PiLge Six THE PILOT, Southern Pines and Aberdeen, North Carolina Friday, February 23, 1934. Guilford College Choir to S’ng Here on Sunday Night LEGAL NOTICES Si' This Sunday night, February 25th at 7:30 o'clock the Platform Hour of the Church of Wide Fellowship, ^**10 Liiuir IS considered the finest in the south. On northern tours it has sung in New York City and in , the White House at W’ashington. will present the A Capella Choir of ^ members in the choir. Guilford College. ' with Max Noah as director. This will be the fourth annual appearance ol the choir in Southern Pines. On prior occasions the church has been over filled. The doors will be open at 7:00 o’clock. Admittance wil be free, but an offering will be taken to meet auction, to the higiiesL bidder for cash, on the premises of the Aberdeen Hotel, in the Town of Aberdeen, North Carolina, the following described per sonal property: All and singular the house hold and kitchen furniture of every kind and description con tained in the Aberdeen Hotel Building, in the Town of Aber deen, Moore County, North Car olina, including all of the furn ishings contained in the 42 bed rooms In said hotel, dining room, kitchen, lobby, store rooms, and embracing beds, mattresses, springs, bureaus, chiffoniers rugs, pictures, tables, desks, stoves, refrigerators, crockery, silverware, dishes, radio, cash register, and every other item of furnishings or personal prop erty contained in said hotel be longing to the said parties of the first part, and to the same ex tent as if an itemized inventory thereof were included and describ ed herein. The only exception being that of the linen. ZADIE LEACH, MARY LEACH GRAHAM, LOUISE LEACH MARTIN, JANETTE LEACH, and ZADIE LEIACH, Guardian for Ralph Leach, Jr. tfle consiaerable expense of bringing 1 By Johnson & Johnson, Attorneys. . . . « rm. [Pebjuary 12, 1934. F23-M2 the choir to Southern Pines. The . members of the choir wiil be enter tained at a supper-lunch at the church before the concert. LEGAL NOTICES Lydia McCaakill to pay off and dis charge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10 percent will be re. quired from the purchaser at the sale. INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORPOR ATION, Substituted Trustee, Durham, N. C. F23M16. SALK OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY The Week in Aberdeen Henry Blue has been ill at his iKime for the past week with influ enza. Mrs. Fred Blue had as her guest last Sunday her sister, Mrs. Hector McMillan from Lumberton, and with whom she returned on Sunday. Miss Miriam Johnson spent the week-end at home. ,Mr.s. John R. McLean has returned from Moore County Hospital, where she has been undergoing treatment. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bryant have been quite ill for the past week with influenza. Miss Ruth McFarland spent the week-end here visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Solomon of Salisbury were week-end guests of Hr. and Mrs. H. T. Morgan. Mrs. John Fletcher is out again af ter a prolonged illness. Miss Anne Turner and Tom Ray- field of Richmond, Va., were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. William I Moore. j Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Purdy and ' ‘laughter, Harriet and Mrs. W. D. Owens of Monroe were Sunday guests of Mrs. L. L. Johnson. Mrs. C. E. Pleasants, Jr.. attend ed the stockholders meeting of the Federal Home Loan Bank in Winston- Salem Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Maynard had j as last Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. ' J. A. Crabtree of Raleigh and their children. Misses Nora Blackmore and Irma Herring spent the past week-end vis iting homefolns at Warsaw and Clin ton. At a meeting of the Dry forces of North Carolina held in the Meth- the Aberdeen-Southern^ Pines U'o- man's Christian Temperance Union odist church last Sunday afternoon was organized with the following of ficers elected: Mrs. W. C. Wicker, Sr.. 1st vice president; Mrs. Winnie Dodge, 2nd vice president, Mrs. Ida Robinson. 3rd vice president, of Southern Pines, and Mrs. E. L, Barber and Mrs. Claude Johnson, treasurer and secretary from Aberdeen. Hostess at Bridge ^ Miss Ruth McLean was hostess to * her bridge Club last Friday evening, when she entertained at her home. F'our tables were in play. High score prizes were won by Miss Edna Maur er and Dr. E. M. Medlin, and Mrs. and Mrs. Jack Taylor were also present ed with a gift. Special guests present were Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Medlin, Mrs. William Tay- lor, Mrs. Richard Page. Misses Va- iies.sa McLeon, Katherine Sparks of Southern Pines. Frances Folley and Frank McCluer, Jr. SALE OF VALU.\BLE FARM FARM PROPFJtTY Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed or trust executed by J. Vance Rowe and PITRPITA Gladys Rowe on the 11th day of December 1925 and recorded in I It was with deep regret that the Book 39, Page 297, we will on Sat- I Eureka community learned of Miss! urday the Janie Dalrjinpie's death which took! nth day of March, 1934, place at Jonesboro last Sunday af-1 >2 o’cloek noon ter a long illness. Miss Dalrymple I Courthouse door in Moore ^ County, Carthage. N. C.. sell at pub- was for several years teacher here in J auction for cash to the highest the high school and her high stand-^ bidder the following land to-wit; ard of character will ever be remem- A certain tract or parcel or bercd as well as her firm but quiet ’ land in Sandhills Township, discipline in her school work. Moore Co,, N. C., adjoining the lands of Moore Co. Farms and MAKE MOIVEY.. Own (ffusine^ MUTHORtTIES agree that ^» 50% more people will buy new automobiles in 1934 than did in 1933. At the 1934 automobile shows, Oldsmobile sales increased 100% to 125^ over 1933. 356 experienced automobile men confirmed the money-making opportunity of the Oldsmobile franchise by joining the Oldsmobile dealer ranks during the first 20 days after the new 1934 cars were announced. These fast-selling General Motors cars, the big economical All-Feature Oldsmobile Six at $6t0 . . . and the Style Leader Straight Kight at last year's low of $843 . . . cover the market in which 9-out-of-10 automobile buyers will pur chase their new cars in 1934. Oldsmobile offers some local business man an opportunity to cash-in on this J)igger market. There is open to some man of sales experience the oppor tunity to own his own business ... to make sub stantial profits, lie may or may not have had auto mobile experience, lie should enjoy a wide acquaintance and be able to make a moderate capital investment. Write or wire: G. H. STABLEFORD Olds Motor Works 500 W. Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. Parent-Teachers .Mevtinj; The February meeting of the Par- enl-Teachers Association was held in che auditorium of the grammar i!chool Wednesday afternoon. After the singing of “The Star Sprangled Banner” the meeting wa.s : turned over to the programme com mittee who with the teachers of the fourth and fifth grades, had arrang- I 'd a special patriotic program. An in teresting history of the Flag was giv en by these grades and a playlet, "The Little Cook's Reward,” in which Miss Harriet Weaver and John Wimberly Bowman played the main parts. Then came two musical numbers, "Little ; Sambo” and ‘ A Melody,” Kathleen I Rhyne and Helen Fiddner. Celebrat- I ing the Anniversary of Founders’ i Day of the association 37 years ago. Mrs. H. E. Bowman gave an interest ing reading and questionnaire on this : subject, and suggested that this as- ! sociation make some special contri- oution through the children for school , needs. It was decided that a contri- ' bution be made towards replenishing * the first aid Cabinets in the rest rooms. The Eureka Woman's Home Demon stration Club met in the Community Hall last Thursday wiLh a good at tendance and an interesting pro gram conducted by Mrs. Cary Me- Leod, who is leader in home man agement. Her demonstration was on soaps and cleaning lotions^ The local basket ball team played the Carthage team Tuesday night ol this week with girls and boys both winning over the Carthage . team. This is a new experience for our boys who have been most unfortu nate at winning this year. Our girls arc to be commcnded on their play ing since they have only lost in one game this year. The team have their new suits for the tournament which begins next week and this adds much to the appearance of the team. Mrs. Benton Blue was called to others, and bounded as follows, viz: Being two farm plats Nos. 8 &• 9' as shown on a map of Pinehluff now on file in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Moore County in Book of Deeds No. 29 at Page 600, the same be ing i)ounded on the N. by an ex- tensi-^n of Baltimore Avenue on the K. by Vineland St. on the S by an extension of New England Avenue, and on the W. by the Moore Co, Farms; also, all right as abutt^ors on closed streets, said two farm tracts contain about 28 acres, more or less, and being the identical lands con veyed in the deed from Alfred Ricker to I. K. Chandler, Book 32, Page ri60; from Chandler to Thos. B. Wilder; Book 82 at Page 579 and from Wilder to Wheeler, Book 85 at Page 372. and the plat on file as above set out is also made a part of this deed. Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by J. S. Cozart and wife. Mary Cozart on the 2nd day of February 1926 and recorded in Book 39, Page 327, we will on Saturday the 17th djiy of March 1934, 12 o’clock noon, at the Courthouse door in Moore ' County. Carthage, N. C., sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land to-wit: That certain tract of land ly- and being in Sandhills Township, Moore County, N. C.. and more particularly described and de- I fined as follows:: Adjoining the lands of W. S. I O’Briant and lying on the E. side of the S. A. Railroad be tween Pinebluff and Aberdeen. beginni.ig at a stake on the E. side ijf the said right of way at MacNeill and Paises corner and running thence with their line S. 55 1-4 E. 1485 ft. to the Aber- I deen Road; thence S. 55 1-4 E. 853 ft. to Paises comer and a I corner of 401 acres, (Lot "A" of I McNeill Graham’s comer; thence with Graham’s line and the Pee Dee Rd. S. 23 W. 200 ft. to Mc- Duffy’s corner; thence S. 14 1-2 I VV. 456 ft. to MacNeill’s original j comer; thence along the Pee Dee road S. 10 W. 1540 ft. to ' the crossing of the Graham Rd. 1 thence S. Westerly along the I Graham Rd. 1734 ft. to O’Briants i corner; thence with his line N. J 41 1-2 W. 7000 ft. to right of way of S. A. L. Railroad and thence with it N. 49 E. 2840 ft. to the beginning, containing 510 acres, more or less. , This sale is made by rca.son of the failure of J. S. Cozart and wife, Mary Cozart to pay off and discharge the I indebtedness secured by said deed of : trust. A deposit of 10 percent will be re- I quired from the purchaser at the sale I INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORPOR- I This the 8th day of February 1934 I ATION, Substituted Trustee,' Dur- ' ham, N. C. F23-M16. A DM IMSTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator ' of the estate of Ethel H. Cutter, de- i’ ceased, late of Moore County;' North ■ Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of •: .said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Southern Pines, N. C., on or ln'fore the 19th day of January, 19:i"), or this notice will be pleaded in I bar of their recovery. , This sale is made by reason of the' persons indebted to said estate Vass Saturday on account of the ser- .failure of J. Vance Rowe and Wife, j p'ease make mmiediate payment, ious illness of her brother's ten Gladys Rowe to pay off and discharge ^ HERBERT C. CUTTER^^ mrnth-' ar,n ; the indebtcdncss sccurcd by Said dccd I Estate of Ethel H. mcnth.^ old son who passed away i , Cutter, deceased. Saturday aftemoon and was buried deposit of 10 percent will be I’- Pelton, Attorney. Sunday. Pneumonia was attributed ' reouired from the purchaser at the as the fatal illness. l^^rhis th? I2th riav of FPhnmrv I VALUABLE FARM All alumni of Sandhill Farm ^ February, School are invited to attend the an- ; INTERSTATE TRUSTEE CORPOR- nual school banquet which takes | atiON. Tmstee. Durham. N. C. place next Saturday night. We like ! F23M16. to have former pupils visit us at any PROPERTY SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the author- (Hdsmnbile 1934 automobile show sah’s arr up 100 to 125 per cent over 1933 Home and Garden Club I The Home and Garden Club met ' with Mrs. Richard Page at her home I last Tuesday afternoon. After the ! business hour the following program I was enjoyed: reading, "The Primrose ' Path,” by Mrs. R. C. Zimmerman, i and “Fill Windows with Views,” by Mrs. LeRoy Harrington. The State • Garden Club song sung in concert I closed the program. About 140 people attended the ban quet of the Junior Order held at the hotel last Thursday night. LEGAL NOTICES ADMINLSTRATOR’S NOTIC'E A miscellaneous shower was given by the members of the Baptist Church here and friends to Mrs. Wil liam Carpenter and Mrs. Ehrman Pickier of Pinebluff, who lost their home in a recent fire. MRS. DIMMICK, M)NG RESIDENT OF PINEBLI FF, PASSES SI NDAV Oldsmohilr rorrrs 96% of the price range in which 1‘w cart The community was shocked by the sudden death of Mrs. D. C. DimrrrtcK : which occurred Sunday afternoon, j Mrs. Dimmick had not been well for three years. ' Mr. and Mrs. Dimmick came to ^ Pinebluff 34 years ago. While here they have been engaged in the under- I taking business. Mrs. Dimmick was 71 years old. ! She was a member of the Pinebluff Baptist church, a sincere Christian and a good,neighbor. Funeral services were held at the home Monday morning and inter ment made in Bethesda cemetery. time but an interesting program and a good meal is especially planned once a year. Roosevelt Ransdale of Pinehurst is president of the alumni ; >t.V conferred upon us in a deed of association this year and will have ! executed by H. M. McCaskill - f * J wife, Lydia McCaskill on the charge of the program for Saturday | jgjC and recorded night which means it will be interest- : in Book 47, Page 28. we will on Sat ing. urday the I 17th day of March 19.S4, 12 o’clock noon at the Courthouse door in Moore County, Carthage N. C., sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Mc Neills Township, Moore Co., State of N. C., adjoining the lands of Carolina Power & Light Co.. Walter McCaskill and others, bounded as follows, to-wit: Be ginning at a stake on the S. prong of Lower Little River, corner of Carolina Power & Light Co. running thence S. 32 E. 4.35 chs. to a stake; thence S. 22 1-2 W. 1.77 chs. to a stake and ptrs. thence S. 1 W. 16.35 cha to a state another corner of Carolina Power & Light Co., thence S. 77 E. 2.59 chs. to a stake and ptrs. in the original line of 60 acres tract; thence as said line S. 12 W. 11.12 chs. to a stake and ptrs. thence E. 675 chs. to a stake and ptrs. corner of the Catherine McLean tract; thence S. 14.07 chs. to a stake and ptrs. in Walter McCaskills’ line; thence as his line N. 82 1-2 W. 18.88 chs. to his comer; thence N. 59 W. 22.75 chs. to another corner of Walter McCaskills’; thence N. 55 E. 8.70 chs. to a stake and ptrs. thence S. 79 E. 2.30 chs. to a aiaKe and ptrs. thence N. 47 E. 6 chs. to a stake and ptrs.; thence N. 20 E. 4.90 chs. to a stake and ptrs.; thence N. 50 E. to a stake and ptrs, a corner of Catherine McLeans' 50 acre tract, also comer of McCas- kills' 60 acre tract; 'thence N. 18 thence N. 35 W. 7 chs. to the W. 7:30 chs. to a stake and ptrs.; channel of the S. ptong of Low er Little River; thence as the channel of said river to the begin ning, containing 109 acres, more or less. This sale is made by reason of the Having qualified as administratrix,} with the will annexed, of the estate i of Zue E. Wheeler, deceased, late of ; Moore County, North Carolina, this | is to notify all persons having claims I against the estate of said deceased ' to exhibit them to the undersigned, ( at Soutnern Pines, N. C., on or ne- i fore the 23rd day of February, 1935, I or this notice will be pleaded in bar' of their recovery. All persons indebt-1 ed to said estate will please make im- i mediate payment. I This the 23rd day of February 1934. MRS. JOHN W. WENGER. | Administratrix, C. T. A., Estate of Zue E. Wheeler. i F23M30. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE AND SALE OF CHATTELS I Notice is hereby given that under' the terms of a chattel mortgage, ' made, executed and delivered by B. B. | Saunders and wife. Ora E. Saunders, j J. F. Allred and wife, Bettie E. All-! red, D. C. Ewing and wife, Nannie ' Ewing, Sam T. Ewing and wife, Min- ' nie Ewing, and C. C. Bennett and ’ wife, Gladys L. Bennett, by Wm. W. i Maurer, Attorney in Fact, to Zadie ; Leach, Mary Leach Graham, Louise Leach Martin, Janette Leach, and Zadie Leach, Guardian for Ralph Leach, Jr., of date September 3, 1932, and recorded in the office of the Reg- ' ister of Deeds of Moore County, i North Carolina in Book 45 at page | 155, and the conditions of which said chattel mortgage having been brok-' en and the powers of sale therein i contained having become operative, the undersigned will offer for sale at the hour of two o'clock P. M., bn the I Under and by virtue of the author- 1 ity conferred upon us in a deed of ' tni.st executed by R. C. Hendren o« j the 15th day of August, 1930 and re- i corded in Book 54, Page 288-289, we I will on Saturday the 24 th day of February. 192*i, 12 o’clock noo>i at i the Courthouse door in Moore Coun ty. Carthage, N. C, sell at public auc tion for cash to the highest bidder the following land to-wlt: FIRST TRACT: Located in Moore County, about 3 miles Westerly from the Village of West End. Beginning at a point in the center line of the Norfolk & Southern R. R„ opposite Query's N. E. corner (same being aa iron rail 41 st. South-westerly frow the middle of the R. R.) and running thence with the R. R. N. 60-28 W. 1987 ft. to the W. line of Kirtley Jones 216.05 acre tract; thence witu it and the line of the Barrett prop erty N. 709 ft. thence S. 74-10 E. ; 434 ft. thence S. 26-15 E. 246 tt. I thence S. 59-20 E. 1750 ft. to the i center line of the Co. Rd. leading t« j Carthage; thence with it S. 33-07 W, ! ft. thence with same S. 28-20 W. 1 443 ft to the center line of the Nor- I folk & Southern R. R. thence wltJi it N. 60-28 W. 38 ft. to the beginning, I containing 29.5 acres, more or leSB, j subject to the right of way of the i Norfolk & Southern R. R. and that i of North Carolina Highway Route No. 70. ; , SECOND TRACT: Located in Mooie Co. about 3 miles Westerly from the village, of West End and^ I beginning at an iron rail, which to 41 ft. from the middle of the Nor- i folk & Southern R. R. on the S. W. ! side thereof and just W. of a siding, i Query's N. E. corner and running j thence with his line S. 8-42 W. 1527.5 ft. thence S. 80-40 E. 656 ft. thenoe i N. 8.50 E. 1334 ft. to the center line I of the Norfolk & Southern R. R. ! thence with it N. 60-28 W. 677 ft. thence at right angles to the R. R. S. 29-32 VV. 41 ft. to the beginning, containing 21.3 acres, more or Ices, subject to the right of way of tb® Norfolk & Southern R. R. j This sale is made by reason of 1 the failure of R. C. Hendren to pay ; off and discharge the indebtednen i .secured by aaid deed of trust, j A deposit of 10 percent will be re quired from the purchaser at the ! sale. i This the 18th day of Jaauarjt, I 1934. 1 J. S. PATTERSON. Trustee. 6th day of March, 1934, at public failure of H. M. McCaskill and wife. 1P2-23 Durham. N. C.