ ever had an enemy, no one knew it; but those who loved her number many. If she were ever unhappy, no one knew it, for complaining was never the order of her talk. “She was musical and a strain of artistry was in her veins, showing gentleness in whatever she did, con sideration to whomever she met. Her singing gave pleasure to scores who were privileged to hear her, and nev- er was her voice sweeter than in the songs of sacred music. Teaching was FRANK BUCHAN R. H. BECK MAY BE RESTORED TO DUTY ON PATROL FORCE State Highway Commission Acts Favorably on Appesil for Reinstatement Frank Buchan, who has been ap pointed head of the unemployment bureau of Southern Pines, has been making an inquiry into the situation and he says: “We have more unem ployed here this winter than we like to see. “I have been asked by so many peo ple why we have these unemployed in our midst. It has been suggested that it is due to so many colored peop'e coming into West Southern Pines looking for work and throwing the residents out of jobs which they might otherwise get. Part of this may be ti’ue, and we are discouraging this all we can. “The main reason as I see it for this unemployment is this: The poach orchards no longer in our immediate section employ any men to speak of. There is no land to be cleared for new poach orchards. There is prac- I tically no construction work going on j at present of any kind. There is no I road building in this section as in I former years. A large percentage of the negroes in West Southern Pines depend ,on work on the golf links here and at Pinehurst as caddie.s. 1 under stand thnt Pinehurst golf links are giving preference to the negroes who live in and around Pinehurst, which they should do. A good many people I am told who used to employ cad dies are now economizing by carrying their own golf bags. People whose incomes have been cut, in many in stances, are not w'oiklng the num ber of servants in their homes as in former years. All these things tend to increase the unemployed situation 1 ere. “Under M. G. Nichols’ supervision and with the financial airl of the gen erous people of Southern Pines the unemployed situation was well taken care of since January 1 of this year. Over •‘J-l.OOO was collected and spent in the town of Southern Pines in giv ing work to the class of people men tioned above and giving to the town of Southern Pines improvements, streets, etc., thereby relieving the tax payers, for the work done would ceitainly at some time have to be paid by the tax payers. Projects Studied “Work will be done that can bo carried on without teams or trucks, | thus cutting out the cost for them, j Refuses To IK* In employing men a committee com-1 Outdistanced by .Moonshin- posed of E. V. Perkinson, Chairman, After Raid Charles Macauley, James Boyd, and FORMER OFFICER HERE $23,142.75 Cou%, '^ax Money Found TifcvS.^ in Failure of Bank o^ Vass Audit Made After Closinjif of Institution Reveals Certified and Cashier’s Checks Issued to J. D. McLean, Tax Collector, by Biink Not a County Depository EFFORTS ON TO UNTANGLE FINANCES FORMAL OPENING SUNDAY OF NEW PINEBLUFF CHURCH Rev. A. Wade Thompson, Dis trict Superintendent and For mer Pastor Here, To Preach The new Piiiebluff Methodist Epis copal Church will observe its for mal opening service next Sunday, De cember 20, at eleven o’Vlock. The Rev. A. Wade Thompson, District Superintendent, will preach the ser mon. It was under the pastorate of Mr. Thompson that the present build ing was erected during the last two years. The good people of Pinebluff have exhibited genuine sag.rifice and shown a heautifCil spirit of Go-oper- ation in the erection of this new church. Since the Rev. C. 0. Newell became pastor (October \) the Ladies’ Aid and (iiflerent Sunday School classes have been very active and efficient in raising money for the church. IIow- The North Carolina Highway Com mission Wednesday authorized Cap tain Charles D. Farmer of the State Road Patrol to reinstate Rufus H. Beck of Marion, suspended lienten- ant, if Beck could be restored t,o duty without 'njuring the morale of the patrol or affecting the public’s atti tude toward it. Beck was formerly night policeman in Aberdeen. An appeal for Beck’s reinstatement was presented by W. W. Neale of Marion, a member of the commission. The pati'ol lieutenant was relieved of active duty following his arrest in Rutherfordton for infractions of the law committed there Armistice Day. “The commission was inclined to feel charitably in his case,” Highway Chairnian"E. B. Jeffress said. He ex plained theie was much public sen timent in the lieutenant’s favor and it was consensus of opinion Beck had been published sufficiently Beck, who was in charge of the highway patrol in 20 western North Carolina counties, paid fines for as saulting an officer and violating a tiaffic regulation, and apologized for !'is conduct. A number of delegations from var ious sections of the state appeared liefore llie commission in the interest of highway proje ts and changes of roads in their communities. Requests were made for the addi- County tax collections in the aptKvegate amount of $2.3,142.75 are tied up in the closed Bank of Vass. An audit of the bank mads as of the date of closing, Sep tember 9th, 1931, revealed as outstanding items a cashier’s check in the amount of $10,032.78, dated July 9, 1931, and a certified check in the amount of $13,109.97, dated September 9, 1931. These checks are reveal'd by the aud’toi's as in the name of “J- I). McLean, T. C.,” the “T. C.” presumably standing for Tax Collector. Mr. McLean has not as yet made his return of 1930 taxes to the Board of County Commissioners. No official action has been ’''taken by the board in the matter, though the time for the county tax The Food Matinee It’s Tuesday Next, and You Can See a Good Picture and Feed a Hungry Family Next Tuesday is the day you can g,o to the movies for a few loaves of bread, a few cans of vegetables oi .‘•oup, or anything in the staple groc ery line the equivalent of the price oi admission. The matinee at the Caro lina Theatre, Southern Pilics, that aticrnuon is a ‘ i^'ood Matinee,” and from all we hear everybody is going and take something for the poor and needy. You can take all you want, all you can spare; there’s no maximum limit, just a minimum. You must take at least enough to- buy your way in. All the food received at. the door by t’harlie Picquet and his assi>taiits collector’s annual return passed some time aiio. The only action taken at last Monday’s recessed meeting was reported to The Pilot as follows: “On account of the delay in getting the tax books and receipts made out, taxpayers will be allowed the one per cent discount on 1931 taxes paid dur ing the month of December. The county accountant was ordered to -end out immediately tax notices for taxes for 11)31.” These tax notices, which taxpayers have been wondei'ing about, were re ceived this week. Tax Money In Bank The Bank of Vass failed to open on the mo.rning of September 10th. Aud itors were put promptly to work to disclose the condition of the bank, and their report was iecently filed at the office of the ('ounty Clerk in Car thage. The presence of lunds of the county’s tax collector in the bank at the time of its failure was disclosed, and the Board of County Commis- v.ili be equally divided among the tion of 19.1.9 miles of county roads to i three rtdief a.->sociations of Aberdeen, the state system and the commission j Pinehurst and Southern Pines, for accepted 117.1 miles and formally de-1 <iis*ribution to the scores of families sioners faced with a serious problem, dined .31.1. Mecklenburg county re | v. h.. f.U7e Christmas witnoui suffi Jent | The Bank of Pinehurst is the legal de- (luosted the largest state ac(iuisition I iood cr i.iony to buy it. h ository for fur.ds the county, and. .'.f mileage, and the commis-, “The t ig Paiade,” one of the best. there was no authority for the (le sion decided to take over 12.51) miles j movies e/or produced, is the attrac-' of county funds elsewhere. It is consisting largely of short stretches ^ i.;on Tuesday at the ('arolina, aijd -aid that Mr. McLean, who resides in the vicinity of Charlotte. Moore ever, lai-ge (Jonations have come from j County was amonjr those tendering outside of Pinebluff as well as from within the town. To all such the for mal opening will he of groat inter est. The public is also cordially invit ed. A brief history of the local church v.ill be given by a member, and there will also be special music. Captures Pair After Five Mile Foot Race additional county mileage. M. G. Nichols made a study of the different projects suggested and along with the Town Council decided Community Xmas Tree at S. P. Country Club Youns Girls of V illage. Sandhills Sixteen and Instrumentalists on Wednesday Program v.ould be well worth the piice of a ‘ I slab of lam even if you didn’t have the added incentive of aiding your less fortunate neighbors. KIWAMS EN.J()YS MUSIC rUOCKAM AT MEETINC; ; The Kiwanis Club was entertained ' at the Civic Club in Southern Pinos on Wednesday with a special musical When it comes to endurance rec ords, Officer Lambert takes the prize and Dejuity Slack and Policeman Rey- I what projects will do the most tax | of Hemp are 61ose runners-up. I ra.vers the most good. three men raided a still on I “A committee composed of of l«‘st week, about two ! ard Burns and myself select from the | ''-'los northeast of Mt. Carmel church, applicants for jol>s men who are per- opeiators had just gotten ready manent residents and heads of fami lies in Southern Pines and West for business and started a fire when the officers appeared. They took to tl>eir heels, with the law in pursuit. Southein Pines is going to have Connnunity Christmas tree exercises at the Country Club next Wednesday evening, the 23d, with a program ar- langed which should fill the biii room to overflowing. Miss Mary Yeomans and Town Commissioner A. B. Yeo mans are the sponsors of the gather ing, which takes the place of the out- -of-door Community tree of other >ears. Some 18 to'20 young girls are re hearsing Christnui-< carols'to he sung that evening. Plight members of the Saiidh'lis Sixteen are arianging to in t'aineron, freipiently had large bums ot tax mi ney on hand too late for dei>osit in the Bank of Pine hurst, and that on his way home irom Carthage he dejiosited it in the Vass institution, against cashiers checks or certifieil checks which were then forwarded to the bank at Pine hurst. The audit of the Bank of Vass (ii.scloses a certified check for $13,- U' dated September 9th ,the last itay the lank was open, but it also irig, he said, “The Road to Mandalay" ‘ take a prominent part in the festi-j “The Desert Song. Dr. .-^rthu!' vities, there will be instrumental! Fleming, prominent Louisburg den- (Please turn to Page 4) They had left their car some distance nuisic by Miss Yeomans, Mr. Yeo- (Please turn to page 5) MORE CONTRIBUTIONS FOR RELIEF CO.MMITTEE REPORTED 50 Fliers On Way To Florida To Stop Here New York Aviators Will Be En tertained in Pinehurst on January 5th Chairman Frank Buchan of the Un employment and Relief Committee in Southern Pines announces a contribu tion of |50. from Francis Robinson of Southern Pines for Christmas re lief. Other smaller contributions have also been received, and a list of the donors will be published at a later date. Mr. Buchan stated that David Pack ard had set a good example for others in sending in suggestions for needed work of civic improvement, ac companying the suggestions with a check to help defray the expense. i away, so they ran to that ho])ing to 1 escape. But they didn't know I^Ioore j county officers. The trio had alieady located the car and disabled it to prevent just such a procedure, so when the car failed to start, the race continued. On and on they went, run ning, then walking when ility could run no more. Finally Slack and Rey- A novel social function is scheduled dropped out of the race, but not in Pinehurst January when a group i "’ith Lambert, of .’SO aviators from New York and Aftei.five miles had been covered Long Island will .stop at the local | blockaderr stopped a truck be- airport on a cruise to Florida. They McConnell and Lagle Springs are young men of wealthy and prom-; asked for a ride. Mr. Lambert ar- inent New York families 'and the moment, nabbed one of program is ojx'n house to them among directed the truck driver friends at Pinehurst during their brief he did after a j slay in the Sandhills. A number of chase, and the party returned] mans, Miss Bishop and Mr. Kennedy, and solos by Mrs. Kennedy. .\J1 pres ent will J-'in in some of the Christnms carols. Last year Christmas was celebrated iri a community way in the Civic Club, and so many were present as to tax the capacity of the hall. It was one of the most enjoyable occasions of the winter. The Country Club, be ing larger, was selected for this year’s gathering, and all are invited there to participate in and enjoy the program Wednesday evening. CHRIST.MAS CAROL PROGRAM AT ABERDEEN PRESBYTERIAN tist, brou;:ht much laughter in a dis cussion of the depression. •BEN HUR’’ BENEFIT NETS $10r>.8» FOR RELIEF FUND ers are both white men. Will Neeham and John Wall, of Asheboro. Pinehurst society leaders have ar ranged for their entertainment on this occa.sion. The stay at the Kaollwood port will not be very long, possibly not over , Fifteen men have been put to work one day, as the flight-is on a rather ■ by the Southern Pines Unemployment definite schedule, the Florida arrival and Relief Committee on a new run- being timed with mott or less ac- way at the Knollw^od^ Airport. This curacy. While in the Sandhills it is; runway, running off from the han- understood that something of an air gars in a norteasterly direction, is to display will be pi'csented by the group be 3,000 feet long. As soon as grad- of fliers, possibly joined by some of | ing is completed it will be sowed to the local folks, | Bermuda grass. A Christmas program will be giv- to Carthage on the truck. The offend-j^.j, Pi-esbyterian Church, Aber deen Sunday evening at 7:30 o’clock. The entire service will be ciomposed oY Christmas carols, choruses, anthems and solos. The combined choirs, jun ior and senior, will sing. The junior choir has 44 menbers, ages from 4 to 12. They are trained by Mrs, D. I. McKeithen. The chil dren will wear robes. Solos wil: be sung by Mrs. Reid Page, Mrs. Grady Burney and Mrs. K. P. Darby. I)rograni of Christmas carols render-; ,.a,hior’s check for $10,- c(t by Mrs. Raymond Kennedy,, 032.78 outstanding since July lith, Dorothy Richardson and .Miss Kather- months before the date of clos- ine Buv han. The trio, accompanied by i Miss Mary Yeomans, Miss Margaret! audit of the Bank of Vass on Bishop and Raymond Kennedy, ^1^ Sejjtember 9th revealeu total deposits wel!-kn,own Sandhills \iolinists, sanu ,-j;i 1 i^oKj.yo^ of which Siii.'i.O') 1.30 were While Shcphei'ds Watched Iheu (savings deposits. t)f the t, ital of $87,- I" locks by Night, and Lilt Thin*.', j, deposits subject to check, I'.^es to the Monntains. Two ''Ocal, jjo -- therefor county tax .-■jilos were rendered by Aithur f Icm-1 Loans of the liank totalled ing, of Louishurg, member of the :^.i2,89.n41 is i\ersity of North Carolina Glee ' lexealed by the audit as haviiii> l>een .\i,comnanied by his sister, Miss t lem- 'y officers r di rectors of the bank. Am.jng the notes lield by the bank were three in the name of L). McLean, one for three months dated July 10, 1931 for $200. endorsed by N. N. McLean; one for two months dated July lii, 19:11 for ii-l,t)80. endorsed by Stacy Brewer, and one fo' two 'm.onths dated July 10th, 1931 foi- $l,50o. endorsed by Stacy Brewer. Mr. McLean had $1,- 242.77 on deposit in the bank at the time it closed its doors. liquidation Efforts As county treasurer ,the Bank of Pinehurst has been active since the tailure of the Vass bank in trying to unravel the tan.,le in so far as the funds , )f county taxpayers are involv ed. Because of the implied, if not ac tual, priority of the certified and cashier's checks issued to McLean every effort has been ami is being- made to bring about a li.iuidation of the affairs of the defunct institution for the protection of the county’s funds and the good name of the county. It is understood that «thc Bank of Pinehurst has set forth cer tain terms under w^'ch it would take over the affairs of the Vass bank, and that the stockholders and depositors of the latter are making every effort to meet these t^rms. The Bank of Vass was capita iii.d at $20,000. There The benefit performance of “Ben Hur” at the Carolina Theater, Pine hurst, last Sunday night netted $10.5.80 Charles. W. Piccjuet, who donated his house and staff for the show, report ed at the Kiv^’anis meeting on Wed nesday. This sum, with the $100.30 turned over by “Santa Claus” Pic- ((uet from a previous benefit perform ance, has been added to the Kiwanis Club’s relief fund, which is being used this year to aid the local char ities’ organizations in the various towns of the section which Kiwanis serves. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS The Pilot will be published on W'ednesday afternoon of next week, to give the staff a day off before Christu.oo. All copy for publication should be in the hands of the editor early Wednesday morning, and should be brief. (Please turn to Page 4)

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